Herrera for Congress: Let’s Go Brandon!!!

Tombstone, Arizona – -(Ammoland.com)- Brandon Herrera, popular YouTube personality, gun designer, FFL, and all-around good guy, has declared his candidacy for Congress in the 23rd District of Texas, bringing a whole new energy to the popular phrase, “Let’s Go, Brandon!!!”

Texas 23 is a massive District covering a huge swath of West Texas, running from the Western side of San Antonio to Eastern El Paso, and South to include all of Big Bend National Park. It is one of the largest and least densely populated Congressional Districts in the country and has been something of a political football over the past several decades, with Republicans and Democrats actively working to Gerrymander the District to lock it up for their side.

Currently, it appears to be pretty competitive, with Democrats and Republicans both attracting significant support, but Republicans have been victorious for the past several cycles, with Tony Gonzales holding the seat since 2021. Gonzales is finishing his second term and has announced his intention to run for reelection in 2024


Gonzales angered many Republicans, particularly GunVoters when he split with the majority of the party and voted in favor of the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022” (BSCA). The act was pushed through in response to the atrocity at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, in which 19 children and two teachers were murdered by a deranged former student who first murdered his own grandmother. The Act has been touted as the most significant gun control bill passed by Congress in almost 30 years, and recently the Biden administration has attempted to use language from the BSCA to limit funding to shooting, hunting, and archery programs in public schools and to redefine regulations dealing with private transfers of firearms.

As we’ve said for decades, the reason gun owners can’t “be reasonable” about laws impacting firearms is that these laws are ALWAYS abused, distorted, and expanded in ways that harm responsible gun owners, while doing nothing to reduce crime or improve public safety.

Whether or not Brandon Herrera is successful in his bid to replace Tony Gonzales in the Republican Primary, his candidacy will serve to help make it clear to Republicans that GunVoters are not going to give a pass to back-stabbing politicians. Gonzales ran on a promise of support for and defense of Second Amendment rights, and he clearly betrayed that promise. To his credit, he is not hiding from his bad decision, recently stating that he still supports the BSCA and would vote for it again. It’s up to West Texas voters to remove any chance of him ever doing so and show him the error of that position, but GunVoters across the country can help.

Conventional wisdom says that to be considered viable, a prospective candidate for Congress must be able to raise about $500,000 in the first week of their campaign. Contributions of that magnitude usually mean the candidate must have close ties to major money players in the political arena, such as labor unions, corporate PAC’s, and/or activist billionaires. Brandon Herrera has none of those connections, but what he does have is a massive following on social media and close ties with other “GunTubers” and social media influencers who have even bigger audiences. He’s also well-connected and respected in the Second Amendment activist community and a friend to Ammoladn News. Together, we should be able to fund Brandon’s campaign to a level that will astonish the political “experts.”

All it takes is a dollar from each of us.

Brandon’s YouTube channel has almost 3 million subscribers. His video announcing his candidacy received over a million views in the first 24 hours. One of his best friends has a YouTube channel with over 11 million subscribers, and there are over a dozen other friends with millions more. While most of those subscribers and potential supporters won’t be residents of the 23rd District, almost all of them can donate to Brandon’s campaign. I expect he will break records for the number of small donations he receives from unique individuals. If even a quarter of the viewers, readers, and listeners who support his candidacy were to put a $1 bill or a $5 bill in an envelope and mail it to him, he’d be well-positioned to run a very good, professional campaign.

So let’s get the ball rolling. Take a moment to put $5 in an envelope and mail it to:

Brandon Herrera for Congress
170503 La Cantera Pkwy
STE 104-432
San Antonio Texas, 78257

Or just go to his website: BrandonHerreraForCongress.com, and hit the Donate button.

There are some rules regarding donations to a congressional campaign, so here they are in a nutshell: You must be a US citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (green card holder) 18 years old or older. Any contribution must be made from your own funds, not funds provided to you by another person or entity for the contribution. You can’t be a federal contractor, and you can’t use corporate funds or a corporate credit card to make a contribution.

Contributions or gifts are not tax-deductible, and the maximum any individual can give is $3,300 toward the Primary and another $3,300 for the General. For those of you who are so inclined, that means that you can donate $3,300, your spouse can donate another $3,300, for a total of $6,600, and you can both do it again after Brandon wins the Primary.

Individuals who donate $200 or more must provide their name, address, occupation, and employer, so the Federal Election Commission can verify they’re not a federal contractor or Chinese national trying to buy influence by passing money through employees – that’s only allowed for Democrats. Okay, it’s not allowed for Democrats, but it sure seems to happen a lot, but we’ll leave that discussion for another day.

I’ll note that Brandon is a “military brat” who took a detour from studying to become an attorney to start his own successful firearms business. He’s an incredibly sharp guy and would be a stellar Representative for the people of West Texas and all of us.

Make a donation today, and consider making several over the coming months. You know you want the T-shirt too. Let’s Go, Brandon!!!

For the record, this is not a paid endorsement and was not approved by any candidate or committee. It’s just a personal endorsement from me, Jeff Knox – citizen, and I approved this message.

About Jeff Knox:

Jeff Knox is a second-generation political activist and director of The Firearms Coalition. His father, Neal Knox, led many of the early gun rights battles for your right to keep and bear arms. Read Neal Knox – The Gun Rights War.

The Firearms Coalition is a loose-knit coalition of individual Second Amendment activists, clubs, and civil rights organizations. Founded by Neal Knox in 1984, the organization provides support to grassroots activists in the form of education, analysis of current issues, and with a historical perspective of the gun rights movement. The Firearms Coalition has offices in Buckeye, Arizona, and Manassas, VA. Visit www.FirearmsCoalition.org.

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I just donated $20, our nation needs more people like Brandon.

I live in GA and met Brandon about 8 years ago.
Class guy, honest and hard-working.
Dish up some dough folks and start to fix our nation.


Another Texas transplant claiming to know what best for our State. Instead of fixing your State, come down to Texas and pretend you know what district 23 needs. Go home. Texas is full. Oklahoma is beautiful this time of year.

Deplorable Bill

Great! I truly hope that you won’t be bought or bribed or threatened and worse, because “they” are going to try. Here in Az. we have Mark Lamb who is a sheriff now, who is going to do the same. I truly hope that the unconstitutional status quo can be stopped, else, we are likely to see a civil war based on the same things that the revolutionary war was started and won for. If it should come to that, I’ve got nothing better to do than defend my country from GODless, unconstitutional swamp monsters etc. I will not surrender… Read more »


“Shouldn’t have voted for gun control, Tony.”

Says the man who literally parties with Crenshaw. Herrera has made entirely clear he’s OK with compromising the Constitution if expedient through his associations and defense of the traitor.

Oh, and Crenshaw previously claimed it was “*expletive* crazy” for voters to support a 25 year old in a primary (clearly talking about their age alone). Guess the magic number with the one-eyed Bergdahl where candidacy becomes OK is 27?

Last edited 1 year ago by Nanashi

Defund gun control


Will Brandon continue encouraging us to make the AK “America’s Rifle?” Will he join Greene in pushing to allow congress critters to bear arms in chambers? I can just see him showing up with his AK-50! While I favor the AR, I won’t allow prejudice to prevent me from helping fund this campaign. Gig’m Brandon! Have no idea where you earned your degree(s) – but if you get into congress I’m sure you will be made an honorary aggie (if you are not already one.) Not ready to give up “Let’s go Brandon’s” current meaning. That rat has not yet… Read more »