Uvalde Cops with AR15s Blame AR15s For 21 Murders, Not Cowardice ~ VIDEO

Law enforcement is dangerous. That’s why departments issue handguns, spare mags, Tasers, pepper spray, batons, shotguns, AR15 rifles and body armor, then spend millions of taxpayer dollars every year making sure their officers know how to use deadly force with some modicum of proficiency.

If you can’t accept the danger, do not apply.

Pinning on a badge once came with implied consent. It meant you were willing to risk your life to protect the lives of others, regardless of how the courts have ruled. Sadly, that is no longer the case, at least not in Uvalde, Texas.

More than 400 hundred law enforcement officers from multiple departments waited 77 minutes outside a classroom of Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, while an active shooter killed 19 children and two teachers inside. They allowed an 18-year-old madman to kill 21 people while they waited in a hallway outside the classroom, milling around, talking on their radios, and checking their cellphones.

Now, a report from the Texas Tribune and ProPublica shows how the officers involved in the worst active-shooter response in police history are attempting to shift the public’s focus away from their own cowardice. They didn’t make entry, they told investigators, because the suspect had an AR. In other words, instead of blaming themselves, they’re blaming a gun, even though police had hundreds of ARs on the scene.

“You knew that it was definitely an AR,” Uvalde Police Sgt. Donald Page told investigators after the shooting, according to the report. “There was no way of going in. We had no choice but to wait and try to get something that had better coverage where we could actually stand up to him.”

Sgt. Page was not alone in his excuse-making.

“We weren’t equipped to make entry into that room without several casualties,” Uvalde Police Department Detective Louis reportedly said, adding, “Once we found out it was a rifle he was using, it was a different game plan we would have had to come up with. It wasn’t just going in guns blazing, the Old West style, and take him out.”

So much for the simple but effective run-to-the-gun active-shooter response that’s ingrained into every single police officer in the country. Uvalde police reverted to the chill-out-and-wait-for-SWAT response that ended after the Columbine massacre.

And now they want you to believe that a rifle is responsible for their failure to act.

The country’s entire law enforcement community let out a collective groan of horror and disbelief once it was learned what happened in Uvalde, or more accurately, what didn’t happen. Sure, there were a few officers who tried like hell to get into the classroom and shoot the bad guy. However, they were waved off and held back by the feebleminded pussies who were running the show, who are still trying to justify the craven abdication of their sworn duty by blaming an inanimate object.

Officers had one job: They should have made entry immediately and engaged the shooter, regardless of how he was armed. He was killing children, after all. Each second could cost a precious life, and they gave him 77 minutes.

The gun-ban industry was already using Uvalde as a talking point in their war on our gun rights. Given this new report, their clamoring will only grow louder.

Nowadays, rather than investing in armored fighting vehicles and weapons that rival those of Tier One JSOC units, perhaps police departments should invest in better quality personnel. It’s been nearly a year since the Uvalde mass murder, and those responsible are still making excuses. But now, by blaming a gun rather than themselves, they’re putting our civil rights further at risk.

This story is presented by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and wouldn’t be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.

About Lee Williams

Lee Williams, who is also known as “The Gun Writer,” is the chief editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Until recently, he was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming an editor, Lee was an investigative reporter at newspapers in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. He’s earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a reporter, and three medals of valor as a cop. Lee is an avid tactical shooter.

Lee Williams

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Police squeal about Americans having “guns” all the time. Especially in cases where they fail to be effective against crime. Organized police forces aren’t allies of the 2A. They were designed to replace it.

Knute Knute

And, as in Uvalde, they do a hell of a job at it, huh? There’s a reason why gun sales set new record sales regularly. The people are waking up to the fact that the authorities are NOT their partners, but are opponents instead.
We are on our own, and getting used to the idea.


The Supreme Court ruled some time ago that the police have no duty to protect citizens. I guess they’re employed to take reports and investigate crimes after the fact.


to protect and serve, note it does not say the people, it is to protect and serve the law


Actually most of the squealing is done by figured head chiefs that had no street time


Violent criminals need to be engaged by officers with a spine , not monitored by cowards while they commit murder . DO YOUR JOB , EARN YOUR PAY !


There was an officer who had a rifle and saw the gunman before he entered the school. He didn’t shoot as he was waiting for permission. He actually saw a person walking towards a school with an AR and asked what he should do…the fact is many of our officers are so poorly trained and ready to do the job because of liberal teaching and policing doctrine. There are too many cops who want to have the job, but not do the job. Everyone of those cowards who say a rifle made them stay behind cover instead of helping children… Read more »


Well, that last part might be true, if they were smart and had a real conscience!! But they get hired because they are stupid and don’t have much of a conscience! And THAT is why we get situations like MSD and Uvalde!! Then add into the mix that the USSC/SCOTUS has said that they have no obligation to protect lives because it’s not a part of their job description!!

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

He didn’t shoot as he was waiting for permission.”
Sounds like the mentality of the WWII German Army.
The Nazi generals would make a decision on what was needed to be done, BUT they had to pass that decision UP the line as far as it could go (including waking up Der Furher in the middle of the night), and then wait for the approval to come back DOWN to them before they could act.
THIS is one of the characteristics of a totalitarian Gooberment and its sycophants.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

Doxx every officer who was there on that day and did nothing.
I’m sure there are enough records to indicate who was there and who was not.
For “The Cowards of Broward County”, publish their picture, name, address, email, phone number, car and license plate.
Make them feel unwelcome in their home territory. Shame them. Deny them services.
These are “The Only Ones” who allowed children to be murdered while they stood by and did nothing to prevent it.


All persons funded by tax theft should be required to publish their home addresses. These cowards should not be anonymous nor should any officer of the .gov


I don’t know what I’d do if in that situation, but it sounds a lot like Broward Co.
They tell us we don’t need guns for protection because the police are there to protect us from criminals,and crazy people, but if the cops are afraid to brace them, and they allow the MURDER of innocent children what are they doing working in that field?
One of the problems is there seem to be no repercussions.


The Supreme Court ruled some time ago that the police have no duty to protect citizens. 

J Gibbons

It’s the gun banners and Biden goons who claim we don’t need guns because the cops have them. The SCOTUS ruling is irrelevant to the point Hoss is making.


“We weren’t equipped to make entry into that room …”

They are correct in that none of them possessed a spine or sphericaIs.


In my state, most agencies have dumbed down handgun qualification to 15 yards. Dumbed down to 15, from 50 yards, in the 70’s and mid-1980’s.



We shoot regularly from 30 yards on our range. We each just finished shooting 70 rounds this morning.

Last edited 1 year ago by Bill
Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Who is we?

My better half and me.


Low IQ Pig doesn’t even know proper English. It figures. I bet he enforces all of those UNCONSTITUTIONAL “laws” too.


Keep licking the boot.


I’m glad you practice proper shooting and more so that you’ve got your “better half” joining you.

However I fail to see how this pertains to minimum standards for police or their average level of skill.


That is refreshing to hear in this day and time!


you are right, i was helping with training with the Travis County Sheriffs Dept, what we were trying to do was teach them how to shoot in a more tactical environment, well all we got were lots of deputies bitching about the extra time they might have to put in, its bad enough we have to do qualifications, now this, unfortunately the new training never went thru and i could not believe how many incompetent shooters there were with only a few that were competent, we were saddened. there job is to go in and take out the bad guy… Read more »


” . . . there were a few officers who tried like hell to get into the classroom and shoot the bad guy. However, they were waved off and held back by the feebleminded pussies who were running the show . . . ” I remember reading that at the time – one story said that officers from one department actually disarmed and cuffed another officer to prevent him from doing his job. If true – and note I said IF – then in my opinion the officers who did so ought to be criminally charged as accessories to mass… Read more »


That was a Border Patrol officer whose wife taught at the school. IIRC, she was among the slain, but had been talking to her husband as the shooter was killing people. I am retired LE. When I started in 1971, we were taught to solve our problems by ourselves, and quickly. You had a wheelgun and a shotgun,, no handled radio, no body armor, no SWAT. Just you and your partner and maybe a backup unit. Problem is the fear factor. If you act immediately, as you should, the fear factor is non-existent. The longer you wait, the greater it… Read more »


i am sure the cowards of broward (parkland) are happy there are more cowardly leo’s than themselves now that uvalde happened.
they don’t want to be terrorized by a scary black rifle, they want to terrorize others with those scary black rifles.
a firearm is an inanimate object that requires human interaction to function, whether for good or evil. it is the person that makes it good or evil, not the object. cops used to have balls, now it seems like they have ovaries.

Knute Knute

So government employees, trained and taught to lie and keep on lying, will tell lies to cover up their failures?
WOW! Who would have ever thunk that???


There may be something to that. A few – very few! – police officers are excellent shots, but I’ll venture to say most of the rank and file aren’t. Some years back I shot in a pistol league that used the local police department’s qualification course for a tournament – except all the time limits were cut in half. The police considered 70% to be “passing” and I averaged in the high 90s despite the halved time limits (using a revolver!) and I wasn’t alone up there.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

I was at a local range and a cop there made his silhouette at 30 FEET look like he had used multiple shot gun rounds.


Some of the local PoPo “Crack Shots” used to compete in our Municipal Range Amateur Matches. I was not impressed, nor dafter id any of the come close to being among the top scorers. For a while, they used our range after their old building became condemned for asbestos. I was one of the RSOs assigned to cover their practice and Qualification sessions. I became a lot less impressed with the PD after that experoence.


its sad isn’t it


The man who owns our range, Ranger Sniper instructor and trained FBI agents, etc, etc. told us a Sgt. on a SWAT Team ended up killing the pregnant hostage because he had no idea on how to use his optic and adjust it. What a sad day.


Law enforcement departments must also apply for and get permission for fully automatic firearms. Of course ATF approves, and likely does so almost instantly… Biggest difference is, of course, the hughes amendment banning us (general public) from modern auto-firearms. Just look at history of NFA registration counts. Since hughes amendment, full-auto count has increased roughly half a million. Meaning LEO has close to one full-auto for every two or three officers. No doubt ratio is higher in federal agencies (atf, treasury/irs, fbi, SS, etc) but still high numbers in “normal” departments around the country. Always makes me laugh at anti’s… Read more »


When I was a LEO, I would have texted my wife and kids to tell them I loved them very much, and to be strong if something were to happen to me, shut the phone and DO MY JOB, to protect innocent lives, even if it cost me my own. NO EXCUSES.

J Gibbons

Not a LEO but I say the same thing to my family when I head off to church on a Sunday morning to protect our flock and our pastor. I pray I never have to be in that situation, but I make my peace with God and with my family each time I head out.


I was in Texas Law Enforcement for over 30 years –these cowards and their cowardly boss should have never been licensed and should be barred from being licensed


So this rifle was flipping around on its own letting off rounds?
That’s why they want to go after manufacturers?
So when some J.A. Rams a car into a crowd of people, Ford/ Dodge or Mercedes is on the hook, yes?


As in Maryland, SIX road workers were RAN OVER. I wonder if the AR Rifle will get the blame!!


“We weren’t equipped to make entry into that room without several casualties,” Ya’ be meanin’ like children or your cowardic asses?????? Take away their First Responder discount, benies…..badges, guns, uniforms, paycheck, pensions, ingetrigty…. Ooops, integrity…already gone.

J Gibbons

I wonder how many were wearing body armor. All of them should have level IV plates available.




It’s not the gun(s), stupid! It’s the shooter(s). A carefully placed headshot with a .22 (an extreme example) can stop anyone,

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Another good reason to have the MILITIAS back in force and effect. So that the police can go home while we take care of the problem. Bunch of pusillanimous COWARDS! WHY THE MILITIA??

Last edited 1 year ago by Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Just wondering if the room had outside windows that a snipper could have taken him out and why they didn’t try if they were scared to try entry. he was probably the only one standing and only one holding a AR so they knew who to shoot. Why worry about taking a shooter alive, end the shooter, end the threat. Flat ground windows high patrol vehicle roof would have gotten a snipper high to shoot. My understanding a Border Patrol officer or similar wanted to enter because his wife was in there but they restrained him as I recall hearing… Read more »


It is sad but true. The police are under no obligation to protect anyone! Please peruse the decision in Warren vs DC Metro Police second Circuit Court of Appeals circa 1981!

J Gibbons

No legal, but certainly a moral obligation.


It should come as no surprise that these government thugs are cowards. If they were men and women of substance then they wouldn’t volunteer for a job where they are told to actively violate people’s rights and liberties.

They like to role-play as soldiers, kick doors, harass, extort, kidnap, and murder people over victimless “crimes” like possessing a plant. When it comes to actually confronting real criminals, they cower in their costumes well away from any danger while they actually assault and prevent real heroes from going in to save their children.


“He’s got a battle rifle!”
“Run away!”
“Bring me the Holy Handgrenade.”

Roland T. Gunner


Roland T. Gunner

Outstanding article, Mr. Williams.

Sure, would have been a pause, filled with head scratching and prayer and on the fly tactical discussions, but I, and most of the officers I worked with, would have quickly gone in with pocket knives deployed. Or tire irons. Or empty handed.


Grab a skillet from the kitchen, or rocks from the flower garden, BUT GO IN ! ! !



They know the risks associated with the job and play badass and act like they are some kind of hero as long as they have the upper hand and it is about 10 to 1 on their side and they can easily murder someone but if they think for a moment someone might shoot back they hide like cowards and let innocent children get murdered and think nothing of it they should charge every single one of them with murder


I was a street cop in Miami from 1988-2013 & I deem them COWARDS, one & all. Every one of them on scene that stood by & DID NOTHING to engage the threat while those children were being murdered should be fired, have their certifications yanked & be banned from working in any law enforcement role, nationwide, for life. Two of them remarked that they weren’t looking to “get clapped”? Tough shit, asshole…..that’s the chance that you agree to take when you put the badge on. If any of them killed themselves out of shame I wouldn’t shed a single… Read more »


I’d send them some of my hand loads to kill themselves with if I knew they’d do it. As a average citizen/parent I would have been willing gone in unarmed and alone to try and stop him without even thinking about “getting clapped”. I hope the all off themselves after they get sued.


Many of us lived for this day. This was why we signed on. To truly make a difference when it counted should that need ever arise. This was their big scene and they blew it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Grigori

Even Barney Fife would have gone in, he may be a bumbling fool (oh excuse me I was referring to Joe Biden) but for the lives of elementary school students he would GO IN.


If I had to guess. I would say that those cowardess cops, are just trying to take a page out of the Biden administrations book, and say or do anything but accept responsibility, for their failures. That video content just proves beyond a reasonable doubt, that those useless, fat, embarrassing, sorry excuse of police officers, were even bigger cowards than previously shown. in my opinion, I would have rather gave my life trying to save those kids. rather than having to face the scrutiny of cowardess in the line of duty. “Any firearm” is no excuse, to not do you… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by ashort

Hopefully the majority of the officers involved have to difficult of a time living with themselves and take a lead pill. Ya I know they probably don’t care but it’s nice to think about them painting the roof of their cruiser whit the crap they have for brains.

Patriot Jim

These cowardly dirtbags need to be arrested and jailed for aiding and abetting in the murder of those 19 kids and the two teachers. When you know crimes are being committed against your fellow citizens, and you have all the guns you could ever want, and your single opponent has a pissant AR-15, and you still do nothing about it for an hour, you should go out in your back yard and blow your brains out. You are not worthy to walk among our fellow citizens. What a bunch of f88king cowards.


As a former LEO trained in Active Shooter Response I have no problem in calling those Uvalde officers that responded to the call and DID NOTHING, COWARDS.


Excuses are like Buttholes. Everyone’s got one, and some folks don’t wipe good enough. In the near hour the Uvalde Fearless Forces waited, the Perp could have used a single shot Flintlock Muzzleloader and still killed that many.
Try another line Sgt. Page. You are a Coward leading Cowards.


they arn’t anything but chicken shit mf’ers they did not do their jobs and a lot of people were killed. throw them out of the force and get new people that will do their job.now they want to blame the gun: that it’s fault, but it cannot do anything buy it’s self without the help of a deranged person fire all of these worthless so called police. they deserve nothing but ridicule

Deplorable Bill

Even though the scotus has stated that the police are not responsible for the lives and welfare of their constituents the job, none the less, is about defending lives. They don’t call it public safety for nothing. What we saw in Uvalde Texas was cowardess in the extreme being that SEVERAL HUNDRED police officers were on site during some if not most of the murdering. To blame lack of entry on the opfor’s same or better equipment is just another unfounded, lame excuse. It was still just one punk, low life, untrained kid against well armed, well trained police forces… Read more »

Deplorable Bill

After watching and listening to the video, I would remind everyone that EACH of the gun shots heard that were from the bad guy were, potentially at least, a kid getting murdered or maimed for life. I don’t like to view or listen to things like this because I know all too well what is likely going on. Fear is a normal human condition in times of stress and duress but it’s not always a bad thing. It increases your heart rate and your respiration. This makes you quicker and more attuned to your surroundings, making fear a good tool… Read more »


OK, it was when the USSC/SCOTUS ruled that the police do NOT have an obligation to protect Human life because it’s NOT THEIR JOB!!, that crap like that started to happen! Their “job” according to the highest court in the land and supposedly populated by the brightest and best legal minds in the entire country, is to enforce the laws and arrest code breakers!! So anything which falls outside of that narrow job description, they can ignore without fear of reprisals!! The USSC/SCOTUS said that they could! WHO is going to try to argue against them? But, the USSC/SCOTUS showed… Read more »


Real heroes run to the sound of guns; they don’t p[lay with their cell phones or talk on radios! If the cops had laid down a curtain of fire from about 4 feet up, the perp would have either died or had to duck down, thereby giving the cops a chance to advance on him.


why did the uvalde police come?
they had a cushy job,
carried guns intimidating citizens,
when really needed uvaldeLE whimped out.
spend money on an armed protector in each school not on shiney new ‘gym’


I know that in our training it was stressed that if you were the first one there you could count on being outgunned. By no means did anybody try and diminish the effectiveness of a pistol vs rifle gunfight. By the same token a lot of us were trained with one simple axiom, accuracy is final. Lee hit on it pretty well. The first ones there did not do anything that they were trained to do. Call it cowardice or anything you like, the bottom line is this was an abject failure from the moment they arrived and it was… Read more »


F the police, I love the liberals are defunding them!


I guess they were waiting for a citizen to show up with a Barrett rifle.

“There was no way of going in. We had no choice but to wait and try to get something that had better coverage where we could actually stand up to him.”


Why is it that those spineless cowards and bullies in high school are the same ones who are in charge of our police forces ? Ponder on that question. .


I just can’t believe that out of the 400 cops that showed up on the scene, a few of them weren’t combat veterans.
They should have stacked up and gone in. Watching them run away from the gun shots in the hallway is an absolute embarrassment. Nothing but a bunch of fat cowardly pigs. If there is a hell, I hope they all spend eternity there, reliving this moment forever.


Cops = Cowards in the first degree.