Firearms Industry Punches Back At Gun Hating Democrats ~ VIDEO

Dan Wos, Author of – Good Gun Bad Guy
Host of The Loaded Mic

USA – -( In another attempt to discourage firearm manufacturers from producing guns and as a Segway to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA,) the Democrat-controlled House Oversight committee has issued a subpoena on Smith and Wesson in an attempt to get their sales and production information.

House Oversight Committee chair and anti-gunner Rep. Carolyn Maloney (A democrat from NY) held a hearing on so-called “gun violence.” During that hearing, she challenged Chris Killoy at Ruger and Marty Daniel at Daniel Defense to “accept responsibility” and apologize to victims of mass shootings and their families.”

As if killings are their fault…

Democrats have grown used to emasculating their own, but when they try it with conservatives, they find that they’re dealing with a different breed. The idea here among the political left is to demonize firearm manufacturers in the eyes of the anti-gunners who are already irrationally fearful, easily manipulated, and can’t think for themselves. Democrats love the anti-gunners because they can be scared into doing anything the left wants. They also want gun owners and Second Amendment supporters to cower in fear and retreat.

Instead, they get a good old-fashioned and well-deserved punch in the nose. The second amendment community is coming out to support the gun manufacturers and hitting back. Long gone are the days when gun owners just sit back and keep their mouths shut. It’s game on.

CEO Mark Smith of the Iconic American Smith and Wesson company had this to say to Democrat gun grabbers.

“It is no surprise that the cities suffering most from violent crime are the very same cities that have promoted irresponsible, soft-on-crime policies that often treat criminals as victims and victims as criminals. Many of these same cities also maintain the strictest gun laws in the nation. But rather than confront the failure of their policies, certain politicians have sought more laws restricting the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, while simultaneously continuing to undermine our institutions of law and order.”

Smith and Wesson Punches Back_2022-08-17
Smith and Wesson 2022-08-17

It was clear during the hearing that Maloney’s grandstanding was nothing more than continued anti-gun rhetoric in a desperate attempt to correlate semiautomatic rifles with violence. Of course, they used the typical anti-gun terminology such as “weapons of war,” “gun violence,” and others. Still, in typical left-wing fashion, ill-informed Maloney used black people as a tool yet again to push her political agenda when she said, “Black men make up more than half of all gun victims in the United States despite making up less than six percent of the population.”

At a certain point, you would think the left would realize that their anti-gun fear campaign is being seen as nothing more than a scam even in the eyes of their battle-weary comrades.

Executive Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation, Alan Gottlieb, came out in support of S&W’s strongly worded statement and said;

“We think Mark Smith speaks for the entire firearms community, from manufacturers on down to individual gun owners who are tired of being the whipping boys for congressional gun grabbers.” Coming back to give Maloney and her cohorts a well-deserved black eye, Gottlieb said, “their collective moral compass is so dysfunctional the needle has twisted off the dial.”

Gun grabbers are hitting the wall. They have poked the bear one too many times. Gun owners are millions strong and have found their voice. Our founding fathers saw these gun grabbers and tyrants coming over 200 years away. That’s why the second amendment was written. The gloves are off, and no holds are barred in this battle to preserve our sacred Second Amendment and remind our government employees who they work for.

The 2nd Amendment is not a privilege. It’s your right.

Dan Wos
Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Host – The Loaded Mic

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic, and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos
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“Black men make up more than half of all gun victims in the United States despite making up less than six percent of the population.
And how many are pulling the trigger ?




Repubs the answer is Reparations!!! Trump/DeSantis or whoever leading the “tough on crime” party needs to lead the charge in reparations. This will not only help the conditions of the inner cities, not only strengthened the support for the 2nd amendment, but also restore the American black family of their God giving right that was stolen by the American white folks for over 400 years. That’s the only way. If not, eventually the fabric that’s barely keeping the 2nd amendment afloat will eventually drown to the masses. So if you truly support the 2nd amendment then you should wholeheartedly support… Read more »


are you on crack again? YOU were never a slave not unless you came from an african country that still has slavery……you want reparations go after Bryant Gumbel his family were slave owners

Wild Bill

And even if she had been, why should innocent tax payers foot the bill?
The Bryant Gumbel family were slave owners? Is that documented?


yes it is and they fought for the south, you should have heard him scream thats a lie on finding your roots… I wounder how many would find this in their past if they looked


he calmed down when he found out they ditched uniforms and ran when fighting started, they were in the regiment to protect atlanta

Wild Bill

I would dearly love to read more about this. Got a reference?


The Civil War had nothing to do with slavery. It had to do with the states right to choose, the South was actually on the right path… Democrats or no. This is the reason we have the federal overreach that we have today. We were supposed to have been a union of free states, not what are now.

Wild Bill

That is true. Many people do not realize that this nation’s first authorized form of government was a confederacy, framed by the Articles of Confederation.
The Congress under the Articles of Confederation changed our form of government to a Constitutional Republic. Some folks didn’t like that and could not get used to it.
The Southern states were merely trying to return to a multi-state confederacy arrangement.
I would like to recommend to you “The Quartet” by J.J. Ellis. $5 at thrift books dot com.


Indeed. I’ll look around for it.


the epa case was a states rights case as was the overturning of row. ,if the court will stay the path we may get our republic back,fdr and wilson tried to kill it


WB; The vast majority of slaves in the colonies were brought here and sold by the Dutch. Before that they were sold by their own people to the Dutch. The Greece-Roman world had as many or more slaves than they had citizens. You can keep going back further and further and find very few civil bases that did not have slaves. I would venture a guess that few people on earth cannot be proven to have slave owners in their ancestry. Just how far back should we go to collect reparations. The majority of my people came over from Ireland… Read more »

Wild Bill

Good for you! Both sides of my family are Norse.


I had family on both sides at battle of Hastings,


Yep. When you’re right you’re right…

Speaking of Irish, I wonder if the descendants from Ireland are going to be paid reparations for how horrible Irish retreated in the beginning….or the chinese for that matter…


native Americans still


paid in wooden shoes made in china


And Kamala Harris


F you & your reparations. Go earn a living. I thought welfare was supposed to help the black folks ? Affirmative action ? How about we give you reparations to leave the country ? You can go back to the country that sold your ancestors into slavery. Do you really think a few white guys showed up in a boat. And just stole a whole bunch of black folk. And nobody was the wiser. And let us not forget the BLACK SLAVE OWNERS at the time in the USA. Some were known to be worst than white slave owners. So… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Arny

*whomever* is leading…. It’s WHOMever… Ok, I’ll now suggest…. If you want reparations, I invite you to look to the “royal families” of the eastern African nations… These descendants of the kings that ACTUALLY sold THEIR SLAVES, in the first place. Do you know why? These kings had run out of gold…around the same time, the Dutch saw what these “kings” where doing with their (captured from other tribes) slaves… You know what “your (assuming you’re black) people” were doing to these slaves? These so-called kings used their slaves, by chopping them up, and using them as fertilizer. The Dutch,… Read more »


If you are trying to be grammar police, even as someone who barely passed writing and english clsses I am aware that “whom” is used for passive actions while “who” is used when subject is active. “Who is leading” not “whom is leading” – unless you are implying that leader has been thrust into the position and is only in front because they cannot get out of the way. So “Whoever is leading.”

Wild Bill

There is a little book that I like to use that clears up common English grammatical errors. It is entitled, “The Goof Proofer” It costs about four dollars on one of the used book sites.

The rule of who and whom: Who refers to the subject of the sentence. Whom refers to the object of the sentence. Pleas see “The Goof Proofer” by Stephen Manhard. p 49,

Dee’s sentence is “Trump/DeSantis or whoever [is ed.] leading the “tough on crime” party needs to lead …”

So, in her sentence is whoever the subject or object? 

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

to whom it may concern.


Actually, whom denotes plural, and he was asking whom, as which leader…


LOL, learn English.




Slave owning pre-dates the Bible. It was common among many civilizations to capture and enslave those that they conquered. Attacking your neighbors or other tribes/cummunities/countries was more common than we think. Kinda like the leftists view of the “wild west”.

Last edited 2 years ago by PMinFl
Wild Bill

My great-great grandfather fought for their liberty. By the same flawed logic, I should get reparations from them.


This is a slight change from the reparations subject but I will talk about it now, anyway. Hope you all don’t get too upset. Today is the day that the communist leader of our country is supposed to announce that he is going to forgive student loan debt of 10,000 bucks to the people of our country who make less than 125,000 a year. This debt will be charged to the American taxpayers. I, for one, and I suppose for a lot more of you out there, have only made more than 125,000 in just one year in my 58… Read more »


chop them up use them for fertilizer?????


That’s right, compost. Horrible.

Wild Bill

I can not disagree. I frame the issue this way: “Whether reparations and students debt forgiveness are political vote buying devices at taxpayers expense?”


Dems just buying votes from the dumbdumbs.


Outnumber them hugely, and with no coordination. You should ask some Iraqis what it was like in the early days of 2003… No power no water no communications, no escalation of force, etc. I’m not saying that we couldn’t score some kills…. But for those who like to believe that the insurgency hurt us in iraq, take a look at the kill counts…. 4000+ of us, millions of them.. and the majority of that, within that timeline, was with extremely stringent rules of engagement/law of war…

Wild Bill

Hey, we might could use you. What was your MOS?



Wild Bill

Really? Wow. Are you anywhere near Texas?

Wild Bill

Hey, this guy is a Cav scout. I think that there is a spot on the S-1 or S-3 staff for him.


While I would be both honored & humbled to fulfill such a role/position. . . And despite that many have thought it to be beneath me at this point, I have long struggled to give up the hotseat, and get up out of that 2Truck… That’s where the action is. And while there may be a bigger picture that needs managing by the right man …having the right Senior Scout, within any given element; will literally make or break most, and especially any given expeditionary campaign. EVERYthing is riding on what the 2Truck does, and whom is in the TC… Read more »

Wild Bill

We are not forming up, yet. Just a thin web. If a guy gets too organized the Fan Belt Inspectors infiltrate.

Wild Bill

I have a pdf of the Famous But Incompetent creation memo, but I do not know how to put in in a AL comment.

 the FBI would get its start.

It all started with a short memo, dated July 26, 1908, and signed by Charles J. Bonaparte, Attorney General, describing a “regular force of special agents” available to investigate certain cases of the Department of Justice. This memo is celebrated as the official birth of the Federal Bureau of Investigation—known throughout the world today as the FBI.

Again, it did not work.

Wild Bill

I started out a 12B Combat Engineer, then 11B, then 19B Armor, then 27A SJA.


I guess it depends as to what end of Texas…, But yeah I guess you can say I’m close to Texas..

Wild Bill

Just keeping track of folks in case the ballon goes up.


Well…, My first instinct is to claim OPSEC, but I don’t guess it matters much…I’m sure they know exactly who I am, and my location.


Wild Bill

Your first instinct is good. This site is monitored. There are people here write personal info down and try to identify others.
Do be careful.


Lafayette is my hometown


You already are.


verrrrrry late term, nancy p as a candidate, fjb and hunter too


That’s right


black man whose family sold slaves as president ,we should be correct. I am a mayflower descendant, the only people my family ever owned were serfs in england, so no blacks. and when they bought their way out of england they did have some people they helped that paid them back (indentured servants) to my knowledge all these people were happy with the outcome, only one returned to england with her child(husband died) passage paid by the family. so stuff that idea…I will pay for you one way to samalia

Wild Bill

Ok, the following does not relate to anything that has ever been on Ammoland, but I am including it here because I want to: If you can start the day without caffeine If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles, If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it, If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time, If you can take criticism and blame without resentment, If you can conquer tension without medical help, If you… Read more »


Wild – seen that before but it still holds true. Not sure it works for cats though 🙂

Wild Bill

Cats … hmmm.


cats are demanding, if they want something they want it now, I think that is why women are often portrayed as cats

Wild Bill

Glad that you liked it. That is why I put it in, even though it did not really fit.

You can come over any time and pet some of mine. Eight dogs no waiting!


so how many hand transplants from wearing them out…and elbows from fetch

Wild Bill

Oh, I have lost count!


the trip is for dee,,does not want to be here…Somalia still has slavery
somehow left off the offer to dee you can stay out west and wish you well It is a special kind of torture to push a bolder uphill to change laws, lived all over and have come to conclusion this is the levels of hell from dante’s

Last edited 2 years ago by swmft
Autsin Miller III

Dee, I really don’t understand the logic. There are no slaves left alive from that tragic time and their descendants are WAY better off than the average person from the countries from which they came so shouldn’t they be grateful that they are here and not there? And, they ARE free to return if not.I am not suggesting we don’t have a racism issue but I don’t see how reparations will do anything but make them worse. Please, enlighten me.


Austin I’m not going to respond to your ignorance brutha. Lol. But I’ll say this:

“…so shouldn’t they be grateful that they are here and not there? And, they ARE free to return if not.”

This is one of the most common deplorable statement a racist makes whenever the race issue is debated. #FunnyandDeplorable

Wild Bill

I’m thinking that the logic stream is “You have. I want.” I could be wrong.

Jay Hanig

The vast majority of black homicide victims in the US were shot by other blacks. The vast majority of white homicide victims in the US were shot by other whites. The original point is valid though not actually completely correct. Actually, there were more white victims murdered (per the “Crime in the US – 2017” report put out every year, though we are only talking about maybe 600 more in the entire country). The fact that almost half of all homicides in the US were committed on blacks by a 6% segment of society (black males) cannot be overemphasized, even… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay Hanig

the destruction of the family unit by the free money for kids of un wed mothers programs have created a rudderless group


And race doesn’t seem to be a factor. There are all kinds.


west Virginia and Kentucky are full of them ,drug addicts on welfare because of their disabilities. what a crock o shit


You know that same passion that you spew against reparations and your desire hate, there are a strong segment that disagree with the way the 2nd amendment is written. Some idiot wrote something earlier about drugs and violence. Well I’m not gonna give you folks a lesson in history or sociology but a lot of this is financial. And years of being oppressed financially is felt generationally. MANY lives would be different now had my ancestors got paid appropriately and was entitled educationally and if they had voting rights. #FACTS!!! Now how this affects the 2nd amendment?? In Every Possible… Read more »

Wild Bill

How have you been financially oppressed, my sister?

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill
Wild Bill

Hmmm, no answer. She must be researching it.

Wild Bill

Well … it is a hobby that he can afford.


Sister Bill why you acting like you have a male vagina? MonkeyPox?!?!

Wild Bill

I don’t know what an of that means. I meant sister in Christ. My apologies.


Ebonics. You whine about racism and slavery, yet you have a big racist racefluffer chip on your shoulder & push modern slavery-serfdom like all Deemocrats. And here you get all homophobe. Not nice!


looking for more free sh..andouts


racism is a strange phenomenon, it is seldom one sided..but dee has shown it can be. consumed by hate is sad ,the grammar says poorly educated ,public school…wants to fight jim crow laws…but attacks us for doing the same,cant or wont come to terms with present …and dee if you are reading if we dont work together no one gets ahead…all public schools are bad and getting worse it is called indoctrination,not education


Musician don’t you know at one point in time in this country it was illegal for a Black man like me to own a gun?!?! Why?? Because the white man said I couldn’t and passed laws to prevent Black folks from doing so.

And y’all talk about “shall not be infringe!” LOL

It affects EVERYTHING!!!


Come on Musician!! “White only” schools, white only home loans, white only doctors, while at the same time oppressing black education. White folks for the history of this country have had their proverbial knee on Black folks neck for over 400 years and you expect overnight that EVERYTHING is reverse and fixed. Dude either you’re racist or dumb as sh!t!! Period. For your sake, I’m believing the latter. I do agree it’s on us as black folks to continue to stride and fight for our existing. And that may be one of the reason I support the 2nd amendment probably… Read more »


great reply …there some people that think they were slaves …there are only a handful of countries in Africa and middle east that allow slaves so where did they come from…not here


Here you go again . Putting ALL white men into one group. As if we’re all the same. I can guess which political party you belong to. I can see by your responses which party you chose. Reparations, lol. Do you have any idea which Political group was responsible for blacks infringement to firearms ? And are still trying to deprive you of that right. And no the Parties didn’t switch sides. The party switching of two politicians, is not going to change the minds of many. You really need to brush up on some Political history. Do give me… Read more »

Wild Bill

I see by your comment that I owe you an apology. I thought that you were female. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I was incorrect and I apologize.


In this day and age, blacks oppress themselves. They now have every opportunity any white man has to pull themselves out of their situation. Read ‘Created Equal’ a documentary of Justice Clarence Thomas and ‘Created Equal’ by Dr. Ben Carson. It’s all about the family. You can be content to complain the rest of your existence away, but quit trying to blame the white folks for the lack of industry by those who whine about, ” We need reparations and then all will be well, again.”.

Wild Bill

Hmmm, medical schools favoring candidates by race. I’m sure that it is ok if Biden’s handlers approve.


Ope, I don’t think they lack mental capacity per se. They lack the the drive, perseverance, family and community support that’s needed to be a success in life. Their folks, if they are lucky to have a mom and dad in their lives are complaining all the time that Whitey has held them back and there is no hope for the future for them. My kids would never have been able to make it in this world if I hadn’t told them that grades were important, that they were smart and capable and if they didn’t bring home the grades,… Read more »


the cubans tried to get standards lowered because their “doctors” could not pass the test to be a nurse! they changed IQ test so scores would go up it is all part of the control cycle. bet that doctors of the rich had great scores


Yes, you are right, OV! It has been going on for a long while. Back in the late sixties, I was trying to get into the shipyards as an apprentice pipe fitter. You had to pass a basic test including math and, spelling and reading. Of course it was an easy test and they did not take the highest marks first. They had a quota, since it was a federal job, and it went first two blacks and then the next passing entrant would be white. So the third applicant, which was white, was hired according to their exam marks,… Read more »


You do know I have blacks in my family ? And not one is crying reparations. They made their own way in life the last 50 years. So please.


some people are their own worse enemy. Blame anything for their short comings „To know thyself is the ultimate form of aggression.“ to change yourself the ultimate form of violence


(of the population)

Last edited 2 years ago by Terry
Jay Hanig

“Segway” is a scooter brand. I think the word you’re looking for is “segue” which is pronounced identically but means “as a lead into another subject: Who edits these articles? – Posted for a friend

Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. On a happier note, Carolyn Maloney got absolutely smoked last night in her congressional district and will be in the soup line come January. See? There is a God!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay Hanig
Wild Bill

Welcome to the site, JH!


Hello Mr. Hanig. Welcome.


Not that Nadler is much of an improvement, but it gets rid of Maloney, whose entire political career is based upon being a victim.


He is one that should be in JAIL!!!!!!!!


up is up,one step or 100


Nadler has shown signs of senility and Moloney is just insane.


Actually she wasn’t really the ‘victim’ – her husband was. I have to wonder if she was used by the ban guns industry as a pawn or went along with them willingly. Reminds me of sarah brady in far too many ways.
NOTE – I am not saying she has not suffered by any means.


many people here do not reread what they write and happily let word software “correct: what they wrote .I have found I have to reread everything’ I think the software is set to change or scramble anything that has word gun or citizen,weapon, attacks key words or phrases.And great news, now baloney maloney will be what she is eating not feeding us. and thanks for the pronunciation of segue, have seen it spelled with a accent which would make it a y sound (French or Italian) prompted me to look it up it is a conjugation of seguire too many… Read more »


I am convinced that most articles are composed on smartphones via voice to text and no one is actually critically reading them before publication. The most egregious example was the headline where addition was used instead of edition. The kicker is that site recycled the article a couple weeks later with the same incorrect headline!


Jay – don’t forget that ‘nads’ admitted in public and on the record that he doesn’t care about “common use” at all in spite of Bruenig. He might as well have stated like his counterpart that he doesn’t care whether his attempts to infringe the Constitution are unconstitutional.


Now, if can just get God to call ole Jerry “The Garden Gnome” home…..


Maloney, Schumer, Nadler and all the members of Congress clambering for gun control, know very well, the manufacturers and importers of firearms are prohibited from direct sales to the public; only FFL dealers may sell their guns. But since dishonesty is one of the key hallmarks of the Left, it’s just peachy keen for them to advance the lie that “the gun industry has blood on its hands”. The ends justify the means if the Second Amendment could be destroyed.


Exactly why they are shutting down FFL dealers for clerical errors.

Wild Bill

Spot on! We could alleviate their fear of clerical errors by … decommissioning the BATFE.


before all this bs you could order guns directly from manufacture it was a mail order process so slow the retail sales with markup was convenience…..I have a rat problem what have you got…how big is the rat? about 275# guess you need a 44

Wild Bill

That is freedom that the following generations may never know … and most humorously presented.


or no more forms to fill out.


The ATF shouldbe brought up to the Supreme Court same as the EPA for stepping over their authority and Castrated the same as they are acting without any Congressional Ruleing, they just pass rules as the wind blows with no appeal process!!!!!!!!


court given all the information may rule the agency unconstitutional as they are, tax collecting branch of treasury making gun laws??? does not hold water,even with change of department still same job tax stamp enforcement


Looks like Maloney lost the primary to Nadler so her butt is gone after January! Redistricting sure was a plus for us!


Gerrymandering much Bill?!?!


So long as the anti gun lobby has the complete support of the mainstream media, it will be an uphill battle for 2A supporters. The general public cannot be bothered to seek truth in the news. To be fair, it’s tough and time consuming to figure out what’s really going on. I don’t think any of the current and future infringements are going to be rolled back. I think the general public will figure it out too late. The gun industry is surrounded and being forced to fight back. That doesn’t mean they will succeed. This is a tough time… Read more »


Did you not read the article? I am just the opposite, I look forward to the future, it’s the damn last 50+ years that’s been a nightmare. The 2A has never looked brighter. Look around, we’re winning. Do not doubt me. COVIDIOTS and their so-called betters over played their hands by accelerating their tyranny to the point they woke the silent majority and the pushback has started in earnest. We have had the dimocRAT house of cards start falling down, now it’s time to tear that deck of cards to pieces. Genuine conservatives are on the march, even the RINO’s… Read more »


LOL…funny comments lil Bob. Who are you planning on fighting? You must not be married or have a woman?? Don’t you know the people that you want to fight are actually Americans, Patriots, the fabric of this country?!?! It’s like fighting your brother, nobody wins.

Don’t continue to let those dumb Republicans leaders that shout out trigger terms like “communist” and etc fool ya because they are still shaking hands and eating dinner with those same “communist” Democrats.


Just because you refuse to lose doesn’t mean you won’t.

No, we’re not winning.

You have a very arrogant perception, no offense…just like most typical Americans.

2A is a deterrent.

Its under attack, yes… But it’s not that it’s under attack, “freedom” is under attack. Eventually, we will lose. You’re not going to fight off the rest of the world. You’re just not going to do it. We don’t have the resources. Period.

I’m not saying to surrender, I’m not suggesting that anyone should give up without a fight. But its a lost cause. Don’t delude yourself.

Wild Bill

So, Boom are you intimating that you are not an American?

The Second Amendment just had three huge wins in the S. Ct. in just the last twenty years. I don’t think the cause is lost.


No. I am an American. I’m just not living in fantasy. And have seen first hand what an imperial army can do, with on arm & one leg tied behind it’s back. There’s not one person on this website that’s gonna do sheeot, with any of their arms to be successful when six GunTrucks pull up in front of their house. I said it was a lost cause, I didn’t say it was a worthless cause, and I didn’t say I wouldn’t die for it… eventually… because that’s more than likely what’s going to happen. Very few of us realize… Read more »

Wild Bill

Whose imperial army did you see?

Those six gun trucks is where we are going to get our first military grade weaps and comms. But they will not be pulling up in front of my house.


You ever spend any time in, or with the 509th?

Wild Bill

Lots of units, but in Iraq First Armored Div., 3re BDE.


Whhhhha? That pretty awesome I guess…talk about the ‘early days’…. Sound the Charge….

But, as to what I’m saying .. you want to “recruit” fellas out of the ranks of the 509th, and 1-4 IN; both dedicated OPFOR units…or those that have spent significant time being attached to preferably both.

Wild Bill

I’m going to write that down. Can’t be too ready.


you sound like a democrat telling people to give up and go along, majority of governments are not majority of people,there has always been backlash against authoritarian rule they keep the people stupid so they dont know they can win and most collapse from within no honer among thieves


You apparently have no critical thinking skills, maybe reread the comment.


obviously you learned nothing from the last 50 years. afgans defeated two most powerful armies through perseverance….that is what the government is trying to do we need to turn it on them


Boom I agree with you. You hit on a lot of key points. But I think we can win! We just have to change the perception of our great country! Throughout the world, America is considered the most racist developed country in the word. We change that; we change everything!! And the party that leads that change will be the party that usher in ALL the new policies that will govern this country for years to come !! I don’t see why it can’t be the Republican Party. But it will take all us bruthas regardless of skin color or… Read more »

Wild Bill

I never met anyone overseas that called America racist.


I have to agree, we have been called arrogant for expecting others to speak our language ,and we got trash in spades for that; idiots from all over that cant drive that wont follow rules of road ,idiots on bikes that think they are exempt from rules of physics


have you looked around ?? we are headed to fourth world status fast, cant even find workers that speak any english..hell they cant even read or write in spanish

Wild Bill

We can all enter the fight by just getting out our check book.


the other branches of governmrnt are thumbing their noses at the courts and adding to their armed enforcers, well we are the army of scotus the people and with the agencies violating rights left and right this will come to a head with next pro gun ruling

Wild Bill

We could get the attention of the executive agencies by getting them a new boss in 2024.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

one that will close down agencies that willfully violate rights


Democrats make it up as each day goes by if the first lie sticks, there political agenda is to continue their dishonesty. I can not understand how the left and the democrats now say they will win in Novembers midterms,

Wild Bill

They are just lying. Everything the marxist socialists say is to depress conservatives to that conservatives will give up and not bother to vote.


We all know that the Demo-Rats and the Anti-Gunners won’t give up so we have get rid of them through the election process and be careful of the Repubo-Rat Rino’s, they are SNAKE IN THE GRASS and running unger the RADAR!!!!!!

Wild Bill

Oh … through the election process. I thought that you were going to say something else. Ha! You had me going!


we have to give it a try and the courts, but we may have to back the courts with our arms, army should back them but the scum at top of pound does not look like it will defend our rights even with the courts sayso


The military leadership are now more concerned with which bathroom to use and don’t discriminate against LGBQWERTY They appear to be uninterested in actual defense of our country. look at the borders.

Wild Bill

Hmmm, yes, that is so.


The democrats have proven that nothing will stand in their way I refer to the 2020 election and the constant attacks on any supporters of Trump.

Wild Bill

We must not make it easy for them.


The fix is already in how the democrats get exposed should fall to the republican party before the election
Attacked we fight the republicans are week I know that is not good to say.
but it is true

Wild Bill

Could be. We must not make it easy for them.


The left and the Democrats control the MEDIA !! the voters will not hear about inflation or recession, only that this or that candidate supported Trump. Trump looms large in their minds and is the key to getting votes from the uninformed dumdums. Forgiving student loans is the first BIG step.


Hot coals tar and feathers salt mines make them listen to rap music on the highest volume for the rest of their lives. walk that plank hitch em to a horse drag them a few miles. boil in oil put roseanne barr in charge of the prison we send them all to.

As for the Biden family off to the ukraine for ever

nancey and chuck garland gavin adams the firing squad in their underwear with paintball guns everyday a different color for life. we can add to the list daily. I like to call that colorful punishment


now, as an association, companies in the firearm industry need to boycott sales to state agencies that support restrictions for citizens.


á la Barrett!


NO new select fire weapons for police make them bid on gun auctions like everyone else think police department budget could sustain 50,000$ guns for swat, think the officers would be shopping at wallmart for their own gun and scope

Last edited 2 years ago by swmft

No government agency has any money, they get it from us.


“…as a Segway to repeal…

The word you’re trying to impress us with is SEGUE; not some silly motorized scooter.

It is about time the industry stood up for itself, instead of condoning mag limits and putting inane locks on revolver actions.

The Crimson Pirate

Does this mean S&W will un cuck themselves start producing guns with no built in locks again?




Ammoland delays my messages so my response to my responses may not happen in a timely manner if at all. So this my apology ahead of time.


Been there, done that!!!!!!