Citizen Disarmament Cheerleaders Blame Guns for Sacramento Shootings

How does this happen in Giffords “A”-rated/”may issue” California? (Sacramento Police Department/Facebook)

U.S.A. – -( “There’s just too many damn guns,” community activist Stevante Clark told The Sacramento Bee Sunday in response to a “mass casualty shooting” near the State Capitol site that has, at this writing, has resulted in six dead and twelve wounded.

Clark’s feelings are no doubt colored by the deaths of two brothers from years earlier,  one killed by police in 2018, and the other, a 16-year-old who shot himself in the abdomen with a shotgun in 2006. Those have taken their toll on him. That said, a subjective analysis of decisions and choices leading up to both shows that blaming guns will not provide solutions.

So naturally, that’s what California’s political leadership is doing.

“The scourge of gun violence continues to be a crisis in our country, and we must resolve to bring an end to this carnage,” Governor Gavin Newsom asserted. “Rising gun violence is the scourge of our city, state, and nation, and I support all actions to reduce it,” Mayor Darrell Steinberg echoed.

It’s no coincidence that both career politicians used “scourge.” A word search shows they are parroting established violence monopoly lobby talking points. Get the sound bite out there, repeat it enough times, and that’s what most people are going to remember.

Keeping attention focused on a narrative means it won’t be focused elsewhere, such as the fact that Sacramento is a Bloomberg Mayors city, and Giffords gives California an “A” rating:

“California has the strongest gun laws in the United States and has been a trailblazer for gun safety for the past 30 years.”

The message here: the laws are still not enough. Every state will have to follow suit. And they still won’t be enough. That’s because, simply put, “gun control” doesn’t work.

As criminologists Don B. Kates and Gary Mauser showed in the Spring 2007 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy:

“In 2004, the US National Academy of Sciences … failed to identify any gun control that reduced violent crime, suicides or gun accidents.” This was “from a review of 153 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, and some original empirical research. The same conclusion was reached in 2003 by the US Centers for Disease Control….”

That hasn’t changed despite thousands of new “gun laws” that have been added to all levels of government since those findings were published. What we are, in fact, seeing, is an increase in urban violence.

Consider what just happened in Sacramento. Apparently, there was an “altercation” between people after 2:00 a.m. on the street where at least some of the victims had been nightclubbing. Words turned into a brawl that turned into murder.

Now consider how many people who pulled guns were in compliance with California’s “A-rated” laws on “may issue” concealed carry.


Any doubts when they catch the perp(s) we’ll also see criminal records?

Meanwhile, throughout the Republic, tens of millions of peaceable gun owners managed to make it through the night without any altercations whatsoever. And they are the ones who will be affected by any new edicts resulting from aberrant, entitled, and evil behavior.

A warning from John Adams in his speech to the Massachusetts Militia is appropriate here:

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Sorry, Mr. Clark, but the truth is, there are just too many damn people who are wholly inadequate to the responsible practice of citizenship. And those are the ones who vote for creatures like Newsom and Steinberg and…

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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If someone is willing to commit murder, 23,000 laws and counting won’t stop them. All those laws do is inconvenience citizens and turn them into defenseless victims if they flow them.


Murderers don’t obey laws? SHOCKING!


actually they obey a law the law of the jungle


bet there would have been less dead with one person with a permit there


The average number of people killed in mass shootings when stopped by police is 14.29

The average number of people killed in a mass shooting when stopped by a civilian is 2.33


Interesting! Do you have a source and methodology for that?

The average number of people saved until someone with a permit shows up or cops finally decide to shoot the guy, or he kills himself?


Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

if you google it the number depending on source is 14.29 to high of 14.8 not including shooter if dead, on the other side the number is less clear 1.3 to 2.33 they dont say shooter is not included in count … and some of the pages do come from brady and every town ,neither of them mentions good guy stops bad big surprise

Last edited 2 years ago by swmft

Nice. Thanks


Obviously not a well-researched, peer-reviewed “study”. the average number of people killed in a mass shooting when stopped by civilians is 2.2. I based it on 10 shootings I found listed on some timeline somewhere. I honestly don’t even remember where. I presented the case studies in a blog post on the Silver Circle blog and I did the math myself.The graphic was met with great enthusiasm and much skepticism. Leave it to Facebook users to demand an audit on a meme. So, I started over, only much more meticulous this time. I compiled and analyzed 100 shootings, noting my methodology, and… Read more »


and one being the shooter of the 2.33, much better outcome

Last edited 2 years ago by swmft
Matt in Oklahoma

The common theme isn’t guns in these events


Guns are not violent , PEOPLE ARE . But leave it to Democrats to never let a tragedy go to waiste though . They love to use the acts of criminals to villanize a piece of metal that on it’s own can’t harm a single thing . It takes a violent human with criminal intent to turn a harmless piece of metal or plastic into a deadly tool . But don’t tell gun grabbers that tidbit of knowledge as it does not fit thier narratives.

uncle dudley

Firearm found at the scene was stolen….that should tell you plenty about the mindset of the people involved.


Too many thugs in a thug culture.


The left struggles not only with math but with spelling. It is not ‘gun’ violence. It is ‘gang’ violence. We have mobs of hoods running free on the streets of progressive America and those feral mobs are without restraint. A disarmed public is at their mercy and cops are neutered in any effort to clean up the mess created by decades of progressive public policy. So, my leftist california friends, learn to live with the handiwork of your political choices. As long as you maintain the false illusion of ‘gun’ violence you will fail in all your efforts to restore… Read more »


Only to add to the above more truth of how the 5th Column/Operation Gladio DS sponsored gang violence e.g. BLM/Anti-Fa/Proud Boys et alia. “Everything the State says is a lie and everything the State has it has stolen.” Nietzsche A state, is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly lieth it also; and this lie creepeth from its mouth: “I, the state, am the people.” It is a lie! Creators were they who created peoples, and hung a faith and a love over them: thus they served life. Destroyers, are they who lay snares for many, and call it… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Tank

When I watched the news report the first thing I said was that they’ll want to enact more gun control laws because the ones on the books are working so well.


It could be a very crude grade of hemp. The result? Same thing

Wild Bill

Yes, a responsible balance budget might require hemp cost cutting.

Wild Bill

Mean while gang members, child rapists, and career criminals from every country across the globe flood into the US. Persecute US citizens, pamper criminal aliens.
Retake the House and Senate. Impeach and convict Joe, Kamala, Roberts, Sotomeyer, Kagan, and Kanaji.


Do they ever discuss the “scourge of gun violence” just south of the border, in Mexico? There, every legal wish of the anti-gunners has been fulfilled,


Sacramento mayor Darrel Steinberg just couldn’t wait to exploit the tragedy and parrot the anti gun narrative.
Despite overwhelming evidence that handguns were used in this incident, he made sure to remind us that “assault weapons“ and “weapons of war” need to be outlawed.

Wild Bill

Excremento … there, I fixed it for you! 😉


Are you forgetting that 9mm Luger falls into their “weapons of war” bucket. Way too many fudds support limiting “weapons of war” without realizing that they are attacking themselves!


The term “Weapons of war” is so broad it’s almost useless. Is there any weapon that hasn’t been used in warfare at some point in human history? The point I meant to make was Mayor Stein Turd said assault rifles in the absence of evidence that rifles were involved in this event.


It is California. I couldn’t care less. Those people created the mess that is their state and not only have they allowed it to continue, but they make it worse year after year. Instead of fixing the problems, they move to other states and the try to turn those states into the rat hole they fled. Let them suffer the consequences, they made their bed, now they can lie in it, and please don’t move here.

Wild Bill

It is not all of the people of CA, just the illegal alien voters, the socialist marxist democrat voters, and the something for nothing voters.


You just described 70% of the population of california.


You say that like there is something wrong with “something for nothing laws.” I think win-win legal changes are just common sense. For example changes to the law, to allow good people to arm themselves. It reduces use of state resources (LEO etc.) to enforce useless gun control, it reduces persecution of good people, it reduces restrictions on personal choices, it increases actual and perceived safety and security, it reduces crime reducing law-enforcement burden – allowing simultaneous “defund the police” AND more police availability to handle remaining crime. See no costs and many benefits, aka something-for-nothing. Common sense gun control… Read more »

Wild Bill

I see that I have been unclear. When I wrote “something for nothing” I meant welfare laws like the eighty-six separate federal welfare programs that support illegal aliens. The federal government takes from the earners and redistributes it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

Gota keep dem gimmedats happy and protect da dindonuffins !


That is true to a degree, it is mostly the citizen population along the coast that is pushing the liberal garbage and the same is true for Oregon and Washington State. There are good people in all 3 states, but either not enough of them to fix it, or, as I believe, they are mask wearing sheep who might give lip service at best but are unwilling to act.


So true, they won’t stay to fix their mess, they move to other states and try to change that state to their way of thinking!!!!! They should leave their mind set behind in Calif before moving to another state!!!!!!!!

Wild Bill

Hey … willyd! How are you doing?!


Yep- same with the Muslim immigrant- want to impose their Sharia on a Christian nation, to make it like the $hit hole they left- been to Flint Michigan lately?


The same could be said about the whole country and Xiden. We made our bed with the marxist ….. California is on the leading edge of corruption and fraudulent voting. Kevin McCarthy is a moronic RINO and shouldn’t be speaker of the house if the red wave happens. Our Democrat politicians are total scum bag griftors… Pilosi, Schiff, Feinstein (m.i.a.), Harris, Maxine Waters (major griftor), Swalwel (Sleeps with Chinese spies), Ted Leiu, and a lot more. I read that Dominion Voting Systems were first used here in Commiefornia. They’ve total f’ed up a once great state. If I could escape I… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Bruce

All 6 will still vote in Nov.

At least twice.


No matter where they are located at the time of voting. lol


“California has the strongest gun laws in the United States and has been a trailblazer for gun safety for the past 30 years.”
evidently not!
they should look up the definition of words before using them because they use them incorrectly very often, mostly to mislead others into agreeing with them.


The video I saw appeared to mostly Hispanics fighting. There were a couple of blacks thrown in for good measure. I didn’t see any white supremacist. But the video was limited. FJB


The names of the suspect, victims, etc, don’t sound Hispanic.


Cain killed Abel with a rock. We need immediate rock control now!


As always…..punish the innocent for the sins of the Useful Idiots for the good of the Libturd agenda. Cliff Notes version of America’s problems today.


Well, bless your lil heart Stevante Clark. You are certainly Sam Elliott “some kind of special stupid.”
“There’s just too many damn guns,”….NOT.
“There’s just too damn many Non-Productive, Non-functional, Scum-bag-bangers, Government Plantation Dweller, Useful Idiots……and special stupids……and politicians.” Possibly I repeat myself. There Clark, fixed it for you.

Old Chief

What all the activists and politicians ignored was the statement the Chief of Police made during her initial briefing was that a handgun recovered at the scene was STOLEN!


I am willing to bet my year’s salary that some of the victims are criminals along with the shooters…any takers? This is just more proof that gun laws only hurt law abiding citizens.

Wild Bill

Don’t be so fast about betting last year’s salary because the IRS wants it … all of it!


I know that there are streets around the capital area that are illegal to carry a firearm even for a person with a concealed carry permit. Not sure the exact area around the capital it entails and don’t care because I would never stop in that area. Quite possible another law was broken if inside that safe (not) zone.


Had it not been stolen firearms, it would have been machetes, a la Rwanda. The culture has not changed significantly.


Can we put race & citizenship into this convo ? Enough guns the problem will solve itself. lol


Ethnically speaking, this “weren’t no crime!


Thank you for the link to the 2007 Kates-Mauser Harvard paper. “We’ve got to do something!” cry is not a reason to do anything. I would love to see more of us take these hurt, misguided persons away from the start of the argument for/against gun control to console them and remind them of their biases.


The drunk is looking for his keys under the streetlight again. He’s kind of a fixture outside of our neighborhood club. He likes to park in the side alleyway where there’s no light. About once a week he fumbles his keys while trying to put them in his pocket. But he never looks for them where he dropped them. There’s no light over there. So one more time, we find him on his hands and knees crawling around under the streetlight. And once again, he complains that it’s someone else’s fault that there’s no light where he chooses to park.… Read more »


One suspect, Smiley Martin, had a machine gun. And he used to be in prison.

But he was paroled.

See here for all the details:

1) “A D.A. issued dire warnings about the Sacramento gun battle suspect. He was released early from prison anyway”

2) “Suspect in Sacramento mass shooting was out of prison despite 10-year term”


Wow! I am shocked to find the first shooter arrested is a black male prohibited person with multiple prior catch and releases.

Young black male repeat offenders, repeatedly released with minimal sentences.

who’d a thunk it?

take my guns…….if it saves just one child’s life………


Any independent critical thinker can see it was another DS False Flag with Crowds on demand Crisis Actors being scripted & used for Masa Conf-USA Chaos by design. Are the Masonic Fraternal Order of the Police proud of they’re code of silence participation & Machiavellian deception/fraud to the people & Constitutional oaths ? I think not. No shame. Do as thou whilst. Commiefornia’s Californication is beyond salvaging & a prima facie example of how you deliberately ruin a state & instal a ponerological thug criminal like Grusome to run the Circus. The narrative shifted from the Plandemic Scamdemic to the… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Tank

false flag? crisis actors? you should see your doc ASAP, too. those meds you’re on….. they aint workin!

Wild Bill

Seems like if they were all actors with scripts, then someone would have talked and some scripts showed up.


I get where you’re coming from. It’s hard to tell these days. Just because you use the term FF does not mean there weren’t actual casualties. It could also mean it had a little help to get where it is. Was the fight instigated ? I have read articles where the FBI were caught red handed doing just this. Why so many are quick to dismiss, is just astounding. Like they have all the facts. Just from a 20 second video. They have no idea what happened before or after. And to take a lying politicians word for Gospel at… Read more »


criminal safety,gang safety illegals ,but they use the term safety which is incorrect, instead of protected from federal government. if leos had any brains they would pack it in and move to states that enforce rules to protect citizens, let comifornia rot

Last edited 2 years ago by swmft

Commiefornia is a Sanguine corporis –
cadaveribus Pugnatur already.

Stick a fork in it & just watching & waiting for the inevitable collapse.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tank

” ‘[The Police] said he had a gun. Then a crowbar. Then a toolbar. Lie to me once, you’ll lie to me again.’ ” -Stevante Clark, 2018

“There’s just too many damn guns.” -Stevante Clark, 2022

Sounds like he thinks the police have too many guns, not civilians. Except his other idiot brother. Who shoots himself in the stomach with a shotgun?


unless it was a 410 from a pistol ,that is hard to pull off




the shortest legal barrel is 18 inches ,so unless it is a bulpup configuration need long arms , like Hillary’s law partner tuff sell .more likely clark shot brother while messing around with gun A representative with the county coroner said De’Markus McKinnie died from what was ruled an accidental shotgun wound to the abdomen., coroner did not say self inflicted so likely was not; family covering up something they dont want to relive, and if he was the idiot he would blame the gun,not himself, neither would he disgrace other dead brother

Last edited 2 years ago by swmft

I suspected something like that. Or a drug killing.


Is it possible (not saying likely) that gun was dropped or fell over and went off upon impact?

Otherwise I cannot wrap my head around how anyone would accidentally shoot themselves with a shotgun. Really cannot imagine choosing abdominal shot for suicide unless he was worrying about how he’d look in an open casket.


The explorer John Hanning Speke died that way. Laid his shotgun against a wall and was climbing over it.


Came close to blowing my foot off when I was an ignorant kid- tried to decock a single shot shotgun when my thumb slipped off the hammer as it was pointed towards the ground about two inches from my foot – lesson learned, if you survive such incidents!

Wild Bill

That is a pun, right? “Came close to …” ” … two inches from my foot”

Well, we are glad that you followed the rule Do not point at anything that you do not intend to destroy or is it Be sure of your target and what is beyond. I get confused!

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

that’s what you have leg and toes for.


Gut shooting myself wouldn’t be my first choice.

Wild Bill

You should try it first before deciding.


What an obnoxious troll you are. Can’t you try to be civil?

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r
Wild Bill

I see you substituted “troll” for the other word, and … well … that is progress.

Still to your original point, you should not be afraid to try new things.


I liked it better. Don’t expect to stalk me and not get a response.

Wild Bill

For those that don’t know, he changed the word “asshole” to “troll” Neither is true, but at least he got more civil. I see that as progress.

Wild Bill



Nope. The word was “A-hole”, which your abusive comment deserved and you are.

Wild Bill

Ah … fooled into making an admission.


Nice try, TEX. You’re the one who keeps getting his sock puppets whack-a-trolled for your foul mouth thuggery.


I happen to KNOW you got booted and now you’ve come back with another account. You’re obviously TEX.

Wild Bill

Who cares? You know what Shakespear wrote, “A rose by any other name etc, etc. “

Wild Bill

Really terrific, every animal is healthy; no storm damage; got the hay meadows and horse pasture fertilized; and it is not time to mow lawn yet.