Trampling 2A at Core of Biden’s Empty Promise of ‘Unity’

Does this look like the face of a man interested in unity? Joe Biden can’t unify the nation when he’s vowing to crush the rights of 100 million gun owners. IMG NRA-ILA

U.S.A.-( In a video message broadcast by CNN, Democrat Joe Biden put the lie to his widely-reported intent to preach unity during his inaugural address to what essentially will be a capital city occupied by some 22,000 National Guard troops by basically declaring war on about 100 million of his constituents.

“My first day in office,” he declares in the video, “I’m going to send a bill to Congress repealing the liability protection for gun manufacturers, closing the background check loopholes and waiting period that now let too many people slip through the cracks.”

The Guardian is reporting that Biden “ran as a rebuke to the divisiveness and cynicism of Trumpism, promising to ‘restore the soul of the nation’ and serve as a president for ‘all Americans.’” The story quotes former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang observing “that everything he does becomes the new reasonable.”

But just how “reasonable” is Biden’s widely-read plan to “end our gun violence epidemic” if it promises to pressure state governments to require licensing of private citizens before they can purchase a firearm?

Where does it say in the Constitution, and specifically in the Bill of Rights, that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed…provided you get a license from the state to exercise that right?

Biden’s plan, as Ammoland has previously reported, calls for a ban on the sale of so-called “assault weapons” and standard capacity magazines. How does it unify a nation by essentially criminalizing the property of an estimated 17-20 million honest citizens who have harmed nobody?

How “reasonable” is it to make citizens endure a “waiting period” before they can take possession of a firearm? No other right protected by the Constitution mandates a waiting period.

How “reasonable” does it sound when the President-elect releases a statement in which he pledges “to defeat the NRA?” While the National Rifle Association appears to have serious troubles—announcing last week it had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection as part of a strategy to “dump New York” and reorganize as a non-profit in Texas—the organization is as American as they come, with members from all walks of life, all races, creeds and corners of the country. As the announcement noted, NRA wants to be “free from the toxic political environment of New York.” NRA was incorporated in New York in 1871.

In his message to NRA members, Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre noted the move to reincorporate in the Lone Star State is “subject to court approval.”

And it is true the NRA has its share of criticism within the firearms community. The Guardian reported one major donor to NRA may “challenge key aspects of the gun group’s bankruptcy filing, in an attempt to hold executives accountable for allegedly having defrauded their members of millions of dollars to support their own lavish lifestyles.”

There has been no small amount of discussion about the NRA’s announcement on social media, but Biden’s threat to “defeat” the 5-million-member association, which celebrates its 150th anniversary this year as the nation’s oldest civil rights organization, is like throwing down a gauntlet to tens of millions of gun owners who may not be members, but still consider NRA as their voice in Congress and state legislatures.

And this week, the Second Amendment Foundation—a separate gun rights organization specializing in education and litigation—is running a blistering 60-second commercial on more than a dozen networks, critical of Biden’s gun control scheme. SAF’s message encourages grassroots rights activists to join in a project called “2nd Amendment First Responders.” NRA’s announcement was followed by a ramped-up interest in this effort.

SAF and NRA have worked together in the past on legal actions, and they are currently partners in a lawsuit challenging an effort by the City of Seattle to violate Washington’s 35-year-old gun law preemption statute.

The SAF advertisement is scheduled to air 79 times during inauguration week, split among these networks: DirecTV, Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, MSNBC, The Weather Channel, One America News Network, CNBC, HLN, Bloomberg, Dish TV, the Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel.

“Biden wants to regulate and tax popular firearms and their magazines under the National Firearms Act, or mandate they be turned in through a so-called ‘gun buyback’ program that amounts to compensated confiscation,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. “Our campaign is alerting the nation about the extremist Biden-Harris agenda.”

Recently, after Biden tweeted his intention to defeat NRA, Gottlieb declared in a swift rebuttal, “He may attack one group by name, but his goal is to crush the rights of every gun owner in our country.

“By attacking the Second Amendment Rights of 100 million Americans,” he said, “Biden is not bringing us together but dividing us further.”



About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.

Dave Workman

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You may Not like Guns, That is Your Right.
You may Not believe in God, That is Your Choice.
But is someone breaks into Your Home
the First Two things You are going to do.
1) Call someone with a Gun.
2) Pray They get there in Time.


The Right of The People To BEAR ARMS.
WHEN ALL THE Guns Have Been Banned
WHEN ALL THE Words Have Been Censored
WHEN ALL THE History Has Been Erased
WHEN ALL THE Freedom Has Been Taken
ONLY THEN Will You Discover Why Our
“RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS” Was So High On The List.


The leftists’ definition of “coming together” is, forcing those who disagree with their policies to either come over to their way of thinking or simply shut up. I will do neither.


It is not just guns that Pedo Joe is coming after.

Joe Biden’s DOD Pick Vows to Rid Military of ‘Racists and Extremists’ (

From the comments section:

“Austin said leaders need to be trained to be in touch with their troops to understand “who they are, what they are doing, what they are reading,” and be aware of signs that could indicate something is going in the wrong direction.
Stupid ghetto thug, what he means is political commissars, like in the old red army.”

Last edited 4 years ago by RoyD
The other Jim

CNN, MSNBC, The Weather Channel, One America News Network, CNBC, HLN, Bloomberg, Dish TV, might pull a “Katie Couric” and manipulate the film to show it as if SAF is anti-second amendment or make the SAF Officials in the advertisement appear foolish/dumbfounded by the basics, etc. SAF beware the old “Katie Couric” play.


The photo that was captured at that moment in time, is just one of the “Things” a person sees out of the corner of their eye….