Take Action – Urge Congress to Overturn ATF’s Brace Rule

Uzi Pro Suppressed
IMG Jim Grant

The U.S. House is expected to hold a vote next week on H.J.Res.44, legislation that would overturn the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) pistol brace rule. H.J.Res.44, sponsored by Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) and Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC), is a disapproval resolution under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) that would invalidate ATF’s brace rule and block the agency from reissuing the same rule in the future. The U.S. Senate may consider companion legislation sponsored by Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) shortly thereafter. Please contact your federal legislators today and encourage them to vote “YES” on the disapproval resolution.


ATF’s unlawful rule on stabilizing braces would subject virtually all firearms with attached stabilizing braces to the registration requirements of the National Firearms Act (NFA) – the deadline to register these previously-acquired firearms was Wednesday, May 31, 2023.

Beginning in 2012, when President Biden was serving as then-President Barack Obama’s vice president, the ATF had recognized that stabilizing braces serve a legitimate function, and the inclusion of a stabilizing brace on a pistol or other firearm does not automatically subject that firearm to the provisions of the NFA.

But now, President Biden’s ATF has reversed over a decade of agency guidance and rulings that the firearms industry and law-abiding American gun owners have relied on when designing or acquiring firearms. Stabilizing braces were designed to enable gun owners to operate certain firearms with one hand with more stability. The ATF’s new rule says, essentially, that using a stabilizing brace with a pistol turns the firearm into a short-barreled rifle and must now be regulated by the NFA — and now the millions of Americans who own a pistol and a stabilizing brace, regardless of style, caliber, or type of brace, must either dispose of, alter, or register their firearms. If they don’t comply, they will become felons and face ten years in prison and large fines.


Again, please take action today by contacting your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators, and encourage them to vote “YES” on the disapproval resolution to overturn ATF’s arbitrary rule.

About NRA-ILA:

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess, and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit: www.nra.org

National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)


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The better approach would be to allow short barrelled rifles.


Note the picture of Jim Grant in the top of this article. The “brace” is used against the shoulder as a “stock.” He has a SBR!


Or……. A hundred thousand patriots could rise up and burn atf headquarters and satellite offices to the ground…..just say’n

and if we knew where these dog killers lived (if they were required to give a home address as a condition of employment) we could end the atf

But for those golden handcuffs………

no one but an American hating commie bastard would work for atf!

Thanks for nothing nra


Don’t know but seems like this is the supreme courts job, with an permanent injunction until ruling?


Thank you Ammoland and NRA-ILA for posting action links in the body of your article. I wish every content producer would include one or at least hyperlinks so us porcelain throne activists can join in the chorus. These action links/hyperlinks are genuine force multipliers.


Those of us who value Liberty, warned the idiot conservative fudds about how Trump and the nra’s bumpstock ban, legally outlawed all semiautomatic guns that a bumpstock can be attached upon.
This is Biden using what the previous administration did to harm armed Americans and criminalize the 2nd Amendment.

The joys of party faction over nation, that the not so great and boomers forced upon us. Thomas Paine warned us about when one group allows the government to harm another group, how the government will use that power to harm everyone.