AmmoLand News Journalist Faces Gag Effort by US Attorney

  • Attempt to Silence Reporting: AUSA Taylor has made repeated efforts to suppress AmmoLand News journalist Crump & his reporting on the AutoKeyCard Case.

  • Government’s Request to Destroy Key Documents: The U.S. Attorney has filed a motion demanding the destruction of the Presentence Investigation Report (PSR) in possession of Crump & AmmoLand News.

  • Constitutional Concerns & PushBack: The legal community & advocacy groups like GOA are rallying behind Crump, viewing these actions as infringements on 1st Amendment rights, a free Press & an attempt by the government to hide from public accountability.

Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Laura Cofer Taylor seems to be attempting to silence AmmoLand News journalist John Crump over his reporting on the AutoKeyCard Trial.

Crump has been a thorn in the side of the ATF/DOJ for years, and his reporting continues to frustrate them. Other media outlets have relied on Crump’s information to cover the shocking AutoKeyCard case. The reporting at that time infuriated the AUSA Cofer Taylor to the point that she called out Crump to the presiding court Judge for having a courtroom source feeding him information. The judge, in that case, dismissed her complaint.

Fast forward to August 2023.


“WHEREFORE, the government requests that this Court issue an order reiterating that the PSRs are non-public documents and may not be disseminated beyond court personnel, the defense teams, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and order that any individuals who possess a copy of the PSR without authority (including Crump, Hughes, and Erica Hoover) destroy it and confirm its destruction in writing, and any other relief this Court deems necessary to protect the sentencing process in this case.”

Once again the Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Laura Cofer Taylor is having issues with continued reporting on the case and, this time, wants a document called a Presentence Investigation Report (PSR) about the same AutoKeyCard Case that is in the possession of Journalist John Crump destroyed.

“A Presentence Investigation Report (PSR) is a document prepared by probation officers in the United States federal court system after a defendant is convicted but before they are sentenced. The PSR plays a critical role in the sentencing process and provides the sentencing judge with a comprehensive overview of the defendant and the crime(s) they committed. “

According to a recent court document, the U.S. Attorney learned through recorded jailhouse phone calls that Matthew Hoover (better known as CRS Firearms on YouTube) had contacted Crump and given him information about his Presentence Investigation Report (PSR) and suggested he and Richard Hughes (who runs a channel called FlyingRich) create videos on the topic to inform the public of the injustice he was experiencing. Hughes also co-hosts and produces the John Crump Live Podcast.

Both Hughes and Crump agreed to make videos on the proposed sentences. This did not sit well with the prosecutor, and in this new court filing, she demanded a motion to silence Crump and destroy any PSR documents he had in his possession.

AmmoLand News views this as a constitutional violation and an attack on the freedom of the press. It would seem the federal government would rather hide its constitution-violating behavior from the public by silencing journalists than correct course and respect the First Amendment.

If AUSA Cofer Taylor thought Crump would back down, she miscalculated. Crump quickly hired a high-powered legal team consisting of Robert Olson, Stephen Stamboulieh, and James Phillips.

In a surprise move for AUSA Taylor, the legal team was quick to file a motion to intervene on behalf of Crump, defending him and the right to a free press.

See: John Crump’ Emergency 1 Motion To Intervene: Case No. 3:21-cr-22(S4)-MMH-MCR

Gun Owners of America has stepped in as well and will cover all legal expenses. Once again, it looks like an over-zealous ATF has found itself face-to-face with a powerhouse group of patriots and legal minds who will likely remind the government why the Bill of Rights was written in the first place.

Crump told AmmoLand News, “This is an attempt to stifle members of the press because the government doesn’t want anyone to shine a light on the misdeeds of an out-of-control agency,” Crump also said, “If Laura Cofer Taylor thought she could silence me, she is sorely mistaken. I will fight with every breath in my body, not just for my Second Amendment rights, but also for my First Amendment rights.”

Hughes also took issue with the Prosecutor’s attempt to silence him for his citizen journalism and said: “Today, I find myself in the midst of an astonishing legal ordeal that threatens the First Amendment Rights of John Crump and myself.” Hughes also said, “The Prosecutor has constructed a case twisting prior legal precedent to have new meaning and counting on the court not to know the truth. She is deliberately misleading the court and counting on legal action to scare John and myself from reporting on the Hoover case. We will vigorously defend our First Amendment rights.”

The attorneys argue that Hoover is within his rights to release the information and Crump is within his rights to report on it. The rules and cases referenced by AUSA Cofer Taylor in her filing only addressed the sharing of information by the officers of the court, not for the silencing of journalists.

This may be a critical moment in our fight to preserve our Second Amendment while also protecting our First Amendment. Our Founding Fathers saw these people coming over 200 years away. That’s why the Bill of Rights was written.

Crump Intervention Final Emergency by AmmoLand Shooting Sports News on Scribd

Read Related:

Justin Ervin & Matthew Hoover (CRS Firearms) Found Guilty in Autokey Card Case
Charge in Autokeycard Case Unconstitutional Under Second Amendment: Motion to Dismiss

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information, contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic, and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun owners.

Dan Wos

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Knute Knute

“The attorneys argue that Hoover is within his rights to release the information and Crump is within his rights to report on it.”
IMO, this comes under the heading of: “Well, DUH!”
Hoover was given HIS copy(meaning it belongs to him…) as required by statute, and can then share it with anyone he chooses too. Obviously. Well, DUH!


UPDATE: AUSA Laura Cofer Taylor Withdraws Her Motion to Gag a Journalist Reporting on Her AutoKeyCard Prosecution – The Truth About Guns

Knute Knute

Great news!
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I’ll bet a fiver that it was due to Ammoland keeping this as their top story. That drew enough attention to the unlawful acts of the government that they thought they’d better lower their profile a little… at least until the heat dies down. Once again, congratulations to Ammoland for being one of the final bastions of free speech.
Now, it’s up to us freemen to see to it that the heat on these criminals NEVER dies down!


Cofer Taylor is just another Marxist try to silence any opposition to her communist agendas . Take a knee T-W-A-T you have been exposed for the anti American trash you are .


She just another Ignorant, Cant Understand Normal Thinker!


Isn’t there precedence for publishing things that the government says reporters are not supposed to be in possession of? Something about “Papers” and the “Pentagon.”

Pete Spinone

Sounds a lot like the Hunter Biden laptop to me. Hmmmm….

Knute Knute

A LOT like that…


These people are like wack-a-mole. You keep beating them over the head with losses in court and they keep coming back again and again.

The Government is getting out of control.
Call to Arms.

Now what the Government will do is get a back door warrant for IP addresses to come after every single one of us here for even saying “eff the ATF”

Last edited 1 year ago by Colt

They keep coming back because they have unlimited taxpayer funds. The government IS the elephant in the room. Of the people, by the people, for the people is just a nice, but meaningless slogan.

Knute Knute

All slogans are meaningless… once the people have been coerced into ignoring the meaning of words! Symbols are likewise meaningless, once the people repeating them have forgotten what the words mean. Like the Rosary prayer the Catholics are so fond of. The prayer had a meaning once. But once it became just mindless repetition, the meaning was forgotten. Symbols likewise, did mean something once. Like monuments, they’re intended to remind people of a certain person, place, event, or etc. Once the memory of the thing has been forgotten, then it just becomes empty symbolism. I guess the lesson is: mindless… Read more »


On the people, over the people, control the people – isn’t that the democrat slogan?


sounds about right but you left out grope,screw and kill


Liberalism + Progressiveism = Fascism.

Last edited 1 year ago by Darkman

Administered by the law firm of Dewey, Screwem, and How.


Colt – “The Government is out of control.” – there FIFY.

Actually it is more accurate to say that far too many .gov minions are the ones that are out of control, that always happens when there is no oversight.

Knute Knute

I’d instead say that governments throughout history have all become oppressive of their populations over time. No matter how lofty the goals of the ones that founded it were. Like the Pareto Distribution, AKA, the Matthew Effect. In the end, the result is the same. The losers lose, and the winners take all. Evil men have always desired to take over the government in their area to feather their own nests, and probably always will. The only thing that I know of that has the potential to keep them in check is constant vigilance…. forever. “The condition upon which God… Read more »


the people of Athens would throw out people that thought they were important

Knute Knute

That sound like a fine idea to me! Or, we could follow the Constitution too. Specifically, Article One, Section Nine, to wit: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.” That would get rid of every lawyer in Government, who has accepted the English Title of Nobility, “Esquire”, after their name. So that’s almost the entire US government in… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Knute Knute
Paul Valone

Go get ’em, John. Glad to see you got a great legal team to fight the encroaching police state. If GRNC can lend a hand, let me know.


is there a federal statute that states that psr’s are confidential information and cannot be disseminated? if so, please indicate that statute.

like the cops and prosecutors say, “IF YOU GOT NOTHING TO HIDE, WHY NOT JUST COPERATE?”

could there be some sort of whistle blower protection available here?


Interesting how we have quite a growing group of political operatives in high positions of the government who are drunk on free power arresting and jailing any challenge to the preservation of the Constitution.

Never really thought we’d end here, now. Anything more I say will probably get me arrested. Increasingly, my checks to GOA get larger every time they send out a newsletter. I fight back with cash, but one day it will be with guns, apparently.

Watch um

I started the monthly donation to GOA and another guns right org.

I wish we had a leader like George Washington to call up those of us who believe in the Constitution and love of country. Great if one of our retired army generals had the same as Washington.

I am too old now but I would like to live to see the day when our nation was a great republic again


Im still on the right side of the grass and can walk and run, not like when I was 50 but I can still outdo many 20 somethings and yes my scope is more expensive so I can hit a mile but the target is still perforated

Watch um

This is exactly what the Biden crime family is trying to do. Facebook is doing the same thing with their community standards BS. They was going to place me in their, “Facebook jail because I made a comment using the word kill. I decided to deactivate my account and was as why, I said that Facebook was in violation of my 1st amendment rights. Now reading this article just proves that this DC crime family called government is out to destroy our God given rights. Oh how I hope to live to see the day that our nation has become… Read more »

Knute Knute

Me too! But, even if we don’t live that long, at least we’ll know that we did what we could for the cause of liberty.
“In Europe, charters of liberty have been granted by power. America has set the example … of charters of power granted by liberty. This revolution in the practice of the world, may, with an honest praise, be pronounced the most triumphant epoch of its history, and the most consoling presage of its happiness.” – James Madison, Essays for the National Gazette, 1792

Henry Bowman

Communists abound everywhere!

America v Communism.png

Is she hot?




She’s a C-U-N-T
Crump Hater
Unconstitutional Traitor
Nut job
Trump Hater

Watch um

Probably smells like fish


Isn’t that what IT is supposed to smell like?


My pappy always said if it don’t smell good. Don’t eat it. Fish or otherwise.


Your Pappy was right!

Deplorable Bill

What Mrs. Taylor said and is attempting is tyranny and treasonous to her oath of office. Both of those crimes are capitol in nature and are thus worthy of capitol punishment. Threats and intimidation under color of law are also crimes but may not be applied as capitol in this case. Taylor should be arrested, brought up on charges, tried and when convicted, have the proper sentence carried out, this case being capitol. People, especially those who hold government office, who try to hide the truth about anything do not have the public’s benefit in mind or heart. Like most… Read more »


And, yey, not a one of these tyrannical rats are displayed on pikes as a warning to other tyrants. Therefore, we support their tyranny.

Deplorable Bill

Yet. The time will come, when, should the courts not do their assigned job, the people will do it for them. You can only push a person so far. The British found this to be true in the spring of 1775. History, sadly, has a nasty habit of repeating itself.

Arm up and carry on


Make them available for people download, so that everyone can spread the corruption.


I don’t have anything to add to the comments from everyone on this. What I do want to mention is my thanks for the GOA once again stepping up to fight for our rights. It used to be that the NRA could be counted on to stand in the gap. Of course we know that they are too busy spending money on legal fees fighting to keep WLP and company out of jail. Of course, that doesn’t stop the NRA from claiming victory on every court win, whether it was involved or not. They like to sign on late, to… Read more »

Knute Knute

They sure do. Its just the ages old plan of attempting to ride to glory on the coattails of others.


C’mon, Crump!! Get with the program here now, Dude! Of course the LIEyers that you have surrounded yourself with, will never in a gazillion years tell you about your Universal Get Out Of Jail For Free Card! that is tucked away in your wallet, but I can absolutely, 100% guarantee you that it is there! All that you have to do, is to open up your own eyes and look at it! That card has written on it just a few lines on each side. On one side, is the demand to see a written guarantee of actually GETTING a… Read more »

Knute Knute

Note how the paid trolls showed up to downvote your post… right on schedule. Somebody once said: “When you’re taking flak… it’s because you are right on target!”
I wiped off one of them anyway.

Knute Knute

Looks like somebody’s sock puppet put it back now! 🙂

An-Old -One

I got it

Knute Knute

Excellent. It appears that sock puppets are no fit match for free men! 🙂


Crump Smash!