The Truth Behind “Children Killed by Guns”, Critical Analysis of Misleading Statistics & Hidden Agendas

Fake News Alarm

U.S.A. — A recent article, “When ‘Children Killed by Guns’ are Not Children at All,” by Paul Valone, President of Grass Roots North Carolina, with contributions from Jim Parker and Sean Sorrentino, is an informative and insightful look into the propaganda and deception involved in the gun control debate.

The article examines the lies perpetuated by gun control advocates, such as the idea that “gun violence is the NUMBER ONE cause of death for children and teens in our country.” This honest and factual research dig details the truth about gun-related deaths and the ages, races, and circumstances surrounding them.

When ‘Children Killed By Guns’ Are Not Children At All

The first fake news lie addressed in the article is the definition of “children.” The article points out the obvious, to everyone but gun banners, that 18- and 19-year-olds are NOT children, yet gun control advocates include them in the statistics to inflate the numbers. The research also notes that the claim of ‘gun violence’ being the number one cause of death for children is FALSE, as the real statistics show that motor vehicle deaths are more common than gun-related deaths.

Actual and Accurate Total Deaths of Children 0-17 Source CDC WISQARS
Actual and Accurate Total Deaths of Children 0-17 Source CDC WISQARS

Valone’s continued research delves further into the lie that all age groups are equally afflicted. The data from the CDC’s WISQARS system shows that in the 0-15 age range, the rate of motor vehicle deaths is 41% higher than gun-related deaths. However, when looking at 16- and 17-year-olds, the data reveals that firearm deaths by all intents exceed motor vehicle deaths, with a 29% difference.

Another Big Lie Exposed

Another lie exposed in the article is the claim that all demographics are equally afflicted. The article looks at the 16-17 age range and finds that when factored by race, blacks are 425% more likely to be killed by guns than whites.

This is an alarming statistic that is completely ignored by gun control advocates who push for blanket policies that do not address the root cause of gun violence in certain communities.

Hiding Reality

A chronic problem in the Fake News reporting on guns is “combining intents,” particularly suicide. Suicide rates are often used to inflate the numbers and justify gun control policies. However, the article notes that suicide is subject to the “substitution effect,” where people denied one means of suicide tend to substitute another. Japan, for example, has a high suicide rate despite a near-total prohibition on gun ownership.

The accurate statistics highlight who the real winner or, should we say, victims are. When it comes to homicide, blacks are the clear “winner” with a rate of 800% that of whites in the 16-17 age group.

The important article by Paul Valone, Jim Parker, and Sean Sorrentino is a well-researched and eye-opening look into the lies and propaganda surrounding gun control. The authors provide a data-driven analysis of gun-related deaths and the circumstances surrounding them. They reveal the truth behind the inflated statistics often used by gun control advocates to push their agenda.

The article is a must-read for anyone interested in the gun control debate and values honesty and accuracy in reporting.

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The CDC should have been taken to task over including Suicides By Firearm from the beginning. It shows Poor Research Criteria and Intellectual Dishonesty on their part, and they should have been forced to redact that data loudly and publicly. I would argue that they should never have been tasked with the subject to begin with. Tracking Suicides is in their purview, but tracking homicides and accidental shootings is not. Like the claim that Red Flag Laws reduce Suicides, the answer is Intellectually Dishonest. Honest studies show that yes, there is a reduction in the reported Suicides by Firearm. The… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Chuck
Protect defend serve

So why don’t people sue the daylights out of these liars???


Teaching children morals and ethics shouldn’t be illegal.


Just account for gang / drug related and those stats will change dramatically, I would wager.


They use fabricated and/or manipulated data that doesn’t say what they claim it does, to support their demand for gun control, which doesn’t do what they claim it does. It isn’t even designed to do what they claim it does. Gun control is not intended to reduce crime or violence and never will. The 23,000+ gun laws on the books haven’t and won’t stop murder, assault, armed robbery, etc, which are already illegal themselves! Gun control is only designed to disarm the law abiding. Which makes them defenseless victims, and dependent on government, which won’t do squat to protect them.


It seems the real majority of children being killed are the unborn ones, but since they weren’t shot they didn’t make the list.