Court Effectively Says ATF Can Continue Covering for Hunter Biden on Gun Buy

Joe & Hunter Biden IMG Public Domain acaben, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Once more Hunter gets to walk. (Joe & Hunter Biden IMG Public Domain acaben, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

U.S.A. – -( “[T]he Court GRANTS Defendant’s motion for summary judgment (ECF No. 8),” Judge Rudolph Contreras of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia concluded in David Codrea v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. “An order consistent with this Memorandum Opinion is separately and contemporaneously issued.”

The order ends a legal effort that started in August of 2021 and grants ATF its wish that the case involving Hunter Biden is dropped.

Attorney Stephen Stamboulieh, who filed the complaint on my behalf “for injunctive and other appropriate relief and seeking the disclosure and release of agency records” related to its investigation into Hunter Biden and a handgun reportedly belonging to him, advises that no appeal will be filed due to the unlikelihood that it would succeed.

Seriously, what did we expect? We were never under any illusion that we had a magic bullet. But we had to try for no reason other than to once more expose how the most in-your-face outrages, get a pass when people have the right connections.

As per Judge Contreras’ decision, disregarding that Hunter Biden could not have legally purchased a handgun in Delaware without illegally denying documented controlled substance abuse on the Form 4473 Transfer Record, which is a felony, his privacy interests are officially deemed to outweigh any public interest.

“Mr. Codrea cites a news article stating that an FBI-seized laptop shows that Hunter Biden allegedly sent text messages discussing the handgun incident and a police investigation,” Contreras elaborates. “The Court is skeptical that one’s private texts can so easily be repurposed into public acknowledgment of a criminal investigation.”

On top of that, “Mr. Codrea did not provide a signed privacy waiver [from Hunter Biden] . . . that might authorize the release of information. Thus, the Court will examine Hunter Biden’s privacy interests on the merits.”

Right, and what were the odds of getting that?

The rest of the cited technicalities and arguments give legal cover for the judge’s order, but realistically, there was no real hope things would be decided differently. That’s in spite of all the original reporting presented on AmmoLand (and ignored by other media) culminating in compelling photographic evidence that Biden had also obtained at least one other gun, [possibly an airgun], presumably under the same felonious circumstances. That last one has also been ignored, with the exception of social media: Twitter put a warning on my tweet to Joe Biden about it, and Facebook was reportedly handing out “fact check” suspensions to anyone sharing it.

“That no media organizations are scrambling to be the ones to ‘break’ what appears to be a directed cover-up to the general public tells us much,” I noted in a report on how a black man was punished by the Justice Department over similar gun possession and substance abuse. “So will what Barack Obama-nominated Judge Contreras order.”

Here is what the Judge ordered:

If there is any outside coverage on this, don’t look for the focus of it to be on Hunter Biden getting away with “gun felonies,” with the full cognizance of ATF and the federal courts. That said, there’s nothing to stop any person from lecturing on what we should have said from stepping up and showing so call media how it’s done.

I mean, what other reason could there be that those with greater reach and resources wouldn’t want the truth known by all?

David Codrea v. Bureau Of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms And Explosives Hunter Biden 2022

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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Unfortunately, not surprising.


Setting yourself up for a visit from the ATF. Or possibly the IRS. Let’s hope not. lol


I’m going to the doctor today…after I drop my daughter at the bus…Imma come back and go back to sleep..and, set my alarm; and head out about 1015…

I still have to stop for fuel.. but that should allow me enough time… I don’t have to be there til 1200…

Matt in Oklahoma

We all know or should by now that we live in a two class society

Henry Bowman

And thusly, the rule of law and equal application of justice dies to the sounds of silence….

Deplorable Bill

These people, all of them, are corrupt, criminal, tyrannical and treasonous. The second amendment does not give exception for druggies or dirt bags so, maybe they have a point. I doubt that this means that the atfe will not be prosecuting anyone else. Communists, they own the courts. They own le. They own the vote. They are not accountable to the constitution and they think they are not accountable to the people either. All this time I thought that I lived in America, not russia, china, north korea, iran, irak, saudi arabia, cuba, nigeria, el salvador, nicaragua etc. Somebody please… Read more »

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