Arizona Police Investigating the Quick Death of a Phoenix Home Invader

Armed Citizen Shoots Armed Fugitive During Home Invasion, iStock-1354938183

Arizona – Phoenix police are investigating a home invasion that resulted in the fatal shooting of an intruder. The incident occurred just before 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 9th, 2023, at a residence near 7th and Portland streets. According to police, the homeowner shot the intruder after he unlawfully entered the residence, made threats, and aggressively approached the homeowner.

Upon arrival, officers located the intruder in the third-story bedroom of the house with a gunshot wound. He did not survive.

“Police say early information suggests that the man had unlawfully entered the residence, made threats and aggressively approached the homeowner. The homeowner then shot the man before calling police and remained on scene.”

Phoenix police spokesperson Sgt. Melissa Soliz said that no arrests had been made as the investigation remains ongoing.

The incident highlights the importance of self-defense and protecting loved ones in the current climate of increasing crime rates.

It is essential for law-abiding Americans to have the right to defend themselves and their property in their homes. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms, allowing citizens to protect themselves from harm.

As crime rates continue to rise in many cities across the country, it is becoming more important for citizens to take responsibility for their own safety. Police departments are stretched thin, and response times can vary depending on the location of the incident. In many cases, the only way for a person to protect themselves and their loved ones is by having the means to defend themselves.

While gun ownership is a serious responsibility, there is no doubt that having a firearm can be an effective deterrent against intruders and criminals. It is essential for gun owners to be responsible and take proper precautions, such as securely storing their firearms while maintaining quick access and obtaining proper training in firearm safety.

Overall, the incident in Phoenix serves as a reminder of the importance of self-defense and protecting loved ones. It is essential for Americans to have the right to bear arms and protect themselves in their homes. As crime rates continue to rise, it is becoming increasingly necessary for individuals to take responsibility for their own safety and be prepared to defend themselves and their loved ones when necessary.

Get training. Stay heavily armed and very dangerous.

H/T Defensive Gun Use Tracker

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In a situation like this the victim should be given a % of the millions of tax dollars $$$ saved. That would have otherwise been spent had the perpetrator simply been wounded and arrested.


Intended victims should file a lawsuit against the deceased attacker’s estate for trauma, pain and suffering as a result of the break-in. Take everything they had for forcing you to defend yourself.


Typically such crimes are committed by people who have little if any estate. What they do have is in form of easily transported physical assets – likely to have been spirited away tracelessly well before you even file the lawsuit. Even if you manage to win such lawsuit, good luck collecting even enough to pay your lawyer. Of course your lawyer will insist on being paid up front by you, as they are aware you will never collect from defendant.




criminals, nor their surviving families, should not be legally allowed to sue someone for shooting them during the commission of a felony, period. why this happens is amazing and concerning. we have way too many laws and the law is perverted by unscrupulous lawyers.


Especially as they will be trying to sue him.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

Otherwise known as the TSS (Taxpayers’ Savings Shot).
Yes, there should be a minor reward for state monies saved from the death of a perp vs the transport, incarceration, trial, imprisonment, health care, appeals, etc.


What will you do if someone kicks in your door or crashes through a window? Are you prepared to defend yourself within 5-10 seconds while inside your house? You won’t have time to unlock a safe or load a weapon. What steps have you taken to ensure you survive a forced entry? And as for when you are out and about, are you armed and aware of your surroundings? You are responsible for your own life and safety. Police are neither legally required to protect you (per SCOTUS) nor physically able. Be responsible, and do what needs to be done.


if they make it to the door or window because, i have a fenced yard, dog included. i always carry, openly on private property (if allowed by owner) and concealed in public. i would defend myself according to the threat level. i always have at least one handgun and one long gun available at home. i maintain situational awareness as much as humanly possible because there are a lot of evil people out there. i know the police will not be there if i need them and do not depend on them to keep me safe. in this day and… Read more »


America’s first organized city police force was the old Keystone cops back in turn of the century New York City. And the concept was that self defense was no longer needed! That trained professionals were at the ready to provide that service. Just as police forces are operated today. Not as a 2A reinforcement, but as it’s replacement.

Boxer dog

That always bugged me, as the Tucson police cars say right on them “Ready to protect, proud to serve”. I think if they write crap like that on their cars, they should be liable for failure to do so… don’t get me wrong, I have no part of me that thinks they will, as I had several instances where they just shrugged their shoulders and went on their merry little way…


Look at just whom exactly they are protecting! To Jane and John Doe, they like to think that it means them, but it does not. It means protecting and serving the legal and political system!! THAT is why the USSC/SCOTUS said that you cannot expect for them to protect you, because it’s NOT THEIR JOB!! Their job is to enforce the laws and arrest the code breakers, and that is all! So the cops are just a feeder mechanism for the 100% corrupted legal system, feeding it more money and more people to prosecute! These are the facts.


Third Strike? (Which should NOT get past the first strike) PUNCH HIS/HER TICKET! They are of no good to society and pity their poor soul!

American Cynic

All that is fine and dandy, but there are many different reasons for why different people oppose gun ownership and the use of firearms. I’m not agreement with any of them, but it helps to identify who and what they are. For every American who owns a gun and would use in self-defense, if beed be, there are those who don’t have the wherewithal to defend themselves, and are either too afraid, or can’t imagein themselves in a life or death sitatuation. These people wish that no one had a gun. And of course, there are those who feed off… Read more »

jack mac

I seldom downvote and when I do I usually comment on why. I noticed my up-vote canceled out that mysterious downvote given to you. Government attorneys who prosecute self-defense and the judges who do not throw them and their cases out of court are a greater danger to private citizens than any other criminal activity. It may soon be impossible for those accepting such despotism and those who do-not to live together in the same place. Our governing with eager assistance from private information gathers already has identified and is tracking all of us. Now anyone singly or in mass… Read more »

Knute Knute

“officers located the intruder in the third-story bedroom of the house with a gunshot wound. He did not survive.”
Gotta love the happy ending for a change. Usually the perp survives to commit more crimes later, like the one shot in the foot, currently at the top of this page.

Knute Knute