No Vaccination, No Guns: a New Secret Plan For Gun Confiscation ~ LISTEN

Medical Syringe With Vaccine Vaccinations
No Vaccination, No Guns: The State’s New Secret Plan For Gun Confiscation

New Jersey – -( In this episode Gun Lawyer Evan Nappen puts the two pieces together and explains their plan. Both parts are being separately promoted by Obama apparatchiks, Rahm Emanuel & Juliette Kayyem

  • 1) HR 4980 has been filed in the Congress to put all unvaccinated persons on the No Fly List.
  • 2) The No Fly, No Buy, Gun Control law has been bouncing around since 2018 and has Bipartisan support.

That’s how they plan to do it.


“I’m Evan Nappen and welcome to Gun Lawyer. Well, you know what folks? Today, it boils down to this. No vaccination, No guns. Now you may think, what does getting a COVID vaccination have to do with my ability to have firearms and exercise my Second Amendment rights? Well, I’m going to explain to you exactly what it has to do with, and it is an incredible threat that you need to be aware of.

Let me start by just talking about some things you may not know about the COVID vaccination. Even talking about a COVID vaccination, the lamestream media and big tech overlords they don’t you even talking about this, but we are going to talk about it. Let me just make it clear. There is a database of every individual who has received a COVID vaccination. You may not be aware of that; you may not even know about it. They do not make a big deal about it. But that database is there because this is an experimental vaccine, and they need to track you and it for medical and health purposes. So, there is a legitimate reason to do it. But regardless of that, this database exists. Listen above as I explain their plot…”

About Evan Nappen

Known as “America’s Gun Lawyer,” Evan Nappen is above all a tireless defender of justice. Host of the praised “Gun Lawyer” Podcast, author of eight bestselling books and countless articles on firearms, knives, weapons history, and the law, a certified Firearms Instructor, and avid weapons collector and historian with a vast collection that spans almost five decades, it’s no wonder he’s become the trusted, go-to expert for local, industry, and national media outlets. Called on regularly by radio, television, and online news media for his commentary and expertise on breaking news, Evan has appeared on countless shows including Fox, CNN, Court TV, WOR-New York. As a creative arts consultant, he also lends his weapons law and historical expertise to an elite, discerning cadre of movie and television producers and directors, and novelists. He also provides expert testimony and consultations for defense attorneys across America.

Evan Nappen
Evan Nappen
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None of the arguments put forth by the Progressive New Left have anything to do with safety, health or the general welfare of the people. All of their arguments focus on one goal: total power. Understand that and you understand their every move. Power. For the sake of power. That is the motive and well as the means. Power.


Exactly, ALL which is a direct violation of their oaths of office, ALL high crimes and WE, The People STILL remain apathetic and generally silent!


“WE The People remain apathetic & generally silent!”

Speak for yourself. Where’s that veterans group fighting gun control? (not just bloviating) Crickets chirping…

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r

What may I ask are YOU doing to remove corrupt officiqls from office? By the way, you might want to put down that crack pipe and pay closer attention to detail? Military Members Create New Gun Control Group: Veterans Coalition for Common Sense – The Truth About Guns

Last edited 3 years ago by USMC0351Grunt

About 100 times more than you ever did. Drove 5 major gun grabbers out of office. And you don’t get credit for what other veterans did.

Henry Bowman

So that’s your standard answer to everyone about everything, is to call them a liar?? That’s why you’re the rectal cancer of the Ammoland comment section.

Henry Bowman

Ignore my last… That reply was directed at Schart-head Scharty, but when Ammoland approved my comment (held for review), they moved my comment!

I think that these trolls and spammers are here by Ammoland’s assent.


only 2% fought the first government (king) what makes you think there are more than 2% of people who value independence fbi and atf numbers are based on number of people they may come up against armed well enough to defend themselves how many did they kill at waco?? ruby ridge they did not win with clive bundy but have attacked all the people they could identify (and lost in court all proceedings were closed with prejudice) so force must meet force head on or they will not stop their lives must be in danger for them to respect yours


the vaccine bs is to see how many will follow orders , otherwise they would follow the science and test people before they gave it. natural immunity is better and the only vaccine that does not diminish is the j&j

science far uvc light 222 nm another ignored science that is safe

only way to live free is be heavily armed and well informed

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

BULLSHIT. Come and get them.Screw their vaccine. They can kiss my ass! Better send a lot of body bags.


They will rapidly run out of SWAT because they are so badly outnumbered. All each of us has to do is take out one. Game over very quickly.


War is over in a day.

Henry Bowman

Just shut up already. You contribute NOTHING of value to the discussions here. Go back to Daily Kos, Mr. Schart.

Henry Bowman

Tranference much?

You realize the guy that said that ended up admitting to giving an illegal order, right?


Maybe not but you pervert Bible & Constitution to say LEOs must OBEY unconscionable laws & orders based on them.

Henry Bowman

I never said you did, and you deflect from the fact that the guy who said that was THE BADGUY!!

You sir (cur) are the liar, putting words in people’s mouths. How about you go cram a grenade where the sun don’t shine, and jerk that pin like the jerk you are.

I bet you’re some kinda stolen valor POS, too.

Henry Bowman

You are the rectal cancer of the Ammoland comment section.

Henry Bowman

Go schart yourself.

Monkey Mouse

Creating criminals out of good people is the best way for many of them to actually act like criminals. The left is going to shit their pants when this happens.


Dumbest narrative ever witnessed by America. Completely risible, farcical & absurd,

Clown World Twilight Zone Circus Theatre.

All tyrants throughout twistory know power emanates from the barrel of a gun by threat of force or use of kinetic force.

Stupefying ignorance

Henry Bowman

If ‘they’ think they can violate one Right by violating another, they have another thing coming. This nation was founded on three basic Rights: Life, Liberty, and Property. Mandating unproven vaccines (or even proven vaccines) is a direct assault on life & liberty; that is, your absolute right to your own body. Claiming that your refusal to surrender your Right to your own body (4th Amendment) is grounds to strip you of your 2A Rights in perpetuity is an INTOLERABLE ACT. Also, mandating these experimental vaccines are ALL a violation of the NUREMBERG CODE. (That’s the law based on the… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Henry Bowman

Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. “ your absolute right to your own body” – ROE v WADE

Last edited 3 years ago by USMC0351Grunt
Henry Bowman

Go schart yourself

Elisa Delaurenti

The 2nd Amendment does not give us the right to keep and bear arms. According to the Founders, the right to keep and bear arms comes with us into this world courtesy of “Nature’s God”. They called the rights listed in the 10 Amendments “unalienable rights”, including the right to self defense and they specifically announced that “bearing arms” was included. So the Founders wrote into the Constitution, by ten Amendments, some but not all of our unalienable rights. And that means that the Constitution does not give us those rights – it affirms them. It acknowledges that the people… Read more »

Ansel Hazen

Spot on Elisa.

Now when do we start throwing tea in the harbor?

Henry Bowman

Correct; Rights are given to us by our Creator God, and cannot be taken away, legislated away, surrendered, suborned, folded, spindled, or mutilated by any mortal being. Anyone who tries is of the Devil and will get a butt full of lead for their trouble.

Henry Bowman

Shows how ignorant you are, Schart. I can’t study the Bible for you, you gotta do that on your own.

The founders spoke at length about this, and just because it’s not spelled out at length in red crayon letters for you, it is inferred that we have Rights, starting with freedom of choice and conscience.


“What you claim’s not in Scriptures.”

Unlimited Submission to Tyrants isn’t in Bible or Constitution but you quote out of context to imply it.

Copy-spray schartscreens don’t prove your point.

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r
Henry Bowman

I musta struck a nerve for Schart-for-brains to go dumping on each and every post I make. I see this often as the resident trolls like ol’ Scharty try to attack with less than all the facts, but no shortage of worthless opinions.


Another schartscreen.

I Haz A Question

Try reading the USC for yourself before commenting. It is signed with the final words, “In The Year Of Our Lord”, which at the time was *not* common in government level documents. The DOI contains four references to God. The USC contains one, which acts to say “everything in this document is recognized under God”. When you incorporate something legally, there are always two basic documents needed. The Statement (why) and the Articles (how). Why you’re creating the government, and how you’ll operate it. The DOI, and the AOC (which were superseded by the USC). Read the documents, and *then*… Read more »


Yep. DumbSchart thinks “Our Lord” refers to King George III


QED: Dumbschart thinks it refers to King George III


Plus One


She didn’t say it did. What a Piece of Schart.


She said, ‘They called the rights in the 10As “unalienable rights’ ”

That’s right, dumbschart, but she didn’t say they called them that in the BOR.

Too smart by half as usual.


Plus One

Henry Bowman

Go schart yourself.


Very well said….
May I plagiarize you?
I’ll give credit. 😉


So it’s VaXXcinate or Die eh.

Dumbest narrative ever witnessed in modern twistory so far.

If they take your Guns your fate is already determined & you will die anyways.

Extinct Dodo Bird stupidity.

Stupefying ignorance


Yep. Right up there with Q and “Sandy Hook was faked.”


I don’t fly and never will , the airline industry as a whole can all go strait to hell . I hope they all go broke with out any government bale outs from the tax payers. As far as them hinging gun rights on a vaccine that is plain and simple infringement and will fail the test in court . Seams to me smoking crack cocaine would prevent a person from buying a gun , but yet Hunter Biden purchased a handgun while using he falsified his purchase form . I guess crack is as good as a vaccine in… Read more »

APG member

When the “no fly” list came out you did nothing, of course this is next…

Elisa Delaurenti

We shall see about that. We know it’s coming, and the answer is NO.


Secret? Like banning nearly 50% of all available ammo to be sold? Russian ammo equates to 44% of the ammo supply. The news alone shot the prices of most ammo higher. Easily doubling and tripling the available steel ammo for sale. THIS IS INDIRECT GUN CONFISCATION! They will never go door to door. They will make it impossible and unaffordable to own or use your firearms. Where the Fck is the OUTRAGE??!!? We have become Sheep! Do you think if the British only wanted to confiscate half the firearms from the colonists at Bunker Hill it would be cool? NO.… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Rob
Henry Bowman

You assume that domestic ammo manufacturers aren’t about to permanently double or even quadruple their production capability…

I bet this news just guaranteed it.

Also, you ignore the ability and ingenuity of Americans to smuggle ammunition, were your darkest thoughts to be realized. Perhaps you never heard of Mike Vanderboegh.

Last edited 3 years ago by Henry Bowman
Henry Bowman

Go schart yourself.

Henry Bowman

So that’s your standard answer to everyone about everything, is to call them a liar?? That’s why you’re the rectal cancer of the Ammoland comment section.

Henry Bowman

I dont live in my momma’s basement gnawing on fudgesicles all night long like you do. I have stuff to do and it’s lights out for me. Enjoy your mediocrity!


These proud Nazis that call themselves Democrats will crash and burn,and I will laugh.

Mystic Wolf

Well you can start by calling them what they are DEMON-CRATS just look at how they act and talk, these are not Americans but communist loving DEMONS, these demons do not want what’s best for the country they only want whats best for their bank account. These DEMONS only want one thing total power and control over the people, they (the DEMONCRATS) want to be able to decide who lives and who dies. The DEMONcrats care nothing about this country or the people they only care about money and power and control over the people.


Uh? They are called, CRIMINALS. Plain and simple, yet WE, The People are sitting here with our heads up our asses doing absolutely nothing about it.


I see your mandatory clot shot and raise you one lead injection.


How true! I wasn’t going to, but I received the Moderna vaccine back in March and May. I got the vax on the recommendation of my docs due to several health conditions I have. Haven’t had any side effects. YET. More relevant is the fact that I just yesterday received an “EOB” from Medicare. The only thing on it was info concerning the Moderna Covid-19 vaccinations. So, yes, it’s true they are “tracking” us!

Wild Bill

@YB, Good report. Please keep us apprised retarding side effects, and tracking. Oh, what is an EOB?


I got the J&J shot in April, no problem, 1 shot and done, if a second shot to be done, I’ll get the J&J shot, I’m hearing that with the two shot deal, the second shot is where the reactions are! I don’t like needles at all, could never be an addict allergic to needles!!!!!!!


Good for you. I know 5 folks who were healthy till the vax. 4 strokes & 1 undiagnosed, all w/in 48hrs. 2 died, 1 w/in 24hrs. Before 2020 I’d never heard of anyone dying by vax.

Go for it!

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r

Possibly……. Explanation Of Benefits


Explanation Of Benefits


It’s an Explanation of Benefits or that printout the insurance company sends you showing what benefits they paid the provider(s).

Mystic Wolf

Glad someone can get it, I for one am allergic to one or more of the compounds that are in the vaxx, if I get it then I could very well go into anaphylaxis which can be lethal in minutes, so there is no way I can get that deadly vax, besides it is actually gene modification therapy.


“besides it is actually gene modification therapy.”

Why would Trump do that?


don’t blame Trump for that one.


Why not? Trump babble-bungled the ChiDem covid attack in a dozen ways, then jumped on the hysteria bandwagon & stuck us with Op Warp Speed. Bragged about how great the vaccines were, so his trusting followers took the jab, which is why the vax numbers are so high, which makes vaccine tyranny far easier – divide & conquer. Otherwise vax numbers would be more like 0-30%, with 70-100% of Americans saying F YOU. Why 0%/100%? If Trump hadn’t humped it, we might not even have a vax yet.


You have a serious issue with looking at the bogger picture, don’t you?


You have serious issues with celebrity worship, deflection, denial, and apathy, don’t you?

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r

WTF? How so? Explain your allegations and supportive documentation..


You first, big boy.

Henry Bowman

Sorry again bro, my comments were directed at Schart-head Scharty but they were held for review then moved from Scharty to you.

I think Schart is in fact an Ammoland moderator’s sockpuppet!! FYI!


Not anymore. Schartsnifer has removed all of his posts, from all pages, going back at least two weeks. That is probably what messed up your delayed post. I predicted that last week, when he stopped getting so many downvotes. That tells his handlers that he’s past his prime, and no longer useful to them. Either he flushed himself down the memory hole, or a moderator did it for him. I’m guessing that he got new marching orders from soros and bloomberg to go elsewhere. I doubt that a moderator would’ve removed all his back posts too. Most likely would have… Read more »


scarfington is history. All removed back to ground zero. I put more in a post too…. but it’s being censored


TEST. I’m just seeing if even the word “schart” will make it through the censorbots.


Let’s see if it’s the quotes.


Your posts went elsewhere because all traces of him have now been removed. That left nowhere for your posts to go.

Last edited 3 years ago by Knute

And not only has scarfington vanished without a trace, so has every other comment associated with him. A page that used to have well over a hundred comments… now has eleven. Someone went to some serious effort to make that happen. Your posts on this page are the last ones to be associated with him. They probably got through because they were held up while he was being scrubbed out of existence. That explains why they ended up associated with Russn8r instead. When they came out of stasis, they had nowhere else to go, since someone had flushed all traces… Read more »

Henry Bowman

Knute, I find it peculiar that all my posts directed at Scharty would get redirected to Russn8r since Russn8r was the other nemesis of Scharty and whom I supported. Had I not immediately spoken out about the switcheroo, Russn8r might have thought I was coming at him.
It’s almost like the Ammoland deus-ex-machina did all of that on purpose…

Knute Knute

It sure is… almost. Just close enough to leave a tiny bit of room for doubt. It’s possible that someone at ammoland is secretly on the bloomberg payroll. Bloomberg bribes everybody else he can get his pocketbook on, why not some staffer at ammoland?


No worries. Love you, Baby, so I figured it was directed to someone who deletes posts & runs away like a hyena with a false penis. I guess this time it was the great philosoposeur JeanLloydSchart. I get the vibe he’s not the only “moderator” doing things he shouldn’t.

Henry Bowman

So that’s your standard answer to everyone about everything, is to call them a liar?? That’s why you’re the rectal cancer of the Ammoland comment section.

Henry Bowman

So that’s your standard answer to everyone about everything, is to call them a liar?? That’s why you’re the rectal cancer of the Ammoland comment section.


Mystic Wolf has no idea what he is talking about. He’s just plucked a buzzword off some conspiracy website. Nobody has done what he is suggesting – not Trump, not anyone else. The vaccine was not developed to modify your DNA and turn you into some kind of compliant zombie. The vaccine does not have “micro-chips” in it that will be read by blue posts as you drive down the road. There are no mysterious additives in the vaccine to do . . . something. The vaccine was one of Trump’s big accomplishments. He had vast resources available to him… Read more »


“The vaccine was one of Trump’s big accomplishments. He had vast resources to understand what was going on.” Bull. He had dozens of credible honest MD/PhDs he could’ve put on the task force to counter Fauci when the world was watching. Instead, he mugged for camera time, babbled & played Dr. Incompetent narcissism. Then panicked, jumped on the covid hysteria wagon with OpWarpSpeed, paved the way to vaccine tyranny. “The vaccine was not developed to modify DNA & turn you into a compliant zombie…Almost all drugs have some type of side affect for some people.” You implicitly dismiss skepticism on… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r
Henry Bowman

So that’s your standard answer to everyone about everything, is to call them a liar?? That’s why you’re the rectal cancer of the Ammoland comment section.


Sounds painful. 🙂 Again, I’ll presume it was directed to the great philosoposeur JeanLloydSchart.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r
Autsin Miller III

His position is certainly plausible. He contends there is a master list of who has been vaccinated (probably so.) He contends there those that want those who are not vaccinated on the no fly list and if that happens you will not pass a Nicks check ergo cannot buy a firearm. It would certainly be a back door entry into gun control the Demoncrats want.


No fly – no buy is NOT federal law. Apparently New Jersey does have such a law. Don’t know about any other state.

Nick is saying ‘they’ are trying to make “no fly-no buy” a federal law.

Autsin Miller III

Yeah, I get that but as he stated, all it would take is Biden’s signature on an executive order. It’s going to be interesting to see how the whole vaccination thing plays out. There SEEMS to be a convergence of liberal interests here, those who want to find any way possible to negatively impact the Second Amendment and those who just plain like control (like most liberals.) They thought they could claim the moral high ground but that only works if we feel badly – nope. Liberals are beginning to find out that just saying things doesn’t make it so,… Read more »


As I’ve read, it is virtually impossible to get off the “no fly” list. It is a semi secret list wit her no recourse for those on the list. If they do this, those who for whatever reason have not yet been vaccinated and those accidentally put on the list – will be on no fly list for remainder of their life. Anyone unfortunate enough to have a similar name may we’ll find themselves impacted as well. HTF do you prove you are not on a secret list to which you do not have access and for which no explanation… Read more »


Too bad the entire process wasn’t overhauled in 2017 by all the politicians who are fighting for our rights.


You mean, “Republicans”? Too busy helping commie-Dems & LoLibertarians sabotage Trump/America First.

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r
Henry Bowman

Problem is, the GOP is controlled by RINOs. Back then, you had Paul Ryan running the House, and Mitch McConnell in the Senate. Mitch the B!tch sat on all the pro-2A legislation and wouldn’t let it be brought to the floor for a fair vote, even though we had more than enough senators to pass it.

The Tree of Liberty was desperately thirsty… Now it’s parched and withering. We need a 2nd American Revolution NOW.


Which Republican U.S. legislators and presidential hopefuls are not “RINOS?”


All have issues, incl DeSantis, for whom I had high hopes till you pointed out he’s humping red flags.

Still we must choose the least evil. Voting LoLibertarian may be worse than straight commie-Dem, as ‘Ls’ are ‘tra!t0rs in our own tent. Their globalist tsunammigration agenda transforms, redistributes, wrecks & ends the USA.

“Ls” can’t honestly take the oath to defend against enemies foreign &domestic because they are the latter.

P.S. Downvoted by APG member, the LoLibertarian who came out to say “ABOLISH THE USA!” ?

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r

I’ve never voted for a Libertarian.

There are problems in the Republican party that can be fixed, but too many people worship heroes and don’t focus on policy. It’s unlikely to be fixed and Republicans will get ust to the same place as Democrats – it will just be a longer journey.


I’ve never voted for a Libertarian.” Never thought you did. I can tell you’re smarter than that.

Ansel Hazen

NO. No compromise. Every true Patriot needs to walk away from these compromised party’s and not look back.

Ansel Hazen

Marjorie Greene. Lauren Boebert. Gov DeSantis. Kristi Noem.

And I know, the list is far too short.


I trust MGT & Boebert.

I trusted & donated to DeSantis, very enthusiastic until I learned he’s pushing Red Flag. Now I’m less enthusiastic & won’t donate again until he backs off it. Other than that, he’s terrific.

I was very enthusiastic about Kristi Noem until she vetoed a good tranny sports bill. Now I’m less enthusiastic. However, she was by far the best Gov for pouring ice water on covid hyteria, which earns her a pass.

If it’s a choice in the general election between Kamaltoe & DeSantis-Noem, I’ll go with DeSantis-Noem. The Republican primary is another story.


Won’t happen till Christians rediscover the sermons of our 1st Revolution e.g. Mayhew’s great 1750 sermon against the “trea$0nous” doctrine of Unlimited Submission to Authority.

Too many Christians are brainwashed by preachers to OBEY all gvt, rulers, laws, decrees & orders, however tyrannical & unconscionable. We must educate ignorant subversive preachers or dump them & find loyal ones.

Too many Rs unquestioningly back the SupCt’s unconstitutional creation of its role as The Arbiter of Constitutionality, perverting the oath to mean “OBEY all courts.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r

Ignorant Christians like Schart believe they can copy-paste scripture with no context.

Ansel Hazen

Not any more. Most church organizations are now compromised and “open and affirming”. Just another sector the left has corrupted.


Schart is compromised. Pushes a subversive, zero-context, Unlimited Submission misrepresentation of Romans 13 which was soundly discredited by American Revolutionary preachers. John Adams said Mayhew’s 1750 sermon was read by “everyone” in the colonies. Had Americans held Schart’s ignoranus view of Romans 13 we’d be British subjects today.

You can download that & other important Revolutionary sermons here:

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r

Stop being a tool. So you don’t belong to a church, that doesn’t mean you don’t need context.

Henry Bowman

I won’t take the jab and I ain’t giving up squat…
But remember, Mr. Jack-Booted Thug…I shoot back, I have a particular skill set, and I fight to win. Your move.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Since the “poison jab” is a major point of this post, I have to put this here… Let’s all look at this from reason, logic and common sense. First…IF THE GERM THEORY WERE TRUE…NO ONE WOULD BE ALIVE TO BELIEVE IT. Here is what is happening. You are the “terrain” . You have a creator given immune system that is designed to clean out toxins. If you get too many toxins or your immune system is compromised by lack of vitamins, stress, too much exposure to damaging free radicals and you come in contact with a toxin, you could DIE… Read more »

Most long winded pathetic attempt at justifying anti-vaxxing yet. Grow up.


Fuck you. My body my choice. You fucking assholes can’t have it both ways.

Elisa Delaurenti

Thank You, Bubba. I couldn’t have said it better myself.


BTW. Medicare paid $40/vaccine dose.


Another way to collect DNA, and there for be able to trace us.


In your case, swab your face.


How about “No vaccine, no free money From The Government” instead??


How about no “free” gvt money & leave us the F alone, vaccine or not?


I agree with this proposal.

Leave people alone and there will be no problems.


Do you have any idea just how many disabled veterans are getting a “reimbursement” check each month from Uncle Slam?


Yes, I do. What does that have to do it?? Whatever veterans get is not “free money” – THEY EARNED IT. And we owe them a whole lot more.


You were in Nam? That must be where you got syphilis and because of it lost your ability to say anything of value except ‘You’re a liar’. Tough job trying to hump whores, huh?

Last edited 3 years ago by Oldman

More behind the Curtain Maneuvers by Democrat Tyrants.
Repealing Section 230 could undermine the Second Amendment | Washington Examiner


Patriot Solutions – 8/23/21:

“If You Have Been Vaxed You Are Now Owned And Have No HUMAN RIGHTS
Supreme Court 2013 – Pathology vs Myriad Genetics
Read it and weep suckers!!!”

Response to Patriot Solutions:

Holy shit! Really?

Can you please provide more information on that, or is this one of those Q things for which no explanation is required?

Also, maybe Evan Nappen can finish his thought: Listen as I explain their plot…”


All will be revealed! DEVOLUTION! tRUST The Plan!


It’s all so clear. You see, The military executed Tom Hanks because he molested children and took chemicals from their bodies to make supper drugs (that he was going to use with Lady Gaga); Trump hired the worst people and called them the best people so he could ship them off to a new base in built at Guatanamo where he killed them and then replaced them with actors (who continued to do the same bad things that the people Trump killed did – brilliant!); Trump will return to office on 8/13/21 8/31/21 (wait a minute – he never left);… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by JSNMGC

Any thoughts on this?

Probably banging the kids & the dog, so Trump had them executed with some untraceable thing. Why the kids too? See the old testament.


Q predicted this, you see . . .


Q is always right…somehow.


(helps when his followers are always vague and evasive)


Should be: “super drugs”

Mystic Wolf

Read un agenda 2021 and un agenda 2030 it is all in those two documents including how they plan to cut the planets population by over 80%in the next ten yesrs.

Henry Bowman

I’ll spare everyone the time it takes to watch this. Short take is: Viruses do not survive in an acidic environment, so minimize as much as possible your intake of SUGARS and salts.

And said advice is repeated ad infinitum by ALL health experts for reasons that ought to be obvious already.

Henry Bowman

No, you dumbschart, I was reiterating what the fellow in the video said. I’m not a legit doctor, nor am I a pseudoscientist like YOU.

For the record, I was trying to save readers here a few minutes of their lives for more productive activities… the opposite of what you do with your BS rants and attacks on people who did nothing to you.

You’re the rectal cancer of the Ammoland comment section!

Henry Bowman

So that’s your standard answer to everyone about everything, is to call them a liar?? That’s why you’re the rectal cancer of the Ammoland comment section.

Henry Bowman

You are the rectal cancer of the Ammoland comment section.

Henry Bowman

Sooooooo original. Sooooooo brave. How about you blow it out your… [Good Bad Ugly stylized coyote sound]


Half an hour? No way to double speed? No thanks.


Particularly as accompanying text appears to cover the story.
1) They are still pushing “no fly – no buy”
2) They want to put all unvaccinated individuals onto “no fly” list.
3) Put 1 & 2 together
Easier to understand than to type


Of course they record who gets the shot.

If you threw an open party and offered two free drinks to everyone, who you try to track who’s had a drink? These shots are VERY expensive. Believe it or not, some wouldn’t sign up twice – whether from stupidity, forgetfulness, or wanting I get each type of shot twice – thinking it will better protect them.

We are paying for everybody and I don’t want to pay extra. Only reason we are making shots “free” is to attempt to achieve herd immunity.

Mystic Wolf

You do not achieve herd immunity from a vaccine, you get herd immunity from going through the disease and surviving, back 8n the 60s i had chicken pox in the worst way after that I had no problems I have been around people with that disease and nothing, I had this particular virus and guess what nothing. If a large enough portion of a given population goes through a virus and pulls through they have a lifetime immunity to that disease, that’s is herd immunity. This so called vaccine is nothing more than gene modification therapy and DNA modification therapy,.… Read more »

AZ Lefty

Wow the paranoia of the Far, far Right is amazing.


I know, right? Adding 1 + 1 and getting 2 is super paranoid, Comrade!

Mystic Wolf

The far left is even worse yet as they want to throw all unvaxed people into camps, fema camps that is.


Wow, the duplicity of the Communists is amazing.

Dry gulched

The vacuous nature of the socialist liberal mind is breathtaking. How they even feed themselves is a wonder.

Henry Bowman

The stupidity of far-left, low-info useful idiots is even more amazing!