Elections Will Determine The Long-Term Fate Of The Second Amendment

Take Action Time to Act
Take Action Time to Act

U.S.A.-(AmmoLand.com)- Second Amendment supporters are correctly focused on the upcoming mid-term elections, during which a lot of gubernatorial races, state legislature seats, not to mention the entire United States House of Representatives, and 35 seats in the United States Senate (to include the seat vacated by James Inhofe, a longtime Second Amendment champion). But there will be other races to focus on which will have long-term effects on the Second Amendment.

Those will be your local school boards. Just look at the coverage of what has actually been taught and how much resistance is going on against letting parents know what is going on. You can bet that among the indoctrination is a healthy dose of anti-Second Amendment extremism.

The good news is that it is much easier to run – and win – many local school board elections than it is for a number of other offices. The monetary expenses are relatively low and dedicated grassroots work can have an outsized effect in that election.

The stakes, of course, are the future of the Second Amendment. The fact of the matter is that Second Amendment supporters must always be looking to pass it on to future generations. Helping to prepare the next generation of pro-Second Amendment activists is one aspect of responsibly exercising our Second Amendment rights that we need to take seriously.

That said, it may not be enough to just win school board elections. In essence, it will also take a lot of involvement with your local schools, including looking over the course materials and textbooks. This is not just going to be fixed by winning one election – many of the teachers, administrators, and bureaucrats could be willing to defy the law.

Think about this: Schools get an average of about seven hours a day with children. That is a lot of time for left-wing teachers to indoctrinate students. In addition, there have been cases where parents are being actively deceived about their children in certain situations as a matter of policy.

Second Amendment supporters will have to be prepared to wage a lengthy and difficult fight in order to ensure our public schools are not bastions of anti-Second Amendment indoctrination. Part of that will be ensuring that if their children express a desire to go into education, they are encouraged to do so.

This is not to say that state and federal elections won’t also matter. If anything, they will be crucial as well, since federal and state money always comes with strings attached. But the defeat of anti-Second Amendment extremists via the ballot box in future decades may well come down to winning the battles over your local schools.

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post, Strategypage.com, and other national websites.Harold Hutchison

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“Elections Will Determine The Long-Term Fate Of The Second Amendment” NO, NO, NO, a 1000 times NO!!!! Harry, ya’ just don’t get it. Individual Patriot’s willingness to “pledge all” to maintain a free, citizen armed America is all that did and will ensure a practicing of right to self and tyrannical defense in America. The longer Patriots allow the restriction of rights, freedoms, and liberties, the more drastic is the recovery solution. Pays me now or pays me bunches more down the road….or just give up and live in slavery. All talk and no walk has pushed the price up… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by StLPro2A

“Elections Will Determine The Long-Term Fate Of The Second Amendment”
Based on my observations for many years I do not think politics will provide an answer. They (the political system) are the ones who have piled debt on the country to the point that economic melt-down is the only financial solution. It is the same for the 2nd Amendment – a meltdown.



Most of the responses here are about what won’t work or the “civil war scenario” (excluding the hotheads with their petty “I know who you are” crap.) Where solutions start is at home with the parents when children are young. That’s the time before the teachers get hold of them and they still look up to their parents. They should learn about God, that they are loved, being good to their fellow man, treating EVERYONE as an equal and the parents should impart some measure of responsibility, common sense and individuality. In my house they also learned about guns just… Read more »


These issues will not be solved at the school board level or at the ballot box as we have gone beyond the point of no return . These issues will all be solved when the civil war ends and the corruption has been purged from our government .


No, little Harold, the long term fate of the second amendment will be determined by patriots using it for that purpose. Soon.


Really? Elections are important? Tell the chatroom commando stalker trolls who live here 24-7. Really? Schools are important? Your “solution” is more of the failed approach of the last 60yrs: “Run for school board.” Think parents never tried that? Fighting to tread water against inflation, “housing” costs & $7 gasoline, few can afford the time, energy & abuse to run for school board to try to fix a fatally flawed gvt-owned/union-run system. If it could be fixed that way now it would’ve been fixed decades ago when life was less of a rat race. The solution is school choice, vouchers,… Read more »