When We Have The Guns, It Will Be Through The Bullet


Communism Democrat Socialist

“They have guns, and therefore we are for ‘peace and reformation through the ballot.’ When we have the guns, it will be through the bullet.” ~ Saul Alinsky

The Russian Communist State clearly admits that it fears any Russian citizen who is not a state-controlled actor bearing arms.

In this vein, Russian “journalists” are much more honest than their counterparts over here, who fervently believe the same thing but still cynically pretend (for public consumption) to believe American citizens actually have inalienable rights, rights endowed by their Creator (the existence of whom progressives don’t believe for a minute)

A newspaper, Nezavisimaya Gazeta (little more than a mouthpiece for Putin), recently called for all armed formations not part of official security structures to be immediately disarmed, “given today’s political reality,” referring to the Wagner Group’s recent (short-lived) uprising.

They said:

“Events of 24 June will undoubtedly have long-term consequences for the country. On that day, it became clear that a man with a gun, if he is not a state official, is a real threat to the state and statehood”

Could not this statement have easily, enthusiastically, come from the lips of virtually any progressive Democrat or from NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, Al Jazeera, Tik-Tok (hard to tell them apart)?

They ought to all go to Russia, where they would obviously feel right at home!

Curiously, you will not hear such malignant drivel from politicians in Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia.

These nations and their citizens have bitter historical reasons to fear Communist Russia.

We all should.

In most of these countries, the concept of an armed citizenry is being widely accepted and actively supported, and for good cause, given what the world is currently witnessing in Ukraine.

Only in America are there naive “progressives” who can’t wait to give up their inalienable rights as Americans!

Again, they need to voluntarily sample “Communist paradise” for themselves, as have so many others before them (now deceased).


About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com

John Farnam
John Farnam
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Yote Hunter

The American Democratic Party is so sick in the head that it openly HATES the Bill of Rights.
It is THE single biggest THREAT to American security right now.
If you don’t see that, just take a look at THEIR policy concerning our southern border.
See it now???


I’m a long-time follower of John Farnam’s posts. They are often thought-provoking. I am dismayed by the banner quote attributed to Saul Alinsky. I must assume that it got included by a zealous editor or some other acolyte. The statement quoted was actually attributed to Lenin. It is included in a nuanced discussion of the means and ends of tactics. In part, Alinsky writes “In the field of action, the first question that arises in the determination of means to be employed for particular ends is what means are available….” A bit later he discussed Lenin’s return from exile in… Read more »


She did that right after ramming more gun restrictions and red tape down the peoples throats.I guess the new fees/taxs for background checks and amo ,will go toward the illegal aliens up keep!

Deplorable Bill

Yes, they do sound the same — because they are the same. Look up a speech given at the united Nations in September of 1959 by Krutchev the tsar of russia. He actually points out his (their) plan to destroy the United States. See if it doesn’t fit today. Some 64 years of brainwashing does wonders in destroying a society. Take GOD out of everything, make the government responsible to get things done. Remove father from the house so the mother can collect more welfare. Make truth subjective from one person to the next. Make people unaccountable for their crimes.… Read more »


I just had that happen… I copied my edited comment… deleted the previous and reposted. I find the work around…
We are becoming familiar with the fact that the Bill of Rights for the Left is wiping paper at the head. (over my dead body)
and I just did it again with your post… I think the Nazi’s at the ATF and FBI are really looking for what you meant “exactly”, so you can be arrested by the incoherent handlers overseeing the ” FOOL in CHIEF”


here in America the progs have to create problems that are not real, yet ignore the existing serious problems, e.g. border security, cost of living, wokeness.
in other countries they have real problems securing virtually any freedom we have and take for granted, such as the freedom to protect themselves.
peace at the barrel end of the gun is also called slavery.