FBI Documents Labels 2A Advocates as Violent Extremist ~ VIDEO

USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- Dictators seek control of the narrative and the guns. Our Founders knew this, which is why the first two Amendments in the Bill of Rights aimed at limiting Government’s ability in these areas.

We see how National Socialist Adolf Hitler got away with his heinous acts of violence and genocide. It starts with consistent propaganda lined up in favor of the narrative you’re trying to create while simultaneously limiting opposing speech. Sound familiar? The power ultimately comes from the collective support of people who can’t think for themselves or are afraid to go against the new popular narrative. Some agree to support the evil behavior out of fear, ignorance, or just wanting to be on what appears to be the winning team. If dictators have no support, they have no power. We’ve seen Socialist Democrats in the United States desperate to control the narrative to influence weak-minded people ultimately. We know they’re lying.

So, no big deal, right? Why should we care?

Part of Hitler’s strategy was not only to control the narrative but to dehumanize and criminalize his opposition while convincing his followers to support him. We are seeing this behavior coming from the very Socialist Democrats we have allowed to control our Congress. Should we continue to pretend they’re not doing what Hitler did? From their accusations of racism and sexism to a constant barrage of media-spun propaganda to the politically driven incarcerations of January 6th Trump supporters.

Now, according to leaked FBI documents provided to AmmoLand and posted on Attorney Stephen Stamboulieh’s Twitter page, the left appears to be moving forward through the FBI with yet another strategic maneuver. But this time, the attack is aimed at Patriot groups and 2nd Amendment supporters. The lifeblood of the American spirit. That means you.

The accusation is that the following symbols are used by “anti-government” or “anti-authority” so-called “violent extremists” regardless of these groups’ support of liberty, justice and the right of the people to decide their own fate here in America. The groups being labeled “Militia Violent Groups” are those who use symbols such as the Boogaloo Flag, The AnCap symbol, The Punisher Skull and Warrior Culture symbols, The Black Flag and Electrical Resistance symbols, anything 2nd Amendment and Molon Labe related, including Come and Take it and the Spartan helmet, The Gadsden flag, Liberty Tree and any Revolutionary War imagery. This includes Minuteman imagery used by some 2nd Amendment rights organizations.

But maybe even most disturbing of all is the demonization of quotes from our Founding Fathers and the Betsy Ross flag. The Betsy Ross flag. It was the flag that represented the founding of our Country.

The political left has already done everything they can to demonize the Confederate Flag and it appears that they now have the FBI on board to try and collectively destroy multiple symbols that represent freedom to so many people. So, who are the real bad guys here? Those who support freedom, the Bill of Rights, and our founding or those who are condemning real Americans for expressing their love of America?

Notice how we don’t see Antifa or BLM imagery in the list of violent extremists, even though during 2020, those groups wreaked havoc across the country when they burned down buildings with people in them, assaulted cops, and terrorized the nation. All politically driven and encouraged by Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris, who supported a “bail fund” called the “Minnesota Freedom Fund” to keep her left-wing criminals out of jail and on the streets. Instead, images of the Revolutionary war are extreme?

He who controls the narrative controls the people. Just like Hitler, it would appear, Democrats are writing the rules to this twisted modern-day game of political vengeance and domination. They can’t erase American history and the 2nd Amendment so it would seem they’re trying to demonize those who support it. They’ve always wanted control, but they couldn’t keep their dream of communism and gun control quiet. They just couldn’t help themselves because they wanted the votes, and they had an incessant need to express their hatred toward the God-given right to keep and bear.

If they’re acting on behalf of America, why would they need to disarm Americans? Unlike Cuba, North Korea, China and others, Socialist Democrats made one mistake in their quest for dominance, and now they’re trying desperately to play catch-up. You see, they were supposed to get the guns first.

The 2nd Amendment is not a privilege. It’s your right.

Dan Wos
Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Host – The Loaded Mic

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos
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Deplorable Bill

Yup, we are watching history repeat itself. They can’t complete their evil plans with the bulk of Americans being armed. The day is coming when, like our forefathers at Lexington and Concord, the choice to either live free and righteous and GOD fearing or to live in poverty, slavery, and tyranny will have to be made. The world history of the past century is full of examples of what happens to people and nations when their government disarms them “for their own good”. In the late 1930’s, Hitler registered firearms; “For a kinder, gentler nation’. And the world lived happily… Read more »


Maybe, just maybe, I’m not alone when it comes to feeding the beast ? I refuse to pay extortion monies. I’m waiting for their concierge service. lol


just like the crown tax collectors went around with guards to take what they deemed due , we will have to kill them all there wont be a choice government is being weaponized against usfbi and police have been stealing civil asset forfeiture is theft and should be punished as such


The FBI is nothing more than Biden’s jack booted thugs. The raid on Trump proves that. They are going to push this country to civil war . FU- Q JOE BIDEN and the FBI . DC has been lost to communist and criminals . They will not take the country without the tree being watered.


Who authorized that raid on Trump? There are many more forces running this Republic than meet the eye. Oh, sorry, this is no longer a Republic. It has become a ‘democratic’ dictatorship. The Congress has to do something, anything, with Wray and the FBI, before it is too late. I fear the Tree is about to be over watered and it won’t be a pretty sight to those whom have caused this.

Wild Bill

The current regime will not fire them, but the next president could just give them their two week notice because they sit at the pleasure of the president and GS14s and GS15s are only entitled to two weeks notice.
In fact, the next president could fire every GS14 and GS15 in the Fat Boy Institute and the BATFE. If not replaced they would have no management personnel!!!


That’s all we need Wild Bill; a bunch of armed fanatical peons who believe they should help run a tyrannical gummit, running around with REAL weapons of war and probably not an ounce of patriotism among all of them. Oh well, it seems that all we have is that right now, so let the games begin.

Wild Bill

I have the remedy for that!


I just thought of this one: We try and convict them, and then we take a tip from our Muslim ‘friends’ and stone them to death. The neat catch would be to limit the size of the stones to 2X2 inches'” so that the event can be televised for at least a fifteen minute segment. Sick, huh? Sorry, but I can’t help myself. That’s what happens when a vacation, probably our last, is coming to a close.

Wild Bill

Yeah baby! Sick, but efficient. Be carful on that vacation.


Thank you sir! We will, and just in case we run into trouble we still have 2000 rds. still in the kit.

Wild Bill

That ought to get you home!!

Idaho Bob

My money goes to Nutty Nanny. She proved once and for all who is in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave when she defied the Puppet in Chief and went to Taiwan. That was a poke in the face of not only Senile Joe, but the American people as well.


She was probably too drunk to even know where she was.


Old – we need to know not just who authorized that raid but exactly what FACTS were used as the probable cause for getting the search warrant. There is still that pesky 4th Amendment that they have to deal with. At least we found out who the judge oops the magistrate is who signed off on the warrant. He seems to be more than a bit left of center. Any bets that the feebs who orchestrated this abomination did a ‘bit’ of judge shopping to find one who would sign off on likely poor/shaky probable cause.


I was just coming back from shooting some weapons of war and I heard on Fox Radio, that the judge, before being appointed, was a pretty large donor to politicians on the left. I imagine it was time they got even for appointing her.

Wild Bill

The stunning thing is that there exists an interrelated web of politicians, party operatives, judges, magistrates, media, and other power elites that know each other and what job to use them for.


According to Fox News, talks between the Justice Dept. and Trump’s Team started to break down 2 months ago over what Trump had and what was classified or secret and so they just got a judge to approve a search waqrrant.. They all are now wanting the search warrant be made public, Trump’s Team, ie, so that what they were looking for and what they took is brought to light. There is a bit of Helter Skelter going on here, if you know what I mean.


What we really need to an honest and righteous U.S. Attorney General that will actually DO HIS JOB to convene a Grand Jury Investigation and seek indictments and prosecutions as necessary.


At least Garlands useless ass ain’t on the SC. That son of a bitch has got to go. Duh huh! Huh-huh! Huh! He shore does!” ~Ope-TEX-Bruce-Will-FordWill et socks

Big George

“Who authorized that raid on Trump?”
My guess?!…Ron Klain and/or Susan Rice with some advice thrown in by Valerie Jarrett.


FBI & ATFE and CDC. EVs are expensive and even being bought back by the factory.
Truth is subjective.. A cannibals truth is OK eat your enemies. As Sgt. Friday ( Jack Webb ) said ” Just the facts.”


Let’s go, Brandon!


“A man’s rights rest in three boxes: The ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box”. Frederick Douglass, former slave and thinker/activist.


Funny that you quote a former slave but will not get into the trenches with Black Americans in the fight against systemic racism and police brutality. Ironically now some of you seem ready to go against LE. I believe your position would have been significantly stronger had you guys supported Kaepernick and the fight against police brutality. But now most of ya seem wishy-washy.


The FBI has been suspect as a democratic tool used against those who disagree with that party’s message. The simple fact James Comey is walking free and writing books. The same goes for Hillary and many more democrats. This shows that agencies allegiance is not based on justice only political ideologies.
When we fear those government agencies whose purpose is to protect the American people our republic is in danger.


fbi is not salvageable too many power hungry nuts


No it is not it never was a agency of conviction it was always a political tool Hover saw to that. Little man in a dress

Idaho Bob

It’s too crazy, it could never happen here. These were the words of the German people after hearing what Hitler’s Mein Kampf had to say. They elected him anyway knowing full well what he planned. We live in a society today that, for the most part, has it’s collective head up their butt’s. Many of these people are too incompetent and incapable of understanding that what the left is doing will be the ruin of a Nation. Instead of saying “it could never happen here”, they are applauding the destruction of the greatest Nation on earth. They believe the lies… Read more »


Socialist democrats ARE the new Nazis!

Violent brown shirt mob violence.

Raids on political opposition.

Hitler youth indoctrination in schools.

Reichstag events.

Alternate reality propaganda.

Angry accusations.



they are showing their colors and they are not red white and blue


What colors are they showing?

Rebel VA

Red white and black, just like the nazi’s!

Wild Bill

So what are we doing to prepare? I moved to a very rural area; built a house with basement storage, perimeter fence and surrounded by woods. I put my house numbers on the care taker house, and something that looks like house numbers on a 1×6 that is eight inches long (so that I can place and remove it quickly). Recently I bought a camper shell for my pick-up, and a gun safe to go in the back. That way I can put my guns in the safe, in the pick-up, and move them around if need be. What is… Read more »


Maybe the China virus killed old people to eliminate memories of old school and text books?


Thank you for staying in the trenches and sharing all the information!


When fascism comes to America it will come under the banner of the Progressive Movement. Hitler depended upon that very same movement to build his genocide machine. Federal law enforcement is composed of rogue federal agencies who now define the concept “state sponsor of terror.” The Roger Stone and now Donald Trump raids aero the best evidence of that fact so far. Just wait until the Lois Lerner Legion composed of 87,000 newly hired Brownshirts hits the streets of America to terrorize small business America. Remember one clear truth: When Senator Joe Biden was building his personal fortune in the… Read more »


WHEN fascism will come?

Last edited 2 years ago by USMC0351Grunt

This has literally gone too far. I fear ‘re-education camps’ are next…


Guantanamo bay


They are already here ; they’re called “collages “.

Wild Bill

If that is what you believe, then what are you doing to prepare for that situation?


This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector. Plato Twistory (there is nothing new under a Roman Sun) repeats itself b/c of greed, willful ignorance. The mind first refuses it, then allows it to re-appear. Ask yourself how is that possible ? Secret Societies are insiders to the Masonic system & the only way it would be possible. Now that the illegal & unconstitutional Zionist agenda is Crystal clear who’s coming to take away the guns ? Good luck with that proposition. We are watching the incremental &… Read more »


Trump trying to control the narrative!! Want to criminalize protesters; Kaepernick; BLM; Congress; EvenHisVP; etc.


Lol…this guy described Trump to a T. Comical!! He probably meant to say the Republicans. Lol


im somewhat surprised how our NRA, GOA, The Second Amendment Foundation and every state 2A organization were omitted from this list. All have larger memberships, better organizations and stay aware.

Qui Bono?

IMHO, most violent extremists are supporters of the Second Amendment, but most supporters of the Second Amendment aren’t violent extremists. To avoid being stereotyped and associated with the extremists, the rest of us must call them out and disavow them and their irresponsible rhetoric. If we don’t, we undermine our own cause. If you think otherwise, you’re probably part of the problem.


The Founding Fathers were viewed as violent extremists. “Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms.” – Robert Heinlein


So true – but force often comes down to numbers and dedication. Those seen as violent-extremists tend to push more people into supporting over-reaching government, as they seek security in face of fear. A fight should be fought with ALL the tools at one’s disposal and at this point propaganda is still the primary front. We must fight the political fight. Maybe physical fight can be avoided, but if not political efforts now dramatically change the environment and odds in next stage.


targeted assassination done like the Israelis do so it looks like an accident there is more than enough fentanyl for plausible deniability


agree. we cannot and must not fall down that rabbit hole.


Get back under LaPierre’s desk, Orion.


According to their own definition of violent extremists I am one. This does not make me one. I think that the 2nd Amendment was written just for this eventuality – when the common patriot is treated as a criminal, the government has long since usurped their authority. The breaking point for the American revolution was NOT a 2 cents tax on tea. It was the English government attempting to disarm the colonists so that they could impose their will upon them. The current “progressive” government is attempting the same via subversion. (I.E.- Disarming the public in the name of “gun… Read more »


The demand to fix the error/ ommision in Art One, Sec 8 the only provided for government to own or possess arms, the Second Amendment was the genisus of the entire Bill of Rights.

Wild Bill

What is the error/omission in Art. I, section 8 that you mention?

Wild Bill

Yep, the marxist socialists are just tailoring another definition to ensure the result that they want. Better buy that scary Ruger 10/22 while we can!

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

Don’t need another mouth to feed! I’ll just get back to cleaning my M1 – and my AR180 – and my FAL – and my M4 – and my M1897 – etc.,etc, etc……………..


There are tens of thousands of us “ extremists “ who are silently waiting for “ the call”
All that is needed is a leader, a rally point and Rules Of Engagement. We have our own weapons and the training that was provided via Uncle Sam. We may be a little long in the tooth, but we stay prepared for any eventuality.
Semper Fi .
