Gun Control Fails, Biden Wants More

U.S.A.-( President Joe Biden is confused again. Biden was in Buffalo, New York, exploiting murder by a mentally deranged man before his victims had even been buried. The president took the opportunity to call for a so-called federal “assault weapons” ban and outlaw magazines holding more than ten rounds.

This proposed ban is the same type of ban that Bill Clinton passed when he was in office. It did not make us safer. Even the FBI admits that the previous assault weapons ban didn’t work. So why is Biden calling for laws that do not work?

New York has the SAFE Act, and under that law, so-called “assault weapons” are already banned, along with standard capacity magazines. Those laws didn’t stop a madman from killing ten people.

New York gun laws did make sure those victims didn’t have the tools to fight back. How many lives would have been saved if someone in the store had the means to defend themselves?

The killer was also involuntarily committed to a mental hospital for an evaluation but was released only after a day and a half. This time in a mental ward didn’t trigger New York’s “red flag” gun confiscation law because extreme risk protection orders do not work. All they do is violate the gun owner’s Constitutional rights.

The killer was also able to pass a background check. That law didn’t stop him from getting a gun. Background checks are highly ineffective and only serve to inconvenience law-abiding citizens when they choose to practice their God-given right to bear arms.

Background checks didn’t work. Assault weapon bans didn’t work, and “red flag” gun confiscation laws didn’t work. Law-abiding citizens obey laws; murders do not.

What we saw happen in Buffalo wasn’t due to a lack of gun laws. It was gun laws making the entire state of New York a soft target for someone seeking to do evil.

Riding Shotgun With Charlie

Riding Shotgun With Charlie isn’t about firearms. It is about having an intimate conversation with 2 people talking. You’re the fly on the rearview mirror. Many passengers are involved in the firearm community, but not all of them.

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When I’m commenting on the gun situation in the US, I cannot help but be repetitious: When will gun control advocates call for REAL GUN CONTROL? Specifically, hard mandatory punishment for criminal misuse of firearms? Prison and fines for irresponsible gun handling? And stiff sentencing for negligent storage of firearms in presence of irresponsible persons, especially obstreperous juveniles? From the Dem pols and gun control crowd? Never! You only get from them the same-old same-old.Restrictions or prohibition on guns, gun magazines, bullets and assorted strict regulations on how one may exercise the Second Amendment. They never divert from this pattern… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Wass

Boys and Girls the federal government shut down the training center FLETC till future notice due to Covid as the republican primary is under way. There are only 6 case in the hospital which covers 3 counties in that part of Georgia. This is the prelude to the 2022 midterms a snapshot of what is to come. The media is about to start another panic as they claim covid 19 is on the rise Please tell them it 2022 now. Does anyone find it suspicious that any crediabile information about election fraud is fact checked against the possibility that it… Read more »


After seeing 2,000 Mules. And learning of these nonprofits active roll in the elections. Should anyone really be calling him President ? This Govt was not elected. I have doubts any Govt was elected in the last 100 years.But the last 20+ is real shady. lol


biden should be committed with this nut job

Happy Everafter

Marxist Democrats – pushing the rope with gay abandon for years….


Biden can get bent, along with any low IQ “law enforcement” that attempts to enforce this crap!!!