DOD Recommends Private Gun Registration, Centralized Storage & Min Age-to-Buy On Bases

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iStock/fermate 641331942


“Finding ‘common ground’ with the thinking of evil men is a fool’s errand” ~ Herschel Smith

As we witness our Armed Forces recruitment efforts repeatedly falling drastically short of even minimum maintenance goals, DOD in its infinite wisdom, now cynically manufactures yet another significant reason for young Americans not to enlist!

Under the laughable pretext of “lethal-means reduction,” a new DOD report, “Preventing Suicide in the U.S. Military: Recommendations from the Suicide Prevention and Response Independent Review Committee” [embedded below], consists of a demand for active-duty troops to “register” all privately-owned guns, even those troopers who are in possession of valid, state-issued CCW permits.

This will, of course, immediately bring about a demand on the part of “woke” base commanders that all privately-owned guns (now “registered”) be subsequently removed from homes (on-base or off) of troopers, including officers and NCOs, and locked-up “for safe-keeping” within a base armory.

Of course, rightful owners will never see their guns again!

Another part of this impending new policy is that “twenty-five” is to become the new minimum age for any Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine to privately own any kind of gun, again, even when the trooper already has a valid CCW permit!

So, we put into the hands of eighteen-year-olds automatic weapons that we don’t teach them to use (because they’re all too busy attending “transgender sensitivity” classes), and then prohibit them from obtaining, nor training with, their own weapons.

Even when troopers reach the age of twenty-five (in the unlikely event they’re still around), guns that they do privately own they can’t keep with them, as all guns must be locked-up and under the control of the base commander.

At this rate, few you recruits will be joining up. Fewer still will re-enlist.

It makes one wonder whom DOD is really working for!

“Where there is trust, no proof is necessary. Where there is none, no proof is possible.”


Preventing Suicide in the U.S. Military: Recommendations from the Suicide Prevention and Response Independe..

About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit:

John Farnam
John Farnam
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well if people under the age of 25 cannot have firearms in their possession on or off base, then they shouldn’t be recruiting those same people.
as a veteran, i believe our military is being decimated by this administration; with the vaccine mandate, lgbtquiop policies, climate change and electric vehicle mandate. as a side note, how are planes going to fly with batteries?


Worse yet, they’re talking about electric powered armored vehicles. How do you get a charge deep into enemy territory, in midst of action? Batteries alone would weigh at least half the vehicle.


yep you can’t fix stupid


In answer to your question about charging into enemy territory? We gave up having a military so we all need to get used to it. All future wars will be fought on our land and we don’t intend to win, so if you think like a fool you will act the fool. Go Brandon!


When the Navy got that tranny social influencer to be the face of the new navy (notice I didn’t capitalize “navy”) I took the Navy sticker off my truck. The Navy I served in was a worthy and proud organization. Of course that was 50 years ago when there were two sexes and we still knew the difference.


All the more reason civilians need to arm up. After our woke military gets its behind stomped into the mud in the next war maybe we can keep the enemy from invading our home.


Hazcat — Not gonna happen…..the average Joe, as well as the not so average Joe; is NOwhere near the same league as COMBAT SOLDIERS in COMBAT UNITS… Not even kind of sort of… You don’t have the assets. Period. ….or dare I say, the disclipline.. though i have no idea who you are. ….but I do have an idea of the disclipline, drive, and “suck-embracing tolerance” that being in an ULTRA cohesive combat unit take… It’s an uncommon virtue, to say the least. …..let’s be realistic here. You’re not gonna stop the local PD from coming in your house, definitely… Read more »


Hold it. I thought we beat King George and his Red Coats. Why is DOD re-enacting Old Georges Mandates? Seems Like the top level DOD needs to be replaced, and SOON.


Lloyd Austin ,like Joe Biden is a traitor that will surrender to our enemies

Capn Dad

Wait until DOD says all those receiving retired pay, VA benefits and civilians working for DOD as direct hires or contractors must surrender weapons to a centralized control facility. Can’t happen you say? I didn’t think tranny’s would be on recruiting posters but guess what? It happened.

Capn Dad

I know many people on active duty who will not comply.

Carl up North

We went through that base lockup crap 40 to 50 years ago and then they grew up. One reason why I never lived in base housing in the 20 years when married.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

If I knew then what I know now, I’d set up private gun storage lockers (similar to self-storage units) to allow troops (AD military ID required) to store their guns off-post without registering & storing in the arms rooms on-post.
To parody an axiom, “what they don’t know won’t hurt me”


Over your dead body!


….I keep telling y’all….


The military has already instituted most of it. Even hunting on military reservations as a civilian or retiree require that you register the firearms you are using with the MP’s.


That varies per reservation