President Biden to Announce New Executive Actions On Guns

Joe Biden IMG whitehouse-gov
President Biden to Announce New Executive Actions On Guns IMG whitehouse-gov

President Joe Biden will announce new executive actions attacking the firearms industry and the American gun owner during a speech in Monterey Park, California.

One of President Biden’s stated goals is universal background checks. To get closer to his goal, he will order the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to change the definition of someone engaged in the business of selling firearms. Most states allow gun owners to sell their firearms through private transactions without paying a federal firearms licensee (FFL) to transfer the gun.

The second action the White House is taking is launching a public relations campaign to educate the public on the use of Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO). ERPO, also known as “red flag laws,” strips gun owners of their firearms rights in an ex parte hearing where the gun owner cannot defend their rights. Many believe these laws are a violation of due process. Biden wants to educate people on how to file for ERPOs to increase the number of red flag orders issued.

The Biden Administration is also asking the Department of Transportation to work with shippers to cut down on stolen firearms and speed up the reports of missing shipments. This request could mean new regulations on firearms shipments or new requirements for shipping firearms. Many gun owners worry about changes since Congress has been putting immense pressure on shipping companies leading some to change policies that have made it more expensive to ship guns.

Biden vowed to crack down on “rogue” FFLs, and the ATF revocation of FFLs is up 500% since Biden took office. The White House will now require the ATF to release information on FFLs violations publicly. Many see this as a war on the gun industry.

AmmoLand News and Gun Owners of America (GOA) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the ATF to get the FOIA request of anti-gun groups. What we discovered was that these groups were requesting information on FFL violations. This slip-up could be as minor of a violation as a simple typo. Brady then released a legal course on how to use this information to sue FFLs. Biden seems to be taking steps to make it easier for anti-gun groups to get this information.

Biden will also use the Department of Defense (DOD) acquisition of firearms to attack the gun industry. It isn’t clear what he means, but this could mean putting stipulations in government contracts with firearms companies to prevent the sale of certain firearms to the public. He is also ordering the Federal Trade Commission to investigate “military imagery” used in the advertisement of guns.

“Use the Department of Defense’s acquisition of firearms to further firearm and public safety practices. The Department of Defense buys a large number of firearms and other weapons to protect and serve our country. The President is directing the Secretary of Defense to develop and implement principles to further firearm and public safety practices through Department of Defense acquisition of firearms, consistent with applicable law,” the statement said.

The President is also ordering all law enforcement agencies to issue rigorous requirements for the submission of fired casings to the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN). This database is like a fingerprint database of firearms. It allows the government to track down the gun that fired a round. The requirements were not unveiled.

Biden also ordered the acceleration of the implementation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA). The bill was passed after the Uvalde shooting and was an appeasement to the anti-gun politicians in the Senate. John Cornyn led the Republican side of the negotiation, which saw Republicans give in on gun rights.

President Biden also wants to see a FEMA-level response for victims of crimes involving guns. This response includes providing medical assistance, food, housing, and mental health counseling. This request is only limited to crimes involving firearms. Things like the Boston Marathon bombing or 9-11 were not addressed.

The final thing the President announced was a push to update the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988. It was initially passed after Die Hard 2 came out and featured Glocks. Bruce Willis’s character, John McClane, remarked that “Glock 7s” were not detectable by metal detectors, which was false. The movie claim led to Congress passing the law. The law is set to expire at the end of the year.

Biden said because of new polymers, the law needs to be updated. Some worry that Biden is referring to 3D-printed guns that have rendered gun control useless.

AmmoLand News spoke with GOA’s Senior Vice President, Erich Pratt, about the President’s new executive actions. He said that GOA would respond and challenge any unconstitutional actions. Pratt picked apart Biden’s actions

“The current background check system is ineffective, and 9 out of 10 times falsely flags someone as ineligible to purchase,” Pratt said. “Instead of expanding the requirements to harass people who sell as few as just one firearm in a given year, this administration should be focusing their attention on keeping bad actors locked away, like the D.C. police chief openly stated just last week. Guns will continue to fall into the wrong hands as long as politicians and bureaucrats fail to acknowledge the real elephant in the room – violent criminals freely walking the streets.”

Many of these executive orders are on the wish list of anti-gun groups. Biden has made it clear that he wants to be the most anti-gun President in history.

About John Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, or at

John Crump

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Henry Bowman

Build your defensive capability NOW. Enlist the friends & family you trust, NOW. Build your own local Quick Reaction Force (QRF) for mutual self-defense from tyrants & jackboots!!


I agree 100%. Funny thing though, it’s been a lot harder to organize such in our Rural area. When we lived in a larger town (160,000+/-), it was easier to find like minded individuals, but since moving to a small rural hamlet two years ago, it’s been harder to find such. I know they’re here, but folks are a lot quieter about saying anything, and reluctant to say a word.


As a black man, who’s the militia??

Henry Bowman

You, me, every peaceable citizen. Our nation’s founders said “the whole people”. Not coincidentally, politicians appear to be the only category actually prohibited from militia duty. It’s almost as if they knew politicians would screw things up….

Wild Bill

If the Russians can draw the US into committing in the Ukraine war, then the US will no longer be in a position to oppose the Chinese attack on Taiwan. Bill Clinton dismantled our “Two Theatre War” capability.
This is a chess game.


“This is a chess game.”
And Brandon’s not even capable of tic tac toe.


“Would you like to play a game?”


Back from the 70’s or 80’s there was a movie (think it was called “war game”) in which kids hacked DoD computer and played war games simulating nuclear war. Since AI controlled US nuclear forces, in process it almost started war IRL.

Is your line a quote from that movie?


yup. Follow by “global thermonuclear war.”

Knute Knute

“A strange game. The only winning move appears to be not to play. How about a nice game of chess?”
Starring Matthew Broaderick and Allie Sheedy from; “The Breakfast Club”:-)


The least they should of done would be to have removed the fighter jet from existence. After all the drone was in international air space. Oh wait! Maybe we don’t have the capability of doing that because all of our military equipment went away in Afghanistan and Ukraine. I doubt old loony Joe would even strike back if a Russian bomber leveled LA.

Roland T. Gunner

I”m sick of all the whiners saying “dont escalate with Russia” and “dobt provoke Russia”. If we are afraid to stand up to Putin, we have already lost to him.


Back when the USSR collapsed, a lot wiser and much smarter men than the current collection of idiots, warned NATO and the West against poaching the former Warsaw Pact countries from Russia’s influence. That, they said, would eventually provoke a response from Russia. Did they listen to the advice? No, and this War is a direct consequence of that failure to heed the warnings. At first Russia didn’t make much fuss about countries not on the Russian border being poached away. But as former ally by ally was accepted into the Alliance, Russia grew aggressive about the poaching. The truth… Read more »


Don’t you mean a Republican form of Government with a Democratic system of voting?


Not really, because that leaves out Constitutional Monarchies and the other Euro Weirdness. The main point of that NATO provision is that the government of a member nation derives from the people, either through Direct Vote or Representative Vote. It gets confusing because there are countries with both a President and a Prime Minister, Unicameral Houses and Bicameral Houses, and every variation thouqht up. Ukraine’s government is a mirror image of Russian Government. Zelensky is just another Putin. Jailing and outlawing those who oppose or criticize his rule. That’s why Biden has a big man crush on Zelensky. Joe would… Read more »

Roland T. Gunner

Chuck, I am a child of the Cold War, but you sound like you are much more knowledgeable than I. But, a couple of things- those little pissant former satelites fo not belong to Vladi, and if we can bring them under Western influence, thst is a good thing. And, what does anybody gain from deliberately provoking Vladi? A Russia sitting quietly, wrapped in a bear skin, navel gazing, slurping borscht and swilling the coolant alcohol out of their MiGs, is a wonderful thing.


I don’t have a problem with going to war with Russia. I do, however, have a problem with Politicians running the War.
Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan have all proved that Presidents and Politicians have No business directing strategy and tactics or setting goals.


Leveling LA with a bomb? The Soros backed DA’s, the homeless and druggies, have pretty much done that already. Could anyone tell the difference before and after?

Henry Bowman

Well I keep telling people the revolution / civil war is imminent and inevitable. This simply confirms what we know, and it motivates the aware patriot to hurry the hell up and finish prepping for conflict.


I pray you are wrong!


We all do.

Henry Bowman

I pray that too. BUT… These dopes are gonna destroy the USA one way or another!


In case you haven’t been paying attention, HB, the revolution has already been started. It started when Trump came down the escalator and announced his bid for the presidency. The Dims then started the insurrection against the Republic. They are now ramping up the battle hoping to disarm us before they they clamp down really hard with the help of the Chinese, Russians and Iran. We are the only thing stopping an all out assault on Israel, which is and has been the crux of almost everything political since the Jews went back home in ’48.

Henry Bowman

Yes, I know, but I always pull my punches when talking about things here. You never know when someone will rat you out for speaking truth – even in a gunowner-oriented forum. I’ve seen some frequent names in past years just drop off the forum (zucc’ed). We have gone through the communist color revolution, the CCP-USA has consolidated its’ gains and is now working on waging political warfare on us via the in-justice system. Personally, I pray that people accept that it’s time to skin that smoke-wagon & get to work. Otherwise, our shame will be having done NOTHING to… Read more »


It would, also, be the end of any further gun control attempts for at least our lifetime. That end would not be the one they envision.


The MORON n’ Chief needs to take another nap and leave guns alone!

Roland T. Gunner

The MORON n’ Chief needs to take another nap and slip away quietly into those soft, dark nothingness AND STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE LIGHT!


Biden is nothing more than a Manchurian candidate in an empty suit. His ‘Handlers’ are making all the decisions. He is the tradeoff made by the Liberal/Progressive Democrats. For allowing an old man with Dementia to live out his dream of being President.


Dear Brandon: How’d Prohibition work out for the Feds? FJB

Last edited 1 year ago by JH1961

It made his idol, Joseph Kennedy very, very rich. Brandon only cares about his syndicate.


One huge problem with that. In order to be the one to carry the big stick and walk softly, you still have to have the big stick. Thanks to all the dumbasses in this country that keep voting for the woke, left wing-nut Democrats, Biden dissolved our big stick and I don’t think the U.S. Navy will unleash Tom Cruise to help us.


Correct… When is the GOP going to require the ATF to prove they are upholding the 2nd amendment in the face of bruen such that their intent, as government regulators supposedly enforcing the law, is to protect the public from government overreach on the second amendment… There can be no other legally legitimate reason for having a firearm regulatory agency under the US constitution…


3 downvotes… That is funny, so apparently, requiring the atf to support the 2nd amendment is not popular on here? That is funny… Maybe it is because my solution doesn’t involve giving tons of money to corrupt special interest groups that kickback money to anti gun politicians to keep them funded thru fear?

Henry Bowman

You wouldn’t get DV’s for saying stupid s#!t if you said ABOLISH THE ATF. This out-of-control agency has been illegitimate from day one! I’m gonna take a guess and suppose you’re a boomer fudd who is an NRA lifer! You can’t reform that which is unconstitutional from its inception!


You’re ridiculously stupid… Like a character off of the movie idiocracy… You have no understanding of rhetoric do you? My God, if people on here are downvoting my comment and upvoting yours, we might as well just hand the 2nd amendment over to biden…
You’re like a fart wafting in the wind.

Henry Bowman

Stop talking to your bathroom mirror and GTFO.


You are right, Big Red! Too many people here can read, but yet are unable to understand what it is that they read!!

Roland T. Gunner

There are still a lot of gun owners who buy into the “just reasonable, common-sense gun control” crap.


THOSE gun owners scare the living crap out of me! THEY are far more dangerous than the democrats, MS-13 or the cartels!


A sad but accurate statement. Just as members of the public that think the 2nd is all about hunting.


Background checks and serial number tracing do nothing to prevent crime, and FBATFE cannot even give a single example of a crime solved via tracing!

Both unconstitutional, as are BATFE itself, NFA, GCA, Hughes amendment, etc. We will go back to ordering rifles though the mail order catalog with no checks, bring back morality and target shooting at school, and end this woke nonsense and infringements.


Actually, they CAN! It was one of the AK-47’s that the FBATFE illegally sold to the Mexican drug cartels that murdered fellow U.S. Marine and U.S. Border Patrol BORTAC Agent Brian Terry. THAT one they were able to trace back to their own f’ked up and wholly delusional scheme that got Agent Terry murdered.


Do not forget the FAMILY that was SLAUGHTERED by one of the CONFIRMED ATF’s “FAST AND FURIOUS” guns. This news article was “short lived” before it was buried.


What does that have to do with what i said? Anything? No… Nothing… My comment flipped some kind of trigger in your brain like a blue haired 16 year old girl… Are you drunk?


How do you get people to be moral ??
Your that stupid that you think you can make criminals be good.


Get real. BATF unquestionably ARE anti-Seco and Article folks. Their very existence is predicated upon controlling and regulating (as in making rules to restrict and limit not to’make regular’ as one would calibrate a clock) to restric, limit, prohibit, normal and lawful possession and use of firearms, and throw roadblocks up against lawful commerce in arms. The organisation started out as a tax colecing agency and has jumped the fence into controlling and regulating. It was made up out of wole cloth by execitive fiat, NOT created by the Congress as is requried by the Cnstitution.


I’ll probably get censored for posting this but that scum sucking pos idiot can say anything he wants and then grab it and stick it where the sun don’t shine, he and his entire administration!


It is the democrat modus-operendi, to make the taxpayers and the entire country broke und unsustainable, to weaken us and destroy silently from within like they have been doing ever since the 60’s when they fed our youth with psychotropic drugs, feminism, political correctness, common core math, the gay rights movement and every other form of unstable, non-fundamental izm, ist, osms, and all the other psycho-babble crap as far away from God as possible because first of all, they detest God with all their heart and seek to destroy any of us that DO believe in Him. It’s all about… Read more »


“which saw Republicans give in on gun rights” says a lot, but ,sadly, it’s not new. Some here think that Republicans will defend gun rights but they are just interested in getting re-elected, nothing more. Don’t count on any politicians, all they want is to buy a vote.


I am so ashamed of Cornyn. I supported the opposition against him in the last primary and will do so again come 2026. I want him G O N E!


I ain’t ‘ashamed’ of him, I am thoroughly DISGUSTED with him. Fortunately afaik he has said this is his last term but unfortunately we are still stuck with him for several more years. ;-(
I don’t know what would shame him enough for him to resign in disgrace.


BS! DEMAND his censure and ouster for anti-U.S. and State of Texas Constitutional actions against WE, The People!! Contact Us – Republican Party of TexasRepublican Party of Texas (


I don’t wish anyone to expire before their appointed time so that leaves resignation – but as I pointed out to Bill I can’t think of anything that would shame him in to doing so. ;-(


Just make it look like an accident. Just sayin’ for a friend.

Roland T. Gunner
Last edited 1 year ago by Roland T. Gunner
Roland T. Gunner

Bullshit! There is a small but feverish movement to oust Cornyn’s traitorous ass from the Senate! Texas don’t stand for that kind of crap!


The ONLY things that they care about is getting re-elected and obtaining more power and money. They all think we’re just a bunch of nobodies from whom to obtain money, be it stolen,pork or campaign contributions.


FEMA for shootings? Bwa hahaha. Talk about flagrant and gross abuse of resources, and unneeded.


Hey? Somebody has to come out and set up all those pop-up tents and hand out water?


Oh, they’re like pop-up targets like we used to shoot at on the range? That’ll be fun!


Background checks again? Being clean never changes anything. Leftist regimes are hyper-paranoid. They’ll always insist you’re hiding something.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ledesma

There are some out there… Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO) is a project launched in 1994 in response to a coordinated public health campaign against gun rights. DRGO is now a nationwide network of physicians, allied health professionals, scientists, and others who support the safe and lawful use of firearms.
About – Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership – DRGO

J Gibbons

Agree that a lot of Republicans are not where they ought to be on 2A, but after this latest, no one should ever argue that Biden is better on 2A than Trump was or the next non-Democrat president is likely to be.

Biden probably is the most anti-gun president ever. And yet a lot of gun owners voted for him. The joke’s on all of us, I guess.


Clear and Blatantly Executive Overreach is what it is.


President Biden needs to read The Constitution of The United States, which he seems sadly unfamiliar with.


That ignorant fool can’t read the box his ice-cream cones comes out of.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

I’ll see your “Executive Action”, and raise you a Constitutional Second Amendment, “Shall Not Be Infringed”.
That SHOULD be game, set, and match, but……LibTards, they’re rather slow on the whole “Freedom” thing. It’ll take them awhile.


THIS is my exact point! It appears YOU are the only one in opregoneistan that actually gives a damn about that state and you stay there, putting up with it. That judge CAN be removed from the bench. 18 U.S.C. 1918 (


I’m praying for your family. I’m in a similar situation and if we don’t move soon, the legislature will bankrupt us when we try to go.


Seems money is always the issue. See if you can grab some funding from the online 2A community. Manufacturers, distributors, online firearms and parts sales, ammo companies, etc. We need to start putting together a coalition of super-funding sources for matters such as this. After all the money won’t be worth a damn if we lose anyway… ut copper, brass and powder will sure as hell go up in value! My best always to your family. Tell your father-in-law I said, “Semper Fidelis!”


America as we knew it won’t exist after these 4 years, but we kinda knew it was going to happen.


He has a limited time and a lot to do. We are in for the fight of our lifetime for the 2A. I think we all know the police and national guard will do whatever they are told as a group with the odd individual resigning here and there. This is going to get nasty. They will come for them. We have some time. Not much but some time.


Once the military realizes they would be marching against mom, dad, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grand parents and friends and neighbors, I have faith that they will stand down. Katrina, the Afghanistan Withdraw, Fallujah and many more instances aren’t that long ago to show them the errors of their ways. Then again? If they do get antsy, we’ll just have to pants em’ and paddle their asses!


It wasn’t some mistake that trump pushed for red flag laws and helped 19 state’s attorney generals pass them…after he invited every one of them to the whitehouse and assured them the doj would not pursue them on any constitutional grounds after the vegas shooting… And in ‘bruen’, trump appointee, justice kavenaugh made a strong inuendo that the scotus wouldn’t touch red flag laws… Everything is controlled against us folks… Everything… I think they allowed constitutional carry because they believed people would quickly begin shooting each other and demand totalitarian gun control… Which of course has not happened, so they… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by BigRed

MORON n’ Chief!


A little late,
he did this yesterday.


So, what about it badge pushers? Are black liberals enough? Or do you want the rest of the nation waiting in the dark for you as well?


Ask the British what happened to them when they tried this in the American Colonies.


The ATF’s mission from day one, has 0never been about supporting the 2nd Amendment. Its mission has been about Infringinging and restricting the 2nd Amendment since 1934, when it was just an arm of the Dept. of Revenue. It existed long before the 1968 GCA renamed the ATF.

The partner ship between the NSSF and NRA with the ATF has been entirely one sided. The ATF makes demands, and the NSSF and NRA fall over themselves to obediently comply.


FJB and his illegal Marxist regime.


Changing definitions is something Congress can do by law not by creative word processing.


And just how can anybody expect to be treated fairly in a 100% corrupted legal system? You cannot be treated fairly in a SCAM that is set up to rip you off! How many casinos ever give the suckers who go into them an even break? Not even just one of them, because all of them are set up to steal from you! If their rigged up “games” were an honest 50/50 chance of you winning or losing, they would all go out of business in less than a week! They don’t put up those expensive buildings with all of… Read more »


More, never ending Unconstitonal CRAP from the Incompentent Clown that armed the Taliban.


@Mac; Better to say; The pRESIDENT ‘n’ thief should leave OWNERS ALONE!


The ilegitiment clownshow Joe Biden will find his executive orders are unconstitutional and will be thrown out by the SCOTUS as fast as he can pen them to paper . Clownshow Joe Biden never let’s an opportunity to use a tragedy to take rights from law biding Americans . Incoherent virtue signaling idiot Joe Biden is clueless and should be impeached immediately for violating his oath and for money laundering and corruption .


this un-American a–hole needs to be removed from this country for ever


since Congress has been putting immense pressure on shipping companies leading some to change policies that have made it more expensive to ship guns.

Congress has not been pressuring shipping companies.

A few members of Congress have been writing letters (on their Congressional letterhead) to common carriers, threatening their businesses if they failed to comply with those members’ demands. It’s a similar tactic to the New York banking commissioner threatening banks that failed to comply with New York politicians’ demands.


“…Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988. The movie claim led to Congress passing the law.” “One of the notable aspects of the democratic process is that one need not know anything about a subject in order to pass laws about it.” – the late COL Jeff Cooper.


Call me when the “Crack Down On Rogue Politicians” begins.


It’s all a money game. As long as you ‘look like your busy’ you still get a paycheck. Doesn’t have to be top-performing work… Seems running around in circles screeching and acting like a fool pays pretty well with a LOT or perks?

Last edited 1 year ago by USMC0351Grunt

So it takes them from 6,000 employees to 8,000 employees. We still outnumber the F**kers 25,000 to 1. Them’s some Purdy Good Odds my Great Grandpa would say.


So he’s going to push the same red flag laws that the new york supreme court just ruled were unconstitutional? Good plan old man…


F@$k!!! This waiting for my comments to get approve is racist AF!! Why?? Because I’m a black man?? Turn that sh!t off now. You afraid of my free speech!! This site has gone to the dogs. Straight BS!!!


Unfortunately the only way anyone can stop walking violent criminals is to eliminate guns periods but with the number of guns out there it would take several lifetimes. Probably as long as slavery has existed. Over this next 100 years no dent would be made if guns were eliminated today. It would only hurt me and my family who are law abiding citizens.

Tougher penalties won’t help. More laws won’t help. Punishing good people with guns won’t help. Nothing will except eliminating all guns and like I said earlier, that would take another 400 plus years.


Naïve thinking. It’s not the guns, it’s the person. How does anyone NOT understand that? Get rid of the guns, they’ll use knives (Great Brittan & Australia). Get rid of the knives, they’ll use scissors & garden tools (Great Brittan & Australia again), get rid of those, and so on…they’ll use sticks and rocks. Punish the offending person, make it so everyone starts thinking “If I commit a violent crime, I will be put to death” instead of a comfy stay in prison. Start disciplining our kids again. Stop making it OK to be a victim. Fight back! Oh wait,… Read more »


Naive?? I’m afraid not. You see there are laws on the books now that punish individuals for gun crimes. Tons of them. There are ignorant crazy people in every state! Of all races, sexes, etc. Most don’t give a sh!t about the laws. Punishment will be least effective on them and once that person is locked up, then another one will be born. Speaking of knives, etc. Well it’s unAmerican to allow a mass slaughter with someone with a knife. Sure it probably have happened before but I bet ya that those mass killings with a knife is much more… Read more »


And we would do that why? What’s the american interest in ukraine? Oh yeah, protecting 33 illegal, US military biochemical warfare labs of which 7 just happened to be studying corona viruses… Or maybe you support sending 100’s of billions of US tax dollars to avowed nazi’s?
If not one of the above, please explain, i’m genuinely interested as to why americans support a war against an 89% Christian country that has done nothing to americans, and poses no threat to americans, in favor of a country whose military are blatant, in your face, swastika wearing nazis…


Uh oh… I questioned the democrat media narrative… Watch out… Plenty of democrat subversives on here…


So it would seem.

Roland T. Gunner

Vladi Putin is much more of fascist than Zelensky.


I am not that sure you are right. They are cut from the same cloth, but I think Zelensky is better at hiding it.