Armed Americans, Listen Up, Do As I Say, Not As I Do!


Unicorn and rainbows gun ban iStock-Tetiana Lazunova 1141367602
iStock-Tetiana Lazunova

“I can look my own badness in the face and accept its existence, while you are busy covering your mirror with a white linen sheet.” “When I sin, I know I’m sinning, while you have fallen prey to your own fabricated illusions.” ~ C JoyBell

It is curious the way woke bureaucrats, politicians, media types, and corporate whores so piously vilify people like us who go armed and competently train with those arms.

Of course, while condemning us for owning and carrying guns, they’re all hypocritically (and very quietly) doing the same thing, in much the same way they oh-so self-righteously excoriate honest wealth while hiding their own.

According to them, we are all “paranoid” (and, of course, “racist”) because we’ve taken reasonable precautions during the current crime wave and are constantly prepared, mentally and physically. After all, we don’t dwell in well-protected bunkers as they do.

Not surprisingly, inherently dishonest corporate types are making it their business to cynically announce that weapons are “banned” from their property. Hence, malls, restaurants, theaters, and even parking lots become assumptive “weapon-free zones,” all supposedly at the stroke of a pen.

Of course, such bans never apply to them personally, nor to their bodyguards.

Nor do they really expect anyone to pay much attention to these inherently fraudulent “bans,” particularly violent criminals, but they impose them anyway so as to “look good” to leftist politicians they suck up to.

Yet, many among our naive citizens are those foolish enough actually to pay respect to these laughable bans.

Thus, violent, armed criminals, like James Holmes (the Aurora, CO movie-theater murderer), are able to select places where they can casually murder the innocent with little risk to themselves.

The Tops Supermarket murderer in Buffalo, NY (eighteen-year-old Payton Gendron) also selected the right place to begin his murderous rampage because he believed (correctly) that few shoppers there carried arms.

These offenders had evil plans and carried them out with scant interference. Conversely, their hapless victims were voluntarily hamstrung by unconstitutional laws and “corporate policy.”

That’s exactly the way leftists want it. Leftists love “victims” just as long as they never aspire to be anything other than victims!

Leftists promote and empower evil while simultaneously condemning all that is virtuous, prudent, and honorable because they themselves are neither good nor decent, and they know it.

And you can rest assured these same leftist hypocrites are themselves well-armed and well-protected.

And then they have the insolence to beg for your vote!



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About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit:

John Farnam
John Farnam
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totally agree, but please leave the names (or photos) of the murderers out of your opinion. it does nothing for the piece and gives the killer the notoriety/publicity they were desperately looking for. their names nor images should ever be seen again in civil society.


Was article changed after your comment, and before I read it? See no images of anyone but the author (John Farnam)

If so – thank you for your vigilance and assistance improving articles on this site. Coodos to John for reading comments and making appropriate articles – none of us are perfect and admitting and fixing mistakes is a hallmark of excellence.

Last edited 1 year ago by Finnky

Perhaps the most egregious example of firearm hypocrisy comes from Chicago’s city government, which has a long, LONG anti-gun history. For many decades, aside from LEOs, certain military members, and some private security guards, the only people who could legally carry a gun in Chicago were . . . City of Chicago aldermen.

Yep. The same politicians on Chicago’s City Council who banned guns for everyone else (pre-Heller) carved out an exception for themselves.

Dubi Loo

Dead on balls accurate.