U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR) is pleased to announce the initial production and shipment of Ruger-made, Marlin lever-action rifles. Just over a year after acquiring the assets associated with the Marlin brand, Ruger is shipping the first Marlin model, the 1895 SBL chambered in .45-70 Govt.
“We are excited to officially flip the switch and let our customers know that Marlin is back,” said Ruger President and CEO, Chris Killoy. “Since the move of over 100 truckloads of equipment and inventory back in November 2020, our engineering team took the 1895 through a complete design and production review focused on achieving the highest quality, accuracy, and performance standards. The end result is a quality rifle, produced using modern manufacturing methods, that consumers will be sure to enjoy and proud to own.”
This first model is just the beginning of the reintroduction of the Marlin brand and illustrates the improved manufacturing processes that deliver reliable, attractive firearms. These processes will result in the introduction of additional Marlin models, calibers and variations over the coming years.
“Being a long-time Marlin fan, I knew that we needed to take our time and make sure that our reintroduction was nothing short of perfect,” continued Killoy. “From the quality of the firearm, to clear ways for consumers to differentiate Ruger-made Marlins, we focused on getting every detail right.”
Ruger-made, Marlin 1895 SBL rifles are marked with “Mayodan, NC,” bear an “RM” or Ruger-Made serial number prefix, have the Marlin Horse and Rider logo laser engraved on their grip, and also feature a red and white “bullseye” on the buttstock.
Additional models are scheduled for release throughout the coming year; specifically, other variations of the Model 1895, as well as the reintroduction of the Model 336 and Model 1894. Due to the anticipated strong demand and the limited quantity of Ruger-made Marlin lever-action rifles, Ruger encourages retailers to contact their distributors for availability and advises consumers not to leave deposits with retailers that do not have confirmed shipments.
About Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc.
Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. is one of the nation’s leading manufacturers of rugged, reliable firearms for the commercial sporting market. As a full-line manufacturer of American-made firearms, Ruger offers consumers almost 700 variations of more than 40 product lines. For 70 years, Ruger has been a model of corporate and community responsibility. Our motto, “Arms Makers for Responsible Citizens®,” echoes our commitment to these principles as we work hard to deliver quality and innovative firearms.
I think that Ruger has a better corporate gun manufacturing attitude than Remington did. Ruger rescuing Marlin from the Remington bankruptcy has to be a good thing from a quality standpoint.
I hope some of those other firearms designs that Remington bought up and shelved (so that Remington’s poor designs would not have to compete with good designs e.g. ParaOrdinance) will be produced again.
What are the new additions mentioned under the rifle pic?
Good to see the new rifle. Looking forward to more in the coming year, especially if one is the 39A Golden!
Sorry to see that Ruger decided to keep the worthless, useless, P.C. lawyer safety. The price is way overboard with or without the stupid safety.
If you have to ask, you cannot afford it. A philosophy I follow…
If they won’t present the price, I assume it is priceless. ($$$$$)