Acting on Russell Brand Accusations without Proof Draws Parallels to ‘Red Flag’ Confiscations

It’s not about leftist celebrity reprobates. It’s about ginning up the masses to”cancel” anyone without proof. (Russell Brand/Facebook)

“’I FLED BRAND,’” a Monday accusation in The Sun screams. “Russell Brand stalked me down street demanding sex after I met him in bar – I felt like I was being hunted, model claims.”

The media is having a prurient field day piling on to the controversial English comedian, actor, writer, and social commentator.

“Met cops probe sex assault claim against Russell Brand as woman comes forward to report 2003 Soho attack – as star’s ‘Bipolarisation’ tour is postponed,” the Daily Mail relates. “Four women accusing Russell Brand of sexual assault may be ‘just tip of the iceberg’,” the Express chimes in.

“YouTube suspends Russell Brand’s revenues from his channel,” The Guardian adds. “The BBC has also removed a handful of programmes featuring Brand from its iPlayer and Sounds streaming service, joining the likes of Channel 4 and Comedy Central in removing archive shows featuring the comedian.”

Now, no less than the government of the UK has joined the pile-on, with Parliament demanding TikTok and Rumble demonetize Brand.

This may be interesting celebrity gossip to some, but it makes fair the question, “What does this have to do with ‘gun rights’?” While the answer is “Nothing directly,” what’s happening to Brand, who is being proactively canceled, financially punished, and publicly judged despite vigorously denying the as-yet unproven charges, is pretty much the same thing that happens to gun owners accused of dangerous behaviors under “red flag laws.” Authorities then confiscate their firearms without formally charging them, much less convicting them, of a disqualifying crime.

As we’ve seen in earlier instances where the politically motivated “Believe women” default mantra has been shown to not live up to the mass presumptions of guilt, the damage that can be done to the innocent is real and can profoundly affect all of us. Think Tawana Brawley and the dangerous racial hatred fomented by her lies. Then, think what the Supreme Court would be like had the Democrats’ sneak attack accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault worked.

In Brand’s case, it’s tough to feel much sympathy. That’s because, in addition to a past that includes addictions to hard drugs and promiscuous sex, the multimillionaire beneficiary of free market choices is on record attacking capitalism and advocating:

“A socialist egalitarian system based on the massive redistribution of wealth, [with] heavy taxation of corporations…I think the very concept of profit should be hugely reduced…I say profit is a filthy word, because wherever there is a profit there is also a deficit.”

The way “woke” corporations run by elites are lining up to sell the cultural Marxists rope, it’s tough not to think he may have a point, but history shows us all systems have their elites and it’s the lowly bourgeoisie that ends up in the gulags and the lime pits. Let’s not mistake private ownership with voluntary production and trade for economic fascism, which requires a “public/private partnership” with a corrupt armed enforcement apparatus imposing coercive controls to fraud.

That’s not the only cognitive dissonance Brand has promulgated. For all that talk about equity, he has used his disproportionately influential megaphone to disparage the most effective egalitarian power-sharing arrangement ever conceived: The right of the people to keep and bear arms.

It’s funny how people who can’t – or won’t – control themselves are so bent on controlling the rest of us. Maybe it’s a projection thing.

Not only has Brand called for global “gun control” (evidently ignorant of all the longstanding controls and treaties that don’t work and substituting “bananas” for Barack Obama’s “books and vegetables”), but who needs guns when you’re rich enough to employ a squad of private bodyguards/thugs?

“Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s Bodyguards Allegedly Assaulting Paparazzi in India,” AceShowBiz reported a few years back. Per the report, the then-couple’s personal goon squad left photographers stranded in a jungle safari tiger park by taking their car keys, smashing a camera, smashing one’s glasses, and beating them up, leaving one with a cut arm and another with “a bleeding wound on his head.”

Privileged, protected celebrities: Is it any wonder we love them so? That said, as easy as it would be not to give a damn about what happens to Russell Brand, to let the ludicrously tyrannical “Sentence first, verdict afterward” mob mentality become the social default impacts us all in a Martin Niemöller kind of way.

And in  Brand’s case, the public furor being incited may be more about leftist policies he opposes, like Covid “denialism” now being painted as a “right-wing signaling trope.”  He’s left the reservation. It’s too dangerous to let a previously favored mass influencer do that.

Just as Firearms Policy Coalition is standing up for the reprehensible Hunter Biden to defend a greater principle, we don’t have to give a damn about Russell Brand as a person. But we stand by silently while anyone is deemed guilty without due process at our peril.

About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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On the other hand look at Jessie Smoley who claimed that Red hat Maga supporters beat him up. The people, yes the people condemned all Trump supporters and black people started attacking more whites in revenge. You couldn’t even wear a red hat regardless of what it said. No trial, no conviction but public opinion by blacks was that all Maga supporting individuals were bad and needed to pay for beating up this useless, lying piece of shit.

And this son of a bitch walks the streets. Bull shit.


Thanks for the update. He didn’t get enough time for all the trouble he caused. Glad he is unemployed.
I don’t recall him serving all of his time. Last I heard was that they let him out because by the time his case went to trial, he would have served all the time and if he were found not guilty he would have served part of a sentence that was dismissed.

I haven’t been keeping up though I must admit, the news hasn’t either. It’s been buried because it is a BLACK mark on BLMs record.

Last edited 1 year ago by musicman44mag
The other Jim

And Twana Brawley, Al Sharpton, never went to jail; no charges at all…a free pass. Don King, Bill Cosby, Louis Farrakhan jumped right on it in huge demonstration and convicted the accused with no evidence.


Then accusations and charges now days can ruin ones life just as well as being convicted.

No matter how innocent one is.

Just being accused makes one guilty.


That’s the way it worked in the old soviet and nazi regimes. Want to get rid of someone? All you need is an accuser.


Kind of like, “Show me the man and I’ll find the crime”.

Knute Knute

Or an angry man in a crown screaming: “Off with his head”; And here we thought the inquisition was long gone.


Especially when a woman claims rape or assault. All the women instantly know without question he is guilty.


That is the issue. What gives corporations the legal or moral right to demonetize and basically cut off his income? Even if he were charged, tried and convicted? And here they are delivering “justice” based solely on assumption of guilt, likely because he informs the public about the world economic forum, digital id and CBDC, covid abuses by governments, etc.

We cannot grant corporations such power over us that they can ruin our lives on a whim, ignoring or manipulating contractual terms to virtue signal and punish those they dislike or disagree with.


Well… I suppose he’ll sue the life out of them later… just like the NFL player, and Marriott…

$100,000,000 is a lot of money.


The little bit I’ve seen on the news has unidentified actresses reading a script of accusations by unidentified victims. Maybe this Russell Brand is an evil dude, I never heard of him before, but the way the accusations have been made is suspicious. It’s like a Hollywood crime drama. Cancel culture is modern day shunning carried to extreme.

Knute Knute

It’s even worse that it sounds here. Not only has none of these charges been proven, but so far, these women have yet to even file an official complaint with police. They seem to prefer ‘filing’ their complaints win the media… perhaps because the BBC doesn’t much care about little things like; facts, evidence, or witness credibility. Much easier to just make allegations. Filing official charges might actually get the complainant(s) in hot water for filing false police reports.
Anybody can lie to the media all they want. Media reports, as I think we’re all aware, are not sworn statements.


The court of public opinion is much more powerful then the legal process and real courts.

Knute Knute

And for as long as the public allows its opinions to be manipulated by the corporate media they will think whatever the corporate oligarchs want them to think. But only for so long as they believe in Holywierd’s video fantasies. More are waking up every day. Soon TV will have few “believers” left. To see through the illusions they create is to wake up… and then stop consuming the fantasies.


Another victim of the “me too” hysteria. Ditto Danny Masterson. It is scary how absent a confession from the accused, a man can be arrested, tried, and found guilty, with no physical evidence, of a crime that allegedly happened twenty or more years ago. As I have often said, if it wasn’t important (to the “victim”) enough to report when it happened, it certainly has not gained importance with the passage of time. Justice delayed is justice denied, both for the victim and the accused. With the passage of time, evidence which might incriminate or exonerate is lost or never… Read more »

Knute Knute

This is why it’s the US INjustice system. Ingrained, systemic corruption has created a system of complete repression, sans even the tiniest amount of justice. Whether dirt poor, like Gabe Metcalf in Billings, or fantastically rich like Brand, it’s toe their imaginary line or be destroyed. And sometimes, be destroyed anyway, even with your toes on the line. Innocent victims are now just “collateral damage”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Knute Knute
Knute Knute

Hey, the edit function is working! Happy days are here again….


Hello, thanks for the update. Sorry I re-wrote what you had. I didn’t see your comment, all I saw was a comment that someone was doing a test for Brian and thought I would try it.

I am sure all of us are happy that it is fixed though.

Knute Knute

No sweat. I’m happy too. Been patiently waiting for this day!

Knute Knute

Actually, the more repetition of it the better. Let’s all let ammoland know that the repair of the edit button is noticed, and highly appreciated!



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