One Honest Mistake Can Make Defending Our Rights Harder

Second Amendment Activist Protest Activism Take Action
Second Amendment Activist Protest Activism Take Action

Montana/United States – -( I’m sure by now you’ve heard about the woman who thought she shot a wolf. I’m not going to throw the poor woman’s name out there. She’s notorious enough for what appears to be an honest mistake.

But it’s an honest mistake that will have consequences for everyone who hunts. Let’s put it this way – when anti-hunting extremists come looking to wreck that shooting sport, this woman’s honest mistake will be front and center in some of their campaigns. The mistake particularly could hurt those who hunt to feed their families or who donate the meat to Hunters for the Hungry.

She’s not the first to make such a mistake, and in fact, she is in some pretty famous company. When he was running for governor of Texas in 1994, former President George W. Bush accidentally shot a killdeer. In the pre-social media era, he paid the fine, and he was rightfully the butt of jokes for a little bit.

Part of it boiled down to a simple failure to follow a basic rule of firearms safety: Be sure of your target and what’s beyond it. There is a responsibility Second Amendment supporters need to shoulder – particularly when they are publicly advocating for the protection of our freedoms – in terms of modeling responsible use of firearms, and she unintentionally failed in that responsibility, albeit not as badly as Madison Cawthorn did.

This woman didn’t, and Second Amendment supporters would do well to learn from her honest mistake and to avoid making similar ones that could do damage to our efforts to preserve our freedoms for future generations. One such case of an honest mistake was when Al Salvi made the infamous claim that Jim Brady had a Class III license when debating anti-Second Amendment extremists Dick Durbin.

We’re all paying for Al Salvi’s honest mistake today, with every vote Dick Durbin makes. Would we likely be dealing with an anti-Second Amendment extremist today? Perhaps. But perhaps it could have been delayed for six years. That would have been a little better for a brief time.

In an ideal world, honest mistakes should be viewed as just what they are: Honest mistakes that people should pay the price for. But we’re not in an ideal world, especially with the double standards many media outlets have.

These days, a momentary lapse of thoughtfulness about how we come across, the brief moment where someone gives in to an understandable impulse, or the failure to select the right approach can make it harder to defeat anti-Second Amendment extremists via the ballot box at the federal, state, and local level.

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.Harold Hutchison

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“would do well”

Harold the unwanted teacher is here to teach us a lesson again. Whether or not you acknowledge it, Harold, that’s how you come across.

Please go away.

Rob J

The crux of the article holds true, even if few have heard of the husky issue. Firearm ownership advocates need to tread carefully and utilize well thought out arguments, supported by facts readily available to those they are arguing with. We need to disassociate opinion from our arguments. We need to be pedantic with our use of terminology to ensure the discussion is on equal terms (eg semiautomatic rifles vs “weapons of war”, etc). We also need to not fall into knee jerk angry reactions to intentionally provocative counters. Taking a deep breath and saying “I am unaware of this”… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob J

Just another stupid TWAT trick . Proof you can’t fix stupid .


Stray dogs in many areas are nonsense and are to be destroyed.

Very high likely hood that they take to killing wildlife and stock.

There is no shortage of dogs in the US.

Posting this on the net was the mistake looking for fame.


I hadn’t heard of this either. Figured I might as well go to one of the most liberal sources as it had the most pictures. Needless to say, I don’t think she is the sharpest bulb on the Christmas tree.

Wild Bill

Yes, it is not one or one million honest mistakes that make defending our Rights harder. It is the determined gun grabbers that have money and power, who would sieze on any excuse, that make defending our Rights harder.

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