Hateful Gun Banner Sent to Prison for Threatening Congresswoman Boebert

Lauren Boebert
Lauren Boebert’s official campaign photo.

U.S.A. — A 39-year-old South Florida man who is an ardent anti-gunner was sentenced last week to 15 months in federal prison and one year of probation for threatening U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colorado, in a series of social media posts that targeted the Congresswoman for her strong Second Amendment support.

In 2021, Matthew Lee Comiskey sent five threatening tweets to Boebert that mentioned firearms and encouraged readers to do her harm. Comiskey originally faced five counts of making an interstate threat but pleaded guilty last year to one count.

His tweets show that Comiskey is violently anti-gun:

  • “Someone needs to put Lauren down like a sick dog. She is a true waste of life! Someone exercise their second amendment right to her face! Since the CIA is a failure and FBI is incompetent at charging her for being a terrorist it’s time to do it ourselves! Pew pew Lauren,” Comiskey wrote in September 2021.
  • “Don’t come to Florida us libs have big guns here and we stand (our) ground. Take you down like Trayvon,” Comiskey wrote a month later.
  • “Don’t worry Lauren, someone is coming soon to show your face the 2nd amendment in practice with a copper jacket. Enjoy,” Comiskey wrote.

Boebert’s pro-gun credentials are well known.

Before the 36-year-old conservative was elected to Congress in 2020, she owned Shooter’s Grill, a Western-themed restaurant in her hometown of Rifle, Colorado, where staff openly carried firearms.

Boebert has earned A-ratings from Gun Owners of America, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, and the National Rifle Association. In Congress, she is a member of the Freedom Caucus and the Second Amendment Caucus.

During his sentencing last week at the Paul G. Rogers federal courthouse in West Palm Beach, Florida, Comiskey told the court he let his “personal emotions get in the way of my common sense.”

His mother told the court that her son’s actions were “out of character.” Yeah right….

U.S. District Judge Robin L. Rosenberg rejected Comiskey’s requests for a shorter prison sentence or home confinement.

This story is presented by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and wouldn’t be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.

About Lee Williams

Lee Williams, who is also known as “The Gun Writer,” is the chief editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Until recently, he was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming an editor, Lee was an investigative reporter at newspapers in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. He’s earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a reporter, and three medals of valor as a cop. Lee is an avid tactical shooter.

Lee Williams

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has anyone else noted that a vast majority if not all of the violent threats and rhetoric comes from the left side of the political spectrum?
it also seem like these people get lighter sentences than people on the right, i.e. the j6 protestors who didn’t threaten to kill anyone.

Knute Knute

I not only note that the rhetoric of violence is from the progs in DC, and from the various State Capitals, I also note it right here in the ammoland comment section! Just note which entities turn to insults and threats when disagreed with.
I won’t use any names… but I think many will know which ones that shoe fits! 🙂


Also seems to fit one senate majority leader publicly threatening SJC’s, the conservatives ones, and is still running free.

Henry Bowman

The vast majority of perps are communists (registered Dem), or jihadists, or on SSRI psychotopic meds. Or all of that.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor
Henry Bowman

As I see it, these nutjobs are being deliberately cut off from their psych meds so they’ll snap. That – and after the shootings, we find out that the shooter somehow in spite of working a minimum-wage job – acquired really high-end guns & gear. How does a poor guy buy a Daniel Defense AR15, Agilite body armor, 20,000 rounds of ammo, etc. on his income?? These shootings are more than meets the eye! Take your MK-Ultra killbot wind ’em up, and take them off-meds and point them in the direction you want, and it’s off to the races!!

BRACE YOURSELVES - Dem Gun Control False Flags Coming.png

BS!! More threat’s definitely arrive from the Right by far. Do I need to scream Resurrection!! Lol


As I said above in a previous comment…….if they didn’t have projection they would have nothing. I think it’s a comprehension problem combined with mental issues.

Like this idiot Dee’s comment……….wtf is it talking about?


Either he’s been recruited by, or is AZ Lefty. It makes as much sense.


That is a hallmark of the insane or very stupid people, they spew out stuff in a few words that don’t make any sense, because they leave the most important parts in their mind, what little mind they have, anyway. They expect everyone to be able to fill in the blanks, because they seem to think that everyone else thinks just like they do! They don’t stop to realize that if that was true, then they wouldn’t need to go on their rants in the first place!!


Liberalism is a mental disorder.


You are deranged! Please seek help from a mental health provider. Poor commie.


If the commies did not have projection they’d have nothing.

These vampires should carry mirrors


You know that doesn’t work, right?


Yes, the “Party of peace and tolerance”, is in reality the party of war, violence and intolerance!! They tolerate ONLY the ones who think like they do, all others are attacked vehemently!! Leftists are liars, hypocrites and generally insane!!


Trump followers love the LIV golfers that defected but hate Colin Kaepernick is laughable and sad at best. Smh. The Right really don’t have real leadership. Seems like little kids that are mad because someone took their ball.


Last edited 1 year ago by Dee

While the left seems to become automatons in following their anointed leader, almost all conservatives live their philosophy of independence, individual responsibility, and human liberty. Thus it is far more difficult for a leader to rise and/or control the right.

Would that we were all independent, free-thinkers who support liberty. Alas we have the democrat party, so conservatives must band together, no matter how loosely, to thwart the evil goals of the left.

Wild Bill

You can not validly say what a Trump follower loves unless you are a Trump follower. Therefore either you are a Trump follower or your assertion is baseless.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Are you Randy?

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor



Back when I was settling domestic disputes, the call you did NOT want was the one with two women cohabiting, and I don’t mean just roommates. And you won’t find too many with a Trump tag on their car. Over and over it’s the libs. School shootings, church shootings, shooting each other, whatever, it’s almost ALWAYS a democrat-leaning person. I was musing as I drove along today, that in my lifetime, I’ve seen political parties change from just being slightly apart on the issues, to being literally a battle between good and evil. I realize there are many exceptions on… Read more »


Dude are you literally crazy or on that Hunter B sh!t?!?! Nearly most mass shooters we hear ago are always right leaning. But you probably disagree with education too which would explain it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dee
Wild Bill

“Nearly most mass shooters” … “we hear ago are … ” I am pretty sure that you did not learn that in the halls of education.


Minor point – weren’t there chants about hanging Pence?

Wouldn’t surprise me if those chants were entirely on part of FBI plants, but there were some threats…

DC critters I’ve spoken with consider J6 to have been far worse than all the blm riots including Kenosha where protestors attempted to murder their political opponents. Thank God they were unsuccessful with Kyle.


At least they didn’t give Hunter a commendation, like they gave the guy who murdered Ashli Babbitt.


Murder??? Lol Guy you are funny as hell. And of course Rittenhouse didn’t murder anyone right?? And I’m sure Kaepernick is a traitor and Trump is ya master…I mean your savior. This divide is crazy AF. Lol

Last edited 1 year ago by Dee

I highly regard and personally support Representative Lauren Boebert and believe that she has been a great addition to Congress. I also feel that this deranged dirtbag got an awfully light sentence for his over the top violent threats. I am relieved as we all should be that nobody was brazen enough to carry any of them out. Leftism is a legitimate mental disorder. I hope that after his incarceration this Comiskey character gets some psychological help.

Last edited 1 year ago by Longeno

she would make a good president , pro rights


I have long held that the primary reason lefties are so anti-gun is that on some level, they know they themselves couldn’t be trusted with a gun. That may be the only “self aware” aspect of leftism they actually get right.


There are quite a few articles involving anti-gun leftist getting a gun then promptly using it illegally.
One was a road rage incident with a blue hair.
Another was a mother who did a murder/suicide with her children.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Mother was probably an SSRI victim.


I maintain a file of reports on incidents where gun-banners in positions of authority have committed firearms crimes, many of them violent. It isn’t a skinny file.


I’m sure they have a knives and swords collection to go along with their lego’s and figurine collections lol.


Empty threats could land you in jail also. Something to think about.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

And according to the 1st amendment, shouldn’t land you anywhere.

What is the 1st Amendment? Hell what’s a Constitution ? Apparently neither exists anymore.


When this pissed off Libtard gets out of jail will he try & go to assassinate Lauren Boebert for getting put in jail for such a short time, which should have been much longer?


As a convicted felon, it will be impossible for him to obtain a weapon with which to kill her! Federal law prevents it. Yeah, Right!

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor



Yep, libs act nice until you disagree with them, then they turn into the whining, diaper wearing pus*ies they are. Look at the liberal universities around the nation that had to create “cry rooms” when Trump won the presidency….snowflakes are “colonizing” this country.


Ever notice the FIRST thing the “Defund the cops” crowd does when it appears that they are going to have an “on the spot” realignment of their nasal cartilage or other body parts because they’ve hassled the WRONG person?

Yep. They start yelling ‘Call 911!!’ ‘Call the police!’ ‘Call security!’ Etc.

Libidiot morons, thy name is hypocrite…

Last edited 1 year ago by Straight-Shootr

I actually support defund the police. We should have a Sheriff according to the Constitution. Not militarized police force. Should have been able to find some middle ground with the Dems here. But nope. Why do you need 2A if you want all the police ? I for one am tired of paying taxes to support a group that does nothing but restrict my RIGHTS.


They’ve actually been programmed via the public school systems. The anti-bullying campaigns, everyone has a say, everyone gets a trophy, no one has to raise the flag or say the pledge of allegiance anymore, gender fluidity. It turned gen z into a bunch of programmed crybabies.


Make that “Government Indoctrination System”!


anti gun Leftist wants to use a gun against another who is pro self defense. True cognitive dissonance. Leftists have no reason, just the obsession for dominance. Dominance is violence. Sounds like mental illness to me. You’d think (reason required here) that he would think that being able to protect his wife and children would be important to him…..


possibly not the wife


Me thinks this is the quintessential basement dwelling loser snowflake. In the article, his MOTHER testified that his “actions were out of character”, meaning he’s a good boy, just hasn’t figured out what to do with his life. Mom should have kicked him out 21 years ago. The dude is so screwed, he might as well die in prison, there’s nothing for him when he’s released. Mom is probably going to be dead from old age or will have moved to a senior care facility and his childhood basement room is now a laundry room or something. He was born… Read more »


I think you hit the nail on the head Bob.

Last edited 1 year ago by Rodoeo

There was a time where empty threats were just that empty threats. Now we will arrest someone with NO actions involved ? Sure makes police work a lot easier these days.

Knute Knute

While I agree with both your and 44s points, someone should point out that the prog that attacked Rand Paul and broke his ribs in 2017, in Paul’s own yard even, was only sentenced to do 30 days! And that’s an assault on a member of Congress. One would assume that’s a worse crime than the same assault done to a non-government official.
So, if 15 months for a threat is a light sentence, then 30 days for an assault that leaves lifelong injuries to a US Congressman must be lighter than helium! 🙂


what happened to the one who attacked republican soft ball team


He’s dead


that violent criminal deserves 15 months for each instance of making violent threats and the sentences should be consecutively served


Didn’t you mean served sequentially? Consecutive means at the same time, so he’d be in for 15 months.


Um. no. Sequential, serial, and consecutive are all equivalent. You’re thinking of concurrent.

Last edited 1 year ago by Larry

If that low life coward had come face to face with her he would have shit his pants and ran away! She knows how to use a gun!


sad we need to weed out guberment of all kinds of trash


The jerk got off easy. I would like to see him get ,20 to life for terrorist threats directed at a member of Congress. Guess on those grounds Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters and an entire host of other far left Dems could join him in prison.


If any one of the charges he was convicted of was punishable by more than 1 year, he is a felon, and therefor prohibited the possession of firearms.


15 months = felony


Not if 15 months is the aggregate of several charges, none of which is punishable by more than 1 year.


I’m pretty confident that the applicable federal law states that the convict is banned from firearms ownership if the crime for which he was convicted could have been punishable by a year or more in prison, regardless of what he got.


I have a business trip coming up in Denver and was going to go and visit her establishment, but it looks like its closed when I looked it up? I could not get to her restaurant website.


Don’t worry, he’ll come out of state prison thinking about firearms and self protection differently. I can guarantee you that!


Gotta look at the bright side. When he gets out, you won’t hear him pass gas…


Comiski’s lawyer;
“It’s just very unfortunate that Mr. Comiskey has to do jail time. I understand the need for deterrent generally but, in this particular case, it was just a kind, good man who made a big mistake.”


Ultimate Irony?


I always find it amusing that anti-2A folks usually use firearms that are protected by the 2A. Every one of his quotes uses a reference to the 2A or a protected item.

Mystic Wolf

The guy that made the threats should be spending at least 5 years in prison but as he is a DEMONCRAT (very likely) he is getting a light sentence, he will be out in about 5 months or less, just for making the threat. Now had he made that threat towards TRUMP there would be no charges made at all.


One Lefty goes to jail for threats against a conservative Congresswoman.
Well, it’s a start.
Thousands more out there that deserve the same.


I’m not condoning the guys actions. Where’s the victim ? So now we arrest people because of internet threats ? Key board warriors. I knew it was only a matter of time. The thought police are coming for you next. lol


Minority report


Speaking of Pink Floyd, did you see that nasty Roger Waters’ latest antic in Berlin? What a typical insane libtard.


MORON wrapped in STUPID x1000000000!


Should have been 15 years instead of 15 months?!


It has become almost 100% predictable that the farther left you sit, the higher the potential you will be criminally violent.


Good riddance.
I’ll bet money he does similar stuff when he gets out.

On another note:

Anybody know how many people are still being held without due process from J6.

I would like to see Peolsi, every politician that supported their arrests and every one of the J6 committee arrested and imprisoned for the same amount of time.
Restitution is due to every J6 person held without due process and all Rights restored immediately.


She took it back. But only because she had to.


This anti gun dirtbag will get his wish in a small way. He will be forever prohibited from owning a gun


Like that would stop him from obtaining one if he wanted one. Criminals break laws……….just cuz he goes to jail means nothing.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Personally, I don’t think threats like that or for that matter any threat from a long distance should be outside of freedom of speech. If he wants to talk like that maybe he needs to be watched, but typically the dog that barks isn’t the one that bites. I’d say let him be an idiot as there was no actual victim involved. Remember people…NO VICTIM, NO CRIME. That is also why the 1st amendment is in the Bill of Rights. I just read words. What ever happened to the idea of “sticks and stones my break my bones but words… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

One of the rare NORMAL people that have been voted into a position of importance. We need more NORMAL people. Too many psychopathic control freak parasites walk the halls of congress and the senate.


GOOD! This person THREATENED a Representative with bodily harm. WHERE IS the PROSECUTION of Mr. Schumer(a supposed representative) who stood on the steps and THREATENED TWO SUPREME COURT JUDGES?!?!?!?!?!?!


5 hours ago, comments were closed to me. But it again this will not appear on the comments thread.

Knute Knute

If this actually happened, it’s probably because you’re as mad as a hatter! Better stop sniffing that mercury. Lose one more brain cell and you’re a house plant, Dude.
Or Dudette. Or duderino_xyzabcbrainlessrainbowchild, or whatever current string of nonsense letters you like today. 🙂


The problem here is Lee Williams only post 1/10 of my comments. This probably will not appear either. It’s hard to communicate when my comments are waiting for approval and/or totally omitted. The Right likes to silent the ones that they believe aren’t with them. #StayArmedandVigilant


Well I’m totally independent of all your claims musician! Hell I luv reading your hate. It makes me smirk. You remind me of the Budlight girl…I mean guy or is it they/them. I’ll call you whatever you like. But I’ll rather treat you like you treat me. Period!