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USA – -( Beretta USA has an exclusive offer for readers of AmmoLand News. You can now get an additional 20% OFF all Beretta pistol and rifle magazines including active sale items with coupon code “MAG20” at Free shipping on orders over $75.00.
This a great way to pick up spare mags for your Beretta NANO, Px4 Storm, or their 30 round model or any number of new or classic Beretta guns direct from the factory. No one else has this offer so please click the buy now button to see the range of magazines and remember to thank Beretta on social media for their support of our readers.
As the oldest firearms manufacturer in the World (Beretta’s birthday dates back to 1526!) Beretta is synonymous with quality, technology, and tradition. The US-arm of this historic company was founded in 1977 and currently employs about 300 US employees in its production facility in Gallatin, Tennessee, offices in Accokee, Maryland, and in its warehouse in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Daily Gun Deals: All Beretta Gun Magazines 20% OFF, Including Sale Items w/ CODE
Related Beretta Magzine reviews:
Beretta Gun Magazines 20% OFF, Including Sale Items, Deal Cart Check:

Daily Deal Disclaimer: The product represented in this AmmoLand News announcement is a short-term money-saving deal we find at third party retailers unrelated to AmmoLand Inc. Be forewarned that many of these “deals” will sell quickly or potentially expire in a few hours from the initial online publishing time or date. AmmoLand Inc. does not stock inventory or operate a shopping cart. When we find an exciting offer on gun products, we will be passing along those offers to AmmoLand News readers so you can try and save cash. When you leave to make purchases please be sure of what you are agreeing to buy and have applied all the appropriate coupon codes (subject to expiration out of our control) or taken the necessary steps to reproduce our highlighted deals in your shopping cart at these third party retailers. AmmoLand Inc (operating as AmmoLand News, at is not responsible for changing prices, inventory availability, or expiration dates, discrepancies, or changes in product descriptions or models or for what you agree to purchase from these affiliate-link promoted websites. AmmoLand Inc can not correct, change, or help you return or warranty products purchased from other businesses online. All we can do is point out a few deals when we find them to help you save $$.
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Consider checking our Gun Deals Coupon page and our past featured Daily Gun Deals page for additional savings from your favorite industry partners. Thank you very much for your support and I hope we save you some money by highlighting these sweet daily deals. Enjoy!
No discount on the magazine listed on your page. But it’s Beretta USA…I’m not surprised. There’s gotta be a thousand folks out there still waiting for their “free” magazine on the Tikka promo from three years ago.
Went to site and ordered three different types of mags. Used the MAG20 discount code and it gave me a 10% discount on one mag. They also say on their web site free shipping on all orders 95.00 dollars or more not 75.00 dollars as you claim in your post. Do you guys ever check out what your putting out in print .I will have to give you credit you do have a disclaimer that says not responsible for discrepancies. So I don’t know why you don’t put something out as far as so and so store has an AR15… Read more »