Smith & Wesson Bullseye Ultimate Throwing Combo

Ryan figured out how to throw the cards pretty fast.
Ryan figured out how to throw the cards pretty fast.

U.S.A.-( At the 2023 SHOT Show, I circled by the Smith & Wesson booth and met up with their marketing guru Keli. She showed me their knives, and as I was about to leave, she showed me the Smith & Wesson Bullseye Ultimate Throwing Combo and asked me if I’d be interested in testing it out. I said sure, I’ve messed around some with throwing knives, and they’re a fun hobby when you’re sitting around camp bored.

I know a guy (Ryan Perrion) in Aberdeen, SD, that is the #2 hatchet thrower in America, plus he owns Hub City Axe Throwing, which is what I’d call an indoor axe throwing range. He’d be a good guy to help me test out the Smith & Wesson Bullseye Ultimate Throwing Combo.


  1. Four throwing cards.
  2. Three 8-inch throwing knives.
  3. Three 10-inch cleavers.
  4. Three throwing hatchets.

Now let’s go through each of the four items and discuss how they functioned for me.


The cards are unique and interesting. Right when we opened the box Ryan and I had to throw them first. And anyone else that looked at the set that night had to try their hand at throwing the Bullseye cards. They are 3 ½-inch x 2 ½-inch cards. They are the four aces in a deck of cards and have a sharpened edge on all four sides.

Ryan quickly figured out that the key to throwing the cards was to make sure that you threw them straight. Since all four sides are sharp, if it hits on the edge, it is going to stick. But since it is not a super sharp edge, if it hits so that the whole edge (let’s say from top to bottom on the side) it will not stick. Like I said, for some reason the Smith & Wesson Bullseye Ultimate Throwing Cards appealed to everyone.

Smith & Wesson Bullseye Ultimate Throwing Combo: Bullseye Cards
Smith & Wesson Bullseye Ultimate Throwing Combo: Bullseye Cards

The bottom sides of the cards have a rough texture. About what you would expect to see on a sheet of rusted/pitted metal. This allows you to have a firm grip when throwing the card. I never did figure out if it is best to have the rough textured side against your thumb or against the side of your pointer finger. Or maybe it doesn’t matter.


I found the Bullseye Cleaver especially hard to stick. But Ryan took it as a challenge, and due to his skill level before long he was able to consistently stick three throws in a row. I never did master the cleavers.

At first glance, you’d think they’d be easier to stick than a throwing knife due to their design. The bottom part is sharp just like the blade of a knife, but the tip is a flatter, slightly convexed edge which you would think would be easier to stick than a pointed knife, but it wasn’t for me.


The throwing knives have a definite point. The edge is beveled back 2 ¼-inches on top and bottom but not beveled enough to have an edge. So, the only sharp edge is the point of the knife. I don’t want to say that you have to have an exact throw to make them stick, but…. You pretty much do.

Throwing a knife is all about two things:

  1. You must use the same motions and release the knife at the exact same extension of your arm every throw, or it will change the flight of your knife and consequently change the impact point that your knife hits.
  2. Judging how far to stand from your target. If the knife is 8 inches long and you throw a knife, and it hits on the back of the handle, then you need to either step 8 inches forwards or move backward 8 inches. Being able to throw a knife is all about being able to judge distances properly so your knife hits the exact point on the knife that you want. And in fact, this is true for all throwing instruments.
Smith & Wesson Bullseye Ultimate Throwing Combo: Throwing Knives and Cleavers
Smith & Wesson Bullseye Ultimate Throwing Combo: Throwing Knives and Cleavers


OK, the Bullseye Throwing Axes were my favorite item in the kit, which translated means that it was the item that I was most successful with. After the first throw, I don’t know if I missed any more shots. But lest I mislead you into thinking I am a good axe thrower, I should probably give you the whole scoop.

An axe is inherently easier to stick than a knife due to its design. The convex cutting edge allows you a stick if you’re within its convex cutting edge, which is about 45 degrees on this hatchet.

Smith & Wesson Bullseye Ultimate Throwing Combo: Bullseye Axe
Smith & Wesson Bullseye Ultimate Throwing Combo: Bullseye Axe

Then to further enhance your success rates, on the back of the axe head is a point that has an edge like a Tanto blade knife. Also, the top of the axe has a sharpened edge.

And last, the end of the handle has a point that saved my bacon numerous times since I stuck the handle numerous times.

If you’ve never thrown knives, this would be a fun kit. When you’re sitting around camp in the middle of the day elk hunting or around the campfire on a regular camping trip sometimes you or the kids are bored and need an activity to engage in. Throw at an old log or cut a big slab out of a log, paint a few circles on the end, prop it up and you’re ready for a world-class competition. Or at least it’s a fun venture for the kids while you’re cooking dinner. The MSRP is $154.99. And as usual, we will close with the company comments.

The Ultimate Throwing Pack has a wide variety of throwing implements for you to work your board over. Featuring our iconic throwing knives and axes, the pack also includes the newest addition to the S&W throwing family: our all-new cleavers. All made out of durable stainless steel to prevent knicks and sharpened for good sticks, master your short-range game with the Ultimate Throwing Pack.

About Tom Claycomb

Tom Claycomb has been an avid hunter/fisherman throughout his life as well as an outdoors writer with outdoor columns in the magazine Hunt Alaska, Bass Pro Shops,, and freelances for numerous magazines and newspapers. “To properly skin your animal, you will need a sharp knife. I have an e-article on Amazon Kindle titled Knife Sharpening for $.99 if you’re having trouble.”

Tom Claycomb

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Having spent a lot of times throwing various edged items. It was fun and a learning experience.

What I learned was spending the same amount of time learning how to use firearms. Resulted in more practical skills.