Iowa: Homemade Space GAT Gun Confiscated from Felon ~ VIDEO

Meskwaki Nation Police Department – Iowa -( Our Iowa Firearms Coalition President, Dave Funk, is known for what he calls “Funkisms” among certain circles.  I can usually keep up when he breaks them off on me or others when I’m present, but every now and then he drops one so fast I have to take a minute to build the images in my mind that support what he’s said.  Everyone else is done laughing by the time I get it.  But, that’s the nature of living and working out in the country and rarely venturing into the city, I guess….

Recently some photos of a homemade firearm, (images below) AKA Ghost Gun, from Meskwaki Nation Police Department near Tama, Iowa, were posted along with some information.  This is just a few miles from my personal farm, and the post got my full attention.  Iowa Firearms Coalition’s team discussed this, and immediately President Dave tossed a Funkism into the conversation:

“Just like capital always seeking the lowest cost of production, evil will always find a way to gain an advantage over good.”  ~ Dave Funk

Unlike a few others I’ve heard from him, this particular Funkism range true, loud, and clear.  I thought to myself, with all this hyperbole and nonsense coming from our Nation’s President about “Ghost Guns” and his militarization of the ATF to pound the law-abiding, what is being lost here?

The answer is simple…  THE TRUTH.  If a bad guy wants to do harm, he’ll do it.

I just finished watching “800 Meters” on Netflix, where the terrorist plots slid sideways when part of the terror cell blew themselves up accidentally.  Did that stop the rest of the cell?  No.  The terrorists rented vans and stole cars and drove over people.

Why, oh why, do we consistently grind all the good guys into the dirt with layer upon layer of useless laws, regulations, ordinances, and rules when only WE follow the laws?

If you’re a felon prohibited from firearm ownership, and you’re this determined to get your hands on a firearm, we can all agree the law is worthless to them.  So why strip you and me from our rights when this is the truth of the matter?  President Biden is doing this to homemade firearms, Ghost Guns, and is the same unAmerican nonsense his ilk have done to things like this for years.  They’re successfully propagandizing them and lying.  That’s right, I said LYING.  There IS NO GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE and there never was.  But a good portion of the public thinks that is a true category because we’ve heard it all so often.  The same moniker applies to the term “Ghost Gun” as if a homemade firearm in the hands of a completely law-abiding American is somehow a bad thing.

These pictures prove the lengths a felon will go to get his hands on something he’s barred from.  Yet you and I are paying the price when the crazies and dangerous political class among us seek to tear our liberties, literally, from our hands…  Resist the nonsense, seek the truth.  Gun control is a myth.  Pray the good guys win out and get engaged with your ethical and moral 2A groups.

JOIN IFC – Join the Fight to Save Your Rights

Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, “Smith and Meth-Son” IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department – Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department - Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department – Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department - Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department – Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department - Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department – Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department - Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department – Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department - Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department – Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department - Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department – Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department - Iowa
Meskwaki Nation Home Made Space Gat Gun, IMG Meskwaki Nation Police Department – Iowa

JOIN IFC – Join the Fight to Save Your Rights

In Liberty,
Michael Ware – IFC Board Member

Iowa Firearms Coalition Mission

The mission of the Iowa Firearms Coalition is to continue as the preeminent organization representing Second Amendment concerns for all firearms owners in the state. We seek to ensure that government at all levels recognizes and protects the fundamental right of all Iowans to keep and bear arms and to defend themselves and their loved ones. We will staunchly defend the rights of hunters and sportsmen and advocate for their interests. We seek to partner with like-minded organizations in order to increase our effectiveness in accomplishing these goals.

Iowa Firearms Coalition

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This things makes me laugh so much that I’d pay $1000.00 for it. I can just me bringing it out at the range, and the Safety Guy’s reaction. “Cease Fire, Clear the Range, Call the Bomb Squad”. I’d get a lifetime ban, but it might be worth it.


If I had a space gun like that put in my face, I do not know if I would laugh cringe, or cry. then try to explain to the person holding it, and tell them are you sure you want to pull that trigger it might kill us both it doesn’t look very safe but I would guess that is the point of it all, long as it works. Some people in this world just want to create carnage no mater what the cost, and truthfully that is costing good people their rights. Gun control sucks. I don’t remember it… Read more »


“Gun Control” has NEVER been about “keeping guns out of the hands of criminals” – it’s always been about CONTROL. Control of the good people who actually have a moral compass and might do something against a corrupt and vile State’s oppression of those good people.

With all of the blatant lawlessness that goes on in our “governments” right in front of our faces, they can pass anything they want – but that won’t make it legitimate.

“Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.” ~ T. Jefferson


A magazine, maybe Ballistic or Recoil or other such, recently ran a really detailed article how to build a double-barreled 12ga shoty……barrel length at your discretion. Many aren’t old enough to recall the “zip” guns young thugy greasers used to make in the 50s……1950s….no, I can’t speak to the 1850s.

Last edited 2 years ago by StLPro2A

Didn’t have the finances for a black powder ? lol


I want to see the police demonstrate this firearm. Also, I guess that a Felon does not have the right to defend himself and his family? BullHockey!!!