U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- The Supreme Court of the United States handed down a decision written by Judge Clarence Thomas which ruled in a 6-3 vote that New Yorkers do have the right to carry a gun in public without showing “proper cause.”
“We conclude that respondents have failed to meet their burden to identify an American tradition justifying New York’s proper cause requirement.”
The New York gun permitting process has put New Yorkers in a vulnerable position by making their 2nd Amendment right subject to the whims of Judges and Sheriff Departments. New York’s two-tier pistol permitting process includes a ‘restricted’ license for concealed carry, to be used only when going to or from target practice or hunting; and a ‘non-restricted’ license for public places. Permitting offices in New York have been known to refuse New York Citizens their right to carry a gun in public for no reason other than the failure to prove ‘proper cause.’ Those who are issued their God-given right through the power of the Democrat legislature (which are hardly any in NYC), must jump through a series of hoops, spend an unreasonable amount of money and wait a full (1) year probation period. The 2nd Amendment does not say, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, as long as the New York legislature agrees.”
Finally, the long-awaited decision by the Supreme Court in a case called New York State Rifle and Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen, gave New York State the good old fashion legislative spanking it deserved when it determined that the show of ‘proper cause’ to exercise a God-given right is in fact a violation of the Constitution.
Non-elected “Governor” Kathy Hochul was infuriated that she can no longer control the rights of New Yorkers. Upon learning of the Supreme Court decision, Hochul said in a tweet:
“It is outrageous that at a moment of national reckoning on gun violence, the Supreme Court has recklessly struck down a New York law that limits those who can carry concealed weapons.”
She also said in response to this ruling,
“We are closely reviewing our options, including calling a special session of the legislature. Just as we swiftly passed nation-leading gun reform legislation, I will continue to do everything in my power to keep New Yorkers safe from gun violence.”
Apparently, the appointed “Governor” only wants to disarm her Constituents, because if she really wanted to protect New Yorkers from violence, she wouldn’t let out nearly 200 prisoners from Rikers Island. If Hochul is to benefit from creating a victim/predator society in New York State, she sure seems committed to achieving it.
In a video referring to the decision, Kathy Hochul revealed her disdain toward the rights of the people when she tried making a plea to her victim-minded supporters. She said, “shocking, absolutely shocking that they have taken away our right to have reasonable restrictions.”
Sorry Kathy, you don’t have a “right” to violate others’ rights. Hochul then went on a desperate rant to try and compare gun restrictions to not being able to yell fire in a crowded theater. When the gun grabbers resort to this type of behavior, everyone knows they have lost the argument. In this case, it would seem our Founding Fathers came back to give Hochul the kick in the pants she deserves.
Hochul went on to say, “but somehow there’s no restrictions on the 2nd Amendment.”
Correct Kathy. There certainly shouldn’t be any restrictions to the 2nd Amendment. Whether you like it or not, real Americans will continue to defeat you and your mission to make New Yorkers unarmed and helpless. We will continue to knock down your unconstitutional laws. God gives us the right to defend our lives. You Democrats do not have the authority to override that. As much as you would like to be, you are not God.
In typical left-wing, emotionally reactive fashion, New York City Mayor Eric Adams couldn’t hold back his frustration with the new ruling. He took desperate measures by pleading with people in a press conference to refrain from purchasing firearms following this new court decision. Adams said in a press conference that they will “start to define sensitive locations when carrying a gun is banned.” Adams couldn’t resist using the typical anti-gun rhetoric when he said, “We cannot allow New York to become the wild, wild west.” In a last-ditch effort to instill fear in the hearts of those who don’t know any better Adams said, “having a gun presence in your home is heightening the risk of your family.” Ironically, none of the media representatives reminded him that the new ruling doesn’t do away with background checks. Is Adams admitting that he has no faith in the failed background check system? Maybe Mayor Adams hates the idea that good people will finally be able to defend themselves against the violent predators he lets walk the streets of the once admired New York City.
About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE
Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, NRATV, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Anyone with any sense knew this is exactly where such a ruling would lead. The NY state legislature will now work on a two-pronged attack: (1) setting up a “Shall issue” permit system with requirements that still block most people from qualifying. They can easily set the age requirement higher than just the usual 21, require a probationary period of holding a premises permit before being eligible for a carry permit, require excessive levels of training (which won’t be available), require liability insurance, etc., etc. (2) they will declare as many places as possible to be “sensitive places” — certainly… Read more »
“struck down a New York law that limits those who can carry concealed weapons.”
– to only those with money, power, and political connections.
Fixed it for you, tyrant.
Why is it never “a moment of national reckoning on gun violence” every weekend in Chicago?
The Communist Biden Regime’s DOJ will not lift a finger against NY and any other entity that fails to adhere with the ruling. America today is ruled by a Communist regime with total disregard for the law. And as long as Americans accept this, America as we knew her will cease to exist.
Hochul said:
“the Supreme Court of the United States of America has stripped away the state of New York’s right and responsibility to protect its citizens with a decision”
That is totally and 100% incorrect. NY still has the right to protect its citizens. As for the responsibility to protect, apparently that’s up to NY to do or not to do — but they certainly weren’t doing it before this ruling.
Of course NY state will defy the SCOTUS decision and the Constitution,they are Marxist’s,there is a way to force them into compliance with the US Constitution but it won’t be pleasant or painless. Other than that they are going to do what ever they can to negate the law of the land,it’s what Marxist’s do. The N Y state governor said “Shocking,just shocking,that they have taken away our right to have reasonable restrictions on firearms in place”. I’d like for her to quote me chapter and verse, just where that language is in the Bill Of Rights,as in all the… Read more »