Progressive Judge Says Commerce Clause Overrides the Bill of Rights

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U.S.A. — At least one judge in the Third Circuit believes the Commerce Clause overrides the Bill of Rights.

In a recent decision of The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, in the case Range v Lombardo, on June 6, 2023, the en banc court ruled some felony convictions are not sufficient to restrict Second Amendment rights, based on the historical record. Eleven of 15 judges concurred with the majority opinion.

Four judges dissented…

One of those dissenting was Judge Janet Richards Roth, appointed to the Third Circuit by George H. W. Bush in 1991. She was born in 1935 and started her governmental career working as a typist and administrative assistant in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Department of State in 1956. She graduated from Harvard Law School in 1965. Judge Roth assumed senior status on May 31, 2006.  She is a few days short of her 88th birthday (June 16).

Judge Roth makes a strong case, based on Progressive philosophy, the Commerce Clause overrides the Bill of Rights. She gives the usual litany of Progressive “arguments”: Things have changed since the ratification of the Bill of Rights. The federal government has to have more power than the Bill of Rights allows. That was then. This is now. Here is part of the dissent from Judge Roth of the Third Circuit P. 96 of 107 :

In Bruen, the Supreme Court considered whether a regulation issued by a state government was a facially constitutional exercise of its traditional police power. Range presents a distinguishable question: Whether a federal statute, which the Supreme Court has upheld as a valid exercise of Congress’s authority under the Commerce Clause,2 is constitutional as applied to him. The parties and the Majority conflate these spheres of authority and fail to address binding precedents affirming Congress’s power to regulate the possession of firearms in interstate commerce. Because Range lacks standing under the applicable Commerce Clause jurisprudence, I respectfully dissent.

Judge Roth explicitly states the modern expansion of the commerce clause, to include virtually all activity that has any effect on commerce, overrides the Bill of Rights because the scope of modern commerce is far greater than commerce at the founding.

This case involves the Second Amendment. Roth’s logic could just as easily be applied to the First Amendment and others. Virtually all First Amendment usage involves items that have a connection to interstate commerce – printing presses, telephones, computers, satellites, fiber optic cables, etc. Church pews are made of wood shipped across state lines, paid for by credit cards recognized by interstate banks. Nearly all homes affect interstate commerce. Under the expansive interpretation, the federal government could regulate all use and sale of homes and inspect them at any time, in spite of the Fourth Amendment. Under the expansive, Progressive interpretation, the Ninth and Tenth Amendments are swallowed up. Virtually all of life is encompassed by the absurd extension of the Commerce Clause created by Progressive judges.

Most of what Judge Roth writes about modern times applied to commerce at the time of the ratification of the Bill of Rights.

In U.S. v. Lopez, 1995, the Supreme Court temporarily stepped away from the Commerce Clause abyss into which we have been tumbling. Justice Thomas complained about the Supreme Court failing to follow up on the Lopez decision, instead doubling down on Commerce Clause supremacy over all in the Gonzales v. Raich idiocy.  All six judges who voted for Raich (1996) have left the Supreme Court. Only Justice Thomas, who dissented on the case, remains of the justices who were on the court for Raich.  From Justice Thomas’ dissent:

Respondents Diane Monson and Angel Raich use marijuana that has never been bought or sold, that has never crossed state lines, and that has had no demonstrable effect on the national market for marijuana. If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anything–and the Federal Government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers

Justice Thomas gives a powerful, originalist, and textualist explanation of the Commerce Clause:

As I explained at length in United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549 (1995), the Commerce Clause empowers Congress to regulate the buying and selling of goods and services trafficked across state lines. Id., at 586—589 (concurring opinion). The Clause’s text, structure, and history all indicate that, at the time of the founding, the term “ ‘commerce’ consisted of selling, buying, and bartering, as well as transporting for these purposes.” Id., at 585 (Thomas, J., concurring). Commerce, or trade, stood in contrast to productive activities like manufacturing and agriculture. Id., at 586—587 (Thomas, J., concurring). Throughout founding-era dictionaries, Madison’s notes from the Constitutional Convention, The Federalist Papers, and the ratification debates, the term “commerce” is consistently used to mean trade or exchange–not all economic or gainful activity that has some attenuated connection to trade or exchange. Ibid. (Thomas, J., concurring); Barnett, The Original Meaning of the Commerce Clause, 68 U. Chi. L. Rev. 101, 112—125 (2001). The term “commerce” commonly meant trade or exchange (and shipping for these purposes) not simply to those involved in the drafting and ratification processes, but also to the general public. Barnett, New Evidence of the Original Meaning of the Commerce Clause, 55 Ark. L. Rev. 847, 857—862 (2003).

Most of the judges on the Third Circuit disagreed with Judge Roth. From the majority opinion concurrence by Judge Porter of the Third Circuit P. 28-29 of 107:

A conception of the Second Amendment right that retcons modern commerce power into early American state law is anachronistic and flunks Bruen’s history-and-tradition test. Setting the federal floor through a combination of antebellum state police power and Congress’s post-New Deal commerce authority, as the dissents propose, would underprotect the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

The modern Supreme Court is stepping back from the Progressive position of all power to the administrative state. The Supreme Court may finally reinstate limits on what the Commerce Clause covers. Justice Thomas has explicitly shown what those limits should be.

U S Supreme Court Clarence Thomas
One judge argues the Commerce Clause overrides the Bill of Rights, and it is NOT … Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas.

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean Weingarten

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Henry Bowman

That judge should be impeached for deliberately misconstruing the purpose of the Commerce Clause. No part of the Constitution was ever intended to hold higher authority than the Bill of Rights, for if that were so the South would still have slaves today!

Dissident I Believe Bill of Rights.png



The judge is doing what you are doing, using party faction over nation to harm our rights. The South did not do what my Western Ancestors did, and fight war as it is meant to be fought by killing all your enemy and taking their stuff. That cowardice allowed the yankee scum to use religion to forever lower the South’s and our entire nation’s quality of life with forced diversity. Thanks to the Republicans destroying the Founders design, our guns are now blamed for the third world violence the republicans forced on us. Do you support how both parties have… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by WeWereWarned

wow! you are either wrong or ignorant on so many points. that you think slavery was a good thing is telling. it sounds like you might be American indian (western ancestors). didn’t indians capture women and children from other tribes and make them slaves? how was the south homogenous with slavery? how has religion lowered the quality of life? many hospitals and schools were begun by religious people. and in America, you can believe in anything you want, even your great spirit (if that is what you call it). i think you might have gotten the part of destroying the… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

He’s FAR from ignorant. Look in the mirror if you want to see ignorant. Where did he say slavery was a good thing? Religion has lowered the quality of life in many ways. One is so many “Christians” are so heavenly minded they are no earthly good. They want to, in many cases, force their convoluted view of morality on the rest of us, and in doing so cage many of their fellow human beings. I’ll use the prohibition of alcohol which required an amendment to the bill of rights to the prohibition of marijuana where they just ignored any… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

There’s a difference between defending Slavery, and using Slavery to point out the fallacy in a chain of Logic. Merely pointing out that if the Commerce Clause supercedes the BOR, Slavery would still exist, is not a Defense of Slavery.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Funny how those ignorant of history will downvote someone who has made the effort to look at history with a mind capable of critical thinking. As it stands BOTH “parties” have been culpable in slavery, in thievery, in violations of their oaths of office, etc. etc. ad Infinium. Volumes of violations on the human beings inhabiting the place they call the United States (that’s a joke) utilizing constructive fraud, murder, outright theft, infringement upon infringement of our UNalienable rights…I don’t know what it is going to take, but I suspect that blood will be running in the streets again. Seems… Read more »

Henry Bowman

WTH does that have to do with my OP? Take that Scheiße somewhere else! Oh, and don’t forget that the GOP was formed to fight DEMOCRATS and their SLAVERY OF OTHER HUMANS. THEY started the 1st Civil War, and lost. Then they started America’s first domestic terror organization, the KKK. Now they’re trying to start Civil War 2, and you are unwittingly doing their bidding.

Democrat KKK Pride.png

You might want to do a REWRITE of your comment. First you BLAME the gop, then you blame the Dems. You cannot have both — at the same time. Otherwise, the UNIPARTY is still functioning, even today!

Henry Bowman

Not even a meme I posted in here… You can quit with your sockpuppet gaslighting. I run with libertarians, so I’m not a GOP apologist, but 100% of the time when a ‘Republican’ infringes, it’s always a member of the RINO team who does that. There IS a difference, so if you have a problem with that, look in the mirror.


Followed your advice and looked in the mirror — nothing broken here. Has your mirror cracked when you looked into yours? OR, do you have a duplicate of the WICKED Queen’s mirror from “Snow White”?

Henry Bowman

Whatevs, troll.


Lol…you’re an idiot!! Your history is a bit flawed. You see when that northern GOP black family moved south into that all white democratic neighborhood, that made those white democrats move out the neighborhood into a “GOP’ neighborhood. Basically the old Democratic Party is now the current GOP. Here’s a trick to test ya… do you feel about the Confederate flag?!?!


Henry Bowman

Hello, communist troll. Here’s PROOF that gun control in America was created by racist white southern DemoKKKrats to keep blacks defenseless from KKK murderers!


your argument must be so strong that you have to resort to an ad hominem attack right off the bat.
here is something you should read, but probably won’t,
you can revel in your ignorance if you so choose.


Comrade! Yankees kicked the reb’s asses so bad, they’re still pissed off. If you don’t like it, you’ll just have to suck on it until you do.


Another centrist suck up

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

The South still has slaves today. Do you pay state income tax? Do you pay “property taxes”? Isn’t theft of your labor slavery? If you work 3 months of the year to pay taxes, aren’t you a slave for three months at the minimum? There should be NOTHING but use fees. Use the roads, pay a fee. Use the schools pay a fee. Want police “protection” (That’s a joke) pay a fee. See how simple? Free men pay a fee for services they want. Slaves pay a fee stolen at gun point for services they couldn’t give a rats ass… Read more »

Henry Bowman

I’m talking Bill of Rights, not taxes. But yes, taxation is theft.

then using your rational, virtually everyone in the world is a slave. there has been slavery since the creation of man and there will be slavery until Christ comes again.

I’d call it Neo-Feudalism, rather than Slavery. With Neo-Feudalism, you’re bequeathed the Illusion of Freedom by the (S)Elected Nobility, until they pull the rug out from under your feet.
You’re correct about the “Fees.”


That is why Commi-demonrats are doing everything possible to stab Justice Thomas in the back.


Yes, thank God for Clarence Thomas. Getting so the Commerce Clause would have its own flag, and its own army.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Getting so the Commerce Clause would have its own flag, and its own army.” IT DOES! Actually multiple armies called the ATF, the FCC, the IRS for starters.


The woman is an idiot


Government thugs have been using the commerce clause to violate rights for almost a century.

Monkey Mouse

While your opinion can differ from SCOTUS decisions on certain items, it is not your job to defy that court and try to end run it with an unconstitutional ruling of your own. The whole progressive strategy is to force the people to run up through the court system – something which takes years, to be able to get their rights by a higher court. Even then, states like CA and NY outright refuse to comply, leaving another court battle that should never have happened in the first case. I say roll in and collect these folks to liquidation at… Read more »


The real “Kick In The A$$,” is when you realize you’re paying to defend Unconstitutional Gun Laws through your Tax Dollars, while paying through Dues and Donations to fight the same Unconstitutional Gun Laws in Court.
In the end, you’re screwed, blued, and tattooed, you’re poorer, and the Lawyers and Government are laughing all the way too the Bank, and plotting their next attempt to Rob you Not Once, but Twice.

Last edited 1 year ago by Chuck

it is a real stretch use the commerce clause to say a person can or cannot possess a firearm once the purchase has been completed. at that time inter-state commerce has ceased, and if legally allowed in that state that should be the end of that matter.
i chalk it up to senility, just like ol’ joe, jumping straight into the despot role.
i believe there comes a time when age becomes an impediment to governance, and this is one of those times, again like ol’ joe.

Rebel VA

I seem to remember another “ol’joe”. His name was Stalin!


And “Joe” Goebbels. Another Pathological Lying Propagandist.


Sounds like this addled old gal needs to retire.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Give her a trial for sedition and treason and let her pick her method of execution. Maybe hemlock will be her choice. After all, she has introduced a new god into the equation. Her god is the state she represents. The state of insanity. Typical of what you would expect from a psychopathic control freak parasite. My description is getting longer by the week. I’ll need to abbreviate to PSCP.


Using her logic (or lack thereof), if someone makes a firearm in one state, made completely from items obtained in that same state, the Commerce Clause wouldn’t apply.


Per Wickard v Filburn (1942), the fact that they made it all in state means they didn’t buy it from out of state and that affected interstate commerce!


Not very?

Welcome to progressive thought!


see; the Wheat cases….Production for personal use removes product from interstate commerce therefore manufacture / growing for personal use has a direct effect on interstate commerce and can be regulated.

The commerce clause is the biggest threat to the constitution and the “proper vehicle” for the courts to undermine Bruin and 2A “as a matter of law”

If this line of thinking is allowed to prevail 2A is dead


DDS You are right, Wickard v Filburn is the “wheat case”

Biggest threat to the constitution and 2A there is. Surprised they have taken so long to get there. This is the lever the courts use to undermine every aspect of the bill of rights.

This has the potential to be the Thinking that mitigates Bruin into the dustbin of history.

Do not discount the importance and the threat posed by this reasoning

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

The commerce clause is the foundation of the NFA. The commerce clause is the foundation of the ATF.
The founding fathers would be royally pissed off if they saw how the commerce clause has been convoluted to create a tyrannical system that they were willing to bleed to keep from happening.


You’re spot on with the wheat case but I find the greatest threats to the constitution, and our republic, to be the NEA and AFT. These unions represent and influence the teachers that indoctrinate our children. In the words of George Romney, Mitt’s dad, “brainwashed.”


That or Rebellion is on the horizon.


well i’m sure that they could claim something crossed state lines and therefore claim jurisdiction over it.


NOTHING overrides the Bill of Rights. This bimbo musta’ slept through any civics class she ever attended (assuming she did attend any)! The Commerce Clause has been so interpreted as to exist as a convoluted pretzel shaped regulation. It must be made of clay so it can be twisted and interpreted any way the federal government desires!


That “task”, assigned FedGov amongst its several duties to “regulate trade between the states” had as its origiinal intent simply to make sure it happened unimpeded. Some things that FedGov would thus rohibit would be things like teriffs on some goods crossing state lines. Also included would be to orohibit any state from enacting laws such that certain goods cannot enter the state in question. (how about California’s stupid laws requiring stricter “pollution control devices” on motorcars to be sold within that infernal state? Or imposing requirements that chickens laying eggs to be imported into california be kept in facilities… Read more »


Hickory Shampoo overrides progressive “judge”.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Indeed. Until no more breath comes out of that decrepit animal disguised as a human.


Below is a link to the oral arguments in US v Lopez in which the Supreme Court Justices tried repeatedly to pin down the Solicitor General of The United States on just exactly where the limits were on what Congress could or could not regulate under the Commerce Clause.

There’s a lot of weasel his answers, but the sum total was that in the opinion of the United States Government, there were none.

News reports at the time said that the Justices were visibly taken aback by what his answers, taken as a group, revealed.


Judge Janet Richards Roth as broken her SWORN Oath of Office and has forgone her fiduciary Duties. Thus, Judge Janet Richards Roth MUST be REMOVED from office and STRIPPED from the BAR’s association!!


The constitution standing on it’s own without the Bill Of Rights is a bad deal and would lead to the government owning everything.

Thank GOD for the wisdom.of those founders that insisted on the inclusion of the Bill Of Rights


Tar and feathers overrides treasonous leftists.


Democrats have used the commerce clause the justify the massive expansion of federal programs for a century. That clause was never intended for that end. Dems want what they want and they will twist logic until they get it. Thanks goodness for this current supreme court.


The only reason they “reinterpreted” the Interstate Commerce clause is because FDR BLACKMAILED the courts with the threat of COURT STACKING! That ruling set the groundwork for EVERYTHING evil that Federal Govt now does domestically. The court first ruled against FDR’s “NRA” (his “National Recovery Agency” I believe), saying violated the constitution in regards to the commerce clause. Then after he threatened to destroy the last vestige of reason & constitutionality we had left at the time, SCOTUS – they relented to his extortion and reinterpreted then ICA. By the way, the much lauded FDR, was America’s first life-long dictator.… Read more »


You have a story about Judge Roth but a picture of Judge Thomas. This is a great injustice to Judge Thomas.


Liberals will NEVER follow the constitution until it effect them then they will wrap it around them like a blanket. Proof that STUPID is as STUPID does!


Activist judges have no place in a Constitutional Republic.


I just pointed out in a reply to someone, that I believe some don’t realize about how F**ked Up the System we’re operating under really is We pay to Defend the Very Unconstitutional Laws the Government passes through our Taxation. Then we pay, through Dues and Donations, the money used to Fighr the very same Laws we’ve paid for through our Taxation, in Court. When you realize you’re being screwed from both directions, you start to understand how thoroughly F**ked Up the System has become. …and the Lawyers and Politicians are laughing all the way to the bank, at how… Read more »


I would point out one obvious logic flaw in the Judges argument. Marijuana, has not, isn’t currently, nor will it ever be, an Enumerated Right. The Second does not grant the Right, It protects the Right. With that at the Forefront, his entire argument collapses.


OK, once more, from the top. The ENTIRE legal system is corrupted, it’s a scam, a fraud, an artifice, and due to its criminal nature, it has ZERO power or authority over ANY man or woman! Since when do we have to look to and obey any criminals in any matter? WHY is that so hard to grasp? Is there some kind of flaw in the facts or logic there? Is there some kind of a conflict in the facts and logic that I am not aware of? The current USSC/SCOTUS reversed Roe v. Wade last year, saying only that… Read more »

Desert Guy

In a court dominated by Communists and Socialists, he’s the sole remaining liberal.