U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)-– When people are disarmed, they are at the mercy of those who have disarmed them. History is full of instances where mercy was in short supply.
The desperate fight, which became a massacre at Wounded Knee, on December 29, 1890, was one of the better recorded of such events. From Britannica.com:
Forsyth was clear in his terms: the Miniconjou must surrender all their weapons. Big Foot was hesitant, but he surrendered a few guns as a token of peace. Forsyth was not satisfied and ordered a complete search of the people and their camp, where his men discovered a host of hidden weapons. The increasingly intrusive search angered some of the Miniconjou. A man named Sits Straight began to dance the Ghost Dance and attempted to rouse the other members of the band, claiming that bullets would not touch them if they donned their sacred ghost shirts. The soldiers grew tense as Sits Straight’s dance reached a frenzy. When a deaf Miniconjou named Black Coyote refused to give up his gun, the weapon accidentally went off, and the fraught situation turned violent as the 7th Cavalry opened fire. Because many of the Miniconjou had already given up their weapons, they were left defenseless.
In the end, between 150 and 300 Lakota Sioux, of which the Miniconjou were a part, were killed.
Nicolo Machiavelli gives advice to those who desire to obtain and keep power. From The Discourses:
“For it is enough to ask a man to give up his arms, without telling him that you intend killing him with them; after you have the arms in hand, then you can do your will with them.” The Discourses end of chapter XLIV
For those who tell Americans to trust the United States government to protect them, if only they will give up their guns, consider the words of the British poet, Rudyard Kipling, in Gods of the Copybook Headings:
When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”
In China, 300,000 disarmed soldiers and civilians were killed by the Japanese army in Nanjing (Nanking).
These events are not limited to the recent past. In India, Muslim invaders routinely captured tens of thousands of soldiers, disarmed them, and killed them. From hinduwebsite.com:
Akbar ordered a general massacre of 30,000 Rajputs after he captured Chithor in 1568. The Bahamani Sultans had an annual agenda of killing a minimum of 10,0000 Hindus every year. The history of medieval India is full of such instances.
Those who disarm others seldom do it for the good, of the others, although the excuse is frequently used in democracies. In the 1920s the British government took steps to disarm its own people. The excuse was crime (crime was at historical lows). The real reason was a fear of revolution. It has been well documented by Joyce Lee Malcolm and Colin Greenwood.
The founders were aware of the history of disarmed peoples. It is one of the main reasons the Second Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights.
About Dean Weingarten:
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.
The reason many Americans own weapons is that they have a very long memory of the terrible things that happened in history to people without weapons, whereas fools soon forget
and this is why full auto IS necessary ,you dont even have to go back 50 years to the last government atrocity, no one was jailed for waco, janet reno should have been hung use tanks against citizens , anything like this happens those in charge directly to jail agency dissolved all employees blacklisted cant work for government or companies with government contracts you want a agency to self police tell everyone if anyone at the agency violates bill of rights they are out of a job no pension no ss contribution , there would be more internal cleansing power… Read more »
Yep. Same for Ruby Ridge Bill Barr, AG under Bush 1. Got his pet sniper Horiuchi off to murder again, at Waco.
Also, the military was involved at both Ruby Ridge and Waco.
A violation of pussy comitatus
Oh I see, some prissy sensitive ears are offended. Ms. Priss thinks the murdering federales of Waco were courageous real men
the truth is seldom popular, dirty laundry , closets and all
They got around it (legally, not morally) with “loopholes.”
One that allows the military to get involved if there is evidence of a drug operation. The government fabricated evidence in both cases (there were no drug operations).
The other “loophole,” is the military can provide equipment, consumables, training, and “advice.” Also, the military has civilian employees they can send in for technical roles – electronic surveillance/jamming.
I wonder how many military lawyers weighed-in on those decisions.
Demonized with “child sex abuse” too. Janet Reno got a natl standing ovulation. Better to have a child burned alive than “abused”!
Most “R” authority-fellaters made excuses. Often-pro-liberty ex-prosecutor Dave Kopel decreed they would’ve been convicted of kiddie sex crime: Easy since the dead can’t defend themselves. Why F with trials? Save time & $. Let DAs or cops sentence the “accused”. It’s the reality anyway with the destruction of jury power & fair trial since the late 1800s. Trials are for show.
If local, rural, Texas law enforcement had not called-in the BATFE to investigate possible violations of unconstitutional firearm laws, the local child services agency could have continued their investigation into allegations of sexual abuse of minors.
However, once the ball got rolling, lies, lies, lies . . .
“If local, rural, TX law enforcement had not called ATF to investigate violations of unconstitutional firearm laws…”
The Enforcers & their sock pups here are sensitive about that. Lighting us up for vote-beatdowns.
“local child services could have continued their investigation into sexual abuse of minors.”
Unnecessary, since Dave Kopel decreed them guilty.
When I wrote about that that before, a former enforcer said I was wrong and he “heard from the horses mouth” that local law enforcement did not call-in the BATFE. I provided the link to the public hearing in which local law enforcement testified that it was them who initiated contact with the BATFE. The person providing testimony was questioned multiple times on this point and he was clear – local law enforcement called-in the BATFE. It’s one reason why meaningful SAPA laws are so important (and why LE is generally against meaningful SAPA laws – a certain percentage of… Read more »
Whatever that certain percentage is, it must be very large, or the vast majority is as silent as it is on other crimes by cops.
Estimates provided so far as to what percentage of local enforcers are “bad:”
The silence (when abuses of power are discussed) is deafening (and indicative).
On July 28, 1932, at the command of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, they marched down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol to launch an attack on World War I veterans. It was the height of the Great Depression.
can have people remind government who they are supposed to work for. and government rewarded the putz , 1934 gun control act was to prevent people from retaliating only loyal people could buy machine guns after that cant have natives or blacks that can stop an army
How was this any different from what other like Hitler, Stalin, Hussain…. ever done to a people wrongfully. I haven’t a clue as to what hell looks like. I only know that it will be full of these kinds of murderous, unfair minded thieves.
You tell ’em I’m coming! And Hell’s coming with me you hear! Hell’s coming with me!
With the insanity of the Chinese virus going on in Australia, I fear they may be the next victims of an unchecked ruling class.
When guns are outlawed, only rogue governments will have guns.
The Australians still have plenty of guns.
Their problem is they are too polite to the police who are arresting them and sending them off to internment camps.
We suffer from the same problem in the U.S. – a large percentage of the people back the Blue, no matter what they do.
Support for law enforcement should be conditional.
Australians are the victims of police.
Aussie ≈ Wussie. The problem wasn’t turning in their guns. It was turning in their balls to the police. The USA isn’t far behind. Look at Ted Cruz. “Assault” on “courageous” capitol police officers = “violent terrorism”. He committed public suicide fellating the enforcer lobby.
What would have happened last year (around August), if 10 Australian police simply disappeared? I wonder if the relative value of the government job of the rest of the police would have decreased.
plenty of land to put them in and thousands of years before found ,or a chipper works fast never find anything. and not all from one place two or three here and there . they grab someone put them in a camp one or two of them disappear for every action opposite reaction
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to… Read more »
I think perhaps your focus may be a bit off. The Aussie gestapo are simply tools in the hands of the real problem. The focus should be on the puppet master politicians ‘disappearing’.
Everyone who passes them, and everyone who enforces them, should disappear.
Masterminds behind the action may be the root of the evil and deserving of whatever justice you can mete out – but if you waited to act the enforcers are the immediate threat and the more accessible target.
Yep. What will the authority-fellaters do when the police get a bogus “red flag” tip & come for the “arsenal” or take the kiddies for “abuse” (spanking, not vaccinating, not using their special pronouns, not letting them take birth control, getting upset if they were raped in school by trannies, not letting them have a sex-change, “just” saying no, etc)?
“Sir yes SIR! I understand, Mr. Officer, Sir. You’re just doing your job. Just Following Orders. Thanks for your service!”
Downvoted by Authority-Fellaters!
No, my focus is spot on. There are people in Australia (just like in the U.S.) who did more than vote and donate to organizations who lobby on their behalf. Those people met each other in person, made plans to influence the political outcome through activism, and executed the plans. They did everything they could, and it didn’t work. Then, armed government employees did the bidding of those tyrants in power. When armed government employees (whether they are the Red Guard, the NKVD, Allgemeine Schutzstaffel, Gestapo, Social Security Ministry, State Security Department, Angkar, or Australian Police) begin confiscating firearms or hauling people… Read more »
Looks like you may have focus may have thought your focus was spot on, but you didn’t account for the extreme windage, so to speak. The “armed government employees”, i.e. the soldiers, paramilitary groups, secret police, police, and the many many permutations of such groups, rarely are acting alone without the direct input from their superiors, aka politicians leading the totalitarian efforts. Sure it may happen, but that is indeed the exception to the rule. Next time I’d suggest check for range and windage and you might be spot on.
Oh, I’ve checked. Of course they are not “acting alone” – they are following orders. It’s what those kinds of people do.
I suggest you consider that if the NKVD had started disappearing, there would be less NKVD interested in murdering people or hauling them off to gulags. It would have been in the NKVD’s best interest to have a discussion with their bosses.
Next time, I suggest you not appologize for thugs and murderers and not haul out the tired “just following orders” excuse.
See, it must be an extreme windage problem. I searched high and low and do not see myself or anyone hauling out the “just following orders” excuse. Go ahead, hit ctrl F enter “just following orders” and you too can be spot on.
The NKVD had apologists in the tenements too. As Solzhenitsyn pointed out, the people would have been better off if they had bashed in the brains of the NKVD as they entered their residences. You continue to argue against that point of view. You wrote: “I think perhaps your focus may be a bit off. The Aussie gestapo are simply tools in the hands of the real problem. The focus should be on the puppet master politicians ‘disappearing’.” The NKVD (and others like them) should be more afraid of the people than they are of the consequences of not following… Read more »
that is why we have guns and if need be chippers
So you think cops should get a pass on accountability for enforcing unconstitutional, unconscionable laws and order. Thanks for coming out with that.
Can you imagine some Soviet citizen in the Fall of 1936 telling his fellow tenement comrades: “the NKVD are just following orders, let them eat their Ponchiki, collect their pay, and haul off our neighbors – the real problem is Stalin, let’s go get him!”
I guess this is as good a place as any to reply to the ‘straw man twins’. Not only do I not see anywhere that I asserted any of the government employees were to be excused from “just following orders”, I also fail to see where I stated “cops should get a pass”. (Let’s also remember this is about many other categories of armed government employees too, e.g. soldiers as well as the multitude of agency LEOs) Sorry that I can’t fall for the straw man assertions, but what I did state is that the ‘focus’ should be on the… Read more »
You believe the “focus” should be on the politicians.
What do you think should have been done in 1936 when groups of NKVD agents came to apartment buildings and hauled off individuals to be murdered or kept in gulags?
the protectors of the people should have taken down the politicians, but instead served them no pass if you enforce criminal edicts and laws YOU ARE A CRIMINAL
Exactly. The NKVD was more terrified of the politicians than the people. If they were more terrified of the people, they may have chosen to have a discussion with the politicians. The Australian police should have protected the people from the politicians (by doing absolutely nothing). When they didn’t (and started hauling people off to internment camps), the people should have taken Solzhenitsyn’s advice. There are posters here who back the Blue, no matter what they do (including hauling-off their neighbors to internment camps). If it wasn’t for police, mask mandates would have no effect. They would merely be the… Read more »
If the government employees acted independently, a rarity, or at the behest of their superiors, most often the case, they should be held culpable. But you are failing to get at the root or focal point of the problem that typically occurs and that is those who are directing the government employees, aka politicians or those in positions of power. Both groups are, or will be, accountable for their actions as individuals and hopefully collectively too.
No one is “failing to get at the root or focal point of the prroblem [sic] that typically occurs and that is those who are directing government employees, aka politicians or those in power.”
We all know the goons are “just following orders.”
We don’t accept that excuse. When armed government employees attempt to follow orders and haul off their neighbors, people should follow Solzhenitsyn’s advice.
you are failing to understand what the framers of the constitution did. the police will do whatever criminal act that is postulated and have, it is up to the few good people to stop them and their bosses if police in general were good they would oppose anything that would harm others, and they would stand in harms way not run and hide, a stand down order would be met with a polite no sir peoples lives are at risk and their livelihoods
Nice projection, Agt Straw. JFOs is descriptive, not an alleged quote. “cops should get a pass” translates your POV that only higher ups should be accountable, impossible when millions of enforcers are “doing their job”. Try some windage. Who do you think you’re kidding? You’re not that simple.
Twins? Your coy deflection is akin to WB’s. Straw socks?
“I know you’re just doing your job, Following Orders. Thx for your service! But could you leave me free with a few guns so I can go after the pols who wrote the law you heroes have to enforce?” ~OlTrailDog solution
Oh no! The Agents gave me an ol’ fashioned beat-down, like Morpheus in the Matrix. So sad!
Is it honest to make something up and put it in quotes as though I said it?
It’s a paraphrase, genius, and an interpretation of your prescription.
They have all of a sudden come up with five votes that they use to cheat on the actual vote. They are doing what they accuse others of. Typical, unethical, self loathing, haters.
“They have all of a sudden come up with five votes that they use to cheat on the actual vote.”
Lie – you should look around at what others have been writing for quite some time.
“They are doing what they accuse others of.”
“Typical, unethical, self loathing, haters.”
I’m wondering if the three amigas, or is it five now?, are the Ammoland version of Ray Epps, NWScaffoldCommander, and BlackSkiMask, and BeCivilGuy of the 1/6 incitement? Great article in Revolver News about this. I earlier posted a link in the ATF/NSSF story but apparently it was eliminated by the moderator (most of the post remains). I’ll try again and perhaps I’m at fault for violating a copyright or site policy?
Excellent projection, Agent! Of course, you know the truth: Folks are onto you and your sock pup beatdowns.
Don’t mind them. They just make things up.
You’re on to us. The abuses of the Red Guard, the NKVD, Allgemeine Schutzstaffel, Gestapo, Social Security Ministry, State Security Department, Angkar, and the Australian Police are all made up.
There are some places where it doesn’t make one bit of difference if the people knocking on the door are wearing medals signifying they are heroes of the Soviet Union, or whether they are wearing U.S. federal costumes, local county costumes, or if they are sportin’ U.S. Army collar brass.
The only thing that matters is if they are hauling off their neighbors who did nothing wrong.
“And they called it,
puppet love!”
Just caught this….Wonderful assessment of the SMTwins. Unfortunately, being polite and yet still stating your case does not work with these two. That is why you gave them their new moniker. The more you speak truth, the more they will lie. It is not important to them to have a debate, what is important is that they smack you down and make total fools of themselves in the process. Carry on.
More name-calling from Oldman who says name-calling is bad.
What lies have been told, Oldman?
Do you think the Australian police deserve the respect of the people after they followed orders to arrest people over the virus and take them to internment camps?
How about the NKVD? Would you have respected them as they hauled-off your neighbors?
Unfortunately I do reach a point when I arrive at the conclusion that to respond is pointless and ignore the goings on. I do very much value a forum where we can express our different viewpoints and I than Ammoland for providing this space. Oldman, my other nickname for the SM Twins is “Suicide by Cop” twins. There are times I wonder where their heads are at and in all honesty it truly worries me a bit for their sake. Just not a good situation for law abiding citizens who should want to present our best side to the 2A… Read more »
And many have noticed that they are toxic persons unworthy of a response.
Make your own point, Wild Bill. Are people who disagree with you “toxic?” You are the one who writes about a civil war and how you’re going to participate in ambushes and take heavy weapons away from . . . someone. There is a point at which compliance is not a good idea and being a “law-abiding citizen” is just foolish. There were health orders that had the weight of law (violations were subject to criminal prosecution) that most people in my area simply ignored. If there is a law that requires people who test positive for COVID-19 to be… Read more »
Unintentionally or on purpose, you have it wrong again. I discourage civil war, while you two try to manipulate others into it.
Ambush is just one basic tactic that every 11B officer learns, along with patrolling, attacking a fixed position, hasty defense, overwatch, break contact, check point operations, retrograde operations, and MOUNT.
I don’t try to manipulate people. I don’t want a civil war. You’re lying again (like you did with “ah”). I work to prevent legislation that would lead to more oppression (which is one of the underlying reasons for civil war). Another way to mitigate the probability of civil war is for enforcers to refuse to enforce the most egregious, unconscionable laws. No one needs a rundown of the 11B training. You really are infatuated with yourself. You have written several times about fighting “our enemies,” conducting ambushes, and taking their heavy weapons. The context was political and within the… Read more »
“If we ever need those items, we will take them from our enemies.” ~ Wild Bill
“Yes, dead enemies. I prefer the traditional convoy ambush, myself.” ~ Wild Bill
Yes, when and if necessary. While you end up in a FEMA camp getting reprogramed.
“Yes, when and if necessary. While you end up in a FEMA camp getting reprogramed.”
You accuse me of doing something (that I don’t do).
You do those things.
You deny doing those things.
When confronted with the evidence of you doing those things, you explain them by saying I won’t do those things.
Oh, what a web you weave.
So Wild Bill et socks advocate killing cops who enforce unconstitutional laws, yet give votedowns ( 🙁 ) to folks who observe that cops should be accountable for Just Following Orders etc. Noted.
Well, I know how, and the consequences. You just hate, insult, and drive away good conversations, from which Ammolanders might learn something.
“Well, I know how, and the consequences. You just hate, insult, and drive away good conversations, from which Ammolanders might learn something.” Are you trying to represent Ammolanders again? Were you elected or did someone appoint you to a “command” position? There may be some who are interested to know just how far enforcers would go to keep their government job. We have seen how far many U.S. enforcers will go to enforce mask mandates and existing gun control laws. We have seen how far many Australian enforcers would go to enforce quarantines (even arresting people and putting them into… Read more »
If you think that there are persons interested then let him talk and let them ask the questions. Or are you unable to do that?
“If you think that there are persons interested then let him talk and let them ask the questions. Or are you unable to do that?”
I do nothing to prevent people from talking – that’s something you just fabricated.
No one is prevented from asking questions.
Why do you keep making these unfounded accusations?
You do not even know what half of those things are much less how to lead them.
“You do not even know what half of those things are much less how to lead them.”
They are irrelevant to the conversation and are just another example of you patting yourself on the back again (in an odd an awkward way).
Just more insults. I’m out of here.
“Just more insults. I’m out of here.”
You insult and then feign outrage when you receive comments back that you find offensive.
We will become just like Australia, Venezuela, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, the Kim family’s N. Korea, Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Soviet Union, and Mao’s China if we have enough people that that are willing to board the railcars while thanking the people who order them to get on.
The Three Amigos are pretty obvious. All passive-aggressive deflection, all the time.
Notice they haven’t criticized the former LEOs (at least two) who have talked about the need for people (they avoid saying the profession) to bring body bags if “they” are coming for their guns. They also don’t say anything about the many people who have made declarations of “shall not comply.” What does “shall not comply” mean other than people ceasing to be “law-abiding citizens?” It’s only when people point to actual abuses and point out that it is armed government employees who are committing the abuses that they come into the thread, make vague accusations and then refuse to… Read more »
Las 3 Amigas make hypocritical accusations & veiled threats e.g. “suicide by cop” while coyly promoting assassination of pols – as if that’s not suicidal. Double stds. Provocateurs on perma-duty? Their crap’s consistent with my impression: Provocateurs work entrapment plots against pols, not LEOs.
I like your nonviolent approach of shunning & shaming those who enforce unconstitutional, unconscionable laws & orders. Add firing, & defunding the depts they work for. The USA has far too many police & too many Ted Cruzes fellating their lobbies.
There are times I wonder where their heads are at and in all honesty it truly worries me a bit for our country’s sake. Just not a good situation for Constitution-abiding citizens who should want to present our best side to the totalitarians in this country.
Until the blue shows they are on our side and not their pay masters I won’t support them
The right, the order, the mandate to be armed comes from the LORD HIMSELF and is further written into law as our constitution. The 2A was written into law to explain government’s only LEGAL recourse in dealing with the public’s Right to keep and bear arms; Shall not be infringed. Please take some time to actually read the declaration of independence for yourselves. The colonies had been under British rule and tyranny for decades and had humbly complained about these injustices only to be answered by more of the same and worse. Government has a habit of tightening it’s grip… Read more »
it is not just having the guns it is the willingness to use when needed, and it is the tyranny of a majority Venezuela is a recent example , the democrats want to fill the streets with poor illegals and chase out the middle class. they are doing their best to destroy it now riots burn down businesses small mom and pops seldom have insurance and rebuild withe a government loan? more strangulation
Yes Sir, just like at Lexington and Concord, the crime that will start the next war for freedom and rights will be gun control/ammo control. Sooner or later some communist minded legislator, judge, lawyer, enforcer or financier will attempt to disarm someone who is not going to go quietly into the night, someone who is prepared and willing to stand his/her ground and enforce treason and tyranny’s final penalty. May be me, may be you but it will happen. When it does, post the address on social media. Everyone in that zip code should go there to help. Arm up… Read more »
A corollary fear of the Framers was a standing army, which local & federal police have effectively become in addition to the official standing army, which is bad enough. The move to the professional police dept model was a huge mistake. We need to move towards sheriff’s posses, armed organized neighborhood watch, sanctioned mutual defense militias, etc. Fewer professional cops supporting armed organized indemnified civilians.
we need to go back to citizen soldiers , everyone of sound mind and body gets trained conscientious objectors get medical training. Mormons served as medical aids in ww1 take power back from government lackeys
and I did say everyone men and women
Yep. Repeal the war powers act, require declaration of war per Constitution, abolish the standing professional army. Limited number of lifers, the rest drafted. The draft would make perma-wars and “nationbuilding” a lot less popular.
Interesting– I upvoted this comment. When I clicked enter — the DOWN VOTE increased!
It is a matter of the page updating and others clicking in the mean time.
According to our Founders of America, it IS the RESPONSIBILITY of EVERY State to TRAIN Each and Every Citizen within their State! The State “powers that be” have RENEGGED on this and THOUSANDS of other Constitutional Directives!! Trust the government as far as you can toss an Elephant! Forever VIGILENT and Testing to make sure the “rules or laws” meet WITH Our American Constitution — AS IT WAS WRITTEN — NOT as the DemoKKKrats are REINTERPRETING OUR AMERICAN WORDS. Always be ready for the “government” to attack. Whether the attack is PHYSICAL or as the DemoKKKrat communist party is doing… Read more »
Unfortunately, I think perhaps that ship has sailed in an era of high tech and highly specialized skills. Unless, you are referring to a volunteer army and we already have that. The idea that a system where our forefathers picked up a musket and went to the front lines isn’t really practical in an era when the warfare consists of highly advanced equipment, digital warfare, and perhaps an immediate need to defend an incoming attack. Personally, I have no qualms about a mandatory term of service in a variety of avenues. Get them F’n pajama boy Chads and barista Karens… Read more »
Excellent article and something we should all keep in mind.
I want to know how many here have ever had their weapon(s) taken by the government?
I am one.
I have because of a change in laws
Not yet.
They’d better bring a Semi truck.
And a lot of friends.
Oh yeah and a bunch of body bags.
You mean your former colleagues at the LAPD?
” … ordered a complete search of the people and their camp, where his men discovered … hidden weapons.”
We know what they are gonna do and what does not work.
As to the Japanese invasion of China–we should have stayed out of that one
WHY hasn’t the FREE WORLD countries come together….. and dropped a couple dozen nukes on China’s big cities (starting with Wuhan) for their bio-weapon. How many MILLIONS of people will have to die a suffocating death because of the ChiComs??
Simple, follow the money.
Because China didn’t work alone. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Caree Vander Linden April 26, 2018 (301) 619-2285 Fort Detrick, MD [email protected] Study of Bat Natural Immunity to Marburg Virus May Shed Light on Human Disease Scientists examining the genome of Egyptian fruit bats, a natural reservoir for the deadly Marburg virus, have identified several immune-related genes that suggest bats deal with viral infections in a substantially different way than primates. Their research, published online today in the journal CELL, demonstrates that bats may be able to host viruses that are pathogenic in humans by tolerating—rather than overcoming—the infection. Bats are… Read more »
Funny how they put it in your face. Look at the 2020 state quarters. One has the fruit bat on it. Any idea how long it takes to make these in advance from drawing, to making the first strike ?
And, what of our government agents that funded the development of the virus????
Including, apparently, DARPA
You know what is missing?
By June 2020
China only claims 85,000 deaths.
18 months later they are at only 103,000 deaths.
Either they are lying or they vaccinated everyone before the rest of the world knew about the virus.
Either way they need to go.
“…ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars…all these things must come to pass….” The “tribes” were no different than any of the other “tribes” that have occupied this world throughout history. That is, they shall war against each other. The warring aboriginal tribes and the conquering Europeans are just another chapter in the same old book and not some fairy tale of an admirable “way of life”. Unfortunately, this will continue and each of us must decide our part in life. Make no mistake, the Chinese CCP, Russian oligarchs, or the American leftists will slaughter us without a… Read more »
I keep hoping the covid shots do the work for us
You might get your wish. The following is a private email from a friend of mine in the AMC. I have redacted it to keep that person anonymous: “…One thing public health have suppressed are autopsies. A recent study of autopsies of people who died soon after receiving the mRNA drugs show 14 of 15 of the deaths were due to mRNA drugs; https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/bhakdiburkhardt-pathology-results I was recently asked to research blood donations and the status relative to the pandemic (Scamdemic). There is currently no waiting period to donate blood after using mRNA drugs. However, if you have a Covid-positive test you… Read more »
Those were amateurs.
The most prolific murderers of their fellow countrymen are government employees (and their directed agents):
Make the lies big.
Make the lies obvious.
Be outraged if the lies are not believed.
Lie: The numerous and vast organizations (that are lavishly funded) that are supposed to ensure people do not live in the U.S. illegally, do a good job. That’s all they do, so they must do a good job.
Fact: There are tens of millions of people living in the U.S. illegally.
Dementia Joe imports 2.2 million per year, after other presidents imported 1-1.8 million per year for decades. They represent foreign countries’ citizens over American citizens.
I agree. It has definitely accelerated significantly, but it’s nothing new.
It was also not that complicated to fix. Very few politicians (over many decades) have been interested in doing what was necessary to put the brakes on.
why do you think they hated trump , he started to do what is right
Half of our politicians have dual citizenship.
You are either an American or you are not. There should be no exceptions. No hyphen.
Dual allegiance should be banned. The Framers are spinning.
Immigration was 100k-200k/year for 40 years from Coolidge through Eisenhower, culminating in the USA’s greatest quality of life in the 1950s-early’60s. Destroyed by the 1965 Immigration Act, Nixon opening China, progressive border subversion, deluge immigration laws, amnesties & 1-way “free trade” deals.
LoLibertarians downvoting/clownvoting = “Over the target.”
I totally agree
JSNMGC, Reading this I am reminded of the Jan. 6/21 Democrat Lies to Incarcerate the Protestors at the Capitol for ……trespassing !
“insurrection” was the key phrase. However, NO ONE has been prosecuted for insurrection. As you have stated; Trespassing has been used. Even though Government Agents REMOVED fencing where “later” arrivals did not know of the fences. Antifa/anarchists were there breaking and entering. How about the video where BATS were being handed OUT of a window of the Capital Building! THAT video has been REMOVED from the internet.
well, when i was a kid, I knew a black boy who lived with his grandmother most of the year, I asked once why he stayed with her not his parents, and he told me they worked picking fruit and did not stay in one place for him to go to school , today his mother would have kids and get government money. discourage hard work bring in illegals to keep pay low. corral people in jobless cites no pride no hope then tell them if they do what you say things will get better my child hood friend did… Read more »
that sounds like all the covid bs make the lies outrageous and shout down real science and change definitions if they dont meet your needs
in 2010 miami herald report there were 110,000 illegals in miami dade on ssi disability the editor was changed after story ran no more news
Stalin the reason that 762 54 r has killed more people than any other he ha millions killed762 tarkov pistol too , any government that has power IS BAD ours wants control time for a rework
Vasily was efficient with .25 ACP in German Walthers.
Murders by gangs and other non-government employees are insignificant compared to those committed by government employees. This is an area where government employees really shine.
Vasily was just following orders and doing his job:
There is no law so unjust, so heinous, so totalitarian that the majority of LEOs won’t enforce it.
Quite the conundrum. By your logic, and the excellent links provided, LEO also equals soldiers. Unfortunately, us soldiers have been both the guarantors of liberty and the tools of slaughter. Sobering thoughts.
The military in those countries enforced laws and in other ways carried out the domestic directives of political leadership.
the police became militarized, look around it is happening here
I agree and the U.S. military is sometimes involved in domestic law enforcement.
The military also sometimes participates in political theatrics:
“We’re going to “put a ring of steel around this city, and the Nazis aren’t getting in.” ~ General Miley
goes back to what I said full auto makes them rethink, we need to get 1986 law overturned as infringement you have a ma-duce protecting your house it is YOUR castle
how about the Oklahoma court win half of the state belongs to the tribes, how many treaties has the government made and then ignored or ran over with the excuse of “overseeing” Indian affairs black hills anyone?
Indian “treaties” & genocidal massacres by “whites” are another shameful part of US history, like slavery. But not surprising in context. The myth of the humane, noble, politically correct, eco-sensitive savage is easily exposed. Horrific torture was a given. So there was great hatred on both sides.
Extra sad is the treatment of tribes that were Christianized or Christianizing, ranching & farming as “whites” claimed they wanted them to do. Then greedy racist “whites” who wanted their land would take it in genocidal pogroms &/or new “treaties”.
Just finished another great book on the conquest: Empire of The Summer Moon.
Looks like at least 8 low-IQ racist ignoranuses here played too much Cowboys & Indians growing up.
truth is never popular science is shouted down in favor of money go get your gene therapy shot useless crap
No clot injection for me!
Most everyone they ever forced the natives to sign, or poison or slaughter
Forsyth was promoted after the Massacre at Wounded Knee. His orders probably didn’t specifically include the murdering of elderly women and small children, but he apparently followed the orders he was given. More collar brass and more medals. I wonder how much he received in pension payments.
Do you know who used to be the Co-CEO of the Carlyle Group (the firm that had a policy of not investing in icky firearm companies)?
will go nicely an his headstone
Some folks were excited that a Republican was going to be Governor. They were not interested in having a rational discussion of Youngkin’s past (when I posted about it before the election) or that it was fairly clear Youngkin was about as pro 2nd Amendment as Romney and McCain (people they probably not only voted for, but cheered for).
It’s like Lucy holding the football.
truth is a tough sell , the new ag is not so conservative either
they are working at burning it down now
thirty pieces of silver @JSNMGC
“thirty pieces of silver”
Still going on today – mask mandates are only possible because local law enforcement are following orders because they are terrified at the thought of having to work in the private sector.
You hit the nail on the head
funny sooooo many down votes for truth, we have a lot of leos here with their heads in the sand, go watch serpico it is a true story then look around at things you have seen and not reported , I got out because people I reported NOTHING HAPPENED TO THEM , did not want to be shot up more than I am
They should do a better job of policing themselves (in many ways).
This has just been sent to me by a friend. Cannot at this time verify it’s integrity, however it is very interesting. Let it begin here in my State.
It seems now to be a ruse……there is, at this time, no proof it is from a reliable source….thank you for reading… if you did
Nope! It is not a ruse! Washington has a proposed amendment to state law that will allow the board of health to send WA. State families that violate the vax mandates to be confined to, basically, internment camps. it is: WAC 246-100-40. That sounds pretty much like a Stalinist environment to me.
From the article: “The Washington State Board of Health may soon amend state law to authorize the involuntary detainment of residents …” So how does the state board of health amend state law?
Just about anything lawful or unlawful can be changed by a CCP style government. They will do anything Hitler Inslee wants. He will just do a few ‘special things’ for those that follow his orders.
Hmmm … I see.
“Washington’s Democrat Governor Jay Inslee is currently hiring a “strike team” to run the quarantine facilities. “Isolation & quarantine strike team consultants” will earn $3,294 to $4,286 monthly for their services, according to a description posted in September at governementjobs.com, confirming the state’s plans for Covid encampment in Centralia.” https://republicbroadcasting.org/news/washington-state-proposes-involuntary-covid-detention/ I predict there will be no shortage of armed government employees from other organizations applying for the jobs. They would gladly guard the camps for a pathetic 50 grand a year. Throw in a pension and they will do whatever. Many existing armed government employees will not hesitate to follow… Read more »
Sounds like deprivation of civil rights under color of authority. It also sounds like Wa. state government is gearing up.
Gearing up to go down, I’d say. I did say, “let it start here in WA.”
I am so glad to be in Texas.