U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “Deadly blizzard conditions in upstate New York gave cover to local looters over the weekend as they robbed businesses while police were stuck elsewhere,” the New York Post reports. Mayor Byron Brown says he’s “astounded.”
“I don’t know how these people can even live with themselves, how they can look at themselves in the mirror,” he complained to the media. “They are the ‘lowest of the low.”’
“They’re not looting foods and medicines, they’re just looting items that they want. So these aren’t even people in distress,” Brown complained. “These are people who are taking advantage of a national disaster and the suffering of many in our community to take what they want.”
Nothing says “social justice,” like victimizing the helpless while plundering retail merchandise. Does it occur to them that if they take something of value from someone who has earned it, they have effectively enslaved him for the amount of time that it took him? Probably not, but if it did, do you think they’d care?
And talk about updating the old adage that “When seconds count, the police are minutes away.”
When seconds count, the police are nowhere to be found and won’t be. That’s always the case, especially in times of widespread emergency, when civil authority is concentrated and triaging to where directed, and everybody else is left on their own. In this case, with people dying, there’s no question police were desperately needed elsewhere. But it’s in these times of disaster when people left to protect themselves are most justified in doing just that against predators.
You don’t know what a lawless mob brazen enough to loot with impunity, with the implied threat that anyone who tries to stop them will be dealt with physically, will do should they perceive that you are keeping them from what they want. That threat is terrifying and real. Yet imagine who would be on trial if one or more of the hapless victims did what was both necessary and just.
Sorry. The people who invite violent anarchy tell us, “You loot, we shoot” is racist.
People like Mayor Brown, who has enrolled Buffalo as a member of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Guns… (I left out “Illegal,” because it’s redundant. If these local tyrants had their way, they all would be everywhere, in Everytown.)
He’s the one leading a “first of its kind’ lawsuit against … manufacturers, distributors, and other local gun shops.”:
“‘Members of our community have suffered too much and for too long from gun violence. We must do everything we can to decrease gun violence. Enabling the possession of illegal guns destroys lives and deeply effects [sic] our neighborhoods, especially in Black and Brown communities,’ said Brown.”
It’s hardly a “first of its kind.” It’s why the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act was passed. As with all things “progressive,” it’s a recycled bad idea intended to solidify a totalitarian violence monopoly and further swindle citizens out of their rights
Which population is it in Buffalo that overwhelmingly possesses those “illegal guns”? Who is it who most needs protection from them? And how does making it more difficult (and expensive!) to legally own and carry them do anything but guarantee more victims in those communities?
Don’t bother asking the “astounded” Brown. He not only doesn’t have any answers, but his entire power shtick also depends on keeping anyone ignorant enough to vote for him from even considering such questions.
And in the meantime, they’d better pray they don’t need to call anyone for help at the time when they most need it.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
Would I be correct in assuming that Mayor Brown is a Dumb Ass Democrat like the one that was over Heels Up Harris.
Democrat narrative, people in dire need peacefully and lawfully shopping in Buffalo New York. FJB and all Democrats
Oh well they wanted it and now they got it
Quick! Somebody turn on the Rooftop Korean Signal!
Buffalo Provides Real-Time Example of Insane ‘Progressive’ War on Constitutional Rights. There fixed the Headline
Think about that little yapping milk-dud NYC mayor – he ran off to some Caribbean Island vacation spot and didn’t poke his little gopher head up until the storm was over. These low life cowards should be shouted down every time they try to show up somewhere and speak in public. Think about the fantastic black mayors in this country – Adams, NYC, Turner in Houston, Lightfoot in Chicago, London Breed, SF, LaToya Cantrell, New Orleans, Muriel Bowser, DC – and until recently, Keisha Lance-Bottoms, Atlanta. Every single one of those towns are complete and total Shite-Holes.