![ATF Police Raid IMG 2nd instagram.com/atfhq/](https://www.ammoland.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/ATF-Police-Raid-IMG-2nd-instagram.com-atfhq-600x340.jpg)
USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- GunBroker Seller RifleRemedy2000 is at the center of a growing controversy. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) agents are paying a visit to law-abiding gun owners’ houses to confiscate Rare Breed FRT-15 triggers and now the agency has expanded its confiscations to solvent trap components.
Over the past week, multiple law-abiding gun owners have contacted me about visitations by ATF agents attempting to get the individuals to hand over solvent trap components and FRT triggers purchased on GunBroker. Solvent traps are used to collect solvents from when a user cleans their guns. With the proper paperwork, some solvent trap component owners convert their legally owned solvent traps into suppressors. For years, gun owners could legally buy solvent trap components and file a National Firearms Act “Form 1” with the ATF, pay $200.00 a tax, and legally own a home-manufactured suppressor. The ATF recently changed its position on solvent traps and now dictates that somehow solvent trap components are suppressors.
On the week of August 14th, a Louisiana man was visited by an ATF agent who demanded he turn over solvent trap components that were acquired through GunBroker Auction seller RifleRemedy2000. The ATF agent produced the Warning Notice pictured below. The man, fearing retribution and unwanted persecution by the rogue agency, agreed to sign a letter stating he had destroyed the items and no longer possessed the items the ATF has now deemed to be suppressors regulated by the NFA.
![The ATF delivered this Warning Notice to a Louisiana man regarding his purchase of solvent traps from Gunbroker.com account "RifleRemedy2000".](https://www.ammoland.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/image0-e1661535390373-450x555.jpeg)
![The ATF delivered this Warning Notice to a Louisiana man regarding his purchase of solvent traps from Gunbroker.com account "RifleRemedy2000".](https://www.ammoland.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/image1-scaled-e1661551807101-450x282.jpeg)
On Monday, August 22nd, another Louisiana man was visited by ATF agents. The agents requested that the unnamed man turn over a RareBreed FRT-15 trigger that was purchased from GunBroker seller RifleRemedy2000.
On Thursday, August 25th, this video was captured by Nick, a Charlotte County, Florida man who multiple ATF agents visit his home. Nick had purchased solvent trap components through GunBroker seller RifleRemedy2000 and had paid for the tax stamp to complete a form 1 self-made suppressor. Apparently, the man had enough solvent trap components to make more than one, self-manufactured suppressor, and the ATF was demanding that he hand over the materials to the ATF for confiscation and destruction. This man exercised his right to remain silent and asked the ATF to “come back with a warrant.”
The audio provided of this encounter is a clear demonstration of deliberate intimidation by Federal law enforcement agents.
The ATF Special Agents tried to get him to sign forms, but he refused to sign anything without a lawyer. The ATF Special Agent told him they only wanted to destroy it. The agent then stated the individual was now on “their radar” and will be charged federally for violation of NFA if he is caught with the items in question.
That brings us back to GunBroker seller RifleRemedy2000. The common dominator in all the visits is the 21-year-old out of Austin, TX. AmmoLand News spoke to him on the phone. He told AmmoLand News that several months ago, around twenty ATF agents and local law enforcement showed up at his apartment and executed a search warrant on the premises. He claims that agents took computers, phones, and anything written down.
RifleRemedy2000 states that the ATF was only there for 20 minutes and left without requesting any customer information, which he claims wasn’t stored on any of the devices that the ATF took. He says all customer information was held on the Cloud. He immediately purchased another computer and changed the passwords to the accounts with the stored data, over to long, complex passwords.
AmmoLand News does not claim to have any proof that RifleRemedy2000 cooperated with the ATF but feels that GunBroker Seller left out critical details relating to an executed search warrant on his premises. A visit by twenty ATF agents and local law enforcement executing a search warrant lasting only 20 minutes seems very unusual.
The ATF has been cracking down on solvent trap sellers for a while. The owner and employees of Diversified Machine were arrested and prosecuted. Other companies have been raided and shut down by the ATF, yet none of this happened to RifleRemedy2000.
The account RifleRemedy2000 is still active on GunBroker.
The account mainly sells gun parts such as charging handles, cheap optics, and accessory rails. One interesting thing is that the account is still selling solvent trap parts.
That leads to the question, if the ATF executed a search on this GunBroker user’s apartment for selling solvent traps, then why would his GunBroker account still sell solvent trap parts?
![Solvent Trap V3 End Cap Attachment For Variable Series Solvent Traps Verified Member rifleremedy2000](https://www.ammoland.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Solvent-Trap-V3-End-Cap-Attachment-For-Variable-Series-Solvent-Traps-Verified-Member-rifleremedy2000-600x455.jpg)
About John Crump
John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, or at www.crumpy.com.
Biden’s Gestapo.
If you know it’s the cops: Don’t answer the door.
If you did answer the door: “Do you have a warrant?” If answer is ‘No’: “I want you to leave my property, Thank you and good bye.” STOP TALKING and close the door. (call attorney)
Mr. Crump
Thank you formal you do in the aid of our Constitutional rights.
The day IS coming when they are going to knock on someone’s door and that someone is going to enforce the laws against treason and tyranny, maybe me. The guys on the tape DID make THINLY veiled threats. BOTH of these guys have gone against their oath to the people, the nation and the constitution therefore, they are BOTH guilty of treason and obviously tyranny. A solvent trap is still just a solvent trap. They are ASSUMING that the man has turned it into a suppressor and threatening him with legal (illegal) action. A well regulated militia, being necessary to… Read more »
The ATF is running the RifleRemedy2000 Gunbroker Account(RR2000) or at least the solvent trap parts being sold through the account. If it’s now considered a crime to sell solvent trap parts and/or kits how could he legally sell anything remotely resembling a solvent trap part? I’d also like to hear directly from Gun Broker on this case and any other that involves the ATF contacting GB users.
How many crimes with victims have been committed with these frt’s and or solvent traps? Seems these are just easy targets to go after, who are according to the BATFE violating some law or regulation, but that the Constitution protects. Meanwhile, BATFE does nothing to stop the endless murders and shooting and gang violence in inner cities. Those criminals with actual victims get released, get charges dropped, or not even prosecuted. Folks with pages of felonies are out in the street conducting shootings. No bail even required to get released and reoffend in NY and other states. But BATFE concentrates… Read more »