U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “Cheney touts endorsement by Kevin Costner: ‘Real men put country over party,’” The Hill reports. “The Wyoming Republican tweeted a photo on Monday of the ‘Yellowstone’ star sporting a pro-Cheney shirt.”
“Liz Cheney gets desperate, uses famous Hollywood liberal to get people of Wyoming to vote for her,” commentator Warner Todd Huston at The Western Journal observes. “Cheney … is in serious trouble in the polls with the Wyoming primaries two weeks away. Polls have placed her as far as 30 points behind challenger Harriet Hageman in the GOP race…”
The desperation has been evident before this.
“Republican Rep. Liz Cheney has begun sending Democrats in Wyoming instructions on how to change their party affiliation to vote for her in the state’s primary in August,” UPI reported in June. “Wyoming Democrats have received mail from Cheney’s campaign providing specific information on how to vote for her in the Aug. 16 primary…”
“Liz Cheney told The New York Times that she wouldn’t be encouraging Democrats to raid the Republican primary, but I guess the drive to hold onto power is just too strong for her to keep her word,” Cheney challenger Harriet Hagerman’s campaign manager was quoted in Wyoming News Now.
Cheney, of course, doesn’t see it that way, or at least she says she doesn’t as she wraps herself in the flag and presumes some sort of moral high ground, with self-serving bromides like “Republicans cannot both be loyal to Donald Trump and loyal to the Constitution.”
It’s not a question of being loyal to the avatar that is Donald Trump. Supporters of the policies he campaigned on recognize that though the man at times falls short of the rhetoric, what is at stake are existential principles. Despite the establishment (Democrat and “Swamp” Republicans and their loyalists) and the media’s ubiquitous insistence that concerns about the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s election are “baseless,” an Axios-Momentive poll concludes “More than 40% of Americans still do not believe that Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 presidential election.”
Simply put, many good Americans don’t believe the evidence they’re being told doesn’t exist has been given fair play by the political establishment and the press, let alone conclusively examined in an open forum free of biased presumptions. Dismissiveness and ridicule are hardly compelling arguments to win over hearts and minds, and they see more of the same coming from Cheney and her J6 Committee co-turncoat, Adam Kinzinger:
“Constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax on Tuesday that the Jan. 6 committee ‘does not want the public to hear the other side’ of the narrative it is presenting in prime time. ‘That’s why it didn’t permit any cross-examination, any confrontation, any due process, anything resembling fairness.’”
This is why none of them are interested in publicly questioning why Capitol Hill Police Lt. Michael Byrd was given a pass for killing Ashli Babbitt, a protestor who posed no immediate threat to him or to anyone else. Is it really unfair to speculate on what the political reaction from the same group defending him would have been had a white officer shot an unarmed black woman and then been “exonerated” in a behind-the-scenes CYA session?
Liz Cheney must want it that way because she has done nothing to use her position, visibility, and platform to question the narrative. Nor has she questioned why certain “suspects,” like the “rioter” filmed with a gun (and an earpiece?), are also getting a pass. Or explained why she coordinated a campaign to prevent National Guard deployment. And all that makes her self-serving excuse about putting the Constitution first all the more offensively unbelievable.
So it’s no surprise that, desperate not to be humiliatingly kicked to the curb by constituents who have cause to feel betrayed, Cheney is turning to “star power” to manipulate those who do not think too deeply about their duty as citizens to make informed choices. And in this case, she could not have picked a more appropriate celebrity to put the exclamation point on totally turning her back on everything she formerly stood for.
That’s because Cheney ran on her NRA endorsement to convince gun owners she had their backs—and it’s curious that the “For Immediate Release” post on her website is talking about Obama and Hillary. So isn’t it even more curious that after turning to RKBA-hating Democrats to support her in the primary, she’s now turning to a famous and longtime gun prohibitionist to do the same?
“Kevin Costner is urging U.S. lawmakers to come up with a series of strict new gun legislation – even if it limits his own shooting time,” reports noted in 2007. “The Dances With Wolves star admits he loves to hunt and often heads out with his dogs and a shotgun passed down through generations of his family, but he’s the first to admit that America’s gun laws are too weak.”
Basically, we’re talking about a famous Fudd who thinks hunting must be what the Founders had in mind—that and making millions pretending to be a gun-toting “action hero” in the movies. And Everytown has exploited that to great effect, with their Facebook cult following using Costner’s stupid opinion as further evidence that “no one wants to take your guns.”
Cheney’s not done though. It’s not enough that she basically called everyone who questions the events of January 6 disloyal to the Constitution. With the Costner tweet, she makes it personal by questioning their manhood:
“Real men put country over party.”
You’re not only disloyal if you don’t side with the Democrats, you’re not a real man. Where have I seen that before? Oh, yeah, check out Tough Guy here.
Don’t feel too bad for Liz, though. She’ll land on her feet. There are plenty of useful idiots out there and the string-pullers are always looking for mouthpieces to manipulate them. They’ll be a home for her on MSNBC or The View or some other leftist venue where they’ll present her as the “conservative” voice, making it easier to smear anyone to the right of her as a dangerous extremist and hater.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
I’ve got no problem with “real men put country above party.” Not sure Cheney would agree as any honest evaluation would determine that she’s not good for the country. So step up and be a “real man” (or “real woman” if appropriate) and vote against L.C.
Oh and here is her Dad:
Trump blasted by Dick Cheney as former vice president stars in his daughter’s latest ad
This column needed to be published. Thank you David.
Liz Cheney and her dad Dick are shameful people.
Who would vote for the “lessor of two evils” in this race?
I don’t voter for evil. Period.
No she did not turn to Trump
It’s a rigged Masonic Zionist system. Meritocracy/Mob rules using the ignorant & Trojan Horse traitor’s from within who corrupt American Culture by attacking it’s moral backbone.
Perversion, corruption & dissolution of family unit are the three states of Conf-USA championed by the Fascist Corporate Military Industrial Medical Banking Complex, it’s ignorant Barking Moonbat government servants and its banking controllers.
End of story.
He use to be one of my favorite actors, not anymore.