Iowa: Gov. Reynolds Signs Constitutional Carry Legislation

NRA Open Carry Banned MISS
Friday, April 2nd, Governor Kim Reynolds signed House File 621 and House File 756 into law. IMG NRA

U.S.A. -( Friday, April 2nd, Governor Kim Reynolds signed House File 621 and House File 756 into law. With HF 756, Iowa joins the 18 other states that have constitutional/permitless carry. Gov. Reynolds had this to say yesterday about taking this strong stance to affirm the right to self-defense:

“Today I signed legislation that protects the 2nd Amendment rights of Iowa’s law-abiding citizens while still preventing the sale of firearms to criminals and other dangerous individuals. This law also takes greater steps to inform law enforcement about an individual’s mental illness helping ensure firearms don’t end up in the wrong hands. We will never be able to outlaw or prevent every single bad actor from getting a gun, but what we can do is ensure law-abiding citizens have full access to their constitutional rights while keeping Iowans safe.” – Gov. Kim Reynolds 

In addition, HF 621 also sends a strong message. President Biden has promised to repeal the federal law protecting the firearms industry from frivolous lawsuits as the main part of his assault on the Second Amendment. With her signature on this bill, Gov. Reynolds ensures that Iowa has an additional layer of protection to prevent anti-gun extremists from attempting to bankrupt law-abiding businesses by suing them for the third party, criminal misuse of their legal products.

NRA thanks Gov. Reynolds for protecting and promoting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Iowans. Please stay tuned to and your email inbox for further updates.

About NRA-ILA:

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess, and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit:

National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)

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Phil in TX

Roger that, archmark! Long overdue!

Phil in TX


This is such a comforting bit of news. I am curious though how Gov. Reynold’s signature on this bill ensures that Iowa has an additional layer of protection to prevent anti-gun extremists from attempting to bankrupt law-abiding businesses by suing them for the third party, criminal misuse of their legal products.


Good for them!!! Now Texas, QUIT DRAGGING YOUR ASS & do the same!!!