U.S.A. — The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is congratulating House Republicans and the two Democrats who joined them to block the Biden administration’s Pistol Brace rule, calling the regulation an “outrageous attack” on the rights of American gun owners, especially disabled veterans, who use the devices.
The 219-210 vote saw two Republicans jump ship to join anti-gun Democrats in opposing the measure. CCRKBA’s sister organization, the Second Amendment Foundation, is already challenging the brace rule in federal court, winning a preliminary injunction.
“We’re encouraged that House Republicans have sided with the nation’s firearm owners in opposing this new arm brace rule,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “The rule was a complete reversal of earlier ATF policy which shows how insidious the Biden administration’s efforts to erode the Second Amendment have become. Joe Biden campaigned on a gun prohibition platform, and now his administration is trying to turn millions of law-abiding citizens, including disabled veterans, into criminals just to advance his agenda.
“We are urging our members and supporters to contact their U.S. Senators in order to speedily move this House resolution through the upper chamber,” he continued. “It is important that gun owners stand together against the Biden administration’s blatant effort to criminalize the exercise of a constitutionally-protected right.”
Gottlieb said it is especially important that Senate Democrats hear from their Second Amendment constituents.
“Senate Democrats have an opportunity to do the right thing,” Gottlieb observed. “They need to hear from the citizens they represent that the time has come to stand with them and the Constitution. The Biden administration’s efforts to weaponize federal agencies and change the rules affecting millions of Americans must come to a halt.
“Gun owners are not the enemy,” he noted. “We’re just honest citizens who are tired of being used as scapegoats and treated like criminals, which is what the pistol brace rule change is really all about. Blocking the pistol brace rule will signal the White House and the ATF to stop playing games with the Second Amendment.”
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (www.ccrkba.org) is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.
FWIW and for completeness, Democrat Reps. Peltola of Alaska and Golden of Maine voted yea.
Resolution = ‘Just the tip, I promise’
It would seem appropriate that we should not only condemn the trash that sided with the communists, but we should also inform the ones you previously mentioned in the Senate to go along with the House or you shall be looking for new employment at terms end.
For “F’s sake IT IS A RESOLUTION It has no force of law.
Guess actual legislation is to hard for these GOP Idiots! But idiots eat this BS virtue signaling up so it is much easier to do than take REAL action!
We’ll have to watch closely and see. IMO, this is going to be the ultimate litmus test. Any who vote against it are swamp creatures and major enemies of freedom and liberty, the the citizens of the US. No matter how long and involved their excuses get.
I’m certainly going to be watching. If ammoland doesn’t publish a story on who voted how, I’ll be posting it in the comments.