Knife Rights: Florida Permitless Carry Bill (including Knives) Signed by Governor

Gun Control in Florida Costs Lives, Allexxandar-iStock-884197090
Knife Rights: Florida Permitless Carry Bill (including Knives) Signed by Governor, iStock-884197090

Knife Rights supported Florida Permitless Carry bill, HB 543, which includes knives, has been signed by Governor DeSantis. Once in effect, starting July 1st, concealed carry in Florida without a permit will no longer be limited to a “pocket knife.”

NOTE: Permitless Concealed Carry does not become effective until July 1st. Because there is not yet Knife Law Preemption in Florida, local laws may still limit what knives can be carried and how. Knife Rights is not yet done in Florida.

Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter said, “we are especially appreciative of our good friends at Florida Carry and Executive Director Sean Caranna, who helped ensure that knives were included in this bill and all the work they did on it. Also, thanks to FPC and NRA, who’s efforts helped get this bill passed and signed. Thanks again to all who used Knife Rights’ Legislative Action Center to contact legislators to support this bill.

Note that while some, including Governor DeSantis, are referring to this as “Constitutional Carry,” since open carry of firearms is still not legal, we, and many, prefer to refer to it as Permitless Carry.

Knife Rights

Knife Rights is America’s grassroots knife owners’ organization, leading the fight to Rewrite Knife Law in America and forging a Sharper Future for all Americans. Knife Rights efforts have resulted in 40 bills enacted repealing knife bans in 26 states and over 150 cities and towns since 2010.

Knife Rights

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Democrats, the party of racism and Jim Crow, is trying to continue their pattern of racist repression. Southern anti gun laws was passed by southern democrats to disarm blacks. The democrat governor of NC is evidently continuing this tradition. Time for him to be removed from office.


You’ve gotten some bad information. I hold a Florida CCW. It covers any weapons that can be carried. This includes knives. Also, we can carry stun guns, tasers, blackjacks, spring buttons, ect.
Basically, we can carry most of the things Cops carry, as long as it’s concealed!

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

I lived in south Florida for 29 years. When I was old enough to purchase a firearm I quite frequently carried it for protection. South Florida has an unpredictable climate of crime. I had guns pointed at me a number of times, three to be exact, before I made that decision. I never got a permit and would have been considered a “felon” if I had been caught and charged. I did end up with a misdemeanor conviction for having a pair of nunchaku’s under my seat and paid a $50 fine. So what changed? It said SHALL NOT BE… Read more »


So ‘Knife Rights’ helped push this worthless bill across the line. Good to know so I can add them to my ignore / Anti 2A list.


Good!!!! I guess this also includes brass knuckles, blackjacks, expandable batons, etc.