Assault Weapons Ban of 2022 Passes The House

AR15-Black White iStock-534364755
Assault Weapons Ban of 2022 Passes The House IMG iStock-534364755

WASHINGTON, D.C. -( After a long day in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022 (H.R. 1808) passed mainly on a party-line vote by a count of 217 for to 214 against the bill.

The Democrats modified the House rules to allow for a vote on the “assault weapons” ban before leaving for their break. The Republicans strongly objected to the change of rules, but the Democrats brushed off their concerns. President Joe Biden has pushed for the ban since taking office.

The ban would see most semi-automatic rifles banned from import, sale, or transfer.

This includes many of the most common firearms in circulation in the country, including AR15 and AK47 pattern firearms. One of the most concerning parts of the anti-gun House bill would ban guns that have a fully automatic version. Since Glock makes the automatic Glock 18, the Glock 19, the most popular handgun in the world, could be banned by the new proposed “assault weapons” ban.

The number of firearms banned by the anti-gun bill is staggering. Millions of guns will be banned from the American public. Even though those firearms that are currently in circulation will be grandfathered from the law, those firearms will not be allowed to be transferred or sold, cutting off the pipeline of modern sporting rifles. The law would put many companies out of business if it were to go into effect, costing thousands of jobs during a recession and record-setting inflation.

Republicans claim that the bill is unconstitutional, citing the Heller decision that said the Second Amendment protects firearms that are in common use. The AR15 is owned by millions of Americans and is the most popular rifle in the country. Republicans challenged Jerry Nadler (D-NY) on this point. Nadler admitted that these firearms are in common use and that banning guns that are in common use is the point of the bill.

Democrats appealed to emotion during the debate over the “assault weapons” bill. Sheila Jackson-Lee brought out props with pictures of mass murder victims when speaking on the floor. Multiple Democrats accused Republicans of being in the “gun lobby” pockets while ignoring their ties to Bloomberg-funded groups such as Everytown, Giffords, and Brady. Republicans accused Democrats of ignoring facts by pointing to the government’s own study that showed that the Clinton-era assault weapons ban did not lower crime.

The bill will also ban standard compacity magazines that hold more than ten rounds. Democrats labeled these magazines as “large compacity” and repeatedly stated that “no one needs more than ten rounds to hunt a deer.”

Some Democrats also claimed that the Second Amendment only applies to the National Guard. The Supreme Court has thoroughly rejected that argument in the Bruen, Heller, and McDonald decisions. Republicans over and over brought up the fact the Democrats were ignoring the ruling of SCOTUS.

The bill is headed to the Senate, where it will face an uphill battle. Republicans can filibuster the bill, and Democrats will need to convince ten Republicans to cross the aisle. There is no time frame for the bill to be taken up by the Senate.

About John Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, or at

John Crump

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217 votes of self incriminating insurrection against the Constitution of the US by those swore to uphold it.


Do we really know what they swear to uphold ? I doubt it.

Alan in NH

FJB and the donkeys he rode in on.


A donkeypox on their house.


it is appropriate that a jackass is the symbol of their party ,stupid and stubborn….


I wish that I could post the reply I received from Sen. Shaheen in reference to my request to vote against this bill. Such stupidity.


Yeah I posted a regurgitated reply from Sen Pat Toomey & of course it needed approval by the free speech mods on Ammoland. lol


I’m fortunate my Representative, Lauren Boebert was very much opposed to any Gun Control Legislation. But my State’s two Senators, Bennett and Lickshispooper (Hickenlooper) replied with typical Democrat Boiler Plate of “I support the 2nd Amendment, but… …therfore I support this legislation.”


I almost want it to pass. Molan Labe, I dare you.


You are the dumbest SOB that posts here.


From the thumbs up aspect that would be you.


To quote Thomas Paine:

“I prefer peace, but if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so my children may know peace.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Chuck

Then we will be sure to see you on the front!


The Democrats ‘New’ definition of ‘Assault Weapons’ is;
ALL Semi-Automatic Rifles, Pistols, and Shotguns.
ALL of them.
This is a ‘Feel Good’ Bill, 
absolutely no reduction in gun violence will happen. 
But, as the Democrats promised;
‘We are coming for your guns’.
Good Luck with That.


Don’t think for one moment that this bill will die in the Senate. It was not long ago that senate Republicans joined with Democrats to pass another gun control bill. This Bill and the other that passed recently makes the bump stock ban look like high school drama. We now have a president who will have no issue signing this bill should it pass in the Senate. We were warned!

Ced Truz

Anyone resting on the “this won’t pass the senate” trope is a fool. There were already 2 republicans that voted for this. We need to make sure they know what we will do if this becomes law BEFORE it becomes law.


Ope – ah but that means there are STILL two chances.

Remember that there are squishy ‘republican’ senators who can be ‘convinced’ to vote for it. Since several of them are retiring they have nothing to lose in deserting their oaths and their constituents.


2 or 3 RINO’s? More like 14 RINO’s that could very well pass this Tyranny. The same 14 who signed off on the recent and equally Unconstitutional “Safer Communities (Criminals) Act.”


Now, now. We chastise them for attempting to use Minority Report type logic and thinking.


“You keep pushing for peace and I’ll cover you in case it don’t work out!”


I agree 100%. Believing this will die in the Senate is a very Foolish response/belief to take to this threat of Tyranny. Those thinking there’s No Danger this will pass, need reminded it was just a few weeks ago that 14 Senate RINO’s helped pass the equally Unconstitutional Safer Communities (Criminals) Act. There’s nothing to prevent the infamous 14 from stabbing us in the back again.


You could well be right, but I doubt it passes. Dumbest thing Dems could do right now.

But Manchin’s deal to double the IRS very likely will pass, so Biden’s IRS can hire woke commies to persecute conservative & 2A groups, companies & donors, far worse than ever before.


Hope it’s not too late to primary those bitches.

For the record, this is why 80% is such gold. I’d grab some lower blanks and stash them away while you can.


nice thing about OWNING a cnc and having software…..prove when it was made!


We’ve less than a month before that ATF Law/Rule Change goes into affect.


Remember in November!


If the elected or chosen are committing high crimes why wait until the next election? How many US citizens have been persecuted in between elections?


i watched all the hearings. These people are lowest common denominator idiots. They are not my rulers, they are my employees.

They violated their oaths, they committed treason against the constitution and the American people.

They should be lined up and shot for treason.


Heads on pikes lining the DC Reflecting Pool would a sight to behold……guess that would not preclude a good shooting prior……

Find truth and humor in the meme of our nationally beloved simpleton Forrest Gump, “In 1775, the British demand we surrender our firearms. We shot them.”

Last edited 2 years ago by StLPro2A

The Democrats had some odd views about firearms and firearm ownership. They don’t seem to realize that most bolt action rifles suitable for hunting large game are chambered for cartridges “more powerful” than the most common chamberings for AR15s. I wonder where they get their information. “I spent a career carrying typically either a M16, and later a M4 carbine, and a M4 carbine fires a .223 caliber round, which is 5.56 millimeters, at about 3,000 feet per second. When it hits a human body, the effects are devastating. It’s designed to do that. That’s what our soldiers ought to carry. I personally… Read more »


Don’t need more than 10 rounds to hunt? Don’t need worthless piece of shit politician’s who arm the Taliban and Cartels to tell me what I can own while they have armed guards everywhere they go time to stand up and fight for our rights

Last edited 2 years ago by Cooter

You (And everyone) need to put that in writing to your city, county representatives and congressman as well as your state senators and your US senator.


Floating the idea that the Second Amendment only applies to an organization under government control sure paints a clear picture of the objective of the people who push this type of legislation.

Wild Bill

Yes, it sure does. Good thing that the “national guard membership” theory has been discredited.


TD – and ‘nads’ verified that verbally and that is now on the Congressional record. They also will STILL claim that no one is coming after our guns, and with a straight face no less.


You may not need ten rounds in your magazine for a deer, but you should have a standard capacity magazine for hunting tyrants!


l wiII NOT comply!


As we can see by the voting patterns this issue is no longer a Republican vs Democrat issue. This is a Big Government against the People issue. Big Government progressives of both parties combine with the dedicated leftists and socialist to trounce the Constitution and do so in broad daylight. No one. has the right to be surprised by this. They have been telling us of their intent for decades. Our federal government is a rogue government detached from the sovereignty of the people. The Administrative State lives to perpetuate and empower itself and politicians line their pockets while the… Read more »

John Dow

Why is it an “assault weapon” when in my hands, but when USDA or DeptEd buys them they are “personal defense weapons”?

Henry Bowman

Because “ThEy ArE sPeShuL”!!


The hypocrisy is deafening on so many levels, layers, tangents & planes of thought. Boggles the mind of how many people are still willfully asleep & brain dead zombies.

How could any sane person not see that historically when any Government is so corrupt it always ends badly. The PTB need a big kill off purge to justify they’re means to that end & agenda.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tank

Dementia Joe and his handmaiden Nanny Peeloosely would do well to review some American history, specifically, what happens when “taxation and restrictions without representation” leads to turning Boston harbor into a cesspool of tea and popularized the burgs Lexington and Concord!


You don’t even have to go back that far in history. After the ‘94 AWB, Republicans took control of the House for the first time in decades. Some have suggested that backing the AWB cost inventor of the internet and climate change expert Al Gore the 2000 election because he lost Tennessee and Arkansas.

Captain Sloog

What were the two RINO getting for their votes? I applaud the five democrats who voted against, they at least showed some sense of reality and guts.


The time has come to kick all the POS out of office!






It’s much easier to define an inanimate object than it is to postulate a description of the use-abuser of that object. More proof that congress critters do not think of anything beyond their reelection.


Two words….Term Limits!


Nor the citizens that allow them to remain in office.


I am speechless. H.R. 1808 is solid proof of a tyrannical government, and is proof that if we let them implement this assault weapons ban, that they don’t just want to take our semi auto firearms. they will come back and take all of our guns “ALL”. A tyrannical government is at hand, where is ” WE THE PEOPLE” when it is needed to raise up and defeat tyranny. where is the Militia to take down this tyrannical government. Nowhere, but a phrase on a piece of paper that hold no meaning to the government. WE THE PEOPLE is a… Read more »


A right not exercised is a right not held…… A politician with a law never stops a bad guy with a gun. He only controls the good guys, which is his true agenda. “Ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.” – Joey Biden….aka “You don’t need an AR-14 or 30 round “clips” (sic) to hunt deer.” Aw…..I apologize, got names confused…it was Heinrich Himmler……different tyrant, different victims, same objective, same end result. First American Revolution over taxation without representation. Second American Revolution over taxation BY representation…….and a plethora of other tyrannical issues…ala HR1808. They have… Read more »


What School and idiot taught you your US history?


Hold up Skippy! You obviously know nothing of History. Google: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee just for starters.



F’ em!!!


Marbury v Madison…….”all laws repugnant to the constitution are void”

This BS is TREASON and void on it’s face out the gate. As nadler said…..”of course we are banning weapons in common use…..that’s the whole point, their in common use”

There is no basis for compliance. PERIOD!

Any police officer, anywhere in the U.S. enforcing any gun laws against law abiding citizens should be prosecuted, sued and fired.

SCOTUS should grab this NOW while Thomas is still on the court and put all .gov parasites in their place. This can not wait.


Phuck them. I will do with MY property as I see fit.


That thundering in the background is millions of gun owners running down to set up Gun Trusts…….

The likes of beef-on-the-hoof Cori Bush will always have their security via the very same firearms prohibited to We The Little Peeps by this bill. “Tyranny is that which is legal for governments, but which is illegal for citizens.” so saith Tommy…..Tommy Jefferson.

. “That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. They are not afraid of criminals. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants. ” – late Col Jeff Cooper. 


Treasonous reps no longer consider the Constitution the law of the land, and violate their oath to protect and defend it regularly. They have broken the contract with We the People, who are now under no obligation to respect or even consider their so-called laws. Congress and the fraud in the White House lost the legal authority to govern when they violated their oaths.

Henry Bowman

Dear federal tyrants and Jack Booted Thugs: WE WILL NOT COMPLY!! If you think you can take our guns and you’re feeling froggy about it, then JUMP!!


I DEMAND to have the names of all of the House as to how they voted!! I want to be able to vote AGAINST these TYRANTS who are REFUSING to DEFEND Our American Constitution by being DISHONEST and RENEGGING on their OATH-OF-OFFICE!!


It was posted in this thread last night. Demand?

A sortable (by party, by state, etc.) source has been available since then. It’s in the normal place for U.S. legislation.

As an activist for firearm rights, you know where this is – correct?

Wild Bill

Help him out.


Was that a demand?
That’s funny on a couple different levels.

Wild Bill

Now that I read it 17 hours later, I see how my writing could be interpreted that way. It was not meant that way. I was just in a hurry.
Help him out, please, since we are all on the same side.


That addressed one level of humor.   If you really want to discuss where the country is heading and what can be done, we can have that conversation, but you need to stop doing what you’re doing on this site.    Regarding “we are all on the same side,” we are most definitely not all on the same side. Politics is not like a piece of paper with two sides, it’s a dodecahedron with 12 sides.   Here is an example of just two of those groups: Group 1 (a subset of “civilians”) They pay a lot of taxes. They don’t commit violent crimes. They… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

I upvoted you but I doubt he wants help. Hasn’t asked; looks unserious: Maybe why J isn’t spoon feeding his DEMAND.

I doubt he belongs to a group. GOA would send countless emails to lobby his reps (even if Schumer or Pelosi; comforts them to know our groups refuse to focus on potentially vulnerable & therefore potentially receptive pols in other districts-states). Must be referring to his: can’t vote for others.

If he doesn’t belong to a group & won’t bother looking it up as others have, you can still help him if you think it’ll do any good

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

P.S. We’re not all on the same team. Ex(?)-cop Ope-TEX-Bruce-Will-FordWill etc runs >= 4 socks to real-time troll & downvote my posts within seconds, and upvote himself, which is pathetic.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r
Wild Bill

Your anger is righteous! May you use it and the information as a weapon against the enemies of WE the People.


Well it would help if you got your focus. DEMAND? Were you pounding your fist on a desk and pouting at the same time? First of all there is no such thing as an American Constitution. Secondly the congressman that voted for it is a matter of record if it’s not already out it will be out soon. Thirdly if you’re going to wait until November to remove a criminal that committed a high crime now then you’re not going to get anything done in November either.

Last edited 2 years ago by USMC0351Grunt

How do you propose removing them “immediately”, and are you leading the way?

Ced Truz

To all you “the second amendment is for fighting tyranny” people, THIS IS WHAT TYRANNY LOOKS LIKE! Are you going to stop these tyrants before it gets to the senate, or are you going to wait until all your rights are gone???

Wild Bill

Once we commit to violence of action there is no going back. So we better get our ducks in a row, first, and there is still time to take back the federal government in the way that the founders set up.
But if you are determined to stop some tyrants, the old fashioned way, on your own, I’ll give you a place to hide out.


A lot of that depends if people like you are going to sit on the sidelines and watch?


“no one needs more than ten rounds to hunt a deer.”

Will somebody please explain to those idiot democrats (yes, I know that’s redundant) that the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting?

On the topic of hunting deer, it is ALREADY illegal to use a standard capacity (30rd) magazine to hunt deer everywhere that I’m aware of. When trying to help eradicate an invasive species from an area (hogs), however, using a standard capacity magazine is considered minimum.


Hunting of migratory game birds is in some part regulated by treaty. Some federal laws are set up to enforce those regulations. That’s why you need to plug your pump or semi-auto shotgun magazine to limit you to 3 rounds while duck hunting. With the exception of things covered by the Endangered Species Act, all other hunting regulation is at the state level. And what is allowed by one state might be forbidden by another. But to your other point, Brandon is reading the text of some mythical version of a Bill of Rights off the teleprompter. That version evidently… Read more »


deer hunting with a 88mm


tell them we need 100 round mags to vote out nuts


shooting rats on the farm a 22 with 50 rounds is great 25 is a pia


Sorry, but I don’t own any assault weapons, all mine are defense weapons.


you may need to convert your defensive weapons to full defense weapons ,this may get ugly before they are all gone



I believe the vote was 217 to 213.

It would have been 215 to 215, except 2 republicans voted for it.


Vichy “Republicans”


there is a thing running in florida that is being backed by demoncrats running on republican ticket , what does that tell you they are doing to try to not get shut out in midterms


Stupid Dummy!!!


The two “Republicans” who voted YES on the narrow vote were Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and Rep. Chris Jacobs of New York.


both should be lynched or at least run out of town


I didn’t get the list. The usual suspects?


Jacobs poke in the eye to his constituents as he rides off into the bathhouse culture. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


The Biden administration and the democrats policy is “America Last: which continues Obama’s critical theory that our country is evil. “Assault Weapon” is a description which should never be used again. The manufacturer’s do not offer combat weapons which are selective to fully automatic to the public.Words and how they are used to construct a sentence is critical in how the anti gun elite distort and altar the argument. Writers in the firearm industry should identify this distortion of the truth while never given credicence to that therm which the nazi coined ” Assault Rifle which the anti gun crowd… Read more »


It makes me crazy when people translate things wrong, if we take it back to storming weapon which is proper and kill off the bad translation we can take back some ground , it was called storming the trenches they change terminology to make it sound horrific they would have to change weather terms to be able to do what they did by saying assault ….try saying you are storming me with a straight face


Everybody relax………it’ll die in the Senate when they get back in session.
Stop falling for the same chicken little histrionics.


We can hope it dies in the Senate. Two RINO’s in the House, Fitzpatrick and Jacobs, crossed the aisle to push this Unconstitutional Bill. There are 14 RINO’s in the Senate that stabbed us in the back passing the recent Safer Criminals Act. That those same 14 won’t screw us again is very much a possibility.


Don’t forget, TOMEY and BLUNT are retirering, so they could give a RATS ASS about what happens if they support the DEMO-RATS!!!!!!!!!!

Henry Bowman

Don’t assume. 15 RINOs (including Cocaine Mitch) just passed the other gun control bill after being paid off with $43 million of NRA cash from Wayne LaPierre. Hope is not a strategy!

Country Boy

I’m not betting the farm on that. Anyone remember who passed the last one?


The 1994 AWB passed the Senate just fine. It can happen again. It is up to us to clearly explain to our congress critters what happens to their careers if it happens again.


I think we missed the boat on the explaining part because they already passed their portion of it
NOW is when We The People should be rising up off of our apathetic asses and immediately begin removing those congressmen from office that pushed this unconstitutional legislation!


It is a rigged system whereby the PTB want a Civil War for the purge to be effective. That way it’s easier to have society do it’s own selective survival of the fittest with the FM/Jesuit’s/ Zionists/Secret Societies still in power after the purge just like America’s past Civil War. Only this time it’s far, far far more complicated & way more people involved than in the past. Also this is happening Globally not just in the US. Another coincidence ? Nope not a chance. It’s being incrementally torn down deliberately, deconstructed & re-written, re-defined, re-purposed with a new &… Read more »


Just contact your reps and DON’T BACK OFF on them, also explain that MID-TERM ELECTION ARE COMING!!!!!!!!!!!


We shouldn’t be waiting for the midterms we should be removing them from office NOW for the high crimes they’ve already committed an office and in violation of their oath of office.


“We”? How about you?


Aren’t we talking about the senate? Only one third of senate is up for reelection every two years – neither of my senators is up this time around. Treasonous one is not up for ejection until 2026.


He told you he supported more gun control before the last primary. He’s just following through with his stated, pre-election position. He indicated back then that he want’s more gun control than was in the bill he voted for recently.


Great excuse to do nothing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

It’s awful funny how in 1994 I watched, the same BS about Clinton passing his gun ban. I was ashamed when I watched Americans drop to their knees and start sucking the dicks of their elected “leaders”.

Last edited 2 years ago by USMC0351Grunt

Like Metaksa & LaPierre who gave John Dingell a medal in front of the Board after he resigned to push the ban, and Workman who then voted to put LaPew’s “Winning Team” grifters in charge of NRA.


This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector. Plato Keep bringing in more illegals/asylum/war refugees & eventually you will have an ignorant dumbed down populace that is grateful for America’s BS Socialist Medical Industrial Complex for profit, BS Educational Institution’s of questionable & considerable educational doctrines/gestalts/methods & questionable twistory, probity, facts, that looks like a paradise compared to Iraq/Syria/Yemen/Afghanistan/Mexico/Central America/South America et al countries. Complete Syncretism (Melting Pot) of the Vatican’s Catholic (Universal) Church. It’s Baccarat Crystal Clear where this runaway train ends up. The plan is to… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Tank

We already have an ignorant dumbed-down populous. They’re called Democrats, RINOS, progressives and left wingers.

Last edited 2 years ago by USMC0351Grunt

Even more people than that. I would add anyone who has picked a party and votes that party regardless of individual candidate attributes, and/or who buys and follows that party’s positions on every issue.

Everything is more nuanced and multidimensional than left or right.

That said, all candidates from one particular party are so bad on a topic near and dear to my heart – so I am forced to vote against every single one of them. 🙂 Give you one chance to guess what topic and which party.


Dear state, county, city/town enforcers: Do Not Enforce.

Without you, gun control is not possible.

If you enforce, you will be ostracized from your community (in some areas).


Ope (Will/TEX/et al.): “NBC News just said it best,…”House passes AWB that’s doomed in Senate” Five democrats voted against this bullshit including two TEXANS, ..Henry Cuellar (D-TX) and Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX). Thanks to all five of you for showing some common sense in your party of morons. sarc>It would had been interesting to see how Pelosi would had voted in a tie breaker though! <sarc.” Weird flex, TEX.   “I got no rap against the southern states Every time I’ve been there it’s been great”   That being said (I had the same experiences as Bob), your fanatical support of… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

What’s your cyclic rate per minute upvoting yourself & downvoting me, TEX?

Come on, man! I’ve seen you do way better than that! Call up the full sock posse!

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

Big Dummy!!!


Upvoting yourself again, Officer Ope-TEX-Bruce-Will-FordWILL-MICHAELANGELO et ilk?