2 Pack Baofeng UV-5R Two Way Ham Radios $38.88 FREE S&H Orders$35+

Baofeng UV-5R Two Way Radio Ham Radio sale deal discount nov2024

You can pick up a two-pack of Baofeng UV-5R Two-Way Ham Radios for just $38.88. On Amazon, you can get free returns and free shipping on orders $35.00+.

2 Pack Baofeng UV-5R Two Way Radio Ham Radio

Functions include VFO & Memory channels scan, Dual display / Dual standby/ Auto Keypad Lock. The Radio is necessary for traveling, survival, hiking, cycling, work, camping, fishing, and receiving Emergency alerts. It is Walkie talkie lover’s favorite. In addition to the original Baofeng antenna, we also include a 2X771 soft antenna to increase the communication distance and make your conversation smoother.

FCC Certificate FCC Part 15 Part 97 Certified, FFC ID: 2AJGM-UV5R

Package Includes 2 X Portable radio 2 X Baofeng Antenna 2 X 771 Soft Antenna 2 X 1800mAh Li-ion battery 2 X Charger 2 X Belt clip 2 X The sling 2 X Earpiece 2 X User’s manual.

Note, to broadcast or for 2-way communication with this unit, you will need an amateur radio license. You can get the CHIRP software here: chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Home

2 Pack Baofeng UV-5R Two Way Ham Radios $38.88 FREE S&H Orders$35+

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“Package Includes 2 X Portable radio 2 X Baofeng Antenna 2 X 771 Soft Antenna 2 X 1800mAh Li-ion battery 2 X Charger 2 X Belt clip 2 X The sling 2 X Earpiece 2 X User’s manual.”

One thing the above is wrong about, mine came with only one user’s manual. While a minor thing, I had planned to give one radio each to two GMRS friends who are in the process of obtaining their ham Technician license, so they can get on the air as soon as the FCC approves their license.

American Cynic

You know what,
I can’t seem to understand the demographic here.
2A adherents, you know, guys like us… are some of the staunchest America First supporters around.

And yet, all that goes to pot when we start hawking Chinese radios.
I get it, all radios are made in China, but at least if the name brand is American, we end up looking less like hypocrites.


i have a question, i have regular 2 way walkie talkies and they work fine so why would i need a Baofeng ham 2 way radio


I highly suggest getting a good antenna like the N9TAX VHF/UHF Slim Jim J-Pole Dual Band MURS/GMRS Antenna. Hooked to a tree limb about seven feet up I can hit a repeater two counties over, 65+ miles away and get more NOAA weather channels with the Baofeng UV-5R 5 watt radio.


I advise getting the high capacity battery packs. They will extend transmit time greatly: Amazon link; https://a.co/d/4nX2t7S And for those lacking a suitable licence: Amateur Radio designated frequencies require a minimum of Technician class license as listed below: Most can pass a Technician class license after a week of study via free study aids and sample tests available here: https://hamstudy.org/ https://www.arrl.org/files/file/Tech%20Band%20Chart/US%20Amateur%20Radio%20Technician%20Privileges.pdf Amateur Radio frequencies require licensing. GMRS frequencies requires an FCC license. FRS frequencies is no license required MURS frequencies no license required If caught using licensed frequencies without a license or causing interference on other frequencies, especially those used… Read more »


If your new UV5R’s are locked in to transmit only on ham radio frequencies and you wish to use them on FRS, GMRS, MURS, or other frequencies, here is how to unlock or “jailbreak” your new radios. Yeah, the FCC frowns upon such, but the guy who produced this video has some interesting thoughts on that, too. Also, in a WROL situation, who cares?


Oh what the heck. I will include Randy’s thoughts on use of non-type accepted radios and save anyone that is interested, the trouble of looking it up.


Last edited 1 year ago by Grigori