Cincinnati -( The incident at a Cincinnati field office of the FBI could have been much worse, but it also is a warning for Second Amendment supporters. We came very close to seeing the type of event that could target not just our Second Amendment rights but our First Amendment rights as well.
Think I’m exaggerating? Take a look at how MSNBC host Joe Scarborough dehumanized those who questioned Monday’s raid on Mar-a-Lago. He labeled them “conspiracy theorists,” “insurrectionists,” “weirdos,” “freaks,” and “fascists.” Given some of his anti-Second Amendment extremism, he figures that loyal Ammoland readers are that, too.
This is something that Second Amendment supporters will have to deal with and address. Yes, there have been massive abuses by federal agencies over the decades. Lon Horiuchi and Lois Lerner, among others, retired and collected pensions when they should have been fired and placed on trial for their actions to be judged by the juries of their peers.
But the past cannot be undone. It can only be remembered and learned from. And one thing the past has taught us is that government abuses often lead to some people deciding to take matters into their own hands. As abusive and norm-shattering as the Mar-a-Lago raid was, it did not justify taking a nail gun and a rifle to try to break into an FBI field office.
Already, anti-Second Amendment extremists are seizing on the incident in Cincinnati. Both Eric Swalwell and Zoe Lofgren have tried to claim criticism of the Mar-a-Lago raid incited the incident. That’s a patently false claim, of course, but it’s dangerous for us.
Why? Because while we’ve made advances, the mainstream media still dominates things. They can put wall-to-wall coverage of any event they want, and we have practically no recourse against such a move due to the same First Amendment that protects us.
We’re not helpless against this sort of manipulation. The best defense is to firmly disassociate from those who are urging violence, to back it up by saying something to the appropriate people and to document the times you did say something. It not only protects us from inaction, but it can also paint people like Swalwell and Lofgren as liars to our fellow Americans, whose support we must win in order to preserve our rights.
Second Amendment supporters seeking to defeat anti-Second Amendment extremists via the ballot box at the federal, state, and local levels have dodged a bullet. They need to be extremely vigilant so that the preservation of our rights doesn’t come in the aftermath of tragedy – or worse. Break the pattern.
About Harold Hutchison
Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.
As my Mexican friend used to say, “Yo quero vomiter!”
She spoke with an accent.
No Mexican accent says yo quiero vomiter.
You have met them all? Well, I tried to be cordial. Now, we are done.
I was a Spanish major before switching to economics. I speak Spanish fluently and lived in Mexico. It was a friendly correction and you doubled down on the error. Your cordiality has always been phony. It’s on you.
Your IQ’s showing again, OpeTEX. Now delete your post and RUN AWAY before they ban you again.
I get along pretty well, too, I learned from the people because I can get along with people. And books do not teach accents.
Weak. Typical Wild Bill evasion.
Are you here to aid in providing solutions to the threats of our freedoms and liberty or piss and moan over every little nit-picking issue? Cause if you are, I’m going to petition Ammoland to change your screen name to “Bi-otch”
He is particularly agitated today.
If I were him, I would be agitated too. He keeps saying they should run everybody off, but he knows it’s gonna be him and that proves his dumbassedness!
Freddy will get sick and tired of his causing people to abandon this site. He is bad for business.
Typical Wild Bill projection.
Uh? I and a whole lot of other people pretty much support the fact that WB has earned his stripes both here and elsewhere.
Thank you, Marine.
Whatever. He hasn’t earned the right to lie about me, and neither have you. Take a hike.
Chasing people away, again?
You need a brain transplant. I never said I lived in Mexico for 45 years. Good grief.
but in 45yrs of travel, undergrad Spanish minor, living & college in Mexico, …”
45 years of all those things combined, not one of them, genius. Slap another estrogen patch on your ass, Bill.
Master of the written Spanish language, but can not communicate a thought clearly in English. Hmmm.
Gee, Bill, I thought you were done with me, now.
You spew all manner of wicked falsity that requires someone to standup to.
Response awaiting approval.
“… but in 45yrs of travel, undergrad Spanish minor, living & college in Mexico, …”
Sure sounds like a claim of forty-five years in Mexico. Maybe I am conjugating the verb wrong.
Or maybe you need to slap another estrogen patch on your ass. Why so bitchy, Generalissimo?
Not “bitchy” that takes emotional energy. I spend no emotional energy communicating with you.
Keep telling yourself that, Generalíssima.
Specious spew from one that has never served a day in his life.
That’s a day more than you did, Generalíssima.
I’m not familiar, but I’m sure that you are right.
Funny thing is you girls have to gang up and you still lose.
No one seems to agree with you.
Like the Global Warming consensus. Don’t you ladies have anything better to do, Generalíssima?
Being a hypocrite, again? I’m supposed to roll over for your locals only gang attacks? Nice try, Generalissimo.
You told him to Take a hike. Doesn’t that mean that you are telling him to leave. That is just what I have been saying all along.
No, genius. It tells Buttinski to leave me alone.
I suspect that you are alone most of the time.
No just be a polite person like everyone else on this site.
More hypocrisy.
That is funny.
You’re ANGRY, OpeTEX? So sad!
You & your pals Wild Bill & Oldman have alleged that lie dozens of times, never with the slightest bit of proof.
Crickets Chirping…
Perhaps Frack has outgrown him.
Rained all day yesterday. We are very happy. Every critter, feral and domestic, hopes that the drought is over!!
OpeTEX must be drunk again. I never said any of that.
You are an overt LIAR!
This is like arguing with 3 crazed feminists on welfare with nothing else to do. Your bad tuna stench permeates the room and you get off on it.
Actually YOU are the one that get’s off on it! I really don’t think I have ever had the opportunity before to try and communicate with a Masochist. Have you tried putting a plastic bag over your head? I hear it can be real cool from people who have known them. Please give it a try!
“Actually YOU are the one that get’s (sic) off on it!”
LOL. Could you women get any more boring & psycho?
I could not make this stuff up; and you could not make this stuff up; even Hollywood could not make this stuff up, but …. that one can and does make this stuff up.
Shame on you WB. You flustered a screen name.
Seems that way. I’ll do penance, later.
I note that he does not claim a college.
You could’ve just said thanks for the friendly Spanish correction, but you prefer to be a little cyka and hang with your dishonorable cowardly vile thug sock puppet pal OpeTEX of the 20 fake accounts. So be it. Show me your alleged diplomas, Generalíssimo.
You could have made it more obvious that it was a friendly correction. At least I have diplomas.
Are you really so thin-skinned I have to preface with “Please don’t think I’m trying to offend you, but the correct word is vomitar.”
You’re way overreacted. Own it.
Let’s see those alleged diplomas.
Let’s see the proof of your lie that I drove people away from this site. Your projection is epic. You’re palled up with foul mouths Oldman and Ope – the latter you know damn well trolls me with sock pup accounts, including TEX. But you play coy, a dishonorable, passive-aggressive, feminine-leftist M.O.
That would have been good.
You first.
Hopefully, they will come back and testify.
Crickets Chirping, Generalíssimo. Let’s see those diplomas.
Yours first … if any.
Not how it works. You’re the one claiming I don’t have a degree, so let’s see yours.
Your legend is legendary, Generalíssimo.
The evidence that you seek from me would not prove that you have a diploma. I have conveyed much information that only a diploma holder would have, already. I think that it is your turn. Just name a college.
Yes, I am done with him.
Yet you keep trolling me, like a woman scorned.
So many good conversations to have and yet be bogged down by that toxic person.
WB, I KNEW the nausea was familiar? I don’t see MY friend in this fracas? Could it possibly be a text-based schizophrenia?
I was going to correct the spanish but figured not worth it , look who it is , likely does not even listen when someone is talking. And when did you ever hear anyone speaking spanish ,other than school use yo……voy a vomitar
Just because someone is referred to as Mexican does not mean that they were actually originally from Mexico or picked up accent from friends or family from other spanish speaking nations. As someone who has studied the language you are surely aware of how drastically various dialects differ. From Spanish to Mexico City, from various S. American countries to Cuba – they can be almost unrecognizable to a “proper” spanish speaker. In any case there are often distinctive dialects from rather small groups. From gangs to “valley girls” or boston, American can sound very different. Heck I generally cannot understand… Read more »
She was beautiful, and could make one melt with a purr. Had she spoke in Venusiuan, I would not have cared.
if she was talking to you like that she was making fun of you like you were an idiot…if her family was from mexico city she could have well thought she was better than you…we have arrogant people here too
Bill hasn’t alleged such issue. Thx for politely presenting that theory, but in 45yrs of travel, undergrad Spanish minor, living & college in Mexico, hiring native Spanish speakers etc, I never heard anyone of Spanish-Latin descent in Mexico, Spain, Cuba, CA, TX, AZ, FL, NM, LA or NV pronounce an AR verb as an ER verb. Have an example? The verb is vomitar. I tried to be helpful. Bill corrects folks all the time & could’ve just said thanks. But he tag teamed with his locals-only gang of ex(?)-cop sock puppet pals for 3-on-one, insulting, projecting, lying about running folks… Read more »
You & your pals snap at ankles like unhinged menopausal poodles. You wrote that the cop who machine gunned Daniel Shaver was not convicted and therefore did nothing wrong.
not likely ..someone making fun of bill by doing a caricature spanish idiot ..I have known some to do that to make fun of ignorant Americans…was glad they thought I was from brazil no even the lisping Italians in Argentina dont get it wrong ..that is from a sabado gigante skit as for the mixing I am bad about that and do know what it is like to have the girl on the elevator fall over laughing at what you just said…lots of years lots of miles….
HEY! Don’t criticize that linguistics of an artist!
back to language school with you, man…..
That really wasn’t the point of the comment on Harold’s article.
Absolutely breathtaking, Harold. You have truly outdone yourself this time. Article after article after article by you telling us what we must do to save our “Second Amendment Rights.” Yet when things look like they just may be going a bit sideways, you caution everyone else that this is not the time to annoy those who would take away our RKBA. Do you really think a strongly worded blog post will give our opponents pause? Do you really think the answer to their attacks lies solely in the ballot box? When are we going to hear what you are prepared… Read more »
Amen Brother. This time it was an idiot that did an idiotic thing. More than likely because he was somehow feeling oppressed. Can you imagine where that feeling came from? I think more than a few million people are feeling oppressed right now. AND tell me something please. Why would an elected official build a damn fence around the White House unless he felt maybe he and his regime didn’t belong there. If he belonged there he wouldn’t be treating this country and it’s President like a damn criminal by sending the FBI in when the man isn’t even home… Read more »
he believes in negotiating rights away
The only thing that is prudent right now;
Our political classes, to include NRA National fail to recognize one clear truth . Insurgencies and civil wars and revolutions rarely start by intentional act. They are a culmination of events leading up to one singular event that triggers every John and Jane in the countryside to arm up and resist oppressive government. As we used to say in the counterinsurgency business once Jack is out of his box you cannot get him back in. Once you have that singular event, whether it be a Lexington or a George Floyd you cannot get that jack back in to the box.… Read more »
Most surely agree with your opinion. Civil wars are the results of a few radical mouths ending up getting a whole lot of innocent bystanders killed. WHEN will we ever get smart enough to “take care of” the mouths who bring these events on and thus save hundreds if not millions of lives of others who just want left alone??? Talking heads like Schiff, Nadler, Schumer, Pelosi, Cortez, with the whole socialist news people et al whose code talk is “saving our democracy”, are actually DESTROYING it more with their every speech and move. THEY ARE THE ENEMY of the… Read more »
I agree with what you wrote, but the talking heads that you mention are handsomely rewarded for dividing the country. So … our society actually rewards such behavior.
Actually they should be saying, “SAVE OUR REPUBLIC!”.THAT you can actually save. As far as a “democracy”? Democrat, Democratic, Democracy, etc. is for the most part the most misused, improperly used and grossly misunderstood word(s) ever spoken in a free nation.
these and dumb when them mean stupid or idiotic
Oh, yes. Civil wars should be avoided at all costs! If only the one that started all of this in 1776 (The Colonial Rebellion) had been avoided!
we would have a Nazi like canada does
Well said, and yes, may God help us.
Praying is one of the most powerful weapons in our arsenal. And it pisses off most left wingers and atheists.
the nice new irs people will not audit the likes of hunter blowjob or scum bitch pollutioni or even billery bob
they want every last dime from you and me…have money for toys…pay more taxes
Another mean-nothing article by harold.
He is a master… at filling a page with text that says nothing. 🙂
Close your eyes, in a quiet room, and use your imagination.
Might even say a prayer or two.
Look where the bad press comes from Joe is a paid mouthpiece for the network. A paid monkey doing as the organ grinders tell him. Low ratings watched my people who can not read or think for themselves. Even more of waste than Howard Stern who is a real life phony
Something new to write about if you choose to Harold Both subjects remain a political talking points which the left and the democrats continue to lie about to pass legislation that panders to their base while doctoring the numbers and the facts. The Republicans continue fail their base by not taking the fight to the elite socialist democratic leaders and changing propaganda into the truth. There’s a political dynamic that virtually guarantees Congress will remain locked in a contentious stalemate over guns and climate change. The media will continue to falsely state the facts while fully knowing the truth is… Read more »
You left out the most important part of this FIB shooting. The IDIOT used a NAIL GUN to shoot NAILS ! NOT the rifle. Yet! the Freakin’ Bureau of IDIOTS CHASED and MURDERED the man down the road!
Read somewhere that once out on the road, he fired actual bullets.
In any case, any projectile moving fast enough can be lethal. Got no clue maximum lethal range of a nail gun is, but imagine it’s not terribly far…
It is far enough that when a builder I know was up on a wall and some punk decided he’d rob him, as dirtbag approached he used his left hand to pull back the contact trigger at the business end of his big Senco, loaded with 16’s, and fluttered the trigger with his right hand, releasing a hail of those sixteens coming right at the face if the idiot. Idiot made an informed decision and decided to pass the rest of his day elsewhere. Builder was certain he’d scored at least a few direct hits in “sensitive” places. Idiot had… Read more »
That is the best news that I have heard all day!!
they dont go far not even power loads from a star pistol do , no barrel so no stability long un balanced and no fethers for stability like an arrow so more scare factor
Are they going to add Nail Guns to the HR 1808 BAN?
they are so stupid they likely would, the new shot nailer s all have a safety so you cant fire them if they are not in contact with a surface so they dont work on odd shaped things
“But the past cannot be undone. It can only be remembered and learned from. And one thing the past has taught us is that government abuses often lead to some people deciding to take matters into their own hands.”
Yes, indeed they do. People like Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams…
“We came very close to seeing the type of event that could target our rights”
And you’d be 1st to advocate preemptive surrender “compromise” by the RINOs you back in every primary.
Scarborough speaking the Truth about the Traitor Trump supporters is not dehumanizing there princess snowflake! seems you are triggered by the truth
What the hell would you know about the truth?
Trump lives rent free in your head and you would not know the truth if it was shoved up your ass with a red hot poker clown !
Scaborough is a ninny of the highest order. Anyone that agrees with him can join him and start a club. You can call it the Royal Order of Nasty Ninnys.
you suffer from psychologic projection, a mental condition where leftists accuse others of having the same feelings they themselves demonstrate.
your grammar needs work. only traitors are the government agents that helped facilitate and participated in rigging the 2020 election for buyden.
also, “there” as in some place, or “their” expressing ownership?