NAACP’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Lies Won’t Die with DeWine’s Bill Approval

“The NAACP will continue to fight for the removal of Stand Your Ground laws in every state, and we will not rest until racial profiling in all its forms is outlawed.” Only one problem: A Stand Your Ground defense was not presented. (NAACP/Facebook)

U.S.A. – -( “Gov. Mike DeWine on Monday signed a controversial ‘stand your ground’ bill that would eliminate Ohio’s ‘duty to retreat’ before using force in self-defense,” reports. “The governor had previously hinted that he would veto SB175, saying he first wanted lawmakers to pass his package of gun reforms that they sat on for more than a year.”

DeWine has been on again and off again with his gun-grabber roots over the years. About the only thing gun owners can be certain of is the politician the Brady Campaign once endorsed as a “principled statesman” made his decision to sign the bill based on weighing political consequences, and went with the choice that would best serve his interests.

The problem with that is, politics and interests generally come down to swaying public opinion with memes, and parroting those is something the DSM (Duranty/Streicher Media) specializes in. Case in point, note how before DeWine had signed the bill, ABC’s Cincinnati affiliate, WCPO9, was giving voice to demonstrably false claims by “the local chapter of the NAACP” (as an aside, shouldn’t it now be the “NAAPOC”?).

Why should they object?

“(The law) will result in the deaths of more African Americans based solely on the fact that they are unfairly perceived as being a threat,” Cincinnati NAACP President Joe Mallory claimed. “Stand Your Ground legislation will unduly justify the murder of innocent people, particularly innocent Black people whose suspicion of being a threat is actually based on racial prejudice, racial hatred, and racial perceptions, none of which have any basis in fact.”

“Studies have shown that a white person will be able to use self-defense as their defense, and a Black person tries to use the same thing, and they don’t end up being able to use that with much success as their white counterparts can,” Mallory added.

Examining his concerns, particularly on whether or not threat perception is “solely” based on prejudice, we find that, as with all areas of “science,” the statistics are not without bias. Based on who is doing the reporting, population differentials in crime rates either show one demographic is disproportionately violent, or else that’s simply “white supremacist propaganda.” We’re not going to unravel that here except to make a few observations brought into focus by some representative end-of-year mainstream reports:

We could go on, but I’ll leave it to those who insist it’s racist to draw any further conclusions to unpack the stats. Those of us who believe in the right to keep and bear arms are just interested in the rights of all people being protected from unjust aggression, regardless of skin color. Slaves. After all, aren’t allowed to own guns.

Revealingly, the NAACP does not share that interest. Forgetting “The Racist Roots of Gun Control” and the Deacons for Defense and Justice,  the group instead demands citizen disarmament. And like all gun-grabbers, they can’t make their case without resorting to falsehoods, as their petition that urged DeWine to veto the “stand your ground” bill shows (interestingly, one that failed to attract enough signatures despite plenty of free media publicity):

“This reality was the basis for the unjustified shooting deaths of Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, and countless other African Americans that have been shot and killed in spite of the fact that they posed no threat of harm to themselves or the community in which they lived.”

Rice, who was pointing an airsoft replica gun at random people and waving it around, was shot by police after refusing to show his hands when ordered. A grand jury refused to indict after viewing surveillance video evidence. In any case, it had nothing to do with “stand your ground” laws and everything to do with one of NAACP’s goals—that citizens be disarmed, and police be the “Only Ones” allowed to deploy with guns.

Likewise in terms of “pos[ing] no threat”, Martin was in the process of straddling “white Hispanic” George Zimmerman and beating his head into the ground. And contrary to the lies told by those who use that incident to discredit “stand your ground” laws, George Zimmerman’s legal defense did not use that argument.

So why bring up two cases that had nothing to do with what they’re petitioning against?

If anything, as an economist, researcher, and author John Lott demonstrates, “blacks benefit most from Stand Your Ground laws”:

“Blacks may make up just 16.6 percent of Florida’s population, but they account for over 31 percent of the state’s defendants invoking a Stand Your Ground defense. Black defendants who invoke this statute to justify their actions are acquitted 8 percent more frequently than whites who use that same defense.”

Perhaps NAACP opposition to an armed citizenry, self-defense, and  “the security of a free State” has less to do with “commonsense gun safety laws” and more to do with advancing the agenda of a key founder, lifelong socialist and late-in-life self-outed Communist Party supporter W.E.B. DuBois.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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The false analogy is a critical tool in the propaganda tool box of the Progressive New Left. They misdirect the circumstances surrounding the Martin/Zimmerman case to draw a false conclusion. Without hyperbole, emotional false analogies and outright lies the left would have no means to argue their case against liberty.


Trayvon was just a thug and got what he deserved.

Ryben Flynn

“unfairly perceived as being a threat”
12.2 % of the population commits 53.2% of the murders and 57.5% of the robberies.
Other crimes by Blacks average about 30%.
Aggravated assault, larceny, motor vehicle theft, burglary, arson.
FBI Crime statistics Table 21A from 2016. I haven’t found a newer one yet.

Last edited 4 years ago by Ryben Flynn

NAACP. Always looking to portray criminals as some sort of heroes. Anyone that thinks criminals can BE heroes has a really serious sociopathic view of the world, or they are simply very very stupid. The classic “my son shouldn’t have to fear for his life every time he is burglarizing a home or robbing a store” syndrome. Just stop the criminal behavior and no one will bother you, you psychopathic criminal morons.


The NAACP is the National Association of Advanced Communist Prevaricators.

Chris T in KY

WEB DuBois did not co-found the NAACP. He was the later employee, hired by the white communists who created this communist front organization. They needed a black face to get blacks to support and join the group. The JPFO knows a great deal about just how anti civil rights the white communists can be. It was Aaron Zelman, using the research of Clayton E Creamer, who first spoke about the “Racist Roots of Gun Control”, on my local radio station. Back in 1994. And that was the year I joined the JPFO. Long before I joined the NRA. I would… Read more »

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