Fargo, ND. One Officer Murdered, 2 Others Wounded


Saturday, July 15th, 2023, three heroic Fargo, ND PD Patrolmen, investigating a reported traffic accident, were precipitously fired upon by a suspect who was sitting in an uninvolved vehicle. The exact gun(s) the suspect used has not been reported.

One officer was murdered, and two others were wounded. The suspect’s fire also struck a woman at the scene, but apparently not fatally. No firefighters (also on the scene) were struck, but their vehicles were.

The single suspect was shot and killed at the scene by a fourth Fargo PD Officer.

Weapons and ammunition were subsequently discovered in the suspect’s vehicle, and it is pretty obvious he was on his way to a nearby festival (“Downtown Fargo Street Fair”) and planned to commit multiple murders there.

So, these brave officers probably prevented a major mass murder!

Interesting that this suspect was a Syrian national (Islamic) in this country on an “asylum request.” Yet, the ND AG said in a TV interview that his weapons were “purchased legally.”


How does a Syrian national (non-US Citizen) “legally” acquire guns while he is in the USA on an “asylum request?”

We will get no answer to that question, just the leftist media’s usual clamoring for gun bans to be imposed on legal US citizens who don’t commit crimes.

In addition, we’re told that this suspect was “thoroughly vetted” before being allowed into our country. We’re assured ICE’s so-called “vetting process” will protect us from terrorists.

Well, it obviously didn’t protect these three FPD officers, nor the injured woman! I have to wonder what future deadly dramas will be perpetuated by so-called “asylum-seekers,” whom we’ve been piously assured are “thoroughly vetted.”


  • 1) As we find ourselves immersed in yet another contentious, probably violent, “election season,” it is all the more important for us to stay away from large gatherings (public or private), particularly those with political overtones. Many murderous terrorists have already been let-into our country, as we see, and many more are being casually let-in every day.
  • 2) In our “age of terrorism,” Operators need to refine their pistol skills to include effective threat engagement at what many consider “long-range,” 20m-30m. The officer who shot and killed the suspect in the Fargo, ND incident used his service pistol (brand/caliber/optics not reported), with obvious deadly effect, at a range of 20+m. Some currently-working police officers would find that shot beyond their ability. Thank Heaven, this one didn’t!
  • 3) Most of us keep serious rifles/shotguns nearby and handy, which probably represents a good strategy. Yet, the gun that is almost always going to be quickest and handiest will be your carry pistol because that is the one your hand will find first, and that is the one that has the best chance of saving your life!

“The professional has failed more times than the amateur has tried” ~ Hollar


About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com

John Farnam
John Farnam
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i’m sorry, I’m tired of letting people in this Country and giving them OUR rights.


Right, but consider the benefit. 95% of the worlds grass cutters now mow under the US flag!

Last edited 1 year ago by Ledesma
Henry Bowman


Billy Madison Game show host Everyone Dumber No Point God Have Mercy.png
Last edited 1 year ago by Henry Bowman
Wild Bill

Yes, if we changed the word “person” in the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to “citizen”. That would all stop. We need change only one word.


also add “lawful permanent resident”. How else ya gonna become a citizen if ya can;’t stay here the required amount of time and learn those things upon which you will be tested to formally become a citizen?

Last edited 1 year ago by Tionico

I carry a pistol so that I can get to my rifle!


Yep. The famous story of the Texas Ranger being asked by a little old lady if he was expected trouble and why he carried a pistol. His answer: “ No, ma’am. This pistol is to help me fight my way back to my rifle….If I were expecting trouble I would already have my rifle….”

Wild Bill

ND! Brrrrrrrrr!!!


Yep, me too. I grew up in that region, and can’t go back to that kind of cold. One piece of good news for us in Washingtonistan, SAF just filed for summary judgement against commie AG Ferguson’s high cap mag ban.


And that, my friend is the best news I have heard today.


constitution was not given teeth BBBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGG mistake should have been hanging offenses included…some target practice ones too


was born in frigid north best? memory was playing with snow balls made of propane cold is not the word


How did this fellow obtain a legal firearm? Very simple since certain aliens are permitted to own firearms in the USA. THIS IS DIRECT FROM THE 4473, which permits “an alien who has been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa” to acquire a firearm. See- very simple thanks to generous 2A rights in this great country.

Last edited 1 year ago by CaptainR

Not certain, but my inderstanding of this part is to accomodate those who lawfully enter on a temporary basis for hunting, competitions, perhaps with a detail accomoanying some foreign dignitary, etc. This guy was admitted on an assylum petition, I belieive as a permanent resident. So he does not fall under the above quoted exception. Would be interesting to search out the details. I am VERY concerned that folks in this “class” of immigrants can lawfully possess arms… when a woman citizen in Illinois whose ex boyfriend is stalking her cannot get the FOID and thus lafully possess a handgun… Read more »


When I started as a LEO in the 70’s 98% of LEO’s carried revolver’s the standard qualification course was the PPC or the TRC. Both had a 50 yard component. During the mid to late 80’s semi auto hand guns stated to take over. Statistically the numbers showed that most handgun fights happened very close and very fast. More training at close range was adopted. the longest range was reduced to 25 yards for qualification. Plus the fact that revolvers are are generally more accurate then most duty semi autos. 25 yards became the standard became “the long distance”. As… Read more »


I hunt with pistols and practice 25 and 50 yards with my carry. With drug enforcement you came up against the spray and pray mac…..made pie plate shooting a must for longevity


I participated in a precision pistol shooting competition clinic at my range this past weekend. Your advice about training to shoot quickly and accurately with a handgun, couldn’t have been more vividly revealed with my poor performance with handgun accuracy!


These days, “social justice” is more important than criminal justice to prosecutors AND judges.


I guess I don’t understand the article’s title…

“Grow Your Pistol Skills, While Keeping Serious Rifles/Shotguns Nearby & Handy”?


Quite simple. (1) Develop serious pistol skills as you are most likely to be dependent upon your pistol if you get into a fight. (2) Also good to keep serious firearms (rifle/shotgun) available. If you know there will be trouble, have rifle in your hands – but typically you don’t know trouble is coming until it’s there.

See comment by @BillyBobTexas above – regarding ranger carrying pistol when he’s not expecting trouble.


Vetted by ICE has got to be a joke. Just because there is the word immigration in their title doesn’t mean they actually do immigration work. There is no way in hell that an alien paroled into the country under a bogus asylum claim legally buys a bullet much less a firearm according to my immigration education.