Biden’s Proposed Rule Will Eliminate Private Gun Sales

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Biden’s Proposed Rule Will Eliminate Private Gun Sales IMG iStock-1182677191

President Joe Biden and the Department of Justice announced a proposed rule to change who will need a federal firearms license (FFL) to sell firearms.

The long-awaited rule was hailed by anti-gun groups like Everytown for Gun Safety, Giffords, and Brady United as a way of closing the “gun show loophole” and the “internet loophole.” Anti-gun organizations claim this is a step towards universal background checks, a centerpiece of the Biden Administration’s anti-gun policy.

The proposed rule is powered by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), which was a law championed by Chris Murphy (D-CT) and John Cornyn (R-TX). The BSCA changed the law’s wording to describe who the federal government considers a gun dealer. The bill altered the language of Section 921(a) of Title 18, United States Code. The BSCA changed the definition of someone “engaged in the business” of selling guns from “with the principal objective of livelihood and profit” to the ambiguous statement of “to predominantly earn a profit.” Now, the Biden Administration is exploiting that change through the upcoming rule. At the time, some Republicans who backed the law blew off the concerns that an anti-gun administration would exploit the language. The change read:

(22) The term `to predominantly earn a profit’ means that the intent underlying the sale or disposition of firearms is predominantly one of obtaining pecuniary gain, as opposed to other intents, such as improving or liquidating a personal firearms collection: Provided, that proof of profit shall not be required as to a person who engages in the regular and repetitive purchase and disposition of firearms for criminal purposes or terrorism.

The new rule will also affect those that sell multiples of the same type of firearms. This section means that anyone who liquidates a collection of Glock pistols must acquire an FFL before they can liquidate the guns. Many people collect certain guns, and this would prevent the legal transfer of those firearms without an FFL.

Unlicensed sellers who sell through “online auctions” would be required to obtain an FFL under the proposed rule. This section is a targeted shot at sites like Armslist.

These websites do not sell firearms and currently do not have to get an FFL. The new rule seems to change that. This has long been a goal of the Biden Administration, which has put out false narratives about online gun sales, such as buyers not having to go through background checks for guns purchased online. The rule reads:

“In addition, it clarifies the term “dealer,” including how that term applies to auctioneers, and defines the term “responsible person.” These proposed changes would assist persons in understanding when they are required to have a license to deal in firearms.”

“These examples are provided to clarify for unlicensed persons that firearms dealing requires a license in whatever place or through whatever medium the firearms are purchased and sold, including the Internet and locations other than a traditional brick and mortar store.”

Armslist is specifically called out in the rule. Armslist is a firearms version of “Craigslist List.” Armslist has been the target of anti-gun groups for years who keep launching and losing lawsuits against the website. Many think this is a concerted effort to hurt the website’s business by stating up to 25% of people selling on the site will require an FFL under the proposed rule. The rule reads:

“To better estimate both online and offline sales, ATF assumed, based on best professional judgment of FIPB SMEs and with limited available information, that the national online marketplace estimate above may represent 25 percent of the total national firearms market, which would also include in-person, local, or other offline transactions like flea markets, State-wide exchanges, or websites within each of the 50 States.”

The rule would make it so that anyone who rents a table at a gun show will be assumed to be in the business of selling firearms, meaning that private citizens will no longer be able to sell their firearms at any gun show. Also, if someone advertises their firearms for sale, they could be assumed to be in the business of selling firearms, which will shut down most private sales. The rule reads:

“Based on this decades-long body of experience, the proposed rule provides that, absent reliable evidence to the contrary, a person is presumed to have the intent to “predominantly earn a profit” when the person: (1) advertises, markets, or otherwise promotes a firearms business (e.g., advertises or posts firearms for sale, including on any website, establishes a website for selling or offering for sale their firearms, makes available business cards, or tags firearms with sales prices), regardless of whether the person incurs expenses or only promotes the business informally;94 (2) purchases, rents, or otherwise secures or sets aside permanent or temporary physical space to display or store firearms they offer for sale, including part or all of a business premises, table or space at a gun show, or display case;95 (3) makes or maintains records, in any form, to document, track, or calculate profits and losses from firearms purchases and sales;96 (4) purchases or otherwise secures merchant services as a business (e.g., credit card transaction services, digital wallet for business) through which the person makes or offers to make payments for firearms transactions;97 (5) formally or informally purchases, hires, or otherwise secures business security services (e.g., a central station-monitored security) system registered to a business,98 or guards for security99) to protect business assets or transactions that include firearms; (6) formally or informally establishes a business entity, trade name, or online business account, including an account using a business name on a social media or other website, through which the person makes or offers to make firearms transactions;100 (7) secures or applies for a State or local business license to purchase for resale or to sell merchandise that includes firearms; or (8) purchases a business insurance policy, including any riders that cover firearms inventory. 101 Any of these nonexclusive, firearms-business-related activities justifies a rebuttable presumption that the person has the requisite intent to predominantly earn a profit from reselling or disposing of firearms.”

By requiring more people to get FFLs, it will prevent a lot of Americans from selling guns. The secondary market has been an excellent way for those less fortunate to acquire the means of protection. Those who choose to get an FFL will be subject to unannounced warrantless inspections. These inspections have been used to revoke gun shop’s FFLs under the Biden Administration’s zero-tolerance policy.

FFL revocation is up between 350% and 500% and is currently at a 17-year high. The amount of record keeping, cost, and hostile environment created by the ATF could mean that many will not get an FFL to sell their firearms, which could be part of Biden’s plan.

The government’s argument is most criminals do not get their guns from gun dealers. That fact is true, but most criminals do not get firearms from legal transactions. Most guns used in crimes are obtained illegally through such means as theft, which means this rule will not prevent criminals from getting firearms.

“The U.S. Sentencing Commission reports that “88.8 percent of firearm offenders sentenced under §2K2.1130 [of the United States Sentencing Commission GuidelinesManual (Nov. 2021)] were [already] prohibited from possessing a firearm” under 18U.S.C. 922(g). These individuals would thus have been flagged in a background check,would have therefore been prohibited from buying a firearm from a licensed dealer after their first offense, and would not have been able to commit the subsequent firearms offense(s) if their seller had been licensed.”

There will be an exception for gifting firearms between family members. Although this type of transfer only makes up a small portion of transfers. There will be a 90-day comment period once the proposed rule is posted to the federal registry. After the comment period, a final rule will be unveiled.”

AmmoLand News is currently reaching out to those Republicans who backed the BSCA to get comments.

ATF – Definition of “Engage… by AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

About John Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, or at

John Crump

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Green Mtn. Boy

Unconstitutional,Eff the RINO’s that made these infringements possible


Cornyn is a disgrace.


Ds and Rs are just different sides of the same Uni-party political system, and the sooner the people wake up to the scam that is being run on them, the better!


+1 Nearly all are nothing but globalist K street whores who abandoned their oath and loyalty to the people and this country long ago


Of course it is, as are ALL gun laws. Any law is by definition an infringement.


Agreed, RINO’s helped to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which has opened the door to this crap. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing…SOB’s.

J Gibbons

And Democrats accused Trump of being a tyrannical dictator…


Projection. They accuse their political enemies of everything that they themselves are actually doing.


Well, there it is. Unless haulted via the courts or overridden by congress, personal dispositions are about to get tricky. FJB….. and his crackhead of a son, too.


This kind of action would squelch about half of all 2A activity.

Green Mtn. Boy

That is the plan the Marxist disarmament proponents devised to further their goals.


Don’t hold your breath.


WHY will the courts” halt anything when they profit from it? How does that make any sense?


Here are your Senators that BETRAYED you
McConnell-KYJelly 🙂 (could not resist) AKA “The Turtle”
A couple of these are no longer senators


I live in VA, where both our senators (don’t deserve my respect so no capitalization for them) are both demonrats so at least we knew they would not support rebellion against this legislation. I’m not going to waste my breath on trying to persuade them.


When I lived in ohio I despised Portman and refused to vote for either him or the commiecrat. I left senator blank AKA None of the Above!


This kind of action again illustrates their inability to make distinction between legitimate activity and criminal.

Desert Rat

Not true (and I’m not dissing you or your comment). They know the difference and they have no concern for the illegal activity of their fellow travelers, the criminals. They are after us just like Trump said they were. I have known this my whole life (I’m 83). They want us disarmed so that they can continue their illegal and treasonous actions to destroy this country and deliver it to their masters, the Chinese. In the same manner the destruction of our cities is to make them unlivable for Americans and to reduce the value to zero so that the… Read more »


Fast and Furious= legal
sales through ffls or gifts to someone= criminal


my new listings…
Boating Accident Sale.
We are here to make friends, not money.
Calls after 10pm, meet at the Walmart parking lot.
Look for the guy trying to fix a flat tire with his trunk open.
And as always.. cash talks, bs walks


I am never a seller always a buyer. Just give me a time & place. Always looking to adopt the unwanted. I don’t know many people who would even give two sh!ts about this rule. Especially when needing money to pay bills. lol


Call, write, email or visit your Congress-critters and tell them this cannot stand. I’ve already been in contact with mine and have their assurance the will fight this. That, and a five-dollar-bill might get me a coffee at Denney’s. But we all need to do something.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

I’m reminded of a Carl Klang song when you said that about $5 cup of coffee…This Isn’t America Anymore.
She was proud and free back in ’63
Back when coffee cost just a dime
When her children could play in the parks all day
Without fear of drugs and crime
Yes, these streets of old were once paved with gold
But now they’re cold and damp I know
Since the job I just lost went south to Mexico
Seems these streets are the only place I’ve got left to go”


MD already requires universal background checks for the transfer of long guns. Handgun transfers have been under a stricter regimen for years. For an update on the effectiveness of these measures, consider the shootings in Baltimore.


Good old Moronland.


Stop blaming Biden. He is nothing more than a ‘Manchurian Candidate’. His handlers in the Liberal progressive leadership are making all the decisions on policy. Biden is just the tradeoff they made for allowing an old man with Dementia to live out his dream of being President. That is why they keep him as out of sight as possible (on vacation) and try to limit his speaking to the Teleprompter. every time he speaks off the cuff, he tells another of his worn out lies that he has told countless times. He won’t be around after the end of this… Read more »


treat him like the satan snake he is.


He’s a harmless old man with Dementia. The true Evil resides in the bowels of the Liberal Progressive Democrat party. even after he is gone the Evil will still exist. As his days grow shorter. The real question is which side will take him down. Will the Republicans finally bring charges against him for the corruption and bribes, he as elicited from the Ukrainians, Russians and Chinese. If so the Democrats will find him mentally incompetent and unable to continue in office or defend himself. Against any charges. And still the Evil will exist. Focus on the root of the… Read more »


Henry David Thoreau.


Yes, they need to be taken down but that idiot is far from harmless! He is owned lock stock and barrel by the Chi-coms and is beholden to Ukraine due to money given to his brat.


Hell, try him for treason and hang him from the highest tree to be found.


I would like for it to take longer and be more painful. How about a lash for each constitutional law he broke or changed. Then hang the dumb bastard.


No, it will make them illegal.
Big difference. Right up there with illegal drugs, gun free zones, tax fraud, and speeding on the roads.


That POS bidun and hid administration can take his doj and batf and stick ’em where the sun don’t shine along with the rest of his ignorant,stupid and unqualified administration!


another reach in the dark to strip the american people of their right to defend themselves from the commie government . what makes these demented fools think they are going to stop anyone from doing what they want with their freedoms, look at the war on drugs, they have really put the stop on that lol. everyone with a function brain knows the end game is to strip everyone of their guns so they can have complete control of the people, read the history of all the countries stripped of their rights to own firearms usually ends up with them… Read more »


Tyrannical Government!!!!’nn


remember 2013 post Sandy Hook and AWB 2.0 was being debated and proposed in the Senate? remember how existing prices for ARs and ther MSRs skyrocketed across nation and nearly every store, every shop, every manufacturer was sold out or backlogged? remember how Cheaper Than Dirt raised their price on standard GI mags to $79.95…. just because they could? remember when plainjane DPMS 308 rifles were being sold North of $2,500 just before the Senate vote in late April?? thousands and thousands of items were sold in those first six months at inflated prices the industry had never ever seen.… Read more »


This section means that anyone who liquidates a collection of Glock pistols must acquire an FFL before they can liquidate the guns.” Would not think liquidating one or two of each Model Glock, held for years, in a collection would require FFL. Liquidating 10 or 50 of same model, yeah need FFL. But, then, common sense is not a defining attribute of government jack-boot flunkies.


Everyclown for Gun Safety is a marxist front group. Proposing to adopt rules (not laws) that are unconstitutional on their face will not stand. John Cornyn is a quisling Texas voters what’s wrong with you?


Pffft. You don’t need a table to sell at a gun show, just walk and talk. This won’t do squat, and most will just continue to follow the Constitution, and conduct person to person as usual.


Figures! The RINOs who voted for this be piece of garbage legislation better have another career ready because this one is over for them….unless they become the true demonrats they emulate today!!!

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Seems to me that “TEXT, HISTORY & TRADITION” is being ignored with ALL existing gun control laws and surely for all attempts at making more. Private sales may be DISCOURAGED because of this idiocy, but I see no way they will ever be stopped. Anyone you know and trust can buy a gun from you if you need to sell it. There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that… Read more »


Sorry, but there’s no effing way “Biden’s Proposed Rule Will Eliminate Private Gun Sales.” I can think of several ways private sales will continue, and so can you. I have sympathy for the poor bastards renting tables at gun shows if and when this dementia-fueled and AFT-enforced crime against free enterprise is enacted.


For those keeping count of the death pool, this is cut 728 of 1000…….


Still cannot edit errors. Typing to fast.


Good luck on getting comments from the turncoats. Just like obummer making the medical field suck and you can keep your doctor, O’biden is doing the same thing to our rights as gun owners and as WE the PEOPLE in general like the Catholics and Trump supporters or anyone anti +LGBTEQDZV BLM or Antifa. Both of them will drive up gun sales. The difference is, obummer made gun sales with background checks skyrocket. Obiden will make all your guns worth more and background checks will decrease because we can see the king rat and smell what he is up to… Read more »


You deserve the Tyranny and Tyrants…You Allow.


Yep, and I am not one of those people voting to put the tyrants in office nor am I standing by not doing anything about it.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

“The full picture” has been complete for many, many years. As soviet defector Stanislav Lunev has said, “America is the Communist Paradise.” The current “powers that be” want to make it into a communist hell hole. Prove me wrong. And a thumbs down isn’t proving anything except that you are very ignorant on the subject. Communism- AMERICAN Style!If all 10 planks are in force and effect…is the USA Communist???


I see part of the ten planks that you speak of in action. The only thing left is totally remove God, change our currency and disarm the people.


In Canada, one can keep their antique arms but they are all registered. Upon death the government will collect and destroy them. At leastthat’s what a friend of mine told me and he’s afraid to sneak them into the US because possessing a weapon un the US is illegal for a Canadian.


OMG the long arm of the Canadian government reaching into their subjects lives in another country? That ridiculous.

Trudeau has too much power and control.
I wonder when him and O’biden are going to have another love fest and discuss how terrorizing the people is working out to see who has the best method.


My Canadian brother-in-law has had a Michigan CPL for years. He just became an American last year. He thanks Trudeau for that!


Doesn’t knowing what someone’s “intent” is require extra-sensory perception? Hmmmm.


That’s the problem, it doesn’t, it only requires libtard/democrap perception because they are the only ones that are smart and special. If you doubt it, ask them, they always have the answer. Most likely wrong but it is a well educated answer that only requires feeling, not logic, or common sense.


PLEASE, someone define what a “firearm” is in clear, and unambiguous language! But then the undercut there, is that the 100% corrupted legal system is what is being used to enforce all of these laws which are repugnant to the CONstitution! CUT THOSE ROOTS OFF!! The criminal legal system IS the root of the tree of evil that we should be striking at, it is what I am striking at!! The roots are the source of all else, so get rid of those, and the rest will die off! WHY is this concept so damn hard to grasp?? Or do… Read more »


Though we don’t always agree, I gave you a thumbs up on this one and the one before it. I think the left is out again in full force today.

People need to down vote based on the statement alone, not who said it like a bunch of school yard back end of the democraps mascott children.