U.S.A.– -(AmmoLand.com)- Suppose you want to insert fraudulent votes so your favorite candidate wins an election. You can overcount your candidate’s votes. You can delete your opponent’s votes. You can shift votes from your opponent to your candidate. Each of these acts leaves a telltale mark. The fraudsters thought they were safe because we wouldn’t look. They thought the election was over when the mainstream media announced that Biden won. They were wrong. We looked at the strange election results, and there was plenty to find.
You can force election observers to leave the counting area and then you can run your candidate’s votes through the counting machine several times. We think that happened in Fulton County, Georgia. That fraud is easy to discover.
We’re supposed to believe that the voters in one precinct somehow acted very differently from their neighbors who live in an adjacent county. We can correct the expected vote based on party affiliation. We can take income, race, and sex into account. When we do all of that, we find that we get very different election results in counties where Democrats counted the votes.
We looked, and we saw an unusually high voter turnout for Joe Biden in this one county, but not in others. For some strange reason, people in this county voted in unusual numbers by absentee ballots, even though Democrats in other counties didn’t vote that way. Black men and women in other counties didn’t vote that way. Poor people in other counties didn’t vote that way. Women in other counties didn’t vote that way. Your neighbors who live right across the street voted differently than you did. The only thing that changed was who counted the votes.
You can commit the fraud at 3 AM after the election, but you can’t hide it. Many of these Biden voters only exist at 3 in the morning and disappear in the light of day. Do imaginary people get to vote too?
We think the voting machines in Nevada and Arizona were rigged. Votes were taken away from the Trump votes and given to Biden. You have to be very careful as you do this, particularly if you’re cheating several ways at the same time. You can convert a 50-50 vote to a 45-55 vote for Biden, but maybe that isn’t enough to win the election. Imagine you put in 100 votes and every single one was for Biden. Now the machine counts 105 votes for Biden and -5 votes for Trump. That is easy to hide if it only happens on one machine. We saw Biden’s vote totals jump up in the early morning. The fraud became evident when the fraudsters subtracted votes from Trump and his accumulated votes actually went down.
We’ve never seen real voters act like that and cast negative votes. You can commit fraud, but you can’t hide it.
Paper ballots are supposed to be a guard against voter fraud. They are.. if you look at them. We saw an unusual number of absentee voters who had the same name. We saw an unusual number of absentee voters who had a unique name. These voters had fictitious addresses. Some of these votes were cast by people who had died years ago. We saw many of these absentee ballots that had never been folded, put into an envelope, and dropped into a post office box. It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to see that those ballots had been pre-printed for Biden and never mailed.
We saw vote-counting machines that were deliberately set up to not read the ballots. Rather than getting one ballot wrong out of a quarter-million, the machine misread a quarter of a million ballots. That broke the chain of accountability for those ballots. Now, the ballot review committee could tell us what the ballots said. That is planned fraud.. once you look.
It is always a giveaway when election officials shred ballots because that looks a lot like hiding the evidence, but that is exactly what we saw.. and a lot of us noticed. We a smarter and more determined than they thought.
Judges told us that we had to have absentee ballots so everyone could vote. Judges said that showing a picture ID infringed on the right to vote. In fact, the steps taken to have the perfect election gave us a result that was worse than any theoretical disenfranchisement. In pursuit of perfect democracy, Judges were willing to ignore the fact that voter fraud robs everyone of their vote.
We know that you can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Sure, you can commit election fraud, but you can’t hide it from everyone. The evidence is there if you look, and we looked.
The only question remaining is if you and I want to see the fraud and fix it. Some of us want a free and fair election, and some of us want to look the other way and pretend there is no fraud to see. Democracy dies when we kill it to have our way.
- papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3756988
- thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/stacy-abrams-fair-fight-sue-true-vote-voter-rights-group-finds-364541-ineligible-voters-georgia/
- spectator.us/reasons-why-the-2020-presidential-election-is-deeply-puzzling/
- thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/caught-pallets-fake-ballots-georgias-fulton-county-identified-filmed-sampled-moving-trucks-picked-shredded/
- washingtonexaminer.com/news/peter-navarro-election-report-possible-illegal-votes-biden-michigan
- newsmax.com/us/peter-navarro-white-house-trade-adviser-irregularities/2020/12/17/id/1002106
- thefederalistpapers.org/us/georgia-state-senate-files-report-record-reconsidering-certification
About Rob Morse
Rob Morse writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily, and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. Rob was an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.
Here is the rub. Universities turn out a class of dimwits who are taught not to care about ethics. In their blind quest for ‘change’ they do not care about the path to power. They care only about gaining and holding power. Polling data will prove me correct should anyone have the stones to poll on that specific question. Young Progressive New Left types do not care about the means.They care only about the ends. Once they achieve their desired ends they care not about how they exercise power but rather only that they can and will do so without… Read more »
It is most certainly not just the young. There are many vocal Vietnam vets who:
These are all precursors to Totalitarianism, such as Communism which always gets its start from entitlement-based grievances.
It is a sad day when republicans support aoc’s 90%+ tax suggestion. They claim precedent in rates of ’60s & early ’70s (I think around then). I understand that top rates did hit that type of figure, but it was coupled with a complex tax code rife with “tax expenditures” for the greater good. Invest properly and earnings would be tax free or at least indefinitely deferred. Hold to death, pass to heirs and taxes disappear. In the end overall effective rates for the ultra wealthy were actually lower than they’ve been in this century. While I disagree with Trump… Read more »
Trump made a good start on changing the tax code. It’s one of the things I like about him.
My grandfather has voted Republican every election, but this year he voted Democrat for the first time. R.I.P grandpa.
SO wy di you cast his vote for a Dem? Everyone else did it for the GOP
seems like your first language is not english, or you are an idiot. my guess is the second.
I don’t even want to know what color the sky is in your world!!!
Joe – it is whatever color their minders tell them that it is. It would be ‘inconvenient’ for them to engage in direct observation.
As I understand it Lenin made the statement that “It isn’t who votes, it’s who counts the votes.”
There has been hundreds of vetted examples of fraud, but they are being ignored by, guess who? Yet All we hear from the CRBs is there is no proof. Even Fox is echoing their chant, or should I say Steve Douchy.
That statement was Stalin’s… but you are otherwise spot-on correct !!
What is the point of proving anything when no one will do anything about it
If you use the term “no one” to mean any elected leader, then you are absolutely correct that no elected official will do anything to remedy the voting fraud. That’s quite true.
But if you use the term “no one” to literally mean “no human being” will do anything (to correct the problem – and to insure that the fraud does NOT re-occur) then you are mistaken. There is a phenomenally large group of private citizens who are indeed prepared to address the problem… in whatever manner the Democrats’ continued illegal actions make necessary!
Ticked – and on the noon news (CST) the network talking heads are STILL going on and on and on with the ‘false’ conspiracy theories and no credible evidence and so forth. One would almost believe that they are all in the tank for slow joe.
“One would almost believe that they are all in the tank for slow joe.”
They should be drowning in that tank.
If you call for volunteers to hold those asses’ (remember, the Democrat Party – and it’s media arm [all of mainstream media] – DOES use the icon of a donkey!) heads under the tank’s swamp water… you’ll have to institute crowd control.
Exactly what I was thinking. It is looking like all the judges, up to and including SCOTUS, are either on the take or have been threatened.
The “Old Saw” is; “You vote your way into Socialism/Communism but you have to shoot your way out! “ Keep that powder dry!”
You can hear it already, can’t you? The person who voted for politicians because they advocated for everything LGBTQ: “But wait a minute, I didn’t want an 18 year-old man competing against my little princess in track!” The person who voted for politicians because they advocated for price controls (to prevent those greedy manufacturers from “charging too much”): “But wait a minute, I didn’t want you to restrict what the company I work for does – now I’m going to lose my job!” The person who voted for politicians because they promised to increase the marginal tax rate on the… Read more »
Let me reformat two of your recommendations: The person who voted for politicians because they advocated for “free” college and “free” medical: “But wait a minute, I didn’t realize there is no such thing as ‘free’ – I didn’t want you to raise the taxes on my grandchildren to pay for people to get degrees in gender studies and sex change operations!” Regarding the wall, the wall does very little without: Revoking birthright citizenship; Eliminating housing, food, and medical (other than immediate, life-saving care) benefits for people living in the U.S. illegally; and Imposing heavy, escalating fines for employers who… Read more »
You cannot shoot your way out of socialism/communism. With them, not only do they control most of the means of production, they control and own all the big guns and the media. Don’t believe me? Ask any emigre or refugee from such countries.
They control the media, education, entertainment, much of health care, much of food production (via regulations that stifle small scale, local food production), much of housing (via regulations and taxes), and much of religion. They have been successful in driving wedges between people who view themselves as “conservatives.” Many of those “conservatives” support numerous forms of forced wealth redistribution and increased government interference with the market. We have seen numerous examples of city police obeying the most absurd commands to arrest good people and not arrest bad people. We have seen (for decades) numerous examples of federal law enforcement (a… Read more »
What the communist, socialist, progressive demoncraps have done is TREASONOUS because it is an attack on the entire nation. Every one who has anything to do with it should be arrested, charged, tried and if/when found guilty should be PUBLICLY exicuted. I would add a PUBLIC tarring and feathering to be used as prison clothing until sentence is carried out. That includes seated legislators, judges, lawyers, enforcement, the news media, and social media. Anyone who gave the go ahead, turned a blind eye and everyone directly involved. TREASON is that serious. If this were 1775 the balls would already be… Read more »
This is not a fable: I was disabled earlier last year and needed to mail in my vote. In PA you get an email, if you indicated you wanted it, stating the mail-in vote was received. My wife the
heathensocialistdiehard Democrat got her email after a few days, but I didn’t. I waited a week more then called the Voter Reg. office at the courthouse. They couldn’t find my ballot but assured me according to their log it was there.So, how am I assured my vote was actually counted?
You can buy all of the arms you want, no ammo = no problem for the overlords. Thankfully those that started stocking up 12 years ago are going to help out.
This essay is much appreciated. It may become foundational to
clarifying the basis for resistance to the Marxist upsurge.
Guess I was mistaken in thinking that evidence is presented at trial rather than the judges pre-deciding before trial. Guess not any more.
I seldom vote comments down, but I like voting good posts up. Here’s one upvote for you. 🙂
That is why I rarely vote down on anyone’s post. When it is done to me I just figure that they are just lazy or vapid.
Reading Twitter comments on the young Air Force Veteran murdered in the capital. The liberals make me sick. They justify violence and mob thuggery for six years and the Democrat leadership says nothing. Yet they want to defund the police.. Now the Republicans are spineless and after a four year coup attempt on President Trump they seek to replace him by a senile old bastard who is working for the Chinese Communist Party. Makes me sick. The civil war started last fall, but today it goes hot, and 2021 will be a win or a loss for freedom. We will… Read more »
Maybe I’m just getting discouraged, or maybe just getting realistic.
If the most powerful man in the world, in charge of the most powerful resources in the world, cannot stop or curtail a coup on his Presidency, what is left. Submission.
this is easily proven then, SHOW THE EVIDENCE!!! not conjecture or speculation but present some facts or quit crying and honor the constitution that you all seem to use as toilet paper!
Merriam Webster: ignoramus – : an utterly ignorant person : dunce. WILywanka did you follow the links provided by the author? The evidence has been clearly shown and testified to by over a thousand affiants. Just because the courts or democrat elected officials refuse to view the evidence doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. An ignoramus is one who CHOOSES to remain ignorant in the face of the evidence. I urge you all to contact your representatives TODAY and request an Election Commission to review the facts, regardless of who you voted for.
some truck driver that say he was told to drive mail-in ballots around (vast majority of mail in ballots went to Biden) and then his trailer “disappeared”. a woman that literally said she could get in trouble for “doing this” while testifying? how many ballots can fit in a trailer? 7,000,000+? would it be obvious?
1. overly or unjustifiably offended or resentful.”they’re all butthurt that she released the album online first”
1. an excessive or unjustifiable feeling of personal offense or resentment.”it’s time to get over the butthurt from last year’s playoffs”
OK wil, you want proof, go to Voices America today January 6, 2021 and follow the truth all day long. You want proof there is more than enough proof on Voices America. That isn’t all the lies that you get from ABC, CBS, NBC AND CNN. They are nothing but propaganda for communism. If you want proof start checking out conservative stations like Voices America and OAN Encore on Roku. You won’t find the truth on the regular network stations. They are bullsh-t just like main stream media. Stop watching all the LIES you see on regular tv. WATCH VOICES… Read more »
so what’s the end game for all the other networks? how can they be as powerful as you presume and allow a tyrant like trump to get elected in the first place. you can’t have it both ways, either they are all powerful or what you have been led to believe is incorrect.
Could it be that Trump is simply not the “tyrant” you ignorantly claim him to be? Could it be that he appeals to well-over 70 million sane Americans, as an alternative to the horrible political creatures currently inhabiting The Swamp? Could it be that you listen to (and have been either 1) brainwashed into believing or 2) because you’re mentally lazy, at least accepting) mainstream Leftist media lies? The list is much longer… shall I continue?
1) nope.
2) maybe, but 80,000,000+ were sick of him. last i checked 80,000,000>70,000,000
3) nope.
4) nope.
5) you can if you want but i don’t think you should waste the (few) remaining brain cells bouncing around your head.
“nope, nope, nope”??? Now who’s the denier?
When those 80 million DemocRat votes include 11 million fraudulent ones… we know who cheated.
you asked me questions and i gave you answers based on my opinions. now since my opinions don’t reconcile in your mind, i’m some kind of denier. do you see any problems with your thought process and the constitution (this case 1st amendment)? c’mon man drop the snowflake nonsense and embrace THE BLUE WAVE! breath it in, feel the love.
Wisdom does not come with age.
The only things that come with age are aches, pains, decreased mobility, and reduced sexual functionality.
And senility, as evidenced 24/7 by our – God help us – soon-to-be President.
Senility is not uncommon, but it is not a given. I’ve had some great conversations with people in their 90’s – sharp, clever, quick-witted and thoroughly enjoyable people with whom to spend time.
Unfortunately, one of the potential issues that may occur with age is senility. Biden is definitely suffering from some type of diminished mental capacity. Having said that, he never had a high IQ, he did not get an excellent education, and he was never wise. Wisdom has certainly not come to him with age.
No… that worthless piece of sub-human garbage [and his DemocRat Party handlers] may lie, cheat, steal, and murder his way into the office chair… but that waste-of-skin will NEVER legitimately be President – and certainly not my leader. He is worse than unworthy.
Could not agree more…
My humor may be a little dry, but the best humor is grounded in fact. I’m not a medical expert, and I encourage any posters who are medical experts to chime in, but I believe it is a medical fact that 100% of people who are 65 have reduced sexual functionality as compared to when they were 21. Denying what lies ahead does not make it go away. : )
And it was trumps own appointed judges and fellow republicans who say there isn’t any proof, not just democrats. If this election was rigged, then why did the republicans get a bunch of positions. The main reason Georgia is going to lose these two seats is because Trump keeps holding rally’s ranting about voter fraud and it’s convincing his supporters down there not to vote. Anyways, at the end of the day what has he even done for gun rights? Bump stocks are banned, suppressors and sbrs are still NFA items, ATF was never declawed. He had the power and… Read more »
@wil – No they are not that powerful and no there is not a conspiracy. Conspiracy requires some degree of communication and coordination. In this case we had many working independently toward the same goals. In some cases competing with the others on who can “achieve” the most. Netflix did not conspire with the democrat party or with facebook or uTube. They simply recommended shows shining favorable light on favored candidates. Facebook simply weighted “fact checking” to help who they prefer and to deny reality they wish were not so. uTube demonitized, blocked, or restricted content incompatible with uTube-endorsed worldview.… Read more »
i don’t use information just “put out” there to inform my reasoning. i’ve heard and seen the words come out of his mouth and by his actions toward other people that just want a better life. i think most people just are tired of him and want him to go away. so using your logic on the end game. wouldn’t it be in their best interest to keep the current shyt show on the airwaves instead of him leaving and a more boring president taking over? he lost, if you are associated with him you lost too. now it’s too… Read more »
say wuuuuuuh? are you kidding me, I didn’t start out to make anyone feel bad, look bad or call out their intelligence as >. I can’t help it if you snowflakes can’t take it when you dish it out. I’m just better at making fools look as stupid as they portray themselves. stop being the hypocrite!
Why don’t you get lost and stop irritating the people on here. You sound just like the demorats.
words on a screen bud, you have choices. one of those choices is read and move on. enjoy!
pull your head out of the sand. are you even paying attention, or just listening to what the drive-by media is telling you. how much evidence do you need? there is a mountain available. over a thousand people have signed affidavits, which means they are under penalty of perjury if they lie, claiming knowledge of fraud. hundreds of videos showing poll watchers not being allowed to watch, blocking, etc. please go back to your leftist website.
here’s a really simple question that i doubt you will answer. is the media you claim as “fake news” the same media that declared trump the winner in 2016?
They didn’t want to and they weren’t prepared.
Michael – and never mind that there are STILL dems that are saying that DJT didn’t really win…………………………..
tell that to the four dead people or their families. perverted ideology in the name of what? what’s your mission and end goal. do you really think there’s a van outside your house just waiting for the word to go in and take your guns?
OK since you are claiming superior math skills – explain how 2.5 million (mostly for slow joe) mail in ballots got counted in PA when the state only mailed out 1.8 million. I’ll wait while you take your shoes off to cypher it out………………….
wow! knowing that 80,000,000 is greater than 70,000,000 counts as me professing superior math skills to you, the average 1st grader could tell you that. you should sue your school system for failing you bigly!
you have also failed yourself by not doing any research beyond the propaganda you feed on. start here:
How do you know I didn’t do any research? That ‘minor’ 700,000 figure is not in dispute.
If you really ‘believe’ that slow joe actually got 80 million votes, why are you and your ilk so dead set against a fair and impartial analysis to prove that he really did?
Y’all can pontificate all day about the results but you won’t even consider proof. Talk about falling for propaganda.
BTW – DJT got 74 million votes, not that 70 million you lefties keep tossing out.
hire a lawyer and sue your school system! again they have failed you bigly! i don’t know that you didn’t do any research. i do know that the “information” you base your arguments on is false or is only a PARTIAL truth that someone apparently far more clever than you extrapolated bits and pieces to fool you. 81,283,485 is still greater than 74,223,744, i don’t understand your point . please talk to a lawyer and see if they can get you an award for being put into the world ill-equipped to deal with simple numbers. (i could say something about… Read more »
It takes a willfully ignorant person not to see the mountain of evidence, sworn to and verified. Congratulations you’re sunk to that level. An on using the Constitution as TP you are using both sides, thanks.
It takes a willfully ignorant person not to see the mountain of evidence, sworn to and verified. Cogratulations you’re sunk to that level. An on using the Constitution as TP you are using both sides, thanks.
YOU ARE CORRECT AND I AGREE! how do you reconcile your actions when you look in the mirror or talk to a child. the same rules are supposed to apply to all the same way. get over it snowflake!
Correct one cannot hide fraud as the recording of Trumps Saturday phone call attempting to have fraud committed shows shows!
Like trump himself said during his first campaign. He can go out and shoot a random person in broad daylight and his worshippers will still praise him smh
two lefties in a row, how quaint.
If he shoots the “correct” ones, then yes indeed his followers will happily fill his defense fund!!!
Tell me douche bag is it true the first time you had sex you were nervous, even though you were alone?
Love it!
If you can’t tell propaganda from the truth maybe you might want to check things for yourself.
Arm up and carry on
DB – in their world, propaganda is truth’.
surprised you can even breath with the limited number of neurons in your head. television is basically worthless as a information source, and the internet is full of information, both accurate and inaccurate and obviously you have chosen to look at only the later of the two. watch something else but cnn and pmsnbc.
Of course you can hide fraud – especially when you only use selected parts of the conversation – likely leaked illegally – and NOT the full transcript of what was actually said.