South Carolina: Open Carry & Free CWP Bill to Go Into Effect

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South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster’s open-carry bill goes into effect August 15th. IMG Jim Grant

U.S.A. -( On August 15th, House Bill 3094 goes into effect, 90 days after Governor Henry McMaster signed it into law on May 17th. It allows citizens who hold a Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP) to carry a handgun in the manner they choose, whether openly or concealed. In addition, it also eliminates the $50 application fee for a CWP. This improves access to the right-to-carry for all law-abiding citizens, regardless of economic means, and ensures that South Carolina is no longer like California and New York in not allowing open carry.

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OOH RAH South Carolina! Welcome BACK to Freedom and Liberty!


Do civilians get a permission slip to carry in Abbott’s patchwork-quilt of “gun free” zones, TEX?

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r