Rep. Boebert Intros Bill to Repeal RINO Gun Control & Defend 2nd Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduced the Shall Not Be Infringed Act to repeal the gun control provisions and every Second Amendment infringement passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert said, “I unapologetically support the Second Amendment. No amount of gun control will ever eliminate evil in our society, and unsurprisingly, the data has shown time and again that gun control does not decrease gun violence. Just look at Chicago or New York, where gun control has created criminal safe havens since evildoers know their victims will be unarmed. It is ironic that the same people who are calling to defund the police also want to leave everyday Americans defenseless. I will always stand against this nonsense and stand for law-abiding Americans and the Constitution.”

Congressman Byron Donalds said, “Last Congress, Pelosi chose to make restricting our Second Amendment rights a staple of her legislative agenda, but her unconstitutional edicts will not stand. Our Second Amendment rights ‘shall not be infringed.’ I’m proud to stand alongside Rep. Boebert in this legislative fight for American freedom by repealing Pelosi’s tyrannical gun control platform.”

Congressman Eric Burlison said, “Congress should preserve our rights, not infringe them. I applaud Congresswoman Boebert for leading on this bill to protect Americans’ God-given, constitutionally protected Second Amendment rights.”

Congressman Andy Ogles stated, “Last Congress, Biden and his Democrat cohorts in the House went after Americans’ basic right to bear arms. From significantly increasing the ATF’s budget to going after lawful gun owners to designating over $700 million taxpayer dollars to bribe states to pass red flag laws, Democrats did not hold back from trampling the rights of Americans. I am proud to cosponsor Rep. Boebert’s legislation and affirm that the right to bear arms granted in the Second Amendment of the Constitution shall not be infringed.”

Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger stated, “Joe Biden and the Radical Left have made it clear they don’t care about your safety. As crime rates continue to spiral out of control throughout the country, now is not the time to leave law-abiding Americans defenseless. I look forward to dismantling the unconstitutional anti-gun laws implemented by Democrats and putting an end to their assault on our Second Amendment Rights.”

Congressman Warren Davidson said, “Freedom surrendered is rarely reclaimed, yet it must be restored to protect our constitutional Second Amendment rights. The Second Amendment is essential to defending our freedom, and it shall not be infringed.”

Aidan Johnston, Federal Affairs Director, Gun Owners of America said, “Congress had no authority to restrict the Second Amendment, which is why it’s so important to repeal the gun control that Senator Cornyn helped anti-gunners pass last summer. We were proud to collaborate with Rep. Boebert on this legislation, which truly lives up to its name by ensuring the right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”

Hunter King, Director of Federal Affairs, National Association for Gun Rights stated, “The Second Amendment couldn’t be more clear: the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Under Nancy Pelosi, Congress passed sweeping gun control that threatened the Second Amendment rights of every American. National Association for Gun Rights is proud to support Rep. Boebert’s bill that will undo the damage Democrats and RINOs created. If you give gun control advocates an inch, they will take a mile. That is why we will never compromise on Americans’ absolute right to keep and bear arms.”

Shall Not Be Infringed Act in the 117th Congress Background:

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduced H.R. 3212, the Shall Not Be Infringed Act, to repeal the gun control provisions and every Second Amendment infringement passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law, including provisions contained in (1) the so-called Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, (2) the 2023 Appropriations Omnibus, (3) the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2023, and (4) the 2023 NDAA.

Congresswoman Boebert’s Shall Not Be Infringed Act protects the Second Amendment by repealing the following provisions from the so-called Bipartisan Safer Communities Act:

  • Repealing a program bribing states to pass red flag laws.
  • Repealing the decision to criminalize private transfers by reclassifying private sellers as gun dealers.
  • Repealing the federal waiting period for some adults to purchase rifles.
  • Repealing laws that disarm adults for mere misdemeanors.

Congresswoman Boebert’s Shall Not Be Infringed Act protects the Second Amendment by repealing the following provisions from the 2023 Appropriations Omnibus bill:

  • Cutting the ATF’s 14.1% budget increase.
  • Cutting $14.4 million for the ATF to maintain its illegal gun registry.
  • Cutting $700+ million in bribes for states to pass red flag laws.
  • Reversing the decision to weaponize the VA to attack veterans with gun confiscation.
  • Defunding the Department of Education’s efforts to mandate so-called safe storage.
  • Defunding VA and HHS programs that track where veterans are storing their guns.
  • Defunding programs that discourage women from exercising their Second Amendment rights.
  • Defunding research that labels conservative gun owners as dangerous right-wing radicals.

Congresswoman Boebert’s Shall Not Be Infringed Act protects the Second Amendment by repealing the following provisions from the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2023:

  • Repealing the law that directs law enforcement to criminally investigate people who fail firearm background checks, even though 90% of the time the system falsely denies a law-abiding citizen their right to bear arms.
  • Defunding a program that enables the ATF to deputize local police to enforce federal gun laws.

Congresswoman Boebert’s Shall Not Be Infringed Act protects the Second Amendment by repealing the 2023 NDAA’s provisions creating a firearm storage provision that could be used to later justify a nationwide mandatory so-called safe-storage program.

Cosponsors of Congresswoman Boebert’s Shall Not Be Infringed Act include: Rep. Mary Miller (IL-15), Rep. Troy Nehls (TX-22), Rep. Ralph Norman (SC-05), Rep. Andy Ogles (TN-05), Rep. Byron Donalds (FL-19), Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-09), Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC-03), Rep. Warren Davidson (OH-08), Rep. Diana Harshbarger (TN-01), Rep. Dan Bishop (NC-08), Rep. Matt Rosendale (MT-02), Rep. Eric Burlison (MO-07), Rep. Randy Weber (TX-14), Rep. Doug LaMalfa (CA-01), Scott Perry (PA-10), and Rep. Josh Brecheen (OK-02).

Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the National Association for Gun Rights support Congresswoman Boebert’s Shall Not Be Infringed Act.

GOA produced a fact-sheet on the bill that can be viewed here.

Goa Fact Sheet: 2023 Shall Not Be Infringed Act

Congresswoman Boebert introduced the Shall Not Be Infringed Act in the 117th Congress as well.

The full text of the Shall Not Be Infringed Act is available here.

Shall Not Be Infringed Act in the 117th Congress

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Country Boy

When iot comes to standing up for 2nd A rights Lauren Boebert has more balls than any RINO.

Arkansas Rob

A good first step. Until the AFT is abolished, GCA and NFA are rescinded, and a whole lot more, it’s still weak sauce.


The 2A should be enough. I don’t see why legislation needs to be written to repeal unconstitutional legislation. I 100% agree with the intentions of this bill, but I do wonder why we need to pass a “This Time We Mean It” bill. Even if this bill passes through congress and becomes law, what’s to stop future or even current legislators from trampling all over it as well?

We need to fix the federal government, not the illegitimate laws they pass.


I like the bill, but I hope they proofread and spell-check it; noticed some errors while reading it, and would hate for that to hurt the bill. Also, probably needs some further clarification on programs that have already been started and received funds. Sadly, I don’t think it will pass or survive veto right now. I would like to see so-called “safe” or “common sense” measures called out and decried for being the opposite. Maybe some of that can happen in the process of introducing this bill.


I love boebert.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

It really, really, really tiny print right after the period following the word infringed. You need an electron microscope to see it…

The LAST FIVE WORDS of the Second Amendment is NOT for NORMAL AMERICANS.
The LAST FIVE WORDS are for the IRREPROBATE CRIMINALS that have been APPOINTED to the departments they occupy!!


I can’t wait until pResident xibiden signs this into law.


We should call it the “This Time We Mean It” act.


How refreshing


I APPRECIATE what Representative Boebert is trying to do!! KUDOS X 1000! Logistically, this bill will never be enacted by the Democrap in power in the Senate and the “president’s office! HOWEVER, KEEP REINTRODUCING this be AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN,AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, JUST as the Democraps keep submitting their ANTI-AMERICAN and ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL “bills”!


Should have added repeal of the NFA, GCA, Hughes Amendment, import bans, NICS and abolishment of the ATF in the bill.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is a normal person. Fortunately more and more normal people are stepping up to fill these governmental administering seats. Too many are filled by psychopathic control freaks that want us to lick the boots of the enforcement class that is also, unfortunately, filled with many of these kinds of people. Just go to Youtube and watch the Arkansas Highway Patrol kill people with the pit maneuver for violating some traffic law and then fleeing. For that matter, a bit off subject maybe, check out the many videos of “the blue line” committing atrocities that they sleep with… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor
The other Jim

We must never forget the names of the Traitors. The Republican Senators who voted for Joe Biden/Radical Left Anti-Second Amendment Law are (of course Graham and Cornyn are there to support in taking away our Constitutional Rights…Cornyn apparently is proud of Old Joe for for plundering Texas/US with 6.5 Million Law-breaking trespassers): Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Senate minority leader Roy Blunt of Missouri Richard Burr of North Carolina Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia Bill Cassidy of Louisiana Susan Collins of Maine John Cornyn of Texas Joni Ernst of Iowa Lindsey Graham of South Carolina Lisa Murkowski of Alaska Rob… Read more »


Barry Goldwater noted, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.” 

Legislation needs to withstand withering scrutiny BEFORE it can be passed into law. Legislators introducing failing legislation should get 5 years in a gulag, bread and water for their efforts.


I don’t think SENATORS can co-sponsor HOUSE Proposals, although they may endorse them. Those that you mentioned are all Senators.But they may also be scumbags.

Last edited 1 year ago by PMinFl

True. I took Ope’s meaning to be endorse or vote for should it pass in the House and make it to the Senate floor. I’m deeply disappointed that a budget which McCarthy shepherded through the House would contain funding for anything mentioned in Boebert’s bill. There’s something that would be beneficial to gun owners, related to NICS I think, that is allowed for in law but always without or prohibited by budget. The same should be done to the BSCA.