Virginia – -(AmmoLand.com)- Richmond once again abuses its power – this time to mislead citizens on their rights.
We knew that the more tyrannical localities would abuse their power to prohibit guns in certain areas, and they did. Alexandria, Arlington, Falls Church, Fairfax County, Charlottesville, and the City of Richmond used every bit of power they had to ban guns everywhere they could and with no exception for even CHP holders.
But Richmond wants to push the tyranny envelope even further by having “No Guns” signs posted permanently on the streets around the Capitol area.
The intent of the signs is to purposely mislead gun owners so they don’t lawfully carry in that area.
The signs have a huge gun with a red slash over it and large letters that say, “NOTICE: FIREARMS PROHIBITED BEYOND THIS POINT”
Meanwhile, in the fine print at the bottom of the sign it says, “Many events using this place or another place open to the public immediately adjacent to this place are either permitted events or would otherwise require a permit. During these events, the possession, carrying, or transportation of firearms, ammunition, or components or combination thereof is prohibited.”
Those of you who are Virginia Citizens Defense League members know that sign is meaningless unless there is an actual event in progress, without even reading the fine print. You also know that the police policy is to give verbal warning before taking any action. But, non-members probably won’t know that. They will see that big gun with the red slash over it and the firearms-prohibited notice and believe they can’t carry on that part of the street, ever.
Pretty slimy, but I would expect no less from Mayor Stoney. Just a strong reminder of why we need to repeal the law that permits local gun-control.
Do those signs affect Virginia Citizens Defense League Lobby Day?
Virginia Citizens Defense League is not having an event in Richmond on Lobby Day, so our presence doesn’t trigger the prohibition. We are merely driving through. No doubt some people will decide to park and walk around. That’s not an event, either. Could there be some event going on during Lobby Day? Sure, that’s possible. The only way to know is to call the Richmond Police Department’s non-emergency telephone number that morning and ask them if there is a permitted event where you will be walking: 804-646-5100.
In fact, anytime you will be visiting Richmond, you should call 804-646-5100 and verify there are no events scheduled anywhere those signs are posted.
About Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):
Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.
For more information, visit: www.vcdl.org.
Will be as effective as a ‘Gun Free Zone’ or ‘No Criminals Allowed’ sign.
This practice a Banning firearms between points on a city map is useless unconstitutional and miss leading this has got to end in a lawsuit right up to the US Supreme Court we have a 6 to 3 or 5 to 4 majority at SCOTUS NOW START start bringing lawsuits up against these states and Democratic leadership and they’ll stop…!
Wow…. Tombstone, Arizona….sorry Richmond, Virginia, where is Wyatt Earp to disarm you….where is he at the the OK Corral in Richmond…THIS IS SO FRIGGEN STUPID….Really you dipsh!t Governor of Virginia….The days of water bat Masterson and all those lime and who try to clean up towns in the west by taking guns away from people when they enter the city streets that’s ridiculous he created more crime even western days as it does now when does the stupidity and I guess 1775 was a start of a revolution where we earned our gun rights true patriotism now we lose them… Read more »
Gun owners are allot smarter than the people who put up these worthless signs. Also who authorizes these people to spend tax-payer money on these signs.
Their job is to govern for us, not over us.
It would probably be best practice to call 804 646 5100 regardless of where in the country you are at to see if there is a permitted event taking place every time you leave or may leave your home. You never know if you might start your day in Arizona and end up in downtown Richmond.
Misleading/lying signs are going to cause the police to hassle or arrest people even though they are following the [unconstitutional] law there. When the government outright lies to the people it isn’t for the people anymore.