NYC ‘Queen’s’ Plea for Unarmed Citizen Intervention Shows Elitist Arrogance

Why wouldn’t the rulers treat people who demand to be swindled out of their rights with arrogant contempt? (NYC Mayor’s Office/Twitter)

U.S.A. – -( “After ‘Defunding The Police,’ NYC First Lady Pleads For Citizens To Intervene In Violent Crimes As Assaults Spike,” The Daily Wire reported Monday. The story noted a series of tweets from Chirlane McCray, wife of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio urging citizens to place themselves at potential physical risk in the face of hostility and escalating violence.

“As attacks on Asian American communities continue, we’re asking New Yorkers to show up for their neighbors and intervene when witnessing hateful violence or harassment,” McCray pontificated. “I know that can be frightening when you aren’t sure what to do or say, but you can learn.

Intervene against who, exactly?

“Authorities” are keeping who the hate crime perpetrators are close to the vest, making it especially dangerous to get involved if for no other reason than fear of being smeared as a racist for defending against a minority aggressor.

“Fear is a normal feeling when stepping into a confrontation, but being prepared can help,” McCray continues, undeterred by anything so mundane as reality. “I’ll share @iHollaback ‘s 5 D’s, which are easy to remember tactics that we can all use to de-escalate a situation. D is for Distract, Delegate, Document, Delay, and Direct.”

Entitled sociopaths who will punch, stab or shoot you because they feel like it will justify it internally by viewing iHollaback’s wholly unqualified “street harassment” response advice with a “D” of their own, for “Disrespect.” Come to think of it, McCray should have added another “D” for “Duck.”

That’s because her advice doesn’t seem very prudent in a city marked by shootings that had “doubled in 2020 and were up 75 percent last month compared to a year prior.” Big Apple citizen disarmament edicts guarantee the “law-abiding” will be at an extreme disadvantage.

Consider the Sullivan Law, and subsequent New York State edicts and specialized New York City prohibitions. Look at what’s required just to get “permission” to own a gun in that town. Forget about carrying one “legally” unless you’re rich and connected or a celebrity.

Not that Queen Chirlane needs to concern herself with that. She doesn’t need to worry about being “street harassed” or to depend on the kindness of (unarmed) strangers should she find herself being threatened. McCray, hubby, and their royal brood are protected 24/7 by armed security details, and that includes outside the city limits.

Back when he was sticking his toe in presidential waters, de Blasio and the Mrs. were guarded by “at least 10 detectives, including two supervisors, who stayed at the same hotels and ferried the couple around Iowa, South Carolina and other early primary states.” Hizzoner even assigned one of his bodyguards to accompany their son to Yale and “ordered NYPD Executive Protection Unit to move his daughter out of a Brooklyn apartment.”

The curious thing is, between the mayor’s phony budget cuts and his wife’s wholly political pandering, information about reductions in protective detail costs appears to be as guarded as they are. Anybody hear her demand to defund her own security? Or say getting rid of that part of NYPD would be “utopia”?

As for the hapless citizens who pay for it all (and yet somehow always seem to elect elitist violence monopolists to rule over them), the demand that they be rendered defenseless yet still put themselves in harm’s way — to do the job NYPD’s gun law enforcers can’t do — is stunning in its elitist arrogance. It recalls nothing so much as Marie Antoinette’s apocryphal quote when told the people had no bread:

“Let them eat cake.”

You gotta wonder if at any point a people who have welcomed their freedom to be so abused will wake up and repurpose some of those horse-drawn carriages the mayor tried to ban as tumbrels.

Also see: NYC Shooting Surge Highlights de Blasio’s Ineptness and Futility of Anti-Gun Edicts

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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uncle dudley

What advice does the mayors wife have for all the police who were disrespected last year when they had buckets of water thrown on them?
Some had plastic bottles of water launched in their direction, lets hear her advice to them.
Why would anyone want to be a cop in that nasty city when they aren’t allowed to do their job for fear of being called a racist or charged for protecting themselves, she needs to shut her pie hole unless she demands to allow the cops to be cops.


I left that place in 1988.
The New York City I grew up in was great. These elitists have destroyed it. Now they want to destroy these United States.


Now they want the “Vigilantes” as they have called us to step up and do the job that they have made impossible for the NYPD to do? What will happen if a person of color is harmed say by a non person of color who steps in to defend someone? I’ll bet she will lose her mind and demand they be all but executed. I think I would pass. Which is sad.


When we lived out on Long Island in the 1950’s people had guns, our Dad has his. Being a child it would be hard to state whether where we lived was conservative, or liberal, but probably more conservative. Back in those days being a liberal had a different meaning as it does today.

But even back then you needed a permit to buy a handgun, not sure about a long gun. My father had a NYS concealed carry permit, and even back then it was not valid in NYC.


What you tolerate will continue and you get the kind of Goverment you deserve.


For those gentle readers who don’t know the ideology of 18 century Rhetoric. The “cake she was referring to was not desert. It was what is at the bottom of an “Out House!”
Nice people, those French Aristocrats!

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