AmmoLand Announces Latest Winner in 5,000 Rounds of 9mm Giveaway

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AmmoLand Announces Winner of 5,000 Rounds of CCI Blazer 9mm
AmmoLand Announces Winner of 5,000 Rounds of CCI Blazer 9mm

U.S.A.-( Attention AmmoLand News readers, the winner of the 5,000 rounds of CCI Blazer 9mm ammo is Boyd from Pennsylvania! Have a look at all that ammo in his hands!

AmmoLand will have more giveaways coming up soon, stay tuned for updates!

Congratulations Boyd, you deserve it for being a loyal reader of our daily emails.

With ammo priced what it is today, Boyd has essentially just won boxes of gold! If anyone knows Boyd, I am sure they will be calling him to see if he will share his spoils. We congratulate Boyd, and thank him for being a loyal reader of AmmoLand News!
You can read the history of 9mm here, and stay tuned to AmmoLand News for more giveaways coming soon!

History of 9mm Luger, The Most Prolific Centerfire Pistol Round ~VIDEO

AmmoLand Giveaway - 5,000 Rounds of CCI Blazer 9mm Ammo
AmmoLand Giveaway – 5,000 Rounds of CCI Blazer 9mm Ammo

Previous AmmoLand Giveaway Winners, you could be next!

What’s that you say? You never win anything or maybe 5000 is not enough ammo and you need more, then check out our 9mm Deal Tracker page found here!

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Let’s Go Boyd!

Happy Everafter

Does anyone win who isn’t old? 🙂 😉
What ARE they teaching the youngsters??? Oh, yeah, nevermindsillyme…

Congrats Boyd!!

F Riehl, Editor in Chief

Boyd, thank you for all the support and for sharing every post all over social media. We appreciate you having our back.

Unlicensed Bozo

Gee, and all one brand too!


Congratulations Boyd!!!! I am glad for you!