NC Governor Copper VETOES ‘Guarantee 2nd Amendment Freedom & Protections Bill’ – Take Action

intolerance bigotry liberal hate speech racism race baiting

North Carolina – On Friday, Governor Roy Cooper vetoed Senate Bill 41 to repeal our Jim Crow-era pistol purchase permit law and to facilitate parishioners in defending churches against violent sociopaths. It now becomes our responsibility to override that veto. We need your help!

Senate Bill 41, returned by Cooper to the legislature, will first go to the Senate, where Republicans hold the necessary 6/10 to override the veto. Next, the bill goes to the House, where Republicans lack just one vote for the needed supermajority.

The good news is that in the House, three Democrats – Reps. Marvin Lucas (Cumberland), Shelly Willingham (Bertie, Edgecombe, Martin), and Michael Wray (Halifax, Northampton, Warren) – voted for final passage of SB 41.

The question becomes whether politicians, under considerable pressure from the most anti-freedom NC governor since the defeat of the British, will buckle and vote against us on the override vote. That will depend in large part on you.

CALL & EMAIL THE 3 HOUSE DEMOCRATS: No later than Tuesday, politely contact Lucas, Willingham, and Wray, thank them for their vote for SB 41, and tell them that the safety of church-goers currently denied the ability to protect themselves depends on their vote to over-ride Cooper’s reckless veto.


Suggested Subject: “All churches deserve the same protection”

Representatives Lucas, Willingham and Wray:

I thank you for your vote for Senate Bill 41 (“Guarantee 2nd Amendment Freedom and Protections”), and strongly urge you to over-ride Governor Roy Cooper’s reckless veto.
Part I of the bill (“Protect Religious Meeting Places”) merely offers churches which sponsor schools the same protection other churches have enjoyed since 1995. As a reasonable and measured response to increasing attacks on religious institutions, the bill does not apply to religious functions held in public schools, to institutions of higher learning, or at any time curricular or extracurricular school functions are held. If Cooper’s veto is allowed to stand and an attack occurs at a North Carolina church, those responsible will be held to account.

The bill’s opponents claim that under Part II (“Repeal Pistol Purchase Permits”), lack of purchase permits for private transfers will mean fewer background checks. In truth, criminals and even lawful citizens rarely use the archaic permits. Few people even know they are legally required.

Moreover, repealing the Jim Crow-era law will ensure that background checks for dealer sales will be done at the time and point of sale instead of up to five years prior. Purchase permits are valid for five years, during which permit holders can commit disqualifying crimes but still use their permits to bypass the computerized National Instant Background Check System.

A 2014 North Carolina Sheriffs Association report entitled “Pistol Purchase Permit Revocations: A Report to the General Assembly” found “165 or 23.5% of permits being subject to revocation in Camden County and 35,488 or 38% of permits being subject to revocation in Mecklenburg County. Several sheriffs’ offices had over 40% of their permits reported subject to revocation in the NICS report.” But the report also found that “conducting periodic background checks on all active permits manually (researching each name on a weekly or monthly basis) is a nearly impossible task for all sheriffs’ offices.”

By voting to over-ride Gov. Cooper’s veto, you will be voting to enhance public safety. I will be monitoring this issue through Grass Roots North Carolina legislative alerts.

Read Related: North Carolina Denying the Racist Roots of Its Own Jim Crow Gun Laws

About Grass Roots North Carolina

Founded in 1994, Grass Roots North Carolina is an all-volunteer 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving individual liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights with emphasis on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.Grass Roots North Carolina

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Hopefully, North Carolina voters are able to promote Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson from his current position to Governor on 2024. I think he will put an end to these idiotic vetoes of good gun bills.


The citizens of North Carolina need to veto Roy Cooper next election and send him a message that his anti 2A position has never been needed in North Carolina .

Desert Guy

This further proves that oath takers are liars.


Tacky at best. I took the oath as did millions of others over time who shouldn’t be tarred, or coppered as the case may be, by this dolt.

It was a serious oath and has become more important than ever.


Governor is a Democrat! Surprised??

Roland T. Gunner

When any government employee, outside of a split-second life endangering judgement call, openly and obviously violates a citizen’s rights, or the rights of the citizenry at large, there needs to be a fast and simple process for removibg that person from his or her office.


If anybody living in North Carolina reading this, please join this group, (first link below) and buy this book, even if you learn just 1 thing, (you’ll learn much more, trust me), and incorporate it into you 2A proselytizing you will become much more effective.


I have bought 5 handguns in North Carolina over the last 21/2 years and 4 required a purchase permit, 1 I used my concealed permit , all 5 required a NICS background check regardless of which permit was used. Don’t assume that this puts me in line with Gov. Cooper,,,,just clearing up a misconception among some anti-gunners. I do support dropping the purchase permit requirement and also nationwide constitutional carry.


I’m thinking that the Sheriffs’ documentation of revocable permits needs more info. E.g., how easy is it to forget to renew a permit, think driver’s license, and become revocable without cause other than that.

Info may be misleading at best and stupid at worst.


Senate and House both vote to OVERRIDE!


the senate override is good but you still need the house to vote to override as well, 2 democrats vote with the law but will they vote to override?


Please, get your editor on the headline of this article and correct the damned spelling of the NC Governor’s name ok? I don’t like this POS Governor any more than then next Patriot here in NC – he’s garbage. However, it takes away the credibility and effectiveness of any column to get the point across when the losers who call themselves the opposition can hold up a copy and point to the stupidity and/or lack of attention to detail displayed by the writer or publication. The Left already portrays We The People as ignorant, uneducated Rubes who only want to… Read more »


The NC Senate overrode the veto today.. .evidently, pigs can fly.