U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- Gun collectors, beware. Certain Members of Congress believe if an individual buys too many guns, too much ammunition, or too many accessories, that person is a potentially dangerous criminal or a “domestic terrorist.”
They also want banks to tell on anyone who might be buying too much.
U.S. Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and U.S. Reps. Madeleine Dean (D-Pa.), and Jennifer Wexton, (D-Va.) introduced The Gun Violence Prevention Through Financial Intelligence Act, H.R. 5764, in the U.S. House of Representatives and in the U.S. Senate as S. 3117. The legislation is troublesome because the politicians authoring it pitch it as a means to detect and prevent those who might be planning to commit an atrocity or terror attack. The bill is fraught with civil liberty violations and not just those freedoms protected by the Second Amendment. Privacy rights – specifically those related to finances – would go by the wayside.
The bill would require the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCen) to give guidance to banks so they can report “suspicious financial activity.” According to Sen. Markey, this undefined suspicious financial activity could be a warning sign an individual is planning a horrific crime or terror event.
“We cannot allow banks and financial institutions to turn a blind eye as shooters bank a pile of guns and ammunition in a lead up to an attack,” Sen. Markey said in a press statement. “The Gun Violence Prevention Through Financial Intelligence Act will give us the guidance on how these institutions can help pinpoint and prevent gun violence across the country.”
Government Snooping
The proposed legislation doesn’t define what level of financial activity is suspicious or how many firearms and accessories are “too many” or how much ammunition is “too much.” Instead, it leaves that to be determined by Treasury Department officials. In other words, these Members of Congress would delegate the work defining what would allow the government to peer inside banking records. Those Treasury Department bureaucrats would provide “guidance” to banks to report that “suspicious” activity. Media report gun seizures of several guns as “arsenals,” making anyone owning more than two or three guns seem suspect.
Like all Americans, those in the firearm industry are concerned about terrorism. Licensed retailers cooperate with law enforcement all the time and report suspicious activity. However, this bill is similar to the federal government snooping around libraries and bookstores to see what books people are reading and what websites are visited. It is a deeply troubling intrusion into the civil liberties of gun owners and the exercise of their Second Amendment rights that should trouble all Americans.
This legislation should be recognized for what it is – another attempt by lawmakers to circumvent civil rights and co-opting financial institutions to advance an anti-gun agenda. The Obama administration illegally coerced banks to unlawfully discriminate against the firearm industry through Operation Chokepoint. That was the effort by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to pressure financial institutions to stop lending and providing banking services to firearm-related businesses by labelling those business “high risk” despite having no evidence or justification. Now, Congressional gun control advocates would order banks to spy on their customers for them.
Tried Before, Trying Again
Rep. Wexton and Rep. Dean introduced similar legislation in the last Congress. Their bill was H.R. 5132, the Gun Violence Prevention Through Financial Intelligence Act, that Rep. Wexton explained to voters in a town hall would explore “whether credit card transactions could be used as a warning tool for mass shootings,” according to The Prince Williams Times. That was an idea that Shannon Watts endorsed. She, of course, is the head of antigun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action. Watts authored an op-ed in Business Insider pressuring credit card companies to deny purchases for firearm parts, to stem the sale of what she termed “ghost guns.”
It was also an idea that failed presidential and Senate candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke wanted to pursue after he learned about it from The New York Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin, who wrote about it in 2018 and 2017.
The bill is also coming on the heels of the Biden administration being forced to step back from a proposal to monitor financial transactions on every American above $600 on every American bank account. NSSF warned that this was a bad omen for an administration bent on enforcing their radical gun control plan, even if it means sacrificing privacy rights.
Rep. Wexton’s bill moved nowhere in the last Congress. NSSF is working to make sure it doesn’t go anywhere in this one.
About The National Shooting Sports Foundation
NSSF is the trade association for the firearm industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of thousands of manufacturers, distributors, firearm retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations, and publishers nationwide. For more information, visit nssf.org
WHY aren’t WE, The People moving to prosecute these felons in federal court for violations of federal law? Just TALKING and CONSPIRING to do what they are doing is a violation of federal code.
This comment has nothing to do with gun sales, but as long as we are talking about banking and government … the Series I (pronounced like eye) Savings Bond interest rate has been set at 7.12 percent! Compare that to your local bank’s savings account rate.
Savings bonds are easy to buy and easy to cash in. It is most profitable to keep them for five yeas.
The bill is fraught with civil liberty violations… -from the article
Maybe these congress critters should be required to go to a remedial US Constitution class before they write bills that violate our civil rights. After all, if a race car driver in this country can be forced to go to a sensitivity class because he said a certain word that offends a rather small group of people, then I think congress critters should be forced to go to a remedial class to learn how offensive their bills are.
they want to know when people hit the tipping point and they need to get out or hide,they have been working on getting rid of patriots in military and police, all they want is thugs
Okay criminals gang members and those committing crimes do not by guns legally. I doubt that they show there concealed carry license or for that matter there driver license or wait 7 days to pick up their purchase. Most folks do know what the word Stazi supported. Today the modern version is the NSA . Democrats or now the socialist democratic party gain more power with each passing day. American need to wake up if we do not we will soon be just like the folks in the United Kingdom overrun with refugees who were given the right to vote… Read more »
Unlawful search and seizure, isn’t there an amendment for that? Going through someone’s bank records is bad. Having the bank report to the government about someone’s spending habits or particular items paid for is absolutely as evil as it sounds. The gestapo and the stazi would be proud of the common American demoncrap. That kind of thing IS legal in some places, for example; Russia, China, North Korea and North Vietnam, Venezuela etc. Common links for all of these nations is they are communist, they are repressive, their subjects have little to no civil rights and no one is allowed… Read more »