Smith & Wesson M&P Folding Dagger Review

The M&P Folding Dagger would make a good self-defense knife.

U.S.A. — Years ago, before the communist party took over America, you could carry an EDC folder when flying with a blade of less than 3.5 inches. That brought me great comfort. A few times, I had to fly into Chicago by myself, one time catching a train through a not-so-great area of town at midnight to get to my hotel. On another trip, the cab driver drove down a side street that was solid bars. It was the middle of the day and people were passed out on the curbs and sidewalks. He stopped at a red light and three young thugs strolled up to the car looking in to see if there was anything worth stealing.

But now I’m old and don’t particularly want to get in a knife fight. Actually, I don’t want to get in any kind of fight so now I just carry a pistol. But if you’re looking for a self-defense knife, you ought to check out the M&P Folding Dagger. It has a lot of nice features. (M&P is Smith & Wesson’s designation for Military & Police).

To open the M&P Folding Dagger, it has a flipper stud and a spring assist feature. Actually, it has two flipper studs. The top stud is used to deploy the blade and when open it then acts as a finger stop to keep your finger from sliding forward and stabilizes your grip. The bottom stud, when the blade is open, acts as a thumb guard to also keep your hand from sliding forward and further stabilizes your grip.

The bottom stud has grooves on one side, which aids in deploying the blade. When open, then it keeps your pointer finger from sliding. I wish the top stud had the same grooves to enhance your thumb position.

The M&P Folding Dagger utilizes a liner lock system to keep the blade securely open when in use. On 90% of the folders that I test, the liner lock only goes about 1/3 over on the back of the blade. And on 10%, it only slides over marginally, and I have to get a screwdriver and bend it over a little more so it performs adequately. The liner lock on my M&P Folding Dagger slides over to the middle better than any other folder that I’ve ever seen, which of course, is desirable.

As described above, the two thumb studs aid in ensuring that you have a firm grip on the knife. It is adequate as is and I feel like I have a good grip on the knife, but to further enhance your grip, it wouldn’t hurt to have some thumb grooves on the first 1-inch of the top of the handle and maybe even some grooves on the bottom of the handle. But the ones on the bottom may prove to be uncomfortable.

The side of the handle where your last three finger-tips hit is grooved, which aids in your grip. The M&P Folding Dagger has a large handle, and by large, I don’t mean fat; maybe I should say a longer handle which I like. If you have a large hand, this knife should fit your hand like a glove.

You can see that this knife would fit someone with a much larger hand than mine.

It also has a finger loop on the butt of the handle, which is advertised as also enhancing your grip. When I’m using it, I don’t put my little finger in the loop but you may desire to do so, especially if you have large hands. On a side note, it has a non-reversible pocket clip.

You could also use this finger loop as a brass knuckle.

The blade is three ¼-inches long, and as the name suggests, it has a dagger design with a wicked point. Only the bottom of the blade is sharpened. TAKE THIS POINT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT- “You could easily grind down and sharpen the top 2 inches but to my very limited knowledge, that then classifies it as a dagger which is outlawed in such states as California.”

For instance, to my understanding in Idaho you can open carry a dagger but if you carry it concealed then you must have a concealed carry permit. So, if you plan on grinding down the top of the blade, checks your local laws.

The MSRP on the Smith & Wesson Folding Dagger is $29.99 and as is usual, we will close with the specs.



Introducing the M&P Folding Dagger – the ultimate self-defense tool for those who are always on the go. This sleek, 8Cr steel folding dagger is perfect for those who are always active and need a lightweight, easy to carry self-defense weapon. The Spring Assist feature makes opening fast and easy and the liner lock provides a secure lockup and easy one-hand use. Plus, the ergonomic finger loop ensures a better grip while in use. The M&P® Folding Dagger is a must-have self-defense tool that you can always have with you.

About Tom Claycomb

Tom Claycomb has been an avid hunter/fisherman throughout his life as well as an outdoor writer with outdoor columns in the magazine Hunt Alaska, Bass Pro Shops,, and numerous magazines and newspapers. “To properly skin your animal, you will need a sharp knife. I have an e-article on Amazon Kindle titled Knife Sharpening #ad for $.99 if you’re having trouble.”

Tom Claycomb

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If it is anything like my other 3 Smith and Wesson marked knifes, and it appears to be, it’s a pass. S&W should be ashamed to put their name on such trash.


So the folding dagger is not a dagger.