Aaron Zelman Would Be Horrified by JPFO Promoting NRA-Endorsed ‘Gun Control’

Does this look like a message leaders in “Shall not be infringed” would promote? (Project Exile – Rochester, NY/Facebook)

“Try Enforcement Before ‘Reform,’” Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership declares in an email alert for an article hosted on its website. A byline and article source link show JPFO reposted an article by the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action Executive Director Randy Kozuch, a career state lobbyist and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre loyalist.

“The truth is, no one even knows how the gun laws currently on the books might perform because these laws are so lightly enforced,” Kozuch declares. “Consider the cornerstone of the U.S. federal gun law regime: the Gun Control Act of 1968 and its prohibition on firearm possession by … convicted felons, fugitives from justice, illegal aliens, those who have been formally committed to a mental institution and others from possessing guns.”

“The longstanding indifference toward enforcing existing gun laws goes straight to the top,” Kozuch complains. “Part of the problem with lack of enforcement is that we have some evidence from the rare instances where existing law is vigorously enforced, by targeting those who actually misuse firearms, can have a significant impact on violent crime.”

And with that, Kozuch segues into predictable (by longtime NRA watchers) advocacy for Project Exile, a federal program initiated in 1997 by the Richmond, Va., U.S. Attorney’s Office to “federally prosecute every instance of certain types of gun crimes, including ‘felons with guns.’”

“Because of the demonstrated results in just one year of sustained effort, the U.S. Attorney’s Office is committed to continuing Project Exile indefinitely,” Kozuch quotes a 1998 USAO report.

Success, right? It depends on who’s doing the measuring. And how long it lasts.

“In Richmond, Attorney General Jeff Sessions says he will expand Project Exile nationwide,” the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported in 2017.  “Project Exile is a widely copied program credited with cutting Richmond’s violent crime 20 years ago by shipping firearm violators to far-off federal prisons. When [FBI Director] Comey was appointed director of the FBI, Exile was frequently cited as one of his accomplishments.”

Except it wasn’t as big of an accomplishment as he (and NRA) cracked it up to be, but it does go hand-in-fisted-glove with LaPierre’s longstanding position:

“Let’s agree on this: Every American city, let’s put Project Exile, every time a violent felon, drug dealer, gang member touches a gun, let’s prosecute.”

At the time, then-NRA president Charlton Heston was telling “criminals” to “Make my day” as he joined with anti-gun then-Philadelphia mayor Ed Rendell to implement the program there, even though the numbers hardly substantiated the grandiose promises:

“In the final hours of 2004, Richmond topped its 2003 murder rate by one, securing its distinction as one of the nation’s most dangerous cities. The city’s final homicide of the year — called in to police around 8 p.m. New Year’s Eve was number 95, surpassing the previous year’s 94. In 2002, there were 83 and in 2001, 69.

“Murders in the United States dropped by nearly 6 percent in the first half of 2004 after rising for four straight years, the FBI reported. Numbers from the second half of 2004 have not been compiled.

“Richmond had the country’s fourth highest murder rate in 2003 and was ranked the nation’s ninth most dangerous city overall in 2004, beating out Miami and Compton, Calif. Richmond is the sixth most dangerous when compared to other cities with populations of 100,000 to 499,999.”

And while there was “a steep decline” reported in 2011, a 2016 report noted, “Richmond ranks high among ‘murder capitals’ in the U.S.,” and doubts about Exile were raised by the surge.

Since when is “effectiveness” a measure of Constitutionality? Where is the enumerated delegated authority to do this? If exceptions can be made for the Second Amendment, why not the others?

The thought strikes that we could also get convictions to skyrocket if we allowed beatings to extract confessions and dispensed with the need for pesky search warrants. The thought also strikes that if they’re known violent felons, why are they out of prison? If proven violent persons are still truly dangerous, the late Robert J. Kukla made a brilliant observation in his 1973 classic Gun Control, equating their release from prison with opening the cage of a man-eating tiger and expecting a different result.

Even without resorting to the demonstrable truism that anyone who can’t be trusted with a gun can’t be trusted without a custodian, there is a variety of ways people who pose no danger to themselves or others are denied the right to keep and bear arms – and often without even the simulacrum of “due process” we see apologists double-talking about on “red flag laws.” That includes gun owners in hopelessly “blue states,” in which all doors for peaceable redress of grievances have been slammed shut by overwhelmingly “anti-gun” legislatures and judges. That means, in addition to serial predators, a principled “I will not comply” activist who refuses to surrender his rights  — or his bump stock, frame, receiver, forced reset trigger, or stabilizing brace — can be caught up in Exile’s net, no matter what Kozuch or LaPierre say about limiting enforcement to the violent subset.

They don’t make the law, they don’t enforce it, and they have no control over those who do. And since when does the government restrain itself when it has a citizen it wants to make a political example of in its sights over a minor rule infraction?

We Condemn ‘Project Exile,’” a coalition of American leaders in the firearms movement wrote over two decades ago.

“We condemn any program that involves enforcing unconstitutional ‘laws,’ even if such ‘laws’ are enforced only against violent criminals,” the Coalition declared in no uncertain terms. “Unconstitutional ‘laws are illegal, harmful to public safety, tyrannical, and are inevitably enforced against ordinary, non-criminal citizens.”

Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America signed on. So did one other leader whose support was especially relevant: Aaron Zelman, Executive Director of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.

I knew Aaron. I supported his work, and he mine. I remember evenings when he’d call me, and we’d talk on the phone. I know how he would have reacted to this.

JPFO publicizing Project Exile would have Zelman rolling over in his grave.

I don’t know whose idea it was to approve promoting the NRA piece, but it’s clear they need to be educated on founding principles, both the Republic’s and JPFO’s. And if they expect credibility with the types of gun owners who formed the Coalition, they need to acknowledge they understand how they screwed up.

I hope they do and they reflect Aaron’s vision going forward in new efforts they pursue. JPFO is uniquely positioned to be a powerful voice to counter and expose the prohibitionist subversion of the Anti-Defamation League, and one that can do it without being dismissed as antisemites. Zelman didn’t devote his life to parroting NRA; he devoted it to educating America and the world about the reality that citizen disarmament enables genocide.

Enforce existing gun laws” is the last thing rights advocates should call for. Demanding that is no different than Tories calling on King George to enforce existing Intolerable Acts.

The call from liberty-minded individuals and organizations should be “Repeal existing gun laws.”

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea


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Gun control was never about stopping murders or violence, it’s about stopping resistance to tyranny. The NRA has sided with govt for a century.


“Never let a crisis go to waste.” ― Saul Alinsky

“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.” – Mao Zedong

Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither.” – Benjamin Franklin


A quick look at court tracking data shows that these laws are very arbitrarily enforced. In my state (North Carolina) you can pull statistics for a crime like “(5224) Felon in Possession of a Firearm” and see just how often it is charged by police in the field, and how rarely it is prosecuted to a guilty verdict. In the five years from 2017 to 2022, it was charged over 49,000 times in my state alone, and prosecuted to a guilty verdict 298 times. The vast majority of cases were plead away with some ending in admission of guilt, with… Read more »


Don’t forget the illegals pouring across our borders from over 156 countries and most of them have absolutely no value for their or another persons life.


In my experience, most criminal code passed since Mosaic law, and it having roots in the Code of Hammurabi, is passed just so legislators can be seen to be “doing something.”


The problem of violence is not firearms. The problem is a large part of our population having the emotional maturity of a seven year old, making them embrace risk, and enabling them to break drug laws, and kill people without the fear of consequences that an emotionally mature person has. Thus, prison becomes just “time out” between violent periods of criminal activity.

I don’t see us ever changing that culture, certainly not by legislation alone, without real, draconian punishment. Probably not even then, if we were willing to do it, and we’re not.


I’m all for the return of corporal punishment and the death penalty PROVIDED that when they find malicious prosecution or wrongful prosecution, abuse of power, piss-poor defense attorneys, etc. that THOSE predators fry in place of those that they wrongfully prosecuted and sentenced to prison or death while they are releasing the innocent parties. SEE: INNOCENCE PROJECT


For any doubting laws being enforced against nonviolent, good people – look no further than Justin Ervin and Matt Hoover.

OTOH they consider anyone even talking about guns to be violence, so obviously we are all violent. Thus we are all considered valid targets enforcement against “violent” offenders.


One of my major concerns is all the political prisoners that our rogue government is collecting one-by-one and housing in prisons all across the country under the guise of Due Process. Yet there is NO collective outrage about the government that WE, THE PEOPLE put into place to “govern” OUR AFFAIRS and is now overriding their authority (See Chevron Deference) en mass WITHOUT our approval as we sit apathetically on the sidelines in most cases and yet those prisoners and their families are ALL suffering from these rogue operations. That means there are a LOT of Fathers (Read breadwinners) that… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by USMC0351Grunt
Henry Bowman

It boggles the mind that JPFO would roll with this! ALL GUN LAWS ARE INFRINGEMENTS! Enforcing existing infringements is still deprivation of Rights under color of law!
I’ll keep saying this ’til the NRA ceases to exist: THE NRA IS A GUN CONTROL ORG MASQUERADING AS A 2A GROUP! THE NRA IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Henry Bowman

lol…. NRA never supported the 1994′ AWB. To the contrary, they fought it every step of the way but were out numbered by foolish gun owners who didnt see the value in semi autos or the MSM who continually played videos on the nightly news of full auto guns as if these were the firearms in question. yep, fools like YOU at the time and Bob Dole of Kansas who promissed to revisit the issue the following January…. but never did. NRA never supported the Hughes Amendment which was folded into the 1986 FOPA at the last minute on a… Read more »

Henry Bowman

Stuff it. The NRA DID support it, but it’s low-information fudds like you who think WLP can do no wrong that enabled WLP and the NRA to keep grifting. NRA HQ was supported by the fudds all this time.Your ‘facts’ are the opposite of reality. Stop polishing WLP’s knob, OK? Just stop.

NRA Fudd Boomer WLP Bootlicker.png

Bob Kukla also stated in his book, the “three-fourths of all crime is commited by previous offenders” which iirc is actually titled “Crime Control, Not Gun Control.” I could be wrong on that as it has been over 40 years since I read it, and that was in the library of a Community College. I did a term paper but unfortunately through it out by mistake.

Back when we received the paper editions of Shotgun News, we would look forward to reading input from JPFO as well as Neil Knox and others.


“three-fourths of all crime is commited by previous offenders” We can thank recidivism and dropping the death penalty in these matters ALLOWING those that commit murder and assaults, rapes, etc., to continue their criminal acts on innocent citizens.


TRASH like this dog needs to be PUT DOWN! https://www.tiktok.com/@thirteensystems/video/7196971535268072746


It never ceases to amaze me how compromise and corruption corrodes straight thinking undermining fast and true principles when turning on and fostering feelings thereby endangering freedom and liberty, all at the same time. A circular firing squad never results in a positive outcome.


It would if those in the firing squad were congressmen, senators, bureaucrats or Democrats?

Dubi Loo

Without acknowledging they know how bad they screwed up, JFPO will lose my support and money.


Do you know ANYTHING about the JFPO?

Dubi Loo

Yes. What’s your point?


Superlative essay. I must admit, I never thought about the issue of vigorous enforcement of existing gun laws in this manner and it makes total sense.
Thank you so much for educating me.


“JPFO publicizing Project Exile would have Zelman rolling over in his grave.”
100% on point!

Lesko Brandon

Zelman created a great organization when he founded JPFO. Unfortunately the organization died with him. I was a member and after his passing would get an identical newsletter each quarter for years after. I am still on the mailings, but have seen very little from the group in many years. I try to support all the pro-gun groups, but shift my financial support based on action. FPC is the group getting new contributions from me. I am life member of NRA and GOA, but FPC seems to be the one really fighting, so that’s the one I am backing with… Read more »


All arms laws are infringements, therefore, enforcing any existing arms law is a violation of constitutional rights. The NRA has and continues to help violate those rights.


The death penalty offers little deterrent effect because the perps either believe they will not be caught or do not care if they are caught. However, eliminating murderers, rapists and other violent criminals from society permanently is a VERY great benefit to society.


While we are awaiting approval, MM, This is what I tried to post to you this morning on a post you wrote last night. Al said commenting was closed. It reads,” Read more: https://www.ammoland.com/2023/08/congressional-democrats-demand-gun-control-action/#ixzz89ikmAe00 Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Follow us: @Ammoland on Twitter | Ammoland on Facebook MM, This has happened to me about 3 times. I get an email from AL that says Ope has responded to a comment I wrote. I click on the email to his comment and there is no comment there. In fact I can find no comments from Ope for about 3 days, when this happens. sometimes I… Read more »


MM. This is what I found. There is another in my folder but I can only copy and paste one at a time.
“Hi Oldman,
new reply has been posted by the Ope on the discussion section you’ve been interested in
Oldman, it looks like another one who gets his precious , sensitive feelings hurt here on Ammoland. What do you think we should do about it? Lol !!!”


I hope this comment was real and not directed at “my lack of help” If it is real, then thank you. If it is sarc, then all I can say is I was not pointing a finger at you and meant no ill will. I am not siding with your and MMs feud in either way. Just stating the peculiarities of receiving a post to my inbox and not finding the post on the board. Is all well?


By the way folks, that message I posted was addressed to Big Red and it was Opes comment to me that disapeared. FYI


And the date was April 19, this year not in the last 3 weeks, just sayin’.


and AL stands for Ammoland.


OV, my comment was trying to express the same thing, Thanks


Thank you, Ope. I hope we can all get back to the way it was after we ousted Frick and Frack. Maybe we didn’t Do that, but I would like to think so.


Take this rule and shove it!


Who would have thought that the JPFO would forward Adolph Hitlers agendas ? These people are slow learners in the JPFO .


Look a little deeper into the background workings of the JPFO https://jpfo.org/filegen-a-m/about.htm “Meier had wisely suggested that without an evident ability to run JPFO for at least a year any proposal had to be looked upon askance. The only group on the horizon with that ability, and the interest, was Alan Gottlieb and the Second Amendment Foundation. Despite the Board’s legitimate wariness, and with a precarious time frame before an utter collapse, SAF consummated a deal to take JPFO under its wing.Rumors flew, which was to be expected. My impression of Gottlieb’s move is that it is honorable, done in… Read more »


JPFO, CCKBA and 2nd Amendment Foundation are all controlled by Alan Gottlieb; with JPFO having Alan Korwin as its key publicist. Thus, talking about JPFO as an independent entity is in many ways ignoring the reality of the individual behind it; and the likelihood from its Form 990s that it could not stand on its own. That said, what are Gottlieb and Korwin doing advocating enforcement of NRA-sponsored “gun control laws” ? (Haven’t they been following recent cases regarding alleged felons in possession ?) On a separate, albeit related subject: seems I am receiving an increased number of “sweepstakes” fundraising… Read more »

Dubi Loo

Adam Kraut will succeed Alan.